Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Strange how entire countries can get paper ballots done and counted in one night and declare a winner, yet leftist “leaders” claim there will be long waits for results even before Election Day arrives. While using this “up to date, modern technology to make things easier”.
Because those countries don't have voting systems as fucked up as the US. I'm in Canada. we use paper ballots and are pretty much done counting that evening. Why? one, we have uniform election procedures across the country. Two, we have a crap ton of polling places., Polling places don't handle much more than a couple hundred voters. Three, and most important, out ballot has on selection on it. We vote for put representative and that's it. So you don't have to count the results of a dozen races on every ballot.
Alas, your idiocy and love of turd eating aren’t important. Dominion still left over $800 million on the table and surrendered. Keep eating that shit and remain ignorant of reality.
Why did Fox offer $787m if they were sure they were going to win?
LOL.....your hero's televised extravaganza went away like a fart in a tornado......or haven't you noticed................... :biggrin:
Went away?
Apparently you are not paying attention.
Can you say "Jack Smith?"
How about "federal indictments?"
Just hide and watch.
The most consistent thing you'll find with the rightwingers is their tendency to answer reality and evidence......with their imagination.

We have an actual settlement, actual court findings, actual rulings. And they counter with their fantasies about imaginary settlements that don't actually exist.
The most consistent thing you'll find with left wingers, is their tendency to rely on courts which are leftist-rigged from top to bottom, and then go around passing them off as reliable arbiters of justice, CROCK!

Since the early 1990's, it has been SOP procedure for leftists to go judge-shopping, find just the judge that suits them, and then file court action. It's been some years, but I haven't forgotten how they did this repeatedly with Proposition 187 and 227, as wellas Proposition 200 in Arizona. A million Californians signed a petition to put Prop 187 on the ballot to stop liberals from giving welfare benefits to illegal aliens.

A huge voter turnout swept Gov. Pete Wilson back into office, Republicans had both houses of the legislature, and 60% of the voters supported Prop 187. The open borders loons found a federal JUDGE to annul the peoples' victory, and th welfare benefits$$ continued to flow, and California's budget continued to hemmorage - all from leftists' reckless extremism and the decision of ONE MAN over the will of the people.
You get that out of the settlement or are you posting BS?
Try to pay attention Delldud.
It is a quote from Rupert Murdoch, the owner and CEO of Faux (not really) "News" from the court transcript.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Now, anymore dumb questions?
Try to pay attention Delldud.
It is a quote from Rupert Murdoch, the owner and CEO of Faux (not really) "News" from the court transcript.

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Now, anymore dumb questions?
Yeah ? And what did he say ? And do you have a video of him saying it ? I don't believe anything leftist media says.
Even IF he said that, that isn't what I asked (evidence that Fox admitted to lying about election fraud).

And even IF he said that, that was January. He could have said that the election was stolen, 100 times since then.

And I HAVE said the election was stolen 100 times since then, and I've posted it right here in USMB, and Dominion can sue me anytime they want to, and unlike Rupert Murdoch, I'm not 92 years old & frail, and I WILL show up in court, and sure as hell won't settle for them to win, and they won't, because they have no case,. None at all.
Are you willfully ignorant or is this something (like genetic) that you have no control over?
Why did Fox offer $787m if they were sure they were going to win?
I have been watching Fox this AM, so far it is pickle ball and Hunter. I bet their viewership goes up when they hear Fox will tell the lies they want to hear. Pull some viewers back from OAN and NEWSMAX. Up is Down.
Ds were complaining loudly about rigged voting machines back in 2016. Of course, this is ignored. Go to 9 minute mark to see them…lol.

Every Democrat in America NEEDS to watch this video at the 9 minute mark to see all the Democrats in Congress yammering about hiw awful and dangerous the use if election machines is.
Thanks gipper, GREAT POST!

1. It is hardly "blindly"to say that a 92 year old man (well past average life expectancy) would be frail, and risking death to go to a courtroom, sit there all day on a hard wooden bench (as so often is the case in courtrooms), which is physically straining even to young, healthy people.

2. So the illustrious Cris Thomas has an answer for just about everybody, and their fraud complaints doesnt he ? Too many answers, and too much partisanship falling through the cracks.
As is the case with other fraud deniers, the fraud reporters look a lot more credible than the fraud denier.

3. Now you can address the other 90% of Post # 752.

And here you are, doing what you always do... make up more bullshit to cover for your previous bullshit.

This is the courtroom where the trial would have been held. The witness chair is not a "hard wood bench." And nothing compels Murdoch to remain in the pews which are.


The rest of your post is just more made up bullshit.
Stop posting opinions.

Like for example: “It was 100% legal, legitimate, valid, and credible.”

100% is an opinion.

Legal is an opinion.

Legitimate is an opinion.

Valid is an opinion.

Credible is an opinion.

Work on your numerous errors. You will likey need summer school. 😎
You REALLY should read up on subjects and educate yourself on WTF you are talking about before you start spouting off on it.
You are arguing a foolish position here.
I know that this is your OPINION but in this case your opinion is meritless and far off base.
It just isn't grounded in reality.

Critics argue that the House committee investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, is illegitimate, amounting to a political hit job by Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans rather than a sober-minded quest to prevent disorder.

The critics also contend that the process of filling the committee’s seats was partisan, and that, as a result, the committee’s eventual composition is flawed.

Despite the criticism, the committee has withstood legal challenges against it, and experts expect the committee will complete its work.

What is the legal justification for committees of this sort?

The Constitution does not explicitly mention congressional investigations and oversight, but the courts have consistently upheld Congress’ right to undertake such activities, stemming from the text that says Congress possesses “all legislative powers.” One of the framers of the Constitution, George Mason, said during its drafting that members of Congress “are not only legislators but they possess inquisitorial powers.”

With the courts’ consistent backing, Congress has undertaken investigations over the past two centuries, from the Teapot Dome corruption scandal in the 1920s to the Watergate scandal that led to President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974. (The House’s historical office also notes that such committees have been used for “less noble purposes, such as the blacklisting of private citizens during the ‘un-American activities’ hearings in the 1950s.”)

I have been watching Fox this AM, so far it is pickle ball and Hunter. I bet their viewership goes up when they hear Fox will tell the lies they want to hear. Pull some viewers back from OAN and NEWSMAX. Up is Down.
But neither you nor anyone else in this thread has presented a shred of evidence of Fox lying about anything of any significance,

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