Fred Phelps, of the Westbro "GOD HATES FAGS" church, dying

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Who is worse, someone who supports him or someone who names streets after cop killers?

They are both bad. God is the only one to decide who's worse.

I actually think one is worse than the other. When you rename a street after a cop killer, it involves making street signs, and that's done with taxpayer money. What taxpayer money is used when Phelps is hateful? The freaking GOVERNMENT decided to name a fucking street after a cop killer. Fred Phelps is just a single asshole in Kansas or whatever.

You are deflecting. This thread is not about "cop killers" or anything other than what the thread is about.
There you would be wrong. As usual.

Oh, I'm sure your second cousin's friend's junior high teacher's neighbor's tax preparer's son very possibly, but not likely maybe was among the dead whom was protested by Westboro.

Nope. There you would be wrong. Again. But you are a most outstanding playtoy. Carry on. I shall enjoy batting you around some.

Wait a minute. A couple of months ago you got all pouty, took your little ball and marched straight home, said you had me on ignore. Guess your ignore function is broke, what?

I never put you on ignore, dude. Nor did I say I did.

And I don't care if I'm 'wrong.' If this was a relevant personal issue for you, you would've stated it by now. So, either way, it's not a material matter.
No, there isn't really an issue to discuss about this. I just thought that people would want to know so that they can break out the champagne....:booze:

Ex-Westboro Baptist Church Leader Fred Phelps is Finally Dying

I have no respect for the man, but it's wrong to celebrate someone's death.

That's fair to say. And ordinarily I'd agree. But this miscreant spent so much energy doing just that, that it's only right to return the favor.
So, essentially you have a hard-line position, just as the Westboro Baptists do?

Nope. Just a flawed human being that hopes satans spawn dies soon and knows the world will be one less asshole.

Well; I don't want to imply that there's a moral equivalency between your position and the WB position/actions. My point would simply be that we all have their beliefs, and that maybe we should take a step back before we say how dare thee. For instance, I don't agree with them at all; but I'm not going to be mad at them for expressing their sincere beliefs.

That's nice. You are entitled to your viewpoint. Mine is, the old fucktard can croak quick and I will toast that he is finally dead.
Nope. Just a flawed human being that hopes satans spawn dies soon and knows the world will be one less asshole.

Well; I don't want to imply that there's a moral equivalency between your position and the WB position/actions. My point would simply be that we all have (our) beliefs, and that maybe we should take a step back before we say how dare thee. For instance, I don't agree with them at all; but I'm not going to be mad at them for expressing their sincere beliefs.

That's nice. You are entitled to your viewpoint. Mine is, the old fucktard can croak quick and I will toast that he is finally dead.

:lol: Well, from what I recall, he was a 'hate'-mongerer. So, I can see that.
I agree that I hope he gets sincere well-wishes from the gay community as he passes.

It's a lesson for the entire planet that God forgives and so does mankind.

Was he a first class dickhead? Of course, but to err is human; to forgive divine.

You're a better man than I am.
Sorry, but showing humanity to someone who went out of their way to twist the knife into family mourning the death of their sons and daughters in a war that has nothing to do with their "beliefs" just isn't in my cuppa tea today. Or tomorrow. Or the day after.

I have no pity for this guy any more than I did bin ladin when he got croaked. Or that fat weasel in NK when it is his time.
Yes. I am flawed. And I am just fine with it.
Sorry, but showing humanity to someone who went out of their way to twist the knife into family mourning the death of their sons and daughters in a war that has nothing to do with their "beliefs" just isn't in my cuppa tea today. Or tomorrow. Or the day after.

I have no pity for this guy any more than I did bin ladin when he got croaked. Or that fat weasel in NK when it is his time.
Yes. I am flawed. And I am just fine with it.

Anyone who was hurt by Fred Phelps certainly has the right to hate him AND be disruptive at his funeral.

I really hope that they do nothing. That his passing goes without fanfare.
I am human. Flawed. We all are. No one is perfect. Therefore, we are allowed our flaws. I will not forget what that "church" did to so many families when their loved one died. Nope. Any more than I will forget 9/11, or Hitler, or Pol Pot or any of the others that did the things they did.

Phelps can hurry up and go meet his maker so his maker can kick him to the curb.

So, essentially you have a hard-line position, just as the Westboro Baptists do?

Nope. Just a flawed human being that hopes satans spawn dies soon and knows the world will be one less asshole.

Nope. Just a flawed human being that hopes satans spawn dies soon and knows the world will be one less asshole.

Well; I don't want to imply that there's a moral equivalency between your position and the WB position/actions. My point would simply be that we all have their beliefs, and that maybe we should take a step back before we say how dare thee. For instance, I don't agree with them at all; but I'm not going to be mad at them for expressing their sincere beliefs.

That's nice. You are entitled to your viewpoint. Mine is, the old fucktard can croak quick and I will toast that he is finally dead.

Now, that's the Gracie I know!!!
I don't feel bad celebrating the deaths of evil men but that's just me. I wish I were more like the cab man but I just don't think that's possible. Too pissed off and tired of scumbags.
No, there isn't really an issue to discuss about this. I just thought that people would want to know so that they can break out the champagne....:booze:

Ex-Westboro Baptist Church Leader Fred Phelps is Finally Dying

I have no respect for the man, but it's wrong to celebrate someone's death.

That's fair to say. And ordinarily I'd agree. But this miscreant spent so much energy doing just that, that it's only right to return the favor.

Eventually, we have to lay down our hatred in order to rise above.

Fred Phelps is a man - he is going back from whence he came - ashes to dust.
I don't feel bad celebrating the deaths of evil men but that's just me. I wish I were more like the cab man but I just don't think that's possible. Too pissed off and tired of scumbags.

I have suffered tremendously in my life by the hands of evil.

How I overcame it, was through forgiveness; It is the only way to travel light ~
I was raised a Christian and I understand exactly how you feel, but it goes against my grain. Why should God get all the enjoyment of sorting all of this out?
I don't feel bad celebrating the deaths of evil men but that's just me. I wish I were more like the cab man but I just don't think that's possible. Too pissed off and tired of scumbags.

I have suffered tremendously in my life by the hands of evil.

How I overcame it, was through forgiveness; It is the only way to travel light ~

Sorry to hear that. Wow.

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