Freddie Gray Verdict Thread

I don't think anyone should be suggesting the cops did not in fact kill a guy in custody. Now whether they can be held accountable in court ...... that always seemed dubious to me, so long as none of them rat anyone out.
What do you know that the judge didn't?
I know how to break up a riot in Baltimore......

Someone cue Alfred Sharpton and the philandering bastard and phony reverend Jesse Jackson.

And please say a prayer neither of them gets hurt trying to elbow the other out from in front of the nearest TV camera.
I don't think anyone should be suggesting the cops did not in fact kill a guy in custody. Now whether they can be held accountable in court ...... that always seemed dubious to me, so long as none of them rat anyone out.
What do you know that the judge didn't?
What? You are unaware the Gray was not only in custody but restrained when his back was broken? Proving cops did it is another question. But if Gray was you're kid you'd be mad as hell. And YES it is about race. But, I wouldn't want a Freddie Gray in my neighborhood.
What was that guy's name that thought the island in Guam would tip over? Something about to many people would cause it to tip over? Real genius running merica.
And Americans still deny their racists and their racist policies. Unreal.

If we are all children of Adam and Eve how is it we differ in height, weight, facial, and color? If all of mankind started in Africa how is it we lost our tan? Our height too depending on where we ended up. Given most of the world's people are a mixture, a bit black, some white, brown too, how is it some think themselves Aryan? Multiple your grandparents by two, now do that ten times or more. Only the blind and stupid think skin pigment matters, but then again given world history many are stupid, sometimes evil.

"The figures for Black admixture are possibly discouraging to White nationalists, but considering that 90% of them are Nordicists anyway, maybe not..." see chart down page.

A Little Black In All of Us

great aryan won again. kerber 2 - serena 1 ( grand slam)
Uh...when whites riot after sports events...they're just as chimpy as blacks in my view.

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