FOX was never a real news station

CNN has admitted it multiple times.
Sure they did. Which time did their host repeated spread stories they knew were false. Feel free to show us the in house emails they sent to each other disrespecting not only the false narratives but those who spread them. I'll wait. They have settled suits before. Sure, but none were ever as consequential as Faux's pushing the lies about the outcome of a federal election.
Impeaching President Biden is about partisan revenge – nothing more.
Actually, it would be about a long list of felonies Mrs. Jones.
You see, impeachment should be reserved for those criminals who are actually proven to be felons, like Poopeypants.
Remember idiots like him actually think channels like CNN, CNBC and MSNBC are "neutral" or "moderate"

Not funny, all of these channels (CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and PBS, CBS and ABC) are posting reality and truth. Faux and other far-right media - radio, tv, Internet tabloids, Trump and Governors of Texas and Florida - are anti-democracy and neo fascism/misogyist/racists and not patriots.
Not funny, all of these channels (CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and PBS, CBS and ABC) are posting reality and truth. Faux and other far-right media - radio, tv, Internet tabloids, Trump and Governors of Texas and Florida - are anti-democracy and neo fascism/misogyist/racists and not patriots.


It's only "truth" to you because you are an unthinking SJW lemming.
Not at all, the only truth is you are either a damn liar or insane; possibly both.

Talk about being an unaware NPC.

No sir. Fox News is successful because conservatives don't want to hear the facts. They want to go to a place where

a. They are told they are right
b. Where they can hear things that confirm they aren't alone.
And FOX makes it clear what they consider news and what they consider opinion. They differentiate between them, unlike the rest of the blamemainstreet media that broadcasts opinion as if it was news. Regardless, I can only hope you are not one of the mindless horde that thinks the rest of the media is somehow more trustworthy.

FOX was never a real news station​

Then they shouldn't be held responsible for their bad opinions and Dominion should refund that 800 million!

Let's face it, FOX has their view of the news and then there is everyone else's view of news.
Everyone else in the lying leftwing MSM.

How many times do you look at FOX and ask, where did they get that news from?

Now they are pushing the Biden impeachment investigation. What is that based on? Is it based on a debunked FBI memo?
No, it is based on eyewitness FBI and IRS testimony, phone calls and friends of the family + all of the info stored in Hunter's laptop, plus photos, video, phone calls and paper records plus rooms full of stolen classified documents that Biden never should have had.
I predicted this long ago. It’s the way of the uniparty and dupes like you keep getting duped.
I made the same prediction when it became clear the democrats were overplaying their hand trying to get rid of TRUMP!. It won't be long before impeachment becomes a routine fact of life for presidents.
Parenthetically, I don't watch FOX News. I don't watch the other propaganda channels either. I really hope you're not one of the mindless horde that think the other talking heads are neutral or unbiased for some reason.

FOX has succeeded precisely BECAUSE the other channels are untrustworthy and very biased.
And FOX lies are still costing them millions. What a moronic statement!
And FOX lies are still costing them millions. What a moronic statement!
Isn't it amazing that, even with that, they're still more trustworthy than the others that form an echo chamber? You do realize, don't you, that none of them do any research or actual journalism anymore and they all parrot the same stories from the AP?
How many times has FOX been sued for lying and they are even now facing law suits for lying. They are not news....they are entertaining propaganda.

They provide news, and opinion.

So do CNN, MSNBC and rest of the lap dogs.
Sure they did. Which time did their host repeated spread stories they knew were false. Feel free to show us the in house emails they sent to each other disrespecting not only the false narratives but those who spread them. I'll wait. They have settled suits before. Sure, but none were ever as consequential as Faux's pushing the lies about the outcome of a federal election.
The CEO of the company admitted on video the hosts fell in line.
A staffer also admitted on video they created propaganda against trump.
The CEO of the company admitted on video the hosts fell in line.
A staffer also admitted on video they created propaganda against trump.
Did they attack the integrity of our Constitutional Election process or did they attack a politician?
LOL move that goal post for an org that lies to you :rolleyes:
Different goal. After Trumpybears loss, his media outlet, "Faux Not News" went the extra mile and attacked the entire system with lies, not just lies about the politician he lost too. Never saw any of the so called liberal press attack the system after Hillary conceded her loss in 2016.

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