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Franken should resign....and rather soon

I have seen the following prank played successfully on a sleeping person ...you sneak up with shaving foam can and put some on the palm of the person sleeping in a way as to not awaken the person. You then use a feather to lightly tickle the victim's nose / face. The sleeper reaches to his/her face with palm full of foam and that awakens them ...that and everybody laughing out-loud yuck yuck ...the sleeper has been made "the butt of a joke " so all are laughing at the sleeper's expense...If you do that to the right adult person who is your co worker on the job with you out of town there may well be a proper HR complaint against you .

I see the photo shot of Franken in that same light as the above described prank with the aggravate of there being a sexual angle to the prank. It seems clear that making your co worker the butt of a sexual prank is grossly inappropriate and offensive and unavoidably wrong. Franken has done the proper thing by apologizing both directly and via a detailed explanation of himself . Other than that he limits himself to saying he recollects the other part of the complaint against him namely that he groped and kissed Leann Tweeden forcibly differently and nothing else . No rhetorical attacks of any kind on Tweeden ...very different from Roy Moore and Donald Trump..

Roger Stone ET Al are trying to make this out to be "Al Franken is a sex pervert " ...preposterous
and she claims she saw the photo in the USO greatest hits CD

Why would they publish the photo if she had a problem with it.

We all know she worked for Fox and is currently on Los Angeles RW talk radio station.

and the timing? Yep.
Stunning to see liberals go to bat for him and pretzel twist how him placing his hands directly where her breasts are is really Not what the photo is showing
Fact avoidance is no way to go thru life
Stunning to see liberals go to bat for him and pretzel twist how him placing his hands directly where her breasts are is really Not what the photo is showing
Fact avoidance is no way to go thru life

I am sure that when Anita Hill Called out, Now Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas for gross sexual harassment that those who are now lynch mobbing Franken were calling her an "Opportunistic Slut-Tramp"
can we talk ...
Stunning to see liberals go to bat for him and pretzel twist how him placing his hands directly where her breasts are is really Not what the photo is showing
Fact avoidance is no way to go thru life

I am sure that when Anita Hill Called out, Now Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas for gross sexual harassment that those who are now lynch mobbing Franken were calling her an "Opportunistic Slut-Tramp"
can we talk ...
We have a picture not mere innuendo
Very courageous of Kristen Gillebrand to say Clinton should have resigned. I'm betting she will call on Franken to resign -- in 20 years
Stunning to see liberals go to bat for him and pretzel twist how him placing his hands directly where her breasts are is really Not what the photo is showing
Fact avoidance is no way to go thru life

I am sure that when Anita Hill Called out, Now Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas for gross sexual harassment that those who are now lynch mobbing Franken were calling her an "Opportunistic Slut-Tramp"
can we talk ...
We have a picture not mere innuendo
Yes we do

We have a picture not mere innuendo
the picture does not show a sexual act of perversion no matter how "you gather to scream at the sky"... there are witnesses there and there is a photographer... No one gathers witness and photographer to commit crime bro LOL and if I am not mistaken the photo itself has been in the public domain for some time ...its a joke photo prank that is inappropriate ...Franken apologized ...we are done ...
Has anyone posted the excerpt from Frankens book where he wrote that his apology for jokes about raping leslie stahl and other stuff was totally insincere and just to save himself politically? Unbeleiveable -- and it isn't mention in any of the stories that talk abou this swift apology. Even his reasons why his prior apology wasn't sincere are equally the case here

NOT sorry? DAMNING flashback calls Al Franken's apology into question
Frankin's conduct toward women pales in comparison to Hillary's husband's conduct toward women. The dirty little secret is that the Minn. Gov would appoint another democrat so it's not a loss for democrats in the Senate if Frankin resigned.
“Hillary Hillary Hillary. I can’t form a sentence without Hilary.”
Does she live inside of your head for free? Or are you at least charging her rent?
Grudgingly, I would encourage senator Franken to resign.....

Although I think that Franken's bad behavior toward women pales in comparison to Moore's lechery with young teens....and

Although I think that Franken has been an exceptional senator.....

I want him to resign for TWO reasons:

First, the governor of MN is a democrat (Dayton) who would appoint another democrat to fill Franken's seat......

Second, I do NOT want for the surely upcoming ads by democrats for the 2018 midterm run, to be less attacking to republicans for either electing (or almost electing) a pervert like Moore.

In 2018, Moore will be the "poster boy" for everything that is wrong in the Trump swamp....including the orange swamp creature himself.
I don't like what Franken did and I don't excuse it, but it was not an abuse of power. For some reason, he thought he was funny. The kiss thing? You want a man who has served capably as a Senator to lose his position for a kiss during a rehearsal? He was being a total jerk but he was a comedian full of himself and his jerkiness. People elected Franken knowing about his unfunny comedy.
So no more flirty old white male politicians? Because that's all he did was flirt and be a pig. Let his voters decide. Same with Roy Moore constituents

Ps. Hw bush was an ass pincher
Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private

In the early 1990s, Jill Harth and her boyfriend at the time, George Houraney, worked with Mr. Trump on a beauty pageant in Atlantic City, and later accused Mr. Trump of inappropriate behavior toward Ms. Harth during their business dealings. In a 1996 deposition, Ms. Harth described their initial meeting with Mr. Trump at Trump Tower.

Donald Trump stared at me throughout that meeting. He stared at me even while George was giving his presentation. … In the middle of it he says to George, “Are you sleeping with her?” Meaning me. And George looked a little shocked and he said, “Well, yeah.” And he goes, “Well, for the weekend or what?”

–Jill Harth, former pageant promoter

Mr. Houraney said in a recent interview that he was shocked by Mr. Trump’s response after he made clear that he and Ms. Harth were monogamous.

“He said: ‘Well, there’s always a first time. I am going after her,’ ” Mr. Houraney recalled, adding: “I thought the man was joking. I laughed. He said, ‘I am serious.’ ”
We have a picture not mere innuendo
the picture does not show a sexual act of perversion no matter how "you gather to scream at the sky"... there are witnesses there and there is a photographer... No one gathers witness and photographer to commit crime bro LOL and if I am not mistaken the photo itself has been in the public domain for some time ...its a joke photo prank that is inappropriate ...Franken apologized ...we are done ...
Because you seek to dismiss it as a joke, a one way joke at that, does not alter that he placed his hands upon the location of a woman's breasts while she was asleep and without permission
If you took a piss upon a sleeping person I guess you would try and sell it as OK because You think it's funny
We aren't done but you are
If we want to start a Senate investigation on Franken, we need to do the same with our President

What Trumpenstein admitted to is far worse than what Franken is accused of. There are more women and more incidents in the Trump dossier than Franken's single complaint
Then why didn't we go after bill? No, we have to let trump go. We can't be hypocrites.

Let them investigate Frankenstein. He did nothing.
If we want to start a Senate investigation on Franken, we need to do the same with our President

What Trumpenstein admitted to is far worse than what Franken is accused of. There are more women and more incidents in the Trump dossier than Franken's single complaint
Then why didn't we go after bill? No, we have to let trump go. We can't be hypocrites.

Let them investigate Frankenstein. He did nothing.
We didn’t go after bill?
I disagree.
This was clearly a political hit job.
How do I know?
Roger Stone showed his cards the night before "predicting" the news would happen.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Grudgingly, I would encourage senator Franken to resign.....

Although I think that Franken's bad behavior toward women pales in comparison to Moore's lechery with young teens....and

Although I think that Franken has been an exceptional senator.....

I want him to resign for TWO reasons:

First, the governor of MN is a democrat (Dayton) who would appoint another democrat to fill Franken's seat......

Second, I do NOT want for the surely upcoming ads by democrats for the 2018 midterm run, to be less attacking to republicans for either electing (or almost electing) a pervert like Moore.

In 2018, Moore will be the "poster boy" for everything that is wrong in the Trump swamp....including the orange swamp creature himself.
I don't like what Franken did and I don't excuse it, but it was not an abuse of power. For some reason, he thought he was funny. The kiss thing? You want a man who has served capably as a Senator to lose his position for a kiss during a rehearsal? He was being a total jerk but he was a comedian full of himself and his jerkiness. People elected Franken knowing about his unfunny comedy.
So no more flirty old white male politicians? Because that's all he did was flirt and be a pig. Let his voters decide. Same with Roy Moore constituents

Ps. Hw bush was an ass pincher
Ummm, that wasn't "flirting."
It is NOT THE SAME situation with Moore. I've said it a hundred times and I'm not spelling it out again, but if you take a gander at the allegations against each man, I'm sure you can figure out the differences.
I think it's too bad that Moore is willing to flush the Republican party down the toilet to protect his own ego, but that is exactly the kind of guy who would date minors half his age for several years without making a secret about it. Blind chutzpah.
If we want to start a Senate investigation on Franken, we need to do the same with our President

What Trumpenstein admitted to is far worse than what Franken is accused of. There are more women and more incidents in the Trump dossier than Franken's single complaint
Then why didn't we go after bill? No, we have to let trump go. We can't be hypocrites.

Let them investigate Frankenstein. He did nothing.
We didn’t go after bill?
Not for all the stuff he supposedly did.

Threads like this one disgust me and are more evidence that some Democrats continue to fail to understand why we lost elections in the past.

The American people want STRENGTH not sissies who surrender at the very first sense of smoke.

Man up Democrats

Wake up Democrats and fight for Al Franken

On one hand, you have a point.

BUT -- Dems hold themselves to higher standards than Repubs and RWs do. That's simply fact.

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