Fracking Babies (To Death)


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Republicans are such hypocrites, they get all pissy about the politics of a woman's right to choose, but support and defend Fracking Babies (To Death) without holding their representatives feet to the fire (so to speak).

Fracking Linked to Increased Infant Mortality in Alarming New Study

Pennsylvania has issued more than 10,000 drilling permits over the past decade. Infants and children may be paying a heavy price.

By Reynard Loki
June 25, 2015

A new study has linked fracking to a higher incidence in infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births, premature births and cancer in infants and children.

Funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation and written by Joe Mangano, co-founder and president of the Radiation and Public Health Project, a nonprofit educational and scientific organization that studies the relationship between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health, the study used data from state agencies to examine eight heavily fracked counties in Pennsylvania — four in the northeast and four in the southwest region of the state, counties that account for the majority of the state's natural gas drill wells and gas production. In all categories but child cancer, increases were greater in the northeast counties than they were in the four southwest counties.


Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).


Moron dems won't be happy until they're living in caves, begging local animals for handouts
Republicans are such hypocrites, they get all pissy about the politics of a woman's right to choose, but support and defend Fracking Babies (To Death) without holding their representatives feet to the fire (so to speak).

Fracking Linked to Increased Infant Mortality in Alarming New Study

Pennsylvania has issued more than 10,000 drilling permits over the past decade. Infants and children may be paying a heavy price.

By Reynard Loki
June 25, 2015

A new study has linked fracking to a higher incidence in infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births, premature births and cancer in infants and children.

Funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation and written by Joe Mangano, co-founder and president of the Radiation and Public Health Project, a nonprofit educational and scientific organization that studies the relationship between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health, the study used data from state agencies to examine eight heavily fracked counties in Pennsylvania — four in the northeast and four in the southwest region of the state, counties that account for the majority of the state's natural gas drill wells and gas production. In all categories but child cancer, increases were greater in the northeast counties than they were in the four southwest counties.


Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).



It's quite telling that there is no link to the study. This is most likely yet another "correlation equals causation" nonsense study. And the non-scientific among you lap it up as if it's meaningful.
Republicans are such hypocrites, they get all pissy about the politics of a woman's right to choose, but support and defend Fracking Babies (To Death) without holding their representatives feet to the fire (so to speak).

Fracking Linked to Increased Infant Mortality in Alarming New Study

Pennsylvania has issued more than 10,000 drilling permits over the past decade. Infants and children may be paying a heavy price.

By Reynard Loki
June 25, 2015

A new study has linked fracking to a higher incidence in infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births, premature births and cancer in infants and children.

Funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation and written by Joe Mangano, co-founder and president of the Radiation and Public Health Project, a nonprofit educational and scientific organization that studies the relationship between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health, the study used data from state agencies to examine eight heavily fracked counties in Pennsylvania — four in the northeast and four in the southwest region of the state, counties that account for the majority of the state's natural gas drill wells and gas production. In all categories but child cancer, increases were greater in the northeast counties than they were in the four southwest counties.


Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).



It's quite telling that there is no link to the study. This is most likely yet another "correlation equals causation" nonsense study. And the non-scientific among you lap it up as if it's meaningful.

Yep, its one of those studies with wording like......"this could suggest that there may be a connection". It's another left wing rag laugher.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.
Baby killer

Yup, which is why I am trying to give up using fossil fuels entirely.
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

Hysterical kneejerk reaction to actual evidence that fossil fuels are bad for your health.
What model Flintstone Mobile do you drive?

Ford hybrid getting around 40 mpg in real world driving. Next vehicle will probably be a Tesla.
Baby killer

Yup, which is why I am trying to give up using fossil fuels entirely.
When you decide to come haul my materials to my job sites & be my personal Driving Miss Daisy let me know. Otherwise stuff it
holy gawdalmighty.

the left will fall for any garbage someone feeds them

that's we are doomed
Republicans are such hypocrites, they get all pissy about the politics of a woman's right to choose, but support and defend Fracking Babies (To Death) without holding their representatives feet to the fire (so to speak).

Fracking Linked to Increased Infant Mortality in Alarming New Study

Pennsylvania has issued more than 10,000 drilling permits over the past decade. Infants and children may be paying a heavy price.

By Reynard Loki
June 25, 2015

A new study has linked fracking to a higher incidence in infant mortality, perinatal mortality, low-weight births, premature births and cancer in infants and children.

Funded by the Pittsburgh Foundation and written by Joe Mangano, co-founder and president of the Radiation and Public Health Project, a nonprofit educational and scientific organization that studies the relationship between low-level, nuclear radiation and public health, the study used data from state agencies to examine eight heavily fracked counties in Pennsylvania — four in the northeast and four in the southwest region of the state, counties that account for the majority of the state's natural gas drill wells and gas production. In all categories but child cancer, increases were greater in the northeast counties than they were in the four southwest counties.


Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).

<snip>not happing

talk about two faced hypocrites

these are the people who champions ABORTION

but all of sudden they are all worried over the Beeebies.

sit down
Unfounded science warrants a hysterical response. Congrats

And yet-----and yet, for all the Republicans that are whining, pissing and moaning on this thread, y'all have yet to produce a shred of evidence to refute the data in the OP article that Fracking... "Analyzing publicly available data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mangano found that, since the early 2000s and compared to the rest of the state, the heavily-fracked counties have seen a rise in infant mortality (13.9 percent), perinatal mortality (23.6 percent), low-weight births (3.4 percent), premature births/gestation less than 32 weeks (12.4 percent) and cancer incidence in age 0-4 (35.1 percent).
And, similar statistics that are occurring in the fracked up areas of Pennsylvania are also happening in the fracked up areas of Utah - coincidence?

Fracking Babies (To Death)
by Richard Averett on June 23, 2015

What’s Killing the Babies of Vernal, Utah?
A fracking boomtown, a spike in stillborn deaths and a gusher of unanswered questions…A midwife comes under attack after she starts asking questions about dead babies in a Utah fracking town.

[Donna] Young, a fiftysomething, heart-faced woman with a story-time lilt of a voice, cuts a curious figure for a pariah. She’s the mother of six, a grandmother of 14 and an object of reverence among the women she’s helped, many of whom she’s guided through three and four home births with blissfully short labors and zero pain meds. And the sin for which she’s been punished with death threats and attacks on her reputation? Two years ago, she stumbled onto the truth that an alarming number of babies were dying in Vernal — at least 10 in 2013 alone, what seemed to her a shockingly high infant mortality rate for such a small town. That summer, she raised her hand and put the obvious question to Joe Shaffer, director of the TriCounty Health Department: Why are so many of our babies dying?

In most places, detecting a grave risk to children would inspire people to name a street for you. But in Vernal, a town literally built by oil, raising questions about the safety of fracking will brand you a traitor and a target. “Me and my kids are still cautious: If someone kicked in my front door tonight, it’d take an hour for the sheriff to get here,” says Young, whose house on 60 acres is well out of town and a quarter-mile clear of her closest neighbor. “The first person they’d meet is me on the staircase, pointing that .45 dead at ’em. And I know how to use these things — I can nail a coyote in the pasture from 100 yards.”


Which raises a question you might ask in a state whose legislature is so rabid for oil and gas money that it set aside millions to sue the federal government for the right to drill near Moab and Desolation Canyon, some of the state’s most sacrosanct places: How many dead infants does it take before you’ll accept that there’s a problem?


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