Free AR for Everyone?

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That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
And they shouldn't. AN AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle, and by definition it can be operated in a fully automatic mode:

The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun.

The rifles that the public can legally posse are NOT an Armalite Rifle
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way. isn't. It is a weapon meant to save the life of the user.

Firearms don't "save" lives, Dumbass. They TAKE them.
It depends on how you look at it. I will gladly take a life to save my own.

And if you do ---- you still took a life. Ain't no way around that.
You said they don't save lives. That is an incorrect statement.

Kindly figure out what you are trying to say, but YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY WEAPONS. NO!

Hey feel free to join Bike-Boi in his hapless quest to find anywhere I've ever said anything about "taking" anybody's weapons. And when you come to the inevitable conclusion that it doesn't exist, learn how to read.

Oh and by the way I've already noted, from the beginning here, that I have no interest in weapons, yours or anyone else's including purchases or giveaways. In other words not only do I not want to take your guns, you literally couldn't PAY me to do it.

Yes I said they don't save lives -- they end them. That's the whole point of war technology. Of course if you can show me that time a speeding bullet jumped in front of the terrorizing car and diverted it to save those babies, I'll change my mind.
Once again, NO, you are not taking my weapons away. My weapons are life savers. Designed to SAVE my life.
Stick to your rocks and sticks and fists. Hope you don't give yourself a black eye.



It's typical of fetishists to become so emotionally attached to their idol that they lose all rationality. I call it the baby pacifier syndrome.
Why should our own police forces be empowered to slaughter us in our own homes while we are denied the firepower to defend ourselves from foreign invasion?
kindly apply for your class 3 license, and when granted, go purchase one.
That requires answering a long list of self-incriminating questions on federal ATF government forms, in violation of the Fifth Amendment.
Currently, these states allow private ownership of machineguns: AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MA, ME, MD, MS, MT, ND, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, and WY.
So there’s a long state prison sentence to serve after completing a federal prison sentence for the exact same alleged crime, which isn't really a crime at all in pursuance of the Second Amendment, notwithstanding the double jeopardy clause of the fifth amendment and the clause of the sixth amendment requiring the state and district of the jury trial to have been previously ascertained by law.
Sneaky thieving lawyers are finding a way around that one, too.
You can own a fully automatic weapon. But it should not be as simple as todays Gun background check.
Therefore I still agree that the need for a fully automatic weapon should be for police or military only.
Why should our own police forces be empowered to slaughter us in our own homes while we are denied the firepower to defend ourselves from foreign invasion?
kindly apply for your class 3 license, and when granted, go purchase one.
That requires answering a long list of self-incriminating questions on federal ATF government forms, in violation of the Fifth Amendment.
Currently, these states allow private ownership of machineguns: AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MA, ME, MD, MS, MT, ND, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, and WY.
So there’s a long state prison sentence to serve after completing a federal prison sentence for the exact same alleged crime, which isn't really a crime at all in pursuance of the Second Amendment, notwithstanding the double jeopardy clause of the fifth amendment and the clause of the sixth amendment requiring the state and district of the jury trial to have been previously ascertained by law.
Sneaky thieving lawyers are finding a way around that one, too.
You know darn well that you have NO USE for a fully automatic weapon. If you do not like the rules you know darn well you can convert it.
With that said, keep it hidden. When they come to slaughter you, they "will slaughter you" and they will find such weapon, and nothing will happen to you since you have been "slaughtered"


Stick to hunting bears with your black powder muzzle loader. That right there is more gun than you will ever need..
What are you going to tell me next? You are living near Sara Palin and you can see Russia from your back deck and you are afraid they are going to come and rob you?
You have noting that they want. The worse that will happen to you is a black bear will get into your garbage can.

God bless you
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
And they shouldn't. AN AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle, and by definition it can be operated in a fully automatic mode:

The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun.

The rifles that the public can legally posse are NOT an Armalite Rifle
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way. isn't. It is a weapon meant to save the life of the user.

Firearms don't "save" lives, Dumbass. They TAKE them.
It depends on how you look at it. I will gladly take a life to save my own.

And if you do ---- you still took a life. Ain't no way around that.
You said they don't save lives. That is an incorrect statement.

Kindly figure out what you are trying to say, but YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY WEAPONS. NO!

Hey feel free to join Bike-Boi in his hapless quest to find anywhere I've ever said anything about "taking" anybody's weapons. And when you come to the inevitable conclusion that it doesn't exist, learn how to read.

Oh and by the way I've already noted, from the beginning here, that I have no interest in weapons, yours or anyone else's including purchases or giveaways. In other words not only do I not want to take your guns, you literally couldn't PAY me to do it.

Yes I said they don't save lives -- they end them. That's the whole point of war technology. Of course if you can show me that time a speeding bullet jumped in front of the terrorizing car and diverted it to save those babies, I'll change my mind.
Once again, NO, you are not taking my weapons away. My weapons are life savers. Designed to SAVE my life.
Stick to your rocks and sticks and fists. Hope you don't give yourself a black eye.



It's typical of fetishists to become so emotionally attached to their idol that they lose all rationality. I call it the baby pacifier syndrome.
No, you are not taking my weapons. No more debate. Thank you sir. End of discussion.
God Bless
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
And they shouldn't. AN AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle, and by definition it can be operated in a fully automatic mode:

The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun.

The rifles that the public can legally posse are NOT an Armalite Rifle
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way. isn't. It is a weapon meant to save the life of the user.

Firearms don't "save" lives, Dumbass. They TAKE them.
It depends on how you look at it. I will gladly take a life to save my own.

And if you do ---- you still took a life. Ain't no way around that.
You said they don't save lives. That is an incorrect statement.

Kindly figure out what you are trying to say, but YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY WEAPONS. NO!

Hey feel free to join Bike-Boi in his hapless quest to find anywhere I've ever said anything about "taking" anybody's weapons. And when you come to the inevitable conclusion that it doesn't exist, learn how to read.

Oh and by the way I've already noted, from the beginning here, that I have no interest in weapons, yours or anyone else's including purchases or giveaways. In other words not only do I not want to take your guns, you literally couldn't PAY me to do it.

Yes I said they don't save lives -- they end them. That's the whole point of war technology. Of course if you can show me that time a speeding bullet jumped in front of the terrorizing car and diverted it to save those babies, I'll change my mind.

You are a dumb ass.....guns save more lives in the United States each year than they take when criminals use them illegally.....

Gun murders 2019.... 10,258

Average number of times guns are used to stop violent crime?

the research....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....

The name of the group doing the study, the year of the study, the number of defensive gun uses and if police and military defensive gun uses are included.....notice the bill clinton and obama defensive gun use research is highlighted.....

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, no military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, no military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, no military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, no military)

CDC...1996-1998... 1.1 million averaged over those years.( no cops, no military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, no military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, no military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops,no military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, no military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, no military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

Guns in the hands of good people save lives.... police, to soldiers to armed civilians......they keep criminals from violating innocent doofus.....
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That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

And you can't stop a violent torture, rape and murder of an innocent human being with eggplant doofus...

Lancaster Woman Scares Off Bat-Wielding Attackers By Pulling Gun On Them

LANCASTER, Ohio - It happened along a walking path in Lancaster.

Dinah Burns is licensed to carry a concealed gun, but she'd only recently started taking her weapon while walking her dog.

Based on what happened, it looks like she'll make a point of carrying from now on.

"I think if they'd gotten any closer, I probably would have fired,” said Burns.

It was Monday when Burns was on a footpath near Sanderson Elementary School.

"Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us'."

The men weren't deterred by Dinah's dog Gracie.

"I said, 'Well, what do you want?,' and as I was saying that I reached in to my pocket and slipped my gun out, slipped the safety off as I pulled it out. As I was doing that the other gentleman came toward me and raised the baseball bat. And, I pointed the gun at them and said, 'I have this and I'm not afraid to use it.'"

The men took off and so far have eluded police. Dinah posted about the incident on Facebook to alert friends and neighbors, to criticism by some.

"Most of the males' opinion was, 'Why didn't you shoot them?'"

Easy to second-guess a decision made under pressure, based on her concealed carry training, and police agree.

"To get out of a situation, back out, get out of it as much as you can without having to discharge your firearm."

"I will say it's a good thing to go from a place of danger to a place of safety, however you get that done,” said Sgt. Matt Chambers, Lancaster Police.

"Very thankful that it turned out the way it did, and hope it doesn't happen again, but I will be prepared." dumb shit.......this woman, alone, facing two young criminals with a bat, drove them off...

Without firing her weapon.....saving her life from at a minimum, a robbery, and possibly rape, torture and dumb ass

And she didn't use eggplant to do it...
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AR 15s actually make for a poor SD weapon.

Handguns and shotguns are much more preferable.

You do know you are preaching to a cult, don't you. We broke that cult in Colorado but other states haven't even tried and the CultAR15 continues.
So you believe exercising a Constitutional right is akin to belonging to a cult ?
The unorganized militia has proven itself to be worthless to the security of our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

You say that this like it's a bad thing. Guns are heavily restricted in Canada. Innocent civilians are seldom shot in Canada because the only people who have guns, are criminals. If the police turn up and somebody has a gun, he's a bad guy. There are no "good guys with guns" here, unless they're cops.

We have fewer murders, fewer shootings, and fewer shootings of unarmed civilians. We don't have as many shootings due to road rage, or two guys getting drunk in bars. Best of all, very few children are shot accidentally or otherwise. There are fewer domestic shootings or murders.

If guns kept you safe, the USA would be the safest country in the first world, instead of the most dangerous.

Moron, you have fewer murders simply because your criminals don't choose to commit murder......murder they can easily commit with their illegal guns that they already own...

EDITORIAL: Politicians silent on street check ban increasing gun crime

The fact gang and gun violence in Toronto has skyrocketed since police were banned from doing street cheeks makes them uncomfortable, lest they be accused of racism by anti-police activists if they acknowledge it.

And so at City Hall and Queen’s Park they ignore reality, saying they’re hiring more police officers, implementing new shift schedules to more effectively deploy the force and investing more money in policing and programs to address the root causes of violence.

Despite that, since street checks were banned in 2014, the number of shootings compared to 2019 is up by 178%, victims by 218% and shooting homicides by 63%.


Last week, recently retired police officer Sue Fisher, on the force for almost 32 years, told the Sun’s Sue-Ann Levy that the end of street checks allowed the “bad guys to take over … there’s no longer that fear (among the criminal element.)”

Today, Fisher said, officers are often running from shooting to shooting after the fact, as opposed to doing proactive policing, like street checks, to gather intelligence to prevent shootings before they occur.

Why Gun Violence Is Surging In Toronto

According to Canada's government statistics agency, gun violence overall rose by more than 40% in Canada between 2013 and 2017, with much of that increase driven by incidents in Toronto.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders says that the city's recent gun violence has been connected to gang activity.

In a press conference in August, he said the Raptors incident and the August shootings "by and large have street gang connotations to them," pointing to the gang membership of the victims and those arrested. There is a thriving gang culture in Toronto centered on the illegal drug trade, largely in the city's poorer outer suburbs.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
And they shouldn't. AN AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle, and by definition it can be operated in a fully automatic mode:

The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun.

The rifles that the public can legally posse are NOT an Armalite Rifle
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way. isn't. It is a weapon meant to save the life of the user.

Firearms don't "save" lives, Dumbass. They TAKE them.
It depends on how you look at it. I will gladly take a life to save my own.

And if you do ---- you still took a life. Ain't no way around that.
You said they don't save lives. That is an incorrect statement.

Kindly figure out what you are trying to say, but YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY WEAPONS. NO!

Hey feel free to join Bike-Boi in his hapless quest to find anywhere I've ever said anything about "taking" anybody's weapons. And when you come to the inevitable conclusion that it doesn't exist, learn how to read.

Oh and by the way I've already noted, from the beginning here, that I have no interest in weapons, yours or anyone else's including purchases or giveaways. In other words not only do I not want to take your guns, you literally couldn't PAY me to do it.

Yes I said they don't save lives -- they end them. That's the whole point of war technology. Of course if you can show me that time a speeding bullet jumped in front of the terrorizing car and diverted it to save those babies, I'll change my mind.

Hey....dipshit.....this guy didn't use an eggplant to save this child from kidnapping and who knows what else...

Good guy with a gun stops kidnapping

It was habit, not heroism, that caused Justin Pearson to grab his gun.

But seconds later, that weapon enabled Pearson to stop a kidnapping taking place just outside his Las Vegas home on Oct. 5.

“We heard this real loud noise outside,” said Pearson, 36. “I opened up the door, and this big BMW goes flying by — 60 mph in a 25 mph zone. I dialed 911 immediately.”

As he always does before leaving his house, Pearson, a concealed-carry weapon permit holder, put his pistol on his hip. The 911 operator asked for a license plate number, so Pearson moved down the street to get it.

“He had lost control of the car and almost went into a house at the end of the street,” Pearson said. The BMW then turned around and stopped in front of a neighbor’s yard, where a 6-year-old boy was standing.

“About 50 yards in front of me, the driver grabs this young child and starts stuffing him in the car,” Pearson said.

“‘Holy crap, he just took a child, and he’s trying to stuff him into the car!’” Pearson remembers telling the operator.

Pearson is 6-foot-4 but makes a beanpole look stocky. The kidnapper, Pearson recalls, was a similar height, but was a “solid” 250 pounds.

“He was a very big dude, and I’m not a menacing person by any means,” Pearson said. “I don’t think I could have physically stopped the guy. It would have been super ugly if it was just me versus him.”

Fortunately, Pearson had a trump card — a Heckler & Koch VP9 pistol legally resting on his right hip.

“I carry a concealed firearm everywhere I go,” Pearson said. “I lifted up my shirt and put my hand on my gun.”

“‘Hey, stop!’ I said, real loud. He turned and looked at me. There was just enough of a delay for the kid to get out of the car. I know he saw the firearm.”

With the boy out of the car and an armed citizen staring him down, the man decided to drive away. Pearson and his still-holstered pistol stopped a kidnapping. Police wouldn’t arrive for 17 minutes.

“If I didn’t have a firearm, I don’t think there’s much I could have done,” Pearson said.

A Metropolitan Police Department spokeswoman confirmed many of the details in Pearson’s story, including the date, time and location. Pearson said — and Metro confirmed — that the would-be kidnapper was the boy’s biological father, who didn’t have parental rights or permission to take the child.

This isn’t the first time Pearson has used a firearm to stop a crime.

“Many years ago, I was carrying and a guy pulled a knife on a friend of mine,” Pearson said. “I quickly drew my firearm, and the kid ran away.”

These kinds of stories rarely make the news. But they happen more often than we realize and underscore an important point. Concealed-carry weapon permit holders prevent crimes.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

Hey....pogo, you moron..........

Too bad this woman didn't have an eggplant to face off against the guy with the knife.....she only had a gun...

You dumb ass.....

Oh.....maybe he had the knife because he was going to teach her how to make eggplant parmigiana.......right? You doofus.

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.

Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.
And they shouldn't. AN AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle, and by definition it can be operated in a fully automatic mode:

The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun.
If the AR-15 can be operated in fully automatic mode, and and a fully automatic rifle is an assault rife, why shouldn't the AR-15 be considered an “assault rifle”? Why should it matter if it is or isn't?

And why shouldn't ordinary citizens be allowed to possess the weapons they need or want to defend themselves from home invasion or military assault?
You can own a fully automatic weapon. kindly apply for your class 3 license, and when granted, go purchase one.

Currently, these states allow private ownership of machineguns: AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MA, ME, MD, MS, MT, ND, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, and WY.
thats an infringement on ownership and therefor a violation of the 2nd amendment,,,
voice your complaints to the ATF, not me. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU BELIVE IT IS A VIOLATION.
the ATF is an unelected function of the government they have no say in what is constitutional and lawful
Great plan.

1. Unlike "health care" or "education" the constitution states that right to arms should be guaranteed to all. What better way to guarantee that than have a free AR for everyone?

2. Everyone has a right to self defense and that can best be guaranteed by providing them an AR. Thousands die every year from not having their self defense needs met.

3. Gun prices have been steadily increasing and have become unaffordable. We need to make them affordable, the best way to proceed is a "single payer" option - whereby the government purchases everyone a firearm.

4. There are other nations where this is already done - in Switzerland everyone has an AR in the closet. The homicide rate in Switzerland is much lower than that of America, if you don't support the proposal, you are a murderer.

5. Myriads of other benefits. Lower administrative costs, improvement of US defensive capability, higher quality and better coverage (we of course let an American choose the firearm according to his needs). The list goes on and on. It is simply common sense.

Folks, no one should go without the means to defend themselves!
The AR is cheap obsolete shit
What makes it obsolete?
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
And they shouldn't. AN AR-15 is an Armalite Rifle, and by definition it can be operated in a fully automatic mode:

The “AR” in “AR-15” rifle stands for ArmaLite rifle, after the company that developed it in the 1950s. “AR” does NOT stand for “assault rifle” or “automatic rifle.” AR-15-style rifles are NOT “assault weapons” or “assault rifles.” An assault rifle is fully automatic, a machine gun.

The rifles that the public can legally posse are NOT an Armalite Rifle
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way. isn't. It is a weapon meant to save the life of the user.

Firearms don't "save" lives, Dumbass. They TAKE them.
It depends on how you look at it. I will gladly take a life to save my own.

And if you do ---- you still took a life. Ain't no way around that.
You said they don't save lives. That is an incorrect statement.

Kindly figure out what you are trying to say, but YOU ARE NOT TAKING MY WEAPONS. NO!

Hey feel free to join Bike-Boi in his hapless quest to find anywhere I've ever said anything about "taking" anybody's weapons. And when you come to the inevitable conclusion that it doesn't exist, learn how to read.

Oh and by the way I've already noted, from the beginning here, that I have no interest in weapons, yours or anyone else's including purchases or giveaways. In other words not only do I not want to take your guns, you literally couldn't PAY me to do it.

Yes I said they don't save lives -- they end them. That's the whole point of war technology. Of course if you can show me that time a speeding bullet jumped in front of the terrorizing car and diverted it to save those babies, I'll change my mind.
Once again, NO, you are not taking my weapons away. My weapons are life savers. Designed to SAVE my life.
Stick to your rocks and sticks and fists. Hope you don't give yourself a black eye.



It's typical of fetishists to become so emotionally attached to their idol that they lose all rationality. I call it the baby pacifier syndrome.
No, you are not taking my weapons. No more debate. Thank you sir. End of discussion.
God Bless

And you are not taking any reading lessons because you wish to wallow in your own ignorance.
Rotsa ruck wit dat.
Great plan.

1. Unlike "health care" or "education" the constitution states that right to arms should be guaranteed to all. What better way to guarantee that than have a free AR for everyone?

2. Everyone has a right to self defense and that can best be guaranteed by providing them an AR. Thousands die every year from not having their self defense needs met.

3. Gun prices have been steadily increasing and have become unaffordable. We need to make them affordable, the best way to proceed is a "single payer" option - whereby the government purchases everyone a firearm.

4. There are other nations where this is already done - in Switzerland everyone has an AR in the closet. The homicide rate in Switzerland is much lower than that of America, if you don't support the proposal, you are a murderer.

5. Myriads of other benefits. Lower administrative costs, improvement of US defensive capability, higher quality and better coverage (we of course let an American choose the firearm according to his needs). The list goes on and on. It is simply common sense.

Folks, no one should go without the means to defend themselves!
The AR is cheap obsolete shit
What makes it obsolete?

Yeah, I'd like to hear that....
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

Hey....pogo, you moron..........

Too bad this woman didn't have an eggplant to face off against the guy with the knife.....she only had a gun...

You dumb ass.....

Oh.....maybe he had the knife because he was going to teach her how to make eggplant parmigiana.......right? You doofus.

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.

Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.

And why did the attacker run off, Dickhead?

Because he saw a killing machine, that's why.

What a moron.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

Hey....pogo, you moron..........

Too bad this woman didn't have an eggplant to face off against the guy with the knife.....she only had a gun...

You dumb ass.....

Oh.....maybe he had the knife because he was going to teach her how to make eggplant parmigiana.......right? You doofus.

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.

Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.

And why did the attacker run off, Dickhead?

Because he saw a killing machine, that's why.

What a moron.

She didn't fire a shot, you is a life saving tool, you idiot.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

Hey....pogo, you moron..........

Too bad this woman didn't have an eggplant to face off against the guy with the knife.....she only had a gun...

You dumb ass.....

Oh.....maybe he had the knife because he was going to teach her how to make eggplant parmigiana.......right? You doofus.

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.

Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.

And why did the attacker run off, Dickhead?

Because he saw a killing machine, that's why.

What a moron.
they ran because they saw someone willing to defend themselves,,, could have been a knife or baseball bat,,
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

Hey....pogo, you moron..........

Too bad this woman didn't have an eggplant to face off against the guy with the knife.....she only had a gun...

You dumb ass.....

Oh.....maybe he had the knife because he was going to teach her how to make eggplant parmigiana.......right? You doofus.

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.

Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.

And why did the attacker run off, Dickhead?

Because he saw a killing machine, that's why.

What a moron.
no he saw an equalizer
Great plan.

1. Unlike "health care" or "education" the constitution states that right to arms should be guaranteed to all. What better way to guarantee that than have a free AR for everyone?

2. Everyone has a right to self defense and that can best be guaranteed by providing them an AR. Thousands die every year from not having their self defense needs met.

3. Gun prices have been steadily increasing and have become unaffordable. We need to make them affordable, the best way to proceed is a "single payer" option - whereby the government purchases everyone a firearm.

4. There are other nations where this is already done - in Switzerland everyone has an AR in the closet. The homicide rate in Switzerland is much lower than that of America, if you don't support the proposal, you are a murderer.

5. Myriads of other benefits. Lower administrative costs, improvement of US defensive capability, higher quality and better coverage (we of course let an American choose the firearm according to his needs). The list goes on and on. It is simply common sense.

Folks, no one should go without the means to defend themselves!
The AR is cheap obsolete shit

We need SOTA full-auto weapons.
That's military conscription. They issue the guns in the course of basic training, and then they take them back. U.S. military boots, military uniforms, military jackets, even military ammo, all widely available as U.S. military surplus -- but no, the Democrats will not allow combat rifles of the sort issued to private first class rank infantry to fall into the hands of private individuals or citizens outside the military.
AR15's aren't military weapons they aren't issued by the military but can be used effectively

Whether the military uses them or not is irrelevant. It's a killing machine either way.
So is a car. A plane. Drink enough water and it can kill you.


A car is made for transportation across land. A plane is made for transportation through the air. A gun is made for killing people. Don't sit on this board bleating "Up is Down" just because you find yourself in the position of having to defend the indefensible. You put yourself in that position, not me.

A gun is not a "killing machine" you know it, I know it, and so do may other people. You are putting on a "show" It is really comical. I am eating popcorn and laughing at you.

Actually what you're doing is surgically trying to remove your foot from your proverbial mouth. Or perhaps you'd like to essplain to the classs what functions a firearm has. Can you dig a trench with it? Can it make a phone call? Can it take you from Cleveland to Akron?

Oh no wait, that's what shovels, phones and cars do. It's what they're designed for. Diga me Tonto, what is a firearm designed for?

Good luck with that one. As I said you put yourself in that position. And a demonstration of how y'all gun nuts twist yourself into pretzels is the fact that Bootley agreed with me, then he agreed with you, even thought the two posts contradict each other. Y'all are all over the map with this fetish thing.

Here's a li'l tip for future posting --- If I thought you could refute my point.... I wouldn't have put it up there.

The majority of self defense with a gun.....saving lives.....happen with the gun never being keeps the peace by preventing criminals from creating victims........

Guns are peace keeping tools...both domestically and against foreign enemies.

--- And it could not do that unless all parties involved understood that it's a killing machine, STUPID.

Go try to hold up the bank while pointing an eggplant at them. Let us know how far you get.

What a maroon.
I can hold up a bank using a spear gun.

Indeed. But you can't make Eggplant Parmigiana out of that spear gun.

Hey....pogo, you moron..........

Too bad this woman didn't have an eggplant to face off against the guy with the knife.....she only had a gun...

You dumb ass.....

Oh.....maybe he had the knife because he was going to teach her how to make eggplant parmigiana.......right? You doofus.

Attacker with knife flees after woman reveals her concealed carry gun, police say

A woman in Illinois was reportedly able to protect herself with her concealed carry firearm after a stranger with a knife jumped into her car.

Police said a woman who was parked near a shopping mall in Moline on Sunday was attacked by a man who fought his way into her car, according to WQAD 8.

During the fight, the man reportedly slashed the woman’s arm with a knife. He then ordered the woman to drive to Rock Island County, a rural area, according to police.

Once the woman stopped the car, she was able to reach her gun, which she had a concealed carry firearm permit for, WQAD 8 reported.

After the attacker saw the weapon, he reportedly ran off and she was able to drive herself to the hospital.

Police subsequently opened an investigation and arrested Floyd R. May, 61.

May was charged with aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery with a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and aggravated assault.

And why did the attacker run off, Dickhead?

Because he saw a killing machine, that's why.

What a moron.

She didn't fire a shot, you is a life saving tool, you idiot.

Every day you impress me with how fucking dense you really are.
You can own a fully automatic weapon. But it should not be as simple as todays Gun background check.
Therefore I still agree that the need for a fully automatic weapon should be for police or military only.

kindly apply for your class 3 license, and when granted, go purchase one.

Currently, these states allow private ownership of machineguns: AL, AR, AK, AZ, CO, CT, FL, GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MA, ME, MD, MS, MT, ND, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, and WY.

You're close

It's certainly not as simple as a background check, go google it and see the hoops it takes, I sold them. CLEO background, finger prints, application to NFA etc,,, there's more.

One does not need a class 3 to buy a machinegun, that's a dealers license and has nothing to do with a persons personal ownership, I was class 2, manufacturer/dealer (class 3 is just a dealer). That's with the NFA not ATF. My ATF lic was an 07FFL 07/class2 is what we were called

If one wants a legal MG one GOES to a class 3, jumps the hoops, pays the $200 transfer tax stamp, wait and wait and wait and wait
then it's yours.
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