.... Fraud wasn't the reason, Trump was told...


On the other hand.....................
The problem with your thoughtful analysis good poster
Blues, is ......is that highly qualified people who Trump hired to determine the validity of the vote found otherwise.

Both Berkley Group and the guy in the OP, Ken Block, have analyzed the vote tallies precinct by precinct, combed through available vote and registration records.....and they disagree with the analysis you made after you examined all state and precinct records. In addition to your own work, BluesLegend, the forensic analysis group out of Sarasota, CyberNinjas also tried to find fraud. They desperately wanted to.....but they didn't, (in fact, they found Trump received MORE votes than he should have). And too, various legislatures, usually Republican (because they desperately wanted to prove fraud).....but those legislative committees didn't find it either. Nor did Bill Barr find it. Nor Chris Krebbs, the guy Trump put in charge of elections ......didn't find enough fraud to change the election.

But, you seemingly did. Which, the entire forum must be impressed by. I surely will be. So will my avatar.

When will you publish your vetted peer-reviewed findings with your deadsolidperfect proof of this fraud?

I want to be first in line to congratulate you on your sure-to-come bushels of investigative-journalism awards.

Do you have a publication date set?
I watched the Dem FRAUD with my own eyes. Math and science are proof Dems cheated. Also the governments own EXPERT ON ELECTION FRAUD determined that Dems cheated.
Says the guy who posted nothing to refute the OP.

Actually, the DOJ has everything. We have the January 6 committee report and all of the depositions and evidence gathered.

There are dozens and dozens of Trump administration, officials, including people who work with him right up to, and including January 6, who are warning the American people of the dangers of reelecting, this criminal con man.

And then we have Donald Trump himself going about the country lying about the election, the 2020 election, lying about the Biden family, lying about the corruption in his own cabinet and administration, basically lying to everyone about everything.

As with the previous two elections, Donald Trump won’t win the popular vote because people won’t vote for Donald Trump. He only won the first time because people stayed home and he squeaked by in the electoral college. The American public isn’t stupid enough to let it happen again.
You got nothing numbnuts
Your video shows Capitol police on the interior with trespassers ALREADY inside

The only outside door you show was held open by a protester after a protester ALREADY on the inside was leaving.

I asked you to show the Capitol police letting people in. Not video of people ALREADY inside.
It shows them holding the doors open
Blind and stupid.
Prove it.
Quit whining, complaining, bitchin' about it.
Put your bigboy pants on and do something.
Write some checks to Rudy, or KrakenPot, or DonT..... or Mark Meadows.
Help them help you. So you can quit your ineffective unfocused bellyaching.
Good luck.

OK, let's stipulate he didn't win "81 million".
Let's go with 80mil.
You win. Happy now?
Tho, Trump still doesn't win.

There goes the betting line.
But not me backing out, Leo.

There are no charges under the 14th amendment. There is no need for there to be any conviction of any charges relating to an insurrection.

And Republicans in 22 states have now made application to remove Trump from their ballots.

It’s not the Democrats that are trying to keep Trump off the ballot, idiot. It’s Republicans.
There is no need for there to be any conviction of any charges relating to an insurrection

Then what would be the reason to disqualify trump?

And Republicans in 22 states have now made application to remove Trump from their ballots.

Really? Do you have a link for that?
So one bozo with a Software company has decided ALL 50 States Elections were legit? Not examined one Voter roll? Ballot acoounting? Signature review? Actual Ballots?

yet he knows more than all who tried to look into it? Not worth reading. close the thread. Is this guy related to killaries and shifts homeO Buck (who killed Black male whores?) shooting meth into them?
There are no charges under the 14th amendment. There is no need for there to be any conviction of any charges relating to an insurrection.

And Republicans in 22 states have now made application to remove Trump from their ballots.

It’s not the Democrats that are trying to keep Trump off the ballot, idiot. It’s Republicans.
Dumbfuck ass it is not Republicans doing this shit. Castro from Texas went to South Carolina to have Trump removed from south Carolinas ballot
So one bozo with a Software company has decided ALL 50 States Elections were legit? Not examined one Voter roll? Ballot acoounting? Signature review? Actual Ballots?

yet he knows more than all who tried to look into it? Not worth reading. close the thread. Is this guy related to killaries and shifts homeO Buck (who killed Black male whores?) shooting meth into them?
62 Court cases moron.

No fraud

No stolen electioand Trump knew it even if you don’t
"Opinion piece. You are using an opinion as proof of something."

Well Sarge, no. I ain't trying to prove anything. I'm merely a reporter here. Saw an interesting article touching upon the 'Big Steal/Big Lie' dynamic.....and so posted it.

But too, Sarge, opinions can matter if the opinionizer is very familiar with the subject. An expert -- informed, and experienced. Which, as it was Don Trump who hired the guy. And did so within a couple days of the election. It is safe presume he was well known in Republican circles as a forensic data wonk. The bloke had a national reputation for doing this work.

So he did what Don Trump hired him to do. But, he found no significant fraud. He informed Trump of his findings. And then Trump went and lied about 'em.

That, seemingly, is pizzing the guy off. He seems to be a responsible American who believes that lying about elections, lying about fraud in elections, and lying about people administering elections is......bad juju. Is corrosive to America and our faith in our election systems.

Personally, that's what I think his qualified opinion was about. But that's just me.
So one bozo with a Software company has decided ALL 50 States Elections were legit? Not examined one Voter roll? Ballot acoounting? Signature review? Actual Ballots?.......yet he knows more than all who tried to look into it? Not worth reading. close the thread.
Not necessary for you to be so defensive, poster leftwinger.

A bozo?
But Don Trump hired him.
Within days of the election.
The guy has a national reputation in the data forensics world. If you do too, well, you could add valuable insight here. But.....if you don't, well.......

And notably, good poster leftwinger, and before your defensive reactionary shield gets fully deployed, you may want to note that this investigator's findings are consistent with what the Berkley Group, another data mining firm also hired by Don Trump, well, they found the same thing. No significant fraud.

And too, this guy's findings were consistent with what the Cyber Ninjas found.
With what the Republican legislative committee out of Michigan found.
With what Chris Krebbs, the guy Don Trump hired to oversee the 2020 election.
ALL of them WANTED to find big fraud. None of 'em did.
None of them.

And your "bozo's" findings are consistent with what Tony Fabrizio found, the guy Don Trump hired to determine why voters voted the way they did after the election.

So, good poster leftwinger, while we can respect that you may have your own personal opinion....we must note that some opinions have gravitas and some don't.
Good luck.

*Speaking of Tony Fabrizio, Don Trump's pet pollster, well, if you go back to the link and read the 27-page report of findings that Fabrizio gave to Don Trump, you will see that Don Trump lost for two primary reasons:

First, voters didn't think he was trustworthy.
Second, they thought he was incompetent.

Those are not my findings. This forum's findings. Or Hilary Clinton's findings. Those are the findings of Don Trump's long-time go-to pollster who sent his Trump hired team out to interview people right after the election and those are the findings they discovered and told Don Trump about.

Really, leftwinger, go back and read the 27-page report that Don Trump was given by his hired pollster.
Filling a stadium doesn’t equate to winning elections

Trump was extremely unpopular. The country had enough of him.

He lost


Deal with it bitch
Go watch an Obama rally and then a Biden one and try to think that Biden got over 10 million votes than Obama.

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