Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

As much as I support free speech, make no mistake - the WBC are a bunch of empty headed idiots who deserve everything they get.

I agree with Stat, that I hope that NO ONE uses his funereal to make a statement and that NO ONE pays any attention at all.

The other side of this, is that his children who left the church and now support gays would be hurt by it.

Let's move on from Fred Phelps and to hell with the WBC.
As much as I support free speech, make no mistake - the WBC are a bunch of empty headed idiots who deserve everything they get.

I agree with Stat, that I hope that NO ONE uses his funereal to make a statement and that NO ONE pays any attention at all.

The other side of this, is that his children who left the church and now support gays would be hurt by it.

Let's move on from Fred Phelps and to hell with the WBC.

Believe GOD'S Word or die in your sins!!! your choice!!==God's Holy Word is eternal!! ===Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:9-10

Shut up. You're not helping Fred Phelps.

A bullet to his head would be a good place to start helping him ...

Ahhhhhhh, the peaceful, loving, tolerant, nonviolent left! NOT!
As I stated in the other thread:

May he rot in hell.

As I stated before ferry, this isn't about you. This is about some dumb asses making bank and using you and your fellow fudge packers as an excuse. They real victims are all the families they've harassed using you sick freaks as an excuse. You don't have a right to be pissed off you self-absorbed moron. Nobody fucked up your circus side show.
A bullet to his head would be a good place to start helping him ...

Ahhhhhhh, the peaceful, loving, tolerant, nonviolent left! NOT!

Go right ahead and be as tolerant of the WBC as you want - I hope they get sick of America and leave. They can go to Russia and protest gays there.

They were found to be acting within the law. No one I know was ever accosted by them in any way. I have no reason to engage in this left wing hate fest. But clearly you feel that you do, so carry on.
Federal court upholds Missouri’s law prohibiting protests at funerals

My office has been fighting for five years to ensure that funerals for fallen soldiers can be free of disruptive protesters shouting right outside the church door,” Koster said in a press release. “No parent who has lost a child should be confronted by the hate and intolerance of strangers, and today’s ruling means parents and other loved ones will have a protective boundary from protesters.”

As I stated in the other thread:

May he rot in hell.

As I stated before ferry, this isn't about you. This is about some dumb asses making bank and using you and your fellow fudge packers as an excuse. They real victims are all the families they've harassed using you sick freaks as an excuse. You don't have a right to be pissed off you self-absorbed moron. Nobody fucked up your circus side show.

Thanks for getting your two cents in before kicking the proverbial bucket, Mr. Phelps.

May you be reincarnated as a horny farmboy's sheep.
Other than being an asshole, what is his "crime"? Don't forget that lefties worship cop killers ,and in France they name streets after US cop killers like Mumia.

Psychopathy. He used his kids as punching bags and he protested funerals. He was a rabble-rouser, a shit-stirrer, and a bomb-thrower. Too bad nobody put a slug through his guts thirty years ago.
I would like to thank Fred Phelps. Only his death could make those on the right and left come to any agreement. We need more humans as despicable as him to remind us that there are better people than political opponents to attack.
There you would be wrong. As usual.

Oh, I'm sure your second cousin's friend's junior high teacher's neighbor's tax preparer's son very possibly, but not likely maybe was among the dead whom was protested by Westboro.

It sounds a lot like you are talking out of your ass.

It sounds like you're jumping into the fray and randomly talking out of your ass. Stat doesn't know a dead soldier's family who was bombarded by WB protests. If he did, he would have said so by now or from the outset. So kindly stfu.
Reading around for why he was excommunicated, seems to be a secret. Rumors he was gay though persist:

"Speaking in an interview with the Advocate, Drain speculated that Fred Phelps had at one point wanted to join the military, but suddenly changed his mind.

She said: “All I know is that he said he went to West Point, then all of a sudden he had a religious experience, and now he wanted to preach against sexual immorality, preach against the military, and ever since then things have kind of progressed.”

Drain went on to say that she thought his reaction to being asked by the media if he was gay himself was suspicious, in that it was particularly extreme.

“I never understood why, when [he was asked by the press], ‘Why are you so against the homosexuals? Did you have a homosexual experience? Do you have homosexual tendencies?’ And he would get so mad, he would shut down. And he’d be like, ‘I can’t talk to this person anymore, they’re stupid.’

“His reaction to that was stronger than any other question you can ask him. So I always wondered that — why does he get so mad? If I’m not gay, I’ll just say I’m not gay.”"

Fred Phelps (of Westboro Baptist Protests) Near Death

As to suggestions by some to show up at his funeral with signs reading "We forgive you," when [he whose name shall be forgotten] died we Jews made a holiday out of it, we didn't say we forgive him. What non-Jews do is their business. But G-d didn't ask us to forgive him and make nice. We burn him in effigy and erase all mention of his name. Maybe that's a clue. When...What's his name dies, celebrate his death with a bottle of Jack, and forget his name, but not his deeds or why we hate him. He wasn't our brother, he was evil.
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