Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion​

Cool headline except that it’s — you know — false.
AGAIN > what LIES ? You guys need to go to vocabulary school,

false does not = lies.

The lies presented to the judge, showing Fox aired claims of election fraud that behind the scenes, they were saying weren't true.

Which led the judge to grant a summary judgment of falsity.

Which Fox acknowledged.
Anything to deflect from the subject of your age bigotry. I thought you were going to suddenly start talking about the mating habits of Brazialn frogs.

I notice you didn't answer my question, gramps.

judge smudge. Lots of crooked judges around. Did they go judge shopping to come up with him ? Wouldn't be out of character for them, if they did.

See post # 845 :rolleyes:


That Judge's ruling matters. Your post #845 does not.
Nope, not wrong. Seems your senility has caused you to forget your silliness, about Murdoch being forced to sit on a wooden bench until he was dead, was thoroughly decimated.
Faun thinks he can erase away realities just by saying so. Old Indian saying "Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his mocassins."

When Faun (or anyone), is 92 years old and frail, like Murdoch, THEN he can comment on the viability of sitting in a courtroom waiting for his case to come up on the calender. And how far away is the courtroom from where Murdoch lives ? Has that been discussed in this thread ? Maybe it's a long way from home for him, and it would involve some complicated traveling with a nurse, and what about medications ? How would they fit into this scenario ?

I once worked as an aide in a nursing home, and I can tell you that life as a 92 year old for most people (if they are even still alive at that age) is quite different than life for young, middle aged people, or even semi-aged folks like me at age 77.

I find the notion of Murdoch agreeing to settle with Dominion just to make the whole thing go away, to be very reasonable, if not self-evident. 😐
The lies presented to the judge, showing Fox aired claims of election fraud that behind the scenes, they were saying weren't true.

Which led the judge to grant a summary judgment of falsity.

Which Fox acknowledged.
Nobody in this thread has presented a shred of evidence that what Fox claims to have said falsely, had anything whatever to do with "election fraud".

In fact, I don't recall seeing/hearing a video here proving that what is claimed to have been said by Fox, was even ever said by anyone from Fox, at all. All that is coming forth here is WORDS from liberals, and liberal publications, which is worth about as much as bread mold.
You have none, gramps. If you did, you'd have understood that red line was behind the blue line.
You DO UNDERSTAND, Faun. That >>
1. you took a legitimate chart and DOCTORED it to make it appear to be what you wanted it to be.
2. You LIED, CHEATED, VANDALIZED that chart and a USMB post.
3. You continue to LIE, CHEAT and VANDALIZE every time you post without admitted your misdeed, and apologizing to me, fivethirtyeight, and every one in this forum, whom you LIED to.
4. An then you have the gall to come in here and crab about Fox lying, when you have been caught red-handed doing just that.

That Judge's ruling matters. Your post #845 does not.
My Post 845 matters. The judge's "ruling" doesn't, because it ISN'T A RULING, as in situations where there is a settlement, there IS NO RULING.
Yes, we know they were lies, because we have the fox scumbags on the record as knowing they were false.
You not only need to go to vocabulary school to learn the difference between "false" and "lie", you also need to learn how to think.

"record" ? WHAT "record" ? I dont see or hear anybody talking about something being false, do you ? Got a video ? Got an audio ? Got anything ?

Here's your first lesson in vocabulary >>
A friend of mine once asked me if they had musical instrument accessories in WalMart. I told him yes on aisle 4 (where I had seen them previously). He went there, and found them on aisle 12 (where the store had moved tham after I had last looked).

What said was false, sure, but it wasnt a "lie". Get it ? :biggrin:

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