.... Fraud wasn't the reason, Trump was told...

Yes I saw it with my own eyes in my own city.
Can you think of any reason other than your feared fraud....that a single person could be dropping off multiple ballot envelopes outdoors?

Like maybe, a nurse, a helper in a nursing home, a Veteran's hospital? Or any ol' hospital. Maybe even a jail....many prisoners ain't barred (no pun) from casting a vote.

To claim or allege that multiple ballots dropped off is "suspicious" ...or fraud, or illegal, is hyperventilating. IMHO
Can you think of any reason other than your feared fraud....that a single person could be dropping off multiple ballot envelopes outdoors?

Like maybe, a nurse, a helper in a nursing home, a Veteran's hospital? Or any ol' hospital. Maybe even a jail....many prisoners ain't barred (no pun) from casting a vote.

To claim or allege that multiple ballots dropped off is "suspicious" ...or fraud, or illegal, is hyperventilating. IMHO
People acting honorably in such cases would likely go to the nearest post office and not a fairly excluded and unwatched drop box. Nursing homes and veterans hospitals have their mail picked up at those facilities. I'm pretty sure that is the case at the city or county jail as well.

I don't understand that reply whatsoever.
The story was published in a right-leaning web news service, The Hill. The owner of which, is a golfing buddy of Don Trump. The hired investigator, specializes in Republican data searches. He was hired by Republicans. And he reported his findings to Republicans.

And yet, inexplicably, out of the ozone....comes poster Lumpy to attempt to assert "Democrats" into the chain. He need to re-think his purpose. This is, after all, intended to be a responsible adult discussion format.

NOT a handy wall for digital graffiti-scrawlers.

Their opinion + Your opinion boils down to blah, blah .. bullshit and a yawn. 😉
Their opinion + Your opinion

That's a sad misread by the poster Lumpy.

The OP was not my opinion. It was merely reportage of a piece authored by the man Don Trump hired to autopsy the 2020 vote with the hope and the intention of finding enough fraud to overturn Joe Biden's victory.

They didn't find that fraud, despite Trump paying them $750,000 to find it.
That's a sad misread by the poster Lumpy.

The OP was not my opinion. It was merely reportage of a piece authored by the man Don Trump hired to autopsy the 2020 vote with the hope and the intention of finding enough fraud to overturn Joe Biden's victory.

They didn't find that fraud, despite Trump paying them $750,000 to find it.
Not to mention the long list of recounts and Republican officials confirming that Trump lost.

In the minds of his flock, that's all fake news and it's rigged. Nothing will get through to them. It's up to them now.
Like anyone cares
As suspected. He's all talk.

Some may say poster Blues Legend is an empty suit. There's no there there. Unable to make his own word good.
A fake and a phony.

Now, to be sure, my own avatar would not accuse Blues Legend of all that, but......but we can understand how some folks would.

Regardless, it is sad.
In the minds of his flock, that's all fake news and it's rigged. Nothing will get through to them. It's up to them now.

I know, M58, I know.
Still, it can be entertaining to see their contortions, their refusals, their covering up, their dunderheadedness.

If you've read all the responses on this thread (I have, 'cause I'm the OP)...anyway, if you've read 'em you've had an entertaining peek into the minds of our QAnon fanboys & girls. Not gonna name names, as my own avatar is polite and respectful. But, I kinda think most other readers will recognize who the QNuts are on this thread.

I love this bar.
As suspected. He's all talk.

Some may say poster Blues Legend is an empty suit. There's no there there. Unable to make his own word good.
A fake and a phony.

Now, to be sure, my own avatar would not accuse Blues Legend of all that, but......but we can understand how some folks would.

Regardless, it is sad.
Live in ignorance fool it makes no difference to me. Everyone on the board is wise to the left's (link?) nonsense. :itsok: :290968001256257790-final:
Everyone on the board is wise to the left's (link?) nonsense.

Look, mein freund, it was you who made the assertion.
You were asked by my avatar and others to back up your claim.

You refused to back up your word.

In my humble view, and willing to have my mind changed, but......I'm thinking you are a fake and a phony. An empty suit. Insincere.

But, good luck in your future endeavors. We hope you can turn things around.
Nope, there was fraud, there was also withholding of information by the media. Suppression of information by the FBI and slanting of information by MSM. Changing of the rules due to covid allowed Democrats access to our voting process which they took full advantage of. There was the fostering of violence also by democrats. Did I leave anything out? Probably but those were the main reasons the election was stolen. Joe Biden deserves a huge asterisk.
Sounds like bullshit excuses to hide losing. :rolleyes:
Go watch an Obama rally and then a Biden one and try to think that Biden got over 10 million votes than Obama.
Who really gives any fucks about rallies? A minority of dopes, apparently. :dunno: Never cared for them. I believe the people that are into them need to have their heads examined. Life's too short to watch, not to mention attend, a political rally.

However, magaturds use them as a barometer for candidate popularity. :rolleyes:
Who really gives any fucks about rallies? A minority of dopes, apparently. :dunno: Never cared for them. I believe the people that are into them need to have their heads examined. Life's too short to watch, not to mention attend, a political rally.

However, magaturds use them as a barometer for candidate popularity. :rolleyes:
STFU chump. You seem to think it's OK to cheat American elections. I don't.

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