Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

But neither you nor anyone else in this thread has presented a shred of evidence of Fox lying about anything of any significance,
Isn't it just amazing how little you have to see when your head is stuck up your ass?
You have been presented with overwhelming evidence of Fox's lies.
Yet still....."what lies?"
Only a forceful intervention and deprogramming in a secure facility can save you now.
They just can’t seem to admit they have been lie to all this time by Fox News and Fox News supporters… one other thing ther are 3 more companies coming after Fox News for their lying about them too … you Fox News lovers just don’t know a lie when you hear it…

HA HA. Here comes another victim jumping into the wolf pit.

You don't know the first damn thing about my evidence, Mr FOOL.

Looks like it's time for a QUIZ, to expose your IGNORANCE.

You know who 1. Nathan Pease, 2. Gregory Stenstrom, and 3. Jesse Morgan are, and what their connection is to this thread, and the voter fraud issue ?

How about
4. Alexandra Seely
5. Zachary Larsen
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman
8. Steven Miller
9. Phill Kline
10. Russell Ramsland ??????????

Where and from whom did this quote (in a sworn affidavit) come from ?
""Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," In what state was this ?

What former assistant attorney general testified that he saw election fraud ?

In what city & state was this (sworn affadavit) ? >> "large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates."

What County Clerk's office in what city, gave instruction for this to be allowed ? >>
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900, This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the _____________ County Clerk's office."

What judge, ? in what state ? said >> "“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” without stopping to realize that ANY poll watchers being stopped from doing their job instantly INVALIDATES the entire election process for that entire day and everything would need to be done all over.
Although the allegations DID claim that Repubican poll watchers were who was restricted.

What did Phil Kline say ? David Shestokas - who's he ? Did he question something ?
In what 2 states were Fake Votes Reported in Multiples of 4,800 Votes in, 6,000 in Identical Fashion ?

Who, holding what government office, in what state, unilaterally (ILLEGALLY) extended the existing deadline by three days, thus giving voters until November 12 to provide proof of their identity ? What judge presided over the Trump challenge ?

What was the ruling in that challenge ? What was the result of that ruling ?

Who, with what credentials, in what state, testified that 48,522 Republican ballots were received, but not counted ? EDS provided the analysis. what do the initials EDS stand for ?

In what state legislature hearing was it testified about "numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes."

??????????????????????????????????? Duh!

In which court were any of those claims proven?
Neither you or anyone else here, has shown a shred of evidence of that. Ho hum.


The judge saw the evidence and ruled...

"The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true. Therefore, the Court will grant summary judgment in favor of Dominion on the element of falsity."
Every Democrat in America NEEDS to watch this video at the 9 minute mark to see all the Democrats in Congress yammering about hiw awful and dangerous the use if election machines is.
Thanks gipper, GREAT POST!

I love the hyperbolic comments by Amy Klobacher, who is now considered a rising star in the D Party.
I'm glad that FOX had to pay, but really am not thrilled that Dominion now is obscenely wealthy over it, either, because the outcome only means that FOX won 't take responsibility publicly and will just be more careful with their lying. Nothing will change as far as their lack of ethical and accurate journalism.
You called the judge a fascist for rendering a summary judgment in tbe case. Even worse, you idiotically invoked the 7th Amendment to justify calling him a fascist. Yes, that was a rant.

Wow, you don't even have the integrity to admit that you called a constitutional expert with 60 years experience in the courts an idiot,. as if you know 1/1000th as much. Incredible.
Alan Dershowitz commented on that too, saying a lone judge doesnt get to decide criterea, they are only supposed to be like baseball umpires keeping court methodology intact, but this is a ramification of biased, corrupt, blue state (Delaware) dominated politics.

Fact and fact. Gee, isn't it always amazing how the left are experts in everything while perpetually demonstrating that they know nothing. In their mind, nothing here is a bit odd, irregular or funny just as with the fake elections so long as they get the outcome they think they desired.

How pathetic to think they "won" anything here as if they had something personally at stake in the case as if their puny lives actually revolve around this crap while not even bothering to learn the slightest things about the case not even realizing that all of us and journalism paid a price by this decision.

But listen to them howl infuriated the day the same thing happens to one of their prized fake news leftwing outlets.

Then, it will be as if the earth opened and swallowed their toy little world.
I'm glad that FOX had to pay, but really am not thrilled that Dominion now is obscenely wealthy over it, either, because the outcome only means that FOX won 't take responsibility publicly and will just be more careful with their lying. Nothing will change as far as their lack of ethical and accurate journalism.
What about the rest of the corporate media that lies or misrepresents all the time? Do you think they should pay up like Fox?
Went away?
Apparently you are not paying attention.
Can you say "Jack Smith?"
How about "federal indictments?"
Just hide and watch.
LOL......J6 made for TV spectacular isn't being used by Jack Smith. They do their own investigations from the ground up. They call it 'politically motivated investigations'.

There are federal indictments?
Try to pay attention Delldud.
It is a quote from Rupert Murdoch, the owner and CEO of Faux (not really) "News" from the court transcript.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Now, anymore dumb questions?
Sources say he had his fingers crossed while testifying.
LOL......J6 made for TV spectacular isn't being used by Jack Smith. They do their own investigations from the ground up. They call it 'politically motivated investigations'.

There are federal indictments?
Once REALLY should do a little research on what you are trying to sound knowledgeable about before posting here and making a fool of yourself.

Yes, The Special Counsel has all of The January 6th Committee's evidence and transcrips.
He requested it all for his investigation.

No, there are no indictments yet but it is highly probable that there will be in the future.
We'll just have to wait.

The House Jan. 6 select committee has sent the Justice Department's special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump all of their documents and witness transcripts, according to multiple news report on Tuesday.

The panel began sending the evidence to Jack Smith last month after he sent the committee a letter on December 5th requesting all of their materials gathered as part of their 18-month probe

HA HA. Here comes another victim jumping into the wolf pit.

You don't know the first damn thing about my evidence, Mr FOOL.

Looks like it's time for a QUIZ, to expose your IGNORANCE.

You know who 1. Nathan Pease, 2. Gregory Stenstrom, and 3. Jesse Morgan are, and what their connection is to this thread, and the voter fraud issue ?

How about
4. Alexandra Seely
5. Zachary Larsen
6. Jesse Jacob
7. Robert Cushman
8. Steven Miller
9. Phill Kline
10. Russell Ramsland ??????????

Where and from whom did this quote (in a sworn affidavit) come from ?
""Beyond the legal requirements for maintaining ballot secrecy, both of us were concerned that the violations of the secrecy of the ballot that we witnessed could be or were being used to manipulate which ballots were placed in the 'problem ballots' box," In what state was this ?

What former assistant attorney general testified that he saw election fraud ?

In what city & state was this (sworn affadavit) ? >> "large swaths of ballots being counted the day after the election for voters who were not in the authorized list of names. In some cases, fake birth dates were being used to fill in birth dates."

What County Clerk's office in what city, gave instruction for this to be allowed ? >>
"Every ballot was being fraudulently and manually entered into the Electronic Poll Book (QVF), as having been born on January 1, 1900, This 'last' batch of ballots was processed in the 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. time frame. When I asked about this impossibility of each ballot having the same birthday occurring in 1900, I was told that was the instruction that came down from the _____________ County Clerk's office."

What judge, ? in what state ? said >> "“None of these allegations claim that the Trump campaign’s watchers were treated differently than the Biden campaign’s watchers,” without stopping to realize that ANY poll watchers being stopped from doing their job instantly INVALIDATES the entire election process for that entire day and everything would need to be done all over.
Although the allegations DID claim that Repubican poll watchers were who was restricted.

What did Phil Kline say ? David Shestokas - who's he ? Did he question something ?
In what 2 states were Fake Votes Reported in Multiples of 4,800 Votes in, 6,000 in Identical Fashion ?

Who, holding what government office, in what state, unilaterally (ILLEGALLY) extended the existing deadline by three days, thus giving voters until November 12 to provide proof of their identity ? What judge presided over the Trump challenge ?

What was the ruling in that challenge ? What was the result of that ruling ?

Who, with what credentials, in what state, testified that 48,522 Republican ballots were received, but not counted ? EDS provided the analysis. what do the initials EDS stand for ?

In what state legislature hearing was it testified about "numerous military ballots that looked like “Xerox copies” and were all marked for Democrat Joe Biden. She said election workers manually entered fake birthdates on the records of non registered voters to override the system and allow their votes."

??????????????????????????????????? Duh!

I know it's all debunked bullshit, just like you!
The most consistent thing you'll find with left wingers, is their tendency to rely on courts which are leftist-rigged from top to bottom, and then go around passing them off as reliable arbiters of justice, CROCK!

In comparison to citing yourself as the sole legal authority? You don't know what you're talking about.

Our federal and state constitutions embue the judiciary with authority. Not you.

Time and time again, you ignore the actual standards of law, standing, damages, defamation, falsity, malice and precedent......and make up your own meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish based on whatever you imagine

The courts are following the law. Not whatever fantasy you've convinced yourself of.
I see a quote. I dont see WHO this quote is from, nor do I see a video of anybody saying it. Could be a flat out CONCOCTION.
When it comes to lying, nothing is off the table for liberals,

That the be the judge in the Dominion defamation case in his March 31st ruling when the court found that Fox's claims against Dominion were false and granted summary judgment in favor of Dominion on falsity.

You refuse to read the ruling. You refuse to research the case. You refuse to acknowledge the relevant law. You know no more about the ruling that I've told you.

Yet in your ignorance, you continue to babble about its legitimacy, what it says, what its implications are.'s that working out for you?
You REALLY should read up on subjects and educate yourself on WTF you are talking about before you start spouting off on it.
You are arguing a foolish position here.
I know that this is your OPINION but in this case your opinion is meritless and far off base.
It just isn't grounded in reality.

Critics argue that the House committee investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, is illegitimate, amounting to a political hit job by Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans rather than a sober-minded quest to prevent disorder.

The critics also contend that the process of filling the committee’s seats was partisan, and that, as a result, the committee’s eventual composition is flawed.

Despite the criticism, the committee has withstood legal challenges against it, and experts expect the committee will complete its work.

What is the legal justification for committees of this sort?

The Constitution does not explicitly mention congressional investigations and oversight, but the courts have consistently upheld Congress’ right to undertake such activities, stemming from the text that says Congress possesses “all legislative powers.” One of the framers of the Constitution, George Mason, said during its drafting that members of Congress “are not only legislators but they possess inquisitorial powers.”

With the courts’ consistent backing, Congress has undertaken investigations over the past two centuries, from the Teapot Dome corruption scandal in the 1920s to the Watergate scandal that led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974. (The House’s historical office also notes that such committees have been used for “less noble purposes, such as the blacklisting of private citizens during the ‘un-American activities’ hearings in the 1950s.”)

It doesn’t matter how prissy and petulant you are, any more than the color of the font you select, to spew your vapid nonsense. The facts speak for themselves.

Everyone knew from jump street that the J6 Committee had been overloaded with partisan shitheel liberal Democraps. The GOP options got denied by Mumbler Pelousy. That left just a couple of hardline Never Trumpers.

Their behavior after starting up — right to the moment they reported their predicted & preconceived notions as “findings” [sic] — was obviously a reflection of that designed partisanship.

There was nothing objective in whom they called as “witnesses. “

There was nothing objective on the questions they “asked.”

There was nothing objective about the selection of “evidence” they chose to highlight and introduce.

There was nothing objective about what evidence they chose to conceal.

You’d have to be a particularly hyper partisan libtard hack to buy anything that fraudulent “committee” did, said or “concluded.” A hyper partisan libtard hack just like you, MoronMike.
It doesn’t matter how prissy and petulant you are, any more than the color of the font you select, to spew your vapid nonsense. The facts speak for themselves.

Everyone knew from jump street that the J6 Committee had been overloaded with partisan shitheel liberal Democraps. The GOP options got denied by Mumbler Pelousy. That left just a couple of hardline Never Trumpers.

Their behavior after starting up — right to the moment they reported their predicted & preconceived notions as “findings” [sic] — was obviously a reflection of that designed partisanship.

There was nothing objective in whom they called as “witnesses. “

There was nothing objective on the questions they “asked.”

There was nothing objective about the selection of “evidence” they chose to highlight and introduce.

There was nothing objective about what evidence they chose to conceal.

You’d have to be a particularly hyper partisan libtard hack to buy anything that fraudulent “committee” did, said or “concluded.” A hyper partisan libtard hack just like you, MoronMike.
Ok, but the law (and The U.S. Constitution) has a different opinion.
You might as well stick your head back up your ass now.
You can't see the facts around you anyway.
There's no sense in you remaining out here....wasting oxygen that sensible people can use.
Nothing but deprogramming in a secure facility can save you now.

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