.... Fraud wasn't the reason, Trump was told...

No one on this thread actually believes Trump won. It’s just a defense trolling posture. They know he had his ass handed to him. They just don’t like it. He’ll lose worse this time.
You're an absolute idiot if you think Biden, who hid in his basement for the last 3 months of the 2020 election,

got more votes than Trump, who was and is a pretty popular president. Biden can't fill 1/2 of a HS gymnasium,

while Trump can fill 10K seat stadiums. But Biden got millions of more votes than Trump?

Son, that dog don't hunt. :nono:
You're an absolute idiot if you think Biden, who hid in his basement for the last 3 months of the 2020 election,

got more votes than Trump, who was and is a pretty popular president. Biden can't fill 1/2 of a HS gymnasium,

while Trump can fill 10K seat stadiums. But Biden got millions of more votes than Trump?

Son, that dog don't hunt. :nono:
Biden most recent approval rating as president is higher than Trumps approval rating on his last day as president. Trump was less popular than Biden. That’s a fact.
Trump lied to you
Nope, there was fraud, there was also withholding of information by the media. Suppression of information by the FBI and slanting of information by MSM. Changing of the rules due to covid allowed Democrats access to our voting process which they took full advantage of. There was the fostering of violence also by democrats. Did I leave anything out? Probably but those were the main reasons the election was stolen. Joe Biden deserves a huge asterisk.
It was 100% Dem election fraud and cheating in swing states.

On the other hand.....................
The problem with your thoughtful analysis good poster
Blues, is ......is that highly qualified people who Trump hired to determine the validity of the vote found otherwise.

Both Berkley Group and the guy in the OP, Ken Block, have analyzed the vote tallies precinct by precinct, combed through available vote and registration records.....and they disagree with the analysis you made after you examined all state and precinct records. In addition to your own work, BluesLegend, the forensic analysis group out of Sarasota, CyberNinjas also tried to find fraud. They desperately wanted to.....but they didn't, (in fact, they found Trump received MORE votes than he should have). And too, various legislatures, usually Republican (because they desperately wanted to prove fraud).....but those legislative committees didn't find it either. Nor did Bill Barr find it. Nor Chris Krebbs, the guy Trump put in charge of elections ......didn't find enough fraud to change the election.

But, you seemingly did. Which, the entire forum must be impressed by. I surely will be. So will my avatar.

When will you publish your vetted peer-reviewed findings with your deadsolidperfect proof of this fraud?

I want to be first in line to congratulate you on your sure-to-come bushels of investigative-journalism awards.

Do you have a publication date set?
Last edited:
Did I leave anything out?

Ummm, Duh!! Hell yeah!

Baby Formula.
Seth Richards.
Toilet paper.
Climate change.
The 1619 Project.
And finally, Space Lasers and Gazpacho Police (ps...they solve cold cases).
Nope, there was fraud, there was also withholding of information by the media. Suppression of information by the FBI and slanting of information by MSM. Changing of the rules due to covid allowed Democrats access to our voting process which they took full advantage of. There was the fostering of violence also by democrats. Did I leave anything out? Probably but those were the main reasons the election was stolen. Joe Biden deserves a huge asterisk.
Unrelated to the OP and gibberish to boot.
You're an absolute idiot if you think Biden, who hid in his basement for the last 3 months of the 2020 election,

got more votes than Trump, who was and is a pretty popular president. Biden can't fill 1/2 of a HS gymnasium,

while Trump can fill 10K seat stadiums. But Biden got millions of more votes than Trump?

Son, that dog don't hunt. :nono:
Filling a stadium doesn’t equate to winning elections

Trump was extremely unpopular. The country had enough of him.

He lost


Deal with it bitch

On the other hand.....................
The problem with your thoughtful analysis good poster
Blues, is ......is that highly qualified people who Trump hired to determine the validity of the vote found otherwise.

Both Berkley Group and the guy in the OP, Ken Block, have analyzed the vote tallies precinct by precinct, combed through available vote and registration records.....and they disagree with the analysis you made after you examined all state and precinct records. In addition to your own work, BluesLegend, the forensic analysis group out of Sarasota, CyberNinjas also tried to find fraud. They desperately wanted to.....but they didn't, (in fact, they found Trump received MORE votes than he should have). And too various legislatures, usually Republican (because they desperately wanted to prove fraud).....but those legislative committees didn't find it either. Nor did Bill Barr find it. Nor Chris Krepps, the guy Trump put in charge of elections ......didn't find enough fraud to change the election.

But, you seemingly did. Which, the entire forum must be impressed by. I surely will be. So will my avatar.

When will you publish your vetted peer-reviewed findings with your deadsolidperfect proof of this fraud?

I want to be first in line to congratulate you on your sure-to-come bushels of investigative-journalism awards.

Do you have a publication date set?

But yet the evidence of a stolen election is right in front of chilishit. A person who has neither the gumption nor the capabilities to understand what really happened with the MSM, the FBI, the social media platforms, covid allowing Democrats to change rules in voting and a bit of fraud mixed in. The way all of those conditions effected
the election. Chilishit is the perfect Democrat, sitting in his mother's basement waiting for the next Democrat hoax to salivacate on. A condescending ass who deserves nothing more than some totalitarian government to tell him how to think. You may recognize the hoaxes that chilishit would propagate and fall for.
"This is yet another thread where the moonbats are knocking themselves out, trying to convince themselves that their pedo potato is legit."

Well, first, I know no "moonbats" so can't opine if any are or are not 'knocking themselves out".
However, I am convinced the Opening Post was NOT referencing whether the current POTUS is legit.

Rather, it was offering reportage on a forensic data expert that Don Trump hired to find fraud. The guy didn't (despite his $750,000 price tag).

And now the guy is appalled by the lies Don Trump and his enablers are telling about the the reality the hired-guy found in his research....and informed Trump of. He thinks those lies are corrosive to American democracy and our electoral process.

I'm almost positive that is the thrust of the Opening Post.

Perhaps, some other gentle reader could suggest to the overwrought poster Oddball that to wise, he should go back and read the OP and the attached links.

Then he would be better able to return to this thread and contribute in an informed and value-added manner.

Ummm, Duh!! Hell yeah!

Baby Formula.
Seth Richards.
Toilet paper.
Climate change.
The 1619 Project.
And finally, Space Lasers and Gazpacho Police (ps...they solve cold cases).
Don't forget the social abuse of Chilly shit online, along with him needing his diaper changed, crying himself to sleep Naked and Afraid. Chilishit also had trouble getting the mental health treatments and drugs he needed. I'm sure that affected all of it. That could cause anybody to vote Democrat. Did I leave anything out?
"...is the perfect Democrat, sitting in his mother's basement waiting for the next Democrat hoax to salivacate on. A condescending ass who deserves nothing more..."

My avatar sincerely regrets if the Opening Post upset or disturbed good poster Blisterfinger.

It is never our intention to discombobulate or frazzle any poster. Rather, it was the intention to offer verifiable reportage that could inform and educate all of the forum on the various subtleties and nuances of this "Big Steal/Big Lie" dynamic.

If that intention was not clear to the poster Blisterfinger, well, as the writer I must bear responsibility that he could not understand my use of language, concepts, and formatting.

Henceforth, will try to write in smaller words and shorter paragraphs. And.....if I was more skilled in this digital age......I could include some colored shiny pictures....if that would aid Blisterfinger's comprehension of challenging topics.
Don't forget the social abuse of Chilly shit online, along with him needing his diaper changed, crying himself to sleep Naked and Afraid. Chilishit also had trouble getting the mental health treatments and drugs he needed. I'm sure that affected all of it. That could cause anybody to vote Democrat. Did I leave anything out?
I reported you for fucking around with my post, altering it
We have seen multiple reports, experiences, explanations.....by people-in-the-know, who should know....that Don Trump was explicitly informed that he had lost, why he had lost, and that fraudulent votes didn't do it.

We've read on this forum of the 27-page report prepared at Trump's direction on his campaign's dime by his longtime pollster, Tony Fabrizio:

(Trump pollster's campaign autopsy paints damning picture of defeat).
We've seen audit after audit under the authorization of one legal authority or another...including the widely publicized one by the much touted 'Cyber Ninjas'; by the Republican legislature in Michigan; and others.....all coming to the same conclusions...Trump legitimtely lost, fraud didn't do it.

Now, in an opinion piece in USToday we have another guy Don Trump also hired to find out what happened. An professional forensic investigator, a voter data expert.
That guy found out. And he told his boss of those findings: Trump lost. Period.

And now that expert is appalled by the damage Trump has and is doing to America's electoral system, and our faith in it.

Here's a taster of the opinion piece, link provided below:

"Voter data expert hired by Trump campaign says 2020 election was not stolen"

"Ken Block, whom the Trump campaign hired in 2020 to find voter fraud in the election, penned an op-ed Tuesday stating unequivocally that the 2020 presidential election was not stolen and that there was no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the election.

“Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?” the USA Today op-ed began. “In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.”

Block, who owns Simpatico Software Systems, said his company’s findings were communicated directly to then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and transcripts of depositions taken by the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol “show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election.”

Block noted in the op-ed that claims of election fraud are not fading, despite an overwhelming amount of evidence proving otherwise.

“And yet, the cries that the election was lost or stolen due to voter fraud continue with no sign of stopping. Whether a stump speech, outrageous lawsuits like the so-called Kraken cases filed by Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani’s lies or the ongoing misguided efforts of people determined to prove the election was stolen, the constant drumbeat hardens people’s hearts and minds to the truth about the 2020 election,” he wrote.

“If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election, it would already have been proven. Maintaining the lies undermines faith in the foundation of our democracy,” Block wrote.'

Opinion piece. You are using an opinion as proof of something?

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