France seeks top 75 income tax-one would reduce us defitict 48%


Apr 9, 2009
(let's put a couple of articles together and ask a question)


France raises taxes for top earners


Friday, 28 September 2012

The French government is to introduce a 75% income tax rate for top earners as part of what it called a “fighting budget” to boost jobs and help growth.

But critics said it lacked fundamental reforms that could jumpstart economic growth.

President Francois Hollande's cabinet defended the spending plan for next year, saying it would win the "battle" against joblessness.

Like many European countries, France must tread a fine line between cutting the debts that dragged them into the financial crisis and investing in the economy to spur growth.

The French economy, the second largest among the 17 countries that use the euro, has not grown for three straight quarters, the national statistics agency confirmed today. Unemployment has been on the rise for more than a year and stands at 10.2%.

Economists warn, however, that things could get much worse in France if it does not get serious about slashing state spending and reforming stringent labour laws.

"This is a serious budget, it's a leftist budget and it's fighting budget," Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici told French radio.

Because Mr Hollande promised that he would slash the country's deficit to 3% next year - a limit required by European rules - the government must find 30 billion euro (£24bn) in savings. One-third will come in spending cuts, with the rest in new or higher taxes on the wealthy and big companies, including a 75% tax on incomes over one million euro (800,000).

Among the other measures included are: a new income tax level at 45% for those making more than 150,000 euro (£120,000), an increase of capital gains taxes to bring them more in line with how salaries are taxed, and a cap on certain deductions for large companies on their income taxes.



September 28, 2012

What Would France’s 75 Pct Tax Rate Look Like in US?


How much money would a 75 percent tax rate for people with incomes over $1 million earn in the U.S.?


If the U.S. were to tax 75 percent of millionaires’ entire incomes, not just their income over $1 million, that would yield around $532 billion in tax revenue, he said.

McBride points out that such a tax rate here would make
*** a 48 percent dent in the nation’s deficit, which is expected to reach $1.1 trillion this year, the Congressional Budget Office said in August. And that still would not pay down by one dime the $16 trillion plus national debt.


The top marginal tax rate in the US has ranged from
a high of 94 percent during World War II
to 91 percent from 1950 to 1963
then gradually falling to the current rate of 35 percent.


So, if we followed France's lead and succeeded in raising income tax not on our one time high of 94%

but to only 75% of millionaires' entire incomes we could
by 48%
our current deficit.

Then, by placing a sales tax on stock market transactions
we might do away with the remaining deficit and start paying off some of our staggering national debt.

But then,
dear hearts and gentile* people,
one of these days
you or yours are going to have income in the millions of dollars each year
and you or yours are going to get even richer
by becoming a stock market player
and so you wouldn't support such taxes,

would you?

* ("Only gentiles and damned fools pay retail": old friend Leland Wolfe.)

(Whatever happened to Gladstone's assertion that we should let the broadest backs bear the greatest burden?)
What Would France’s 75 Pct Tax Rate Look Like in US?

The first thing France will see if they pass this is the exidous of their millionaires and large businesses. One advantage millionaires have is mobility, they can conduct their business just about anywhere. The same thing would happen here.
I think if we raised our taxes to 75%, some buttfuck would soon want to raise it to 80, then 90. Won't matter though, cuz by then we'll be the world's biggest banana republic, Greece X 1000.

Tell ya what man, why don't you put a sock on it and wait a few years and see what happens to France. All the rich frenchpersons are leaving, and their economy is about to get flushed. We are about to find out what happens when you soak the rich.
Well, one million Euros is $1,250,000, and there are plenty of writeoffs, though not as many as here, where it's ridiculous if you can afford an accountant.
This time next year France will have taken in less tax revenue than they are now and their economy will be completely down the shitter.
an excellent exodiosis cmmment
--are you perchance a Stillwater graduate?

Perhaps if you joined up with Kansas' victim, Boomer Sooner,
and some of the other posters
you could start an exodiosis party.
just a friendly comment--you know---
like slapping an old friend on the shoulder
and saying
"you old ***********", how have you been getting along?"

America's millionairs (sic) however, should not worry about selling their homes and moving to other countries
for they would still be taxed by the US at the same rate,
wherever they lived.
an excellent exodiosis cmmment
--are you perchance a Stillwater graduate?

Perhaps if you joined up with Kansas' victim, Boomer Sooner,
and some of the other posters
you could start an exodiosis party.
just a friendly comment--you know---
like slapping an old friend on the shoulder
and saying
"you old ***********", how have you been getting along?"

America's millionairs (sic) however, should not worry about selling their homes and moving to other countries
for they would still be taxed by the US at the same rate,
wherever they lived.

I thought income earned overseas was not taxed here until it is brought back on shore.
an excellent exodiosis cmmment
--are you perchance a Stillwater graduate?

Perhaps if you joined up with Kansas' victim, Boomer Sooner,
and some of the other posters
you could start an exodiosis party.
just a friendly comment--you know---
like slapping an old friend on the shoulder
and saying
"you old ***********", how have you been getting along?"

America's millionairs (sic) however, should not worry about selling their homes and moving to other countries
for they would still be taxed by the US at the same rate,
wherever they lived.

Just shows how little you know, money is liquid and like all liquids it follows the path of least resistance, a rich man has the ability to move himself and his money offshore and do his investments from there and avoid US taxes completly.
an excellent exodiosis cmmment
--are you perchance a Stillwater graduate?

Perhaps if you joined up with Kansas' victim, Boomer Sooner,
and some of the other posters
you could start an exodiosis party.
just a friendly comment--you know---
like slapping an old friend on the shoulder
and saying
"you old ***********", how have you been getting along?"

America's millionairs (sic) however, should not worry about selling their homes and moving to other countries
for they would still be taxed by the US at the same rate,
wherever they lived.

No, they would not. One has to ask themselves what American citizenship is worth, and it it is worth less to them, than the millions they would have to pay in taxes, they will leave, and renounce their citizenship.
France seeks top 75 income tax-one would reduce us defitict 48%

That assumes it won't send their economy into the dumper, and also that rich people are stupid and they won't find ways to avoid paying the tax. However, even if it worked, my response is "Go Fuck Yourself." Cutoff welfare checks to all the parasites before the government raises taxes one dime.
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

Excluding Foreign Wages from US Taxes

By William Perez, Guide

See More About:
taxation of expatriates
foreign earned income exclusion
form 2555


Need To File Late Taxes?Do Your 2003 - 2011 Taxes Online. Better Late Than Never - Start Now!Filelate | File 2011 Tax Late & 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Taxes Online

Tax Planning: U.S. Ads •IRS Tax Forms
•Federal Income Tax Table
•IRS Payments
•Filing Income Tax Online
•Expatriate Tax

Generally speaking, if you live and work outside of the United States, then you can exclude all or part of your foreign wages from US taxation. To qualify for the foreign earned income exclusion, you must : •Work and reside outside the United States.
•Meet either the Bona Fide or Physical Presence tests.
If you qualify, you will be eligible to exclude up to $95,100 annually in foreign wages.
the amount changes from year to year--
I note the statement refers to wages---
perhaps someone will fill us in on businesses, etc.
(let's put a couple of articles together and ask a question)


France raises taxes for top earners


Friday, 28 September 2012

The French government is to introduce a 75% income tax rate for top earners as part of what it called a “fighting budget” to boost jobs and help growth.

But critics said it lacked fundamental reforms that could jumpstart economic growth.

President Francois Hollande's cabinet defended the spending plan for next year, saying it would win the "battle" against joblessness.

Like many European countries, France must tread a fine line between cutting the debts that dragged them into the financial crisis and investing in the economy to spur growth.

The French economy, the second largest among the 17 countries that use the euro, has not grown for three straight quarters, the national statistics agency confirmed today. Unemployment has been on the rise for more than a year and stands at 10.2%.

Economists warn, however, that things could get much worse in France if it does not get serious about slashing state spending and reforming stringent labour laws.

"This is a serious budget, it's a leftist budget and it's fighting budget," Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici told French radio.

Because Mr Hollande promised that he would slash the country's deficit to 3% next year - a limit required by European rules - the government must find 30 billion euro (£24bn) in savings. One-third will come in spending cuts, with the rest in new or higher taxes on the wealthy and big companies, including a 75% tax on incomes over one million euro (800,000).

Among the other measures included are: a new income tax level at 45% for those making more than 150,000 euro (£120,000), an increase of capital gains taxes to bring them more in line with how salaries are taxed, and a cap on certain deductions for large companies on their income taxes.



September 28, 2012

What Would France’s 75 Pct Tax Rate Look Like in US?


How much money would a 75 percent tax rate for people with incomes over $1 million earn in the U.S.?


If the U.S. were to tax 75 percent of millionaires’ entire incomes, not just their income over $1 million, that would yield around $532 billion in tax revenue, he said.

McBride points out that such a tax rate here would make
*** a 48 percent dent in the nation’s deficit, which is expected to reach $1.1 trillion this year, the Congressional Budget Office said in August. And that still would not pay down by one dime the $16 trillion plus national debt.


The top marginal tax rate in the US has ranged from
a high of 94 percent during World War II
to 91 percent from 1950 to 1963
then gradually falling to the current rate of 35 percent.


So, if we followed France's lead and succeeded in raising income tax not on our one time high of 94%

but to only 75% of millionaires' entire incomes we could
by 48%
our current deficit.

Then, by placing a sales tax on stock market transactions
we might do away with the remaining deficit and start paying off some of our staggering national debt.

But then,
dear hearts and gentile* people,
one of these days
you or yours are going to have income in the millions of dollars each year
and you or yours are going to get even richer
by becoming a stock market player
and so you wouldn't support such taxes,

would you?

* ("Only gentiles and damned fools pay retail": old friend Leland Wolfe.)

(Whatever happened to Gladstone's assertion that we should let the broadest backs bear the greatest burden?)

FACTS you with REALITY!!!
FROM THE IRS tax returns:
"Table 1.1 Selected Income and Tax Items, by Size and Accumulated Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2009"
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

There were 227,202 tax returns for incomes over $1 million in adjusted gross income

$486,776,995,000 -- This was theTotal taxable Income for those making $1 million or more!i
$123,709,600,000 -- They paid in Total Taxes in 2009 or 25.41% (IDIOT??? do you understand THEY paid $123.7 Billion! OK??)

NOW YOU idiot you suggest they do like FRANCE and PAY 75% of their taxable income right???
$365,082,746,000 is the total taxes of 75% of their $486 billion reported.... total RIGHT??

$123.7 billion is what THEY already paid in 2009 taxes!
Subtract from what you want $365. billion what they already paid and that is an additional $241 billion !
SINCE you can't do like OBAMACARE count it twice.. they already paid $123.7 billion and now you want another $241 billion!

The current deficit again FACTS according to this SOURCE: Obama Budget Produces 2013 Deficit Of $977 Billion, According To CBO
Congressional Budget Office report said Obama's budget would produce a $977 billion deficit next year –

So it is ONLY $241 billion is the additional amount AGREE!!!

$241 billion divided by $977 billion is 25% NOT 48%!!!!!

Best case taxing incomes over $1 million at 75% would net $241 billion from the reported taxable of $486 billion!
$241 billion is 25% of $977 billion!

FACTS GET them yourself simply download this file:
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
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I thought income earned overseas was not taxed here until it is brought back on shore.

All the Americans I work with overseas pay US income tax in the US even if their paycheques go to a non US account.
I think Thomas Sowell might have hit on something with this: “I have never understood why it is “greed” to want to keep the money you’ve earned but not greed to want to take somebody else’s money.”

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