France seals borders, Muslims on murderous rampage

Which makes it crazy that the Leftists who screech about equal rights support these Muslim savages entering our nations. It surely proves that Leftists are actually mentally ill.

Do they think that the Muslim savages are going to parade with them in the Gay Pride festivals for example?

Western Christians are under attack, just like the Syrian and Iraqi Christians and the Coptic Christians of the Sinai. This is really why the Leftists want the Muslims, a) self-hating whites and b) anti-Christianity.

But as I said in another post, the Leftists are so nutty, they fail to realise that the Muslim savages will kill them as well....the LGBT crowd will be the first to get butchered.

I believe that I know what you are smoking

Mexican sinsemilla previously blessed by the Reverend Hagee and Bibi.


I have a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University, you're really insulting my intelligence by posting such absolute and utter gibberish.






This thread is about the Muslim savages murdering Parisiens last night. It has nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine situation.

Unfortunately, you can not divorce the " Muslim savages" murdering Parisians from the Zionut invasion of 1925.


And was it the Zionists fault the Muslim savages murdered a million Christian Armenians around 1918?
It was basically the same islamist sentiments that persisted throughout the whole ME region through1925,
don't make them out to be choir boys,
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.
You are anti-American, anti- Constitution , terrorist sympathizer.

Instead of being outraged and wanting to protect the US Constitution , and humankind, he cheers for the Coalition of the Brain Dead who are responsible for destroying Syria and forcing its people to be refugees all over the world.


You should read what happens when a Christian nation is taken over by Islam, what happens.

Read about Lebanon, when Lebanon was predominantly Christian it was a beautiful nation, Beirut was called the Paris of the Middle East.

Then Islam took over....and look how it's been ever since.



Déjà Vu in Lebanon

In early June, 1982, the Reagan Administration in Washington gave Israel’s then defense minister, Ariel Sharon, a green light to invade Lebanon. The inept US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, told Sharon he could invade Lebanon, turn it into an Israeli protectorate, and crush the PLO once he had a suitable pretext.

The pretext came in the form of retaliation for the attempted assassination of Israel’s ambassador in London by the Abu Nidal group (which had nothing to do with the PLO). Sharon’s real agenda was to crush the PLO and thus any hopes of a Palestinian state.

Twenty-four years later, the Bush Administration and Israel have provided the world — and this writer — a remarkable feeling of dj vu as Israeli forces ravage Lebanon and threaten to once again invade its southern portion. Once again, a president totally ignorant of Mideast realities, a craven US Congress, and an incompetent secretary of state have created a disaster in Lebanon."


You're actually a fool. You post a piece from POST-1975, you're a fool.

Read the history of Lebanon, especially the periods of 64BC-1516 and then 1918-1975.

Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, the problems started in 1975 which is why Israel invaded in 1982 - pushback

I guess that fact was conveniently omitted

Well , your are not honest.

For something reason you want to omit how Israhell was created.

Knew it.


think we were talking about Lebanon right? how did the creation of Israel come into that ?
Which makes it crazy that the Leftists who screech about equal rights support these Muslim savages entering our nations. It surely proves that Leftists are actually mentally ill.

Do they think that the Muslim savages are going to parade with them in the Gay Pride festivals for example?

Western Christians are under attack, just like the Syrian and Iraqi Christians and the Coptic Christians of the Sinai. This is really why the Leftists want the Muslims, a) self-hating whites and b) anti-Christianity.

But as I said in another post, the Leftists are so nutty, they fail to realise that the Muslim savages will kill them as well....the LGBT crowd will be the first to get butchered.

I believe that I know what you are smoking

Mexican sinsemilla previously blessed by the Reverend Hagee and Bibi.


I have a History and Politics degree from Balliol College, Oxford University, you're really insulting my intelligence by posting such absolute and utter gibberish.






This thread is about the Muslim savages murdering Parisiens last night. It has nothing to do with the Israel-Palestine situation.

Unfortunately, you can not divorce the " Muslim savages" murdering Parisians from the Zionut invasion of 1925.

You don't history much, huh?
Start a new thread or join one. I'm sure there are plenty of Jew hating libs around here to converse with you there.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

I have two French friends who've been texting me throughout the night. She is Parisien and her boyfriend is from Clermont-Ferrand. Last night they were having dinner in a restaurant, as the whole of Paris is in lockdown, everyone must stay where they are. So they're spending the night with the other 50 people, including all staff inside the restaurant.

Had the Muslim savages chose that restaurant, my friends would now be dead.

I'm not putting up with pro-Islam apologists.
You should read what happens when a Christian nation is taken over by Islam, what happens.

Read about Lebanon, when Lebanon was predominantly Christian it was a beautiful nation, Beirut was called the Paris of the Middle East.

Then Islam took over....and look how it's been ever since.



Déjà Vu in Lebanon

In early June, 1982, the Reagan Administration in Washington gave Israel’s then defense minister, Ariel Sharon, a green light to invade Lebanon. The inept US Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, told Sharon he could invade Lebanon, turn it into an Israeli protectorate, and crush the PLO once he had a suitable pretext.

The pretext came in the form of retaliation for the attempted assassination of Israel’s ambassador in London by the Abu Nidal group (which had nothing to do with the PLO). Sharon’s real agenda was to crush the PLO and thus any hopes of a Palestinian state.

Twenty-four years later, the Bush Administration and Israel have provided the world — and this writer — a remarkable feeling of dj vu as Israeli forces ravage Lebanon and threaten to once again invade its southern portion. Once again, a president totally ignorant of Mideast realities, a craven US Congress, and an incompetent secretary of state have created a disaster in Lebanon."


You're actually a fool. You post a piece from POST-1975, you're a fool.

Read the history of Lebanon, especially the periods of 64BC-1516 and then 1918-1975.

Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, the problems started in 1975 which is why Israel invaded in 1982 - pushback

I guess that fact was conveniently omitted

Well , your are not honest.

For something reason you want to omit how Israhell was created.

Knew it.


think we were talking about Lebanon right? how did the creation of Israel come into that ?

He's a bit off on history, as he illustrated by posting a piece from post-1975 Lebanon.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

I'll bet they don't do shit.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

I have two French friends who've been texting me throughout the night. She is Parisien and her boyfriend is from Clermont-Ferrand. Last night they were having dinner in a restaurant, as the whole of Paris is in lockdown, everyone must stay where they are. So they're spending the night with the other 50 people, including all staff inside the restaurant.

Had the Muslim savages chose that restaurant, my friends would now be dead.

I'm not putting up with pro-Islam apologists.

You know much better than the loons on this board.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

It's the Traitor Merkel's fault, she let them in, she wouldn't let Open Borders be closed, she was ONLY cheered on by the Leftists. These peoples' awful deaths are on HER and the Leftists heads and ONLY their heads.

Dante's 9th Circle awaits Traitor Merkel and the insane traitorous Leftists.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

The whole of the sane majority of Europe is outraged, many who hadn't woken up, now will have woken up.

So far 160 are dead, the 100 in the theatre ALL young people like myself.

When the so far 160 funerals begin....many more Europeans will wake up.

We are going to have to BURY our European brothers and sisters because of the f-cking Traitor Merkel and the MENTALLY ILL Leftists.

Can I say I hate them, they are beneath contempt. OUR own people are dead already, 160 innocent Europeans, we're allowed to hate those who brought sub-human savages into OUR beautiful Continent and brought death himself, Satan, the Anti-Christ along with them.

It's too damn late for them. There are too many Muslims in Europe now, many have political clout. After the next distraction comes along, nothing will be done and people will forget.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

I have two French friends who've been texting me throughout the night. She is Parisien and her boyfriend is from Clermont-Ferrand. Last night they were having dinner in a restaurant, as the whole of Paris is in lockdown, everyone must stay where they are. So they're spending the night with the other 50 people, including all staff inside the restaurant.

Had the Muslim savages chose that restaurant, my friends would now be dead.

I'm not putting up with pro-Islam apologists.

You know much better than the loons on this board.

Thanks, I'm just sensible and sane.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

The whole of the sane majority of Europe is outraged, many who hadn't woken up, now will have woken up.

So far 160 are dead, the 100 in the theatre ALL young people like myself.

When the so far 160 funerals begin....many more Europeans will wake up.

We are going to have to BURY our European brothers and sisters because of the f-cking Traitor Merkel and the MENTALLY ILL Leftists.

Can I say I hate them, they are beneath contempt. OUR own people are dead already, 160 innocent Europeans, we're allowed to hate those who brought sub-human savages into OUR beautiful Continent and brought death himself, Satan, the Anti-Christ along with them.

It's too damn late for them. There are too many Muslims in Europe now, many have political clout. After the next distraction comes along, nothing will be done and people will forget.

No we simply cannot allow that to happen.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

The whole of the sane majority of Europe is outraged, many who hadn't woken up, now will have woken up.

So far 160 are dead, the 100 in the theatre ALL young people like myself.

When the so far 160 funerals begin....many more Europeans will wake up.

We are going to have to BURY our European brothers and sisters because of the f-cking Traitor Merkel and the MENTALLY ILL Leftists.

Can I say I hate them, they are beneath contempt. OUR own people are dead already, 160 innocent Europeans, we're allowed to hate those who brought sub-human savages into OUR beautiful Continent and brought death himself, Satan, the Anti-Christ along with them.

It's too damn late for them. There are too many Muslims in Europe now, many have political clout. After the next distraction comes along, nothing will be done and people will forget.

Yes, well there's always Iceland. they haven't gotten to the Vikings yet
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

The whole of the sane majority of Europe is outraged, many who hadn't woken up, now will have woken up.

So far 160 are dead, the 100 in the theatre ALL young people like myself.

When the so far 160 funerals begin....many more Europeans will wake up.

We are going to have to BURY our European brothers and sisters because of the f-cking Traitor Merkel and the MENTALLY ILL Leftists.

Can I say I hate them, they are beneath contempt. OUR own people are dead already, 160 innocent Europeans, we're allowed to hate those who brought sub-human savages into OUR beautiful Continent and brought death himself, Satan, the Anti-Christ along with them.

It's too damn late for them. There are too many Muslims in Europe now, many have political clout. After the next distraction comes along, nothing will be done and people will forget.

No we simply cannot allow that to happen.

Sit back and watch. What did they do about the attacks at Charlie Hebdo? Zip, zilch, nada.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

I have two French friends who've been texting me throughout the night. She is Parisien and her boyfriend is from Clermont-Ferrand. Last night they were having dinner in a restaurant, as the whole of Paris is in lockdown, everyone must stay where they are. So they're spending the night with the other 50 people, including all staff inside the restaurant.

Had the Muslim savages chose that restaurant, my friends would now be dead.

I'm not putting up with pro-Islam apologists.

thank you for sharing that. It's good to hear from people over there, because you never know what the media will give you.
Thank God your friends are safe. Let them know we are thinking about them all over there.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

I'll bet they don't do shit.

Hollande will have to or else it'll be French Revolution II time. The French don't take crap from anyone, heck look how even their farmers react, the farmers bring the whole of France to a total standstill over milk prices.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

The whole of the sane majority of Europe is outraged, many who hadn't woken up, now will have woken up.

So far 160 are dead, the 100 in the theatre ALL young people like myself.

When the so far 160 funerals begin....many more Europeans will wake up.

We are going to have to BURY our European brothers and sisters because of the f-cking Traitor Merkel and the MENTALLY ILL Leftists.

Can I say I hate them, they are beneath contempt. OUR own people are dead already, 160 innocent Europeans, we're allowed to hate those who brought sub-human savages into OUR beautiful Continent and brought death himself, Satan, the Anti-Christ along with them.

I'm glad you said this, because as an American living in Europe, I am always amazed at the beauty and culture of Europe. From ancient Greek ruins, to Piazza della Signoria, to castles in Germany, to the Notre Dame, there is so much beauty and culture. All things Muslims would destroy if given the chance.

I just hope this latest attack "wakes up" Europeans to take real action to eradicate the threat of Islam. Islam has invaded Europe many times before ever since the seventh century AD. Time for the world to stand up against the biggest threat to humanity, and no it's not global warming.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

I have two French friends who've been texting me throughout the night. She is Parisien and her boyfriend is from Clermont-Ferrand. Last night they were having dinner in a restaurant, as the whole of Paris is in lockdown, everyone must stay where they are. So they're spending the night with the other 50 people, including all staff inside the restaurant.

Had the Muslim savages chose that restaurant, my friends would now be dead.

I'm not putting up with pro-Islam apologists.

thank you for sharing that. It's good to hear from people over there, because you never know what the media will give you.
Thank God your friends are safe. Let them know we are thinking about them all over there.

Thank you for your kind words and I'll let them know.

The MSM = Propaganda. The BBC, Sky, Channel 4 news all liars. People thankfully have other ways to get the truth.
France closes their borders? That's like closing the barn door after the horses got out.

Too late mon ami.
The Traitors have brought the foxes in the guard the hen house.

We must keep faith in God, we must trust God to stand with us and help guide us through this.

Only the Athiests will be handed to Satan.

As God's Faithful, he tells us he'll protect us. God also tells us to be strong and not weak, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, which means when the Muslim savages do this again, we have a right to fight them toe to toe.
Our pussy President will not send troops to fight ISIS in Iraq. I'm betting France moves in and wipes out a significant portion of the rabid dogs.

I'll bet they don't do shit.

Hollande will have to or else it'll be French Revolution II time. The French don't take crap from anyone, heck look how even their farmers react, the farmers bring the whole of France to a total standstill over milk prices.

Doubtful. Too many Muslims are there now. It's too late.
"This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do.
"... part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad."

"French President Francois Hollande calls a state of emergency in all of France and says he is shutting down its borders amid a series of attacks that have killed at least 40 and up to 60 in the French capital tonight.
“A state of emergency is declared,” he says.
“All borders are closed so that all those who committed these crimes can be stopped if they try to leave.”

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60

France is no longer capable of truly 'sealing its borders', they havent done it in decades and there are hidden ways across the border the older epxerienced people knew about that I am sure are long forgotten by the new generation who never expected to ever have to do such a thing again.

France has not sealed their borders and had a national state of emergency since 1944.

It's been horrible sitting here watching them commit a slow death by their own actions or in actions. I hope this is finally a wake up for people here.

I have two French friends who've been texting me throughout the night. She is Parisien and her boyfriend is from Clermont-Ferrand. Last night they were having dinner in a restaurant, as the whole of Paris is in lockdown, everyone must stay where they are. So they're spending the night with the other 50 people, including all staff inside the restaurant.

Had the Muslim savages chose that restaurant, my friends would now be dead.

I'm not putting up with pro-Islam apologists.

thank you for sharing that. It's good to hear from people over there, because you never know what the media will give you.
Thank God your friends are safe. Let them know we are thinking about them all over there.

Thank you for your kind words and I'll let them know.

The MSM = Propaganda. The BBC, Sky, Channel 4 news all liars. People thankfully have other ways to get the truth.

yes they are. and it's become that way here in our country too. as you said, thank goodness for the other ways we can get the truth.

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