France got at least 1 thing right in their elections.

Democrats could never make it in France.
They can’t cheat.

Voting in the French presidential election is Sunday. There are NO mail-in ballots. There are no dirty voting machines. Only paper ballots are used. And EVERYONE must show a voter ID.
And you have absolutely no evidence that any cheating went on in our elections, just your scumbag heroes repeating it endlessly for the rubes... It has been laughed out of every courtroom in the country. Unbelievable and your disrespect for our legal system and everything else is a disgrace...
Democrats could never make it in France.
They can’t cheat.

Voting in the French presidential election is Sunday. There are NO mail-in ballots. There are no dirty voting machines. Only paper ballots are used. And EVERYONE must show a voter ID.

Well, this vote is Proportional Representation. The Republicans don't like PR because they can't gerrymander to hell.

So, you can talk about Democrats cheating, but why didn't you talk about Republicans cheating?
The 2020 election was not stolen. There never has been any evidence of any fraud significant enough to change the results.

Those who believe the lies that it was stolen have been scammed.
Winterborn, let's say in the election your candidate was ahead but not by very much in your state. About 2 am the election officials decide there are no more ballots to count and they will resume counting in the morning, sending your poll watchers home until 6 am.

After they leave, the counters break out the fraudulent ballots and start feeding the voting machines. When your poll workers return at 6am, they find your candidate is now losing the election by a slim margin, yet a vote was not supposed to be counted after 2am because the poll watchers were not there. The election is so close a recount is held. The election workers simply feed in the same fraudulent ballot and "Voila!" the numbers math!

That's how you steal an election and no one can prove you did!
Fuck off globalist.
Very clever argument, brainwashed functional moron. France also knows the difference between socialists and communists, democracy for crying out loud. Just like every other country except the English speaking ones under UK/USA super capitalist propaganda. But only we AREN'T socialists in reality. Every modern country has healthcare daycare a living wage great infrastructure and vacations and cheap college and training except us. But in England Canada Australia and New Zealand they call it labor or God knows what period anything but socialist because oh you're a socialist, so you believe in Stalin right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
Very clever argument, brainwashed functional moron. France also knows the difference between socialists and communists, democracy for crying out loud. Just like every other country except the English speaking ones under UK/USA super capitalist propaganda. But only we AREN'T socialists in reality. Every modern country has healthcare daycare a living wage great infrastructure and vacations and cheap college and training except us. But in England Canada Australia and New Zealand they call it labor or God knows what period anything but socialist because oh you're a socialist, so you believe in Stalin right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
Triggered, nitwit?
There never has been any evidence of any fraud significant enough to change the results.
Do you realize that your insufficient evidence argument is the weakest of all defenses? Against what standard of proof would you apply it? Do you still maintain that Bill Clinton didn't have "sex" with Monica?
Ironically, your pathetic word mincing only serves to reinforce concerns about the validity of the 2020 election. Keep it up!
Putin is dragging her and Trump down, the idiots.

the left's accusation is always a confession. Putin is not dragging her down. And neither is he dragging down President Trump. Everyone sees through the left's lies.
Triggered, nitwit?
Masters in history, French civilization, fluent in French and Spanish also. You, dingbat? So what is the difference between socialism and communism, brainwashed functional moron? Only english speakers, especially cons, don't know. EU countries have had communist and socialist parties for 100 years in their democracies. The socialists won, communists never do and they disappeared with the USSR. You people are idiots and incredibly obnoxious to everyone outside your bubble. Bubble of idiocy whoops brainwashed functional idiocy.
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In France, as probably in most other places, they cannot understand the problem about voting that Americans are talking about. Of course, many French voters were alive when the Wehrmacht still patrolled the streets of Paris, Vichy was sending Jews to deathcamps, and real Nazis were really there. They remember really not having real freedoms (some call them 'rights'). They didn't like fascists then and don't like them now, despite the minority in their midst who supported fascists then and still do. They know the histories of the candidates and understand what their words really mean. The French aren't smarter than Americans, but they are much more politically aware.
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this is not really a fair fight, Le Pen will CRUSH girly Macron, just like i CRUSH my girly opponents in submission wrestling

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