.... Fraud wasn't the reason, Trump was told...

Methinks thou dost protest too much.
That would be Trump.

And these assholes:

Those are doors on the INSIDE.
The criminals had ALREADY entered.
I asked you to show the Capitol Police opening doors to let the criminals in, directly from the outside.
You failed to Provide that.

Grab a clue.
Clueless if it was an insurrection regardless where the door is why were capitol police assisting them?
We have seen multiple reports, experiences, explanations.....by people-in-the-know, who should know....that Don Trump was explicitly informed that he had lost, why he had lost, and that fraudulent votes didn't do it.
He didn't have to be told. He already knew. He's known it ever since 11/3/2020.
63 court cases brought by Diaper Don and ZERO success!

“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and Republican congressmen."

Mr. President, we’ll send you the link from WSB.

Trump: I don’t care about the link. I don’t need it.

Trump hired not one, but TWO, research firms to prove his Big Lie.

The TWO firms Trump hired found no fraud.


Lyin' Donal buried those reports and continued to lie.

The Michigan Republican House Speaker and Republican Senate Majority Leader said there was no fraud and would certify the election. Traitor Tump ignored them and continued to lie.

The US Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General told Trump there was no fraud. Crooked Donald ignored them and continued to lie.

A recount in Wisconsin demanded by Trump found there was no fraud and actually increased Trump's loss by a wider margin. Trump continued to lie.

State and federal courts, including many helmed by Trump appointees, found no proof of fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The Director of National Intelligence informed Trump the election was secure and there was no fraud. Trump ignored him and continued to lie.

The Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

The senior White House attorneys told Trump there was no fraud. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Senior staffers of Trump's own campaign team told him he had lost! Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

State legislators and secretaries of state all around the country, many of whom were Republicans who had backed Trump's re-election, told Trump there was no fraud and he had lost. Trump ignored them and continued to lie.

Trump knew he lost.

With his Big Lie defeated at every turn, Trump drafted illegal fake electors in seven states.
We have seen multiple reports, experiences, explanations.....by people-in-the-know, who should know....that Don Trump was explicitly informed that he had lost, why he had lost, and that fraudulent votes didn't do it.

We've read on this forum of the 27-page report prepared at Trump's direction on his campaign's dime by his longtime pollster, Tony Fabrizio:

(Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat).
We've seen audit after audit under the authorization of one legal authority or another...including the widely publicized one by the much touted 'Cyber Ninjas'; by the Republican legislature in Michigan; and others.....all coming to the same conclusions...Trump legitimtely lost, fraud didn't do it.

Now, in an opinion piece in USToday we have another guy Don Trump also hired to find out what happened. An professional forensic investigator, a voter data expert.
That guy found out. And he told his boss of those findings: Trump lost. Period.

And now that expert is appalled by the damage Trump has and is doing to America's electoral system, and our faith in it.

Here's a taster of the opinion piece, link provided below:

"Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 election was not stolen"

"Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

“Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?” the USA Today op-ed began. “In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.”

Block, who owns Simpatico Software Systems, said his company’s findings were communicated directly to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and transcripts of depositions taken by the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol “show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election.”

Block noted in the op-ed that claims of election fraud are not fading, despite an overwhelming amount of evidence proving otherwise.

“And yet, the cries that the election was lost or stolen due to voter fraud continue with no sign of stopping. Whether a stump speech, outrageous lawsuits like the so-called Kraken cases filed by Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani’s lies or the ongoing misguided efforts of people determined to prove the election was stolen, the constant drumbeat hardens people’s hearts and minds to the truth about the 2020 election,” he wrote.

“If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election, it would already have been proven. Maintaining the lies undermines faith in the foundation of our democracy,” Block wrote.'

The evidence of this thread shows that only remedials still believe in the lie.
Trump knows the truth but is too far into the con to admit it.
Its very sad.
He was told flat out that he's full of shit by the very same people that HE hired to find voter fraud.

But continue to go along with THE CON if it makes you feel better.
It will.
Trump has you & your cult right where he wants you.
It's easier to fool people than convince them, they were fooled.

Nigerian prince scams still rake in over $700000 a year​

https://www.cnbc.com › 2019/04/18 › nigerian-prince-sc...

Apr 18, 2019 — Last year, "Nigerian prince"-style email scams cost victims over $700000. A social psychologist breaks down why these scams still work and ...
Clueless if it was an insurrection regardless where the door is why were capitol police assisting them?
yea, tell us, what is the reason that you believe that Capitol Police were helping them?

Here's mine.....
1) Capitol Police didn't just open doors to the Entrance of the Capitol.
the best you got is a cult member, that had ALREADY broken in, opening a door for other criminals.

2). Once the criminals broke through windows and opened doors to let others in, I'm sure the CP were instructed to NOT engage, they were outnumbered.

So, what you call a 'guided tour'
I call an order to Stand Down and NOT engage.

Can you prove me wrong?
Give it a try.
“If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election, it would already have been proven. Maintaining the lies undermines faith in the foundation of our democracy,” Block wrote.'
The question to me is, how many of these people really still believe the election was rigged, and how many are just willing to use the lie as an excuse to rip this country down because they lost?

I'm not sure which would be worse.
the governments own EXPERT ON ELECTION FRAUD determined that Dems cheated.
Who would that be?
And will you....can you....post a link to his work?

ps......you can type in, say, 18pt font, and we should all be able to read it just fine.
Calm down, son. No reason to shout. We are all friends. Fellow travelers. No?


It's easier to fool people than convince them, they were fooled.
It's the TDS phenomena: Trump's Duped & Snookered.

And many of the responses to this thread are evidence that it is real, and it remains embedded in the forum's QAnon-MAGA bleacher seats, the boo-bird reality of fringie thinking, of Gateway Pundit conspiracies.
From the reportage: "The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.”

Seems they were quick on the trigger, eh?

And, the guy being and expert in data-mining (versus... umm, you?)....well, let's give the guy props that he knows what he is talking about. After all, look who hired him. Look who he had to report to. Look how friggin' BIG....the story could be, how big his fame and stature would be.....if he was able to find this alleged fraud that his boss had forcefully charged him to find. Duh!

Get the picture? It's bigger than you are thinking. Raise your sights. Widen your view.
Good luck.
When the machines and their programming were removed, when the ballots were separated from their signed envelopes, when everything trucked into the counting locations were all mixed together, proving SUFFICIENT fraud to make a difference became pretty much impossible. We all knew there was fraud. Many of us watched it happen or saw such suspicious activity that belief that fraud was happening was perfectly rational and reasonable. When here in my own city I watch somebody feed a whole box of ballots into the drop box, you know something is very likely not on the up and up.

I don't KNOW if there was enough fraud in the swing states to overturn the election. But I will go to my grave believing there was sufficient evidence of fraud to warrant the count being questioned.

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