Free Officer Michael Slager

I believe he threatened to call the cops on me. I invited him to do so. I live in Georgia. Not exactly the other side of the world from Florida. Georgia laws don’t prohibit me from calling someone an idiot. Federal Law which would cover interstate activity does not prohibit it either.

I haven’t seen any cops arriving in the SWAT van to take me away.
Maybe they'll arrive at 4 am. Better go to bed with your clothes on. :biggrin::420:

You actually expect them to come and ARREST him for calling you a "dumbass"? Really?

And exactly kwhat part of law do you think he violated?
I don't respond to mindless REPETITION

No, you never answered it. You talked about how there are people in prison for doing less, which I say is bullshit.

Besides, the claims you made in your posts prove you are a dumbass. Gonna call the cops now, Snowflake?
Meltdown. Truth hurts. Not my problem. :biggrin:
We should ALL agree with Protectionist! Free Officer Michael Slager!

Otherwise the Hillsborough Sheriffs dept will have us arrested for disagreeing with a senior citizen!!
Disagreeing doesn't violate 825.102, as you know, Mr :bsflag:
Some time ago, a fleeing felon, Walter Scott, was shot and killed by a police officer, Michael Slager, in N. Charleston, South Carolina. Scott, caused all this trouble by first disobeying the cop’s orders, then running away, then physically fighting with the cop (according to an eyewitness), and then running away again. Scott did everything wrong ( and stupid). Slager, seeing Scott running away again, and escaping (thereby posing a danger to the community if he were to escape), shot Scott as he was fleeing away.

All of this (on Slager’s part), is in conformance with the law. According to the Fleeing Felon Rule, a police officer may shoot a felon (which Scott was after fighting with the officer), as he is fleeing, since he could pose a danger to the community, if he got away.

Just about everybody (even some right-wing talk show hosts) blamed Slager, and made a big deal out of Scott having been shot in the back ? Well, where else would/could a fleeing felon ever be shot ? When he’s running away from the cop, it will always be his back that is in front of the cop.

Despite the fact that Slager was within his rights to shoot Scott as he was fleeing (and it was Slager’s DUTY to do that), nevertheless, the N. Charleston city fathers charged the cop with murder, and he remains locked in jail to this day. But why would they charge the cop with murder, when he was just doing his job ? Answer ? >>> Politics.

Scott was black. Slager is white. When black people (egged on by Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other race hustlers) hear that a black man was shot by a white cop, they generally (often wrongly) think police brutality.

Well, some may say that with the cop being within his rights to shoot the guy (he was, and yes, in the back), it should be justifiable homicide. The people who charged Slager know that. So why would they charge him with murder ? The answer if that N. Charleston is a black majority town, and to not charge Slager, they would be putting themselves at odds with the majority of N. Charleston VOTERS, who tend to see things more in terms of black & white, rather than right & wrong (or legal/illegal).

Explaining the Fleeing Felon rule to these voters would not likely do much good. At least at the time, Obama and his race hustlers were whipping blacks up into a frenzy of anti-police attitude, and N. Charleston’s majority black community was feeling a lot of hostility toward cops, especially white ones.

Slager should be exonerated, freed, and paid compensation for his unjust, false arrest and imprisonment.

He wasn't a felon.

noun: felon; plural noun: felons
a person who has been convicted of a felony.
You are not a felon until convicted.
If what you state were as factual as you seem to think it is the cop wouldn't be behind bars to begin with...DUMBASS
1. The Hillsborough county Sheriffs Dept have been contacted about your violation of Florida Statute 825.102, and they will be contacting USMB admin for your info.

2. As for your comment about "wouldn't be behind bars to begin with" that was refuted some time ago, in the OP. Ho hum.

3. And you're a felon the moment you commit a felony.

Strike 1.......Strike 2.......Strike 3

Gramps was wrong. You're not a dumbass. You're a fucking idiot.
How profound. Write this one down, everybody. :laugh:
Some time ago, a fleeing felon, Walter Scott, was shot and killed by a police officer, Michael Slager, in N. Charleston, South Carolina. Scott, caused all this trouble by first disobeying the cop’s orders, then running away, then physically fighting with the cop (according to an eyewitness), and then running away again. Scott did everything wrong ( and stupid). Slager, seeing Scott running away again, and escaping (thereby posing a danger to the community if he were to escape), shot Scott as he was fleeing away.

All of this (on Slager’s part), is in conformance with the law. According to the Fleeing Felon Rule, a police officer may shoot a felon (which Scott was after fighting with the officer), as he is fleeing, since he could pose a danger to the community, if he got away.

Just about everybody (even some right-wing talk show hosts) blamed Slager, and made a big deal out of Scott having been shot in the back ? Well, where else would/could a fleeing felon ever be shot ? When he’s running away from the cop, it will always be his back that is in front of the cop.

Despite the fact that Slager was within his rights to shoot Scott as he was fleeing (and it was Slager’s DUTY to do that), nevertheless, the N. Charleston city fathers charged the cop with murder, and he remains locked in jail to this day. But why would they charge the cop with murder, when he was just doing his job ? Answer ? >>> Politics.

Scott was black. Slager is white. When black people (egged on by Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other race hustlers) hear that a black man was shot by a white cop, they generally (often wrongly) think police brutality.

Well, some may say that with the cop being within his rights to shoot the guy (he was, and yes, in the back), it should be justifiable homicide. The people who charged Slager know that. So why would they charge him with murder ? The answer if that N. Charleston is a black majority town, and to not charge Slager, they would be putting themselves at odds with the majority of N. Charleston VOTERS, who tend to see things more in terms of black & white, rather than right & wrong (or legal/illegal).

Explaining the Fleeing Felon rule to these voters would not likely do much good. At least at the time, Obama and his race hustlers were whipping blacks up into a frenzy of anti-police attitude, and N. Charleston’s majority black community was feeling a lot of hostility toward cops, especially white ones.

Slager should be exonerated, freed, and paid compensation for his unjust, false arrest and imprisonment.

He wasn't a felon.

noun: felon; plural noun: felons
a person who has been convicted of a felony.
1. Already refuted.

2. Felon - a person committing a major crime. (Webster's New World College Dictionary)
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Glad Slager got his just desserts.

Now, if we want REAL justice for victims of police brutality, we need to remove qualified immunity protections from police officers.
Glad Slager got his just desserts.

Now, if we want REAL justice for victims of police brutality, we need to remove qualified immunity protections from police officers.
So you're hook, line & sinker for the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle campaign too, huh ? OK...noted.

EARTH TO OSCAR: the police brutality ploys have repeatedly been invalidated in the courts (Wilson, Shelby, Baltimore 6, etc)
Glad Slager got his just desserts.

Now, if we want REAL justice for victims of police brutality, we need to remove qualified immunity protections from police officers.
So you're hook, line & sinker for the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle campaign too, huh ? OK...noted.

EARTH TO OSCAR: the police brutality ploys have repeatedly been invalidated in the courts (Wilson, Shelby, Baltimore 6, etc)
I don't base it on race so much as I base it on the concept of police brutality itself. My anti-police view would be just as vehement if Walter Scott was white, Latino, Arab, or Asian.
Glad Slager got his just desserts.

Now, if we want REAL justice for victims of police brutality, we need to remove qualified immunity protections from police officers.
So you're hook, line & sinker for the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle campaign too, huh ? OK...noted.

EARTH TO OSCAR: the police brutality ploys have repeatedly been invalidated in the courts (Wilson, Shelby, Baltimore 6, etc)
I don't base it on race so much as I base it on the concept of police brutality itself. My anti-police view would be just as vehement if Walter Scott was white, Latino, Arab, or Asian.
Whatever criteria one may consider, the recent upsurge in police brutality hysteria is a product of the Obama team propaganda, designed to rile up blacks, to increase the Democrat vote for the 2016 election.
We should ALL agree with Protectionist! Free Officer Michael Slager!

Otherwise the Hillsborough Sheriffs dept will have us arrested for disagreeing with a senior citizen!!
Disagreeing doesn't violate 825.102, as you know, Mr :bsflag:

Neither does calling you a "dumbass" on a political debate website.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:

A court? Do you realize how weak this makes you look? Do you realize that, despite your claims, you are one of the most limp-wristed liberals on these forums? You claim to be a conservative. But when someone calls you a fairly innocuous name, you resort to calling for the gov't to prosecute this person? And, in addition, you have called others worse names, for sure.

And no, I have no doubt that calling you a dumbass on a political debate website is certainly not abuse or aggravated assault on a senior citizen. The fact that you try to play this card is simply cowardice and pettiness on your part.
Glad Slager got his just desserts.

Now, if we want REAL justice for victims of police brutality, we need to remove qualified immunity protections from police officers.
So you're hook, line & sinker for the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle campaign too, huh ? OK...noted.

EARTH TO OSCAR: the police brutality ploys have repeatedly been invalidated in the courts (Wilson, Shelby, Baltimore 6, etc)

Yes. The cops usually go free. But we hope that is changing. We are perhaps naive or silly enough to believe that the thugs in uniform will be held accountable. A dream of ours. A nightmare of yours.
Anyone who thinks that shooting was reasonable use of force is a nutjob. Scott was obviously not a threat.
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We should ALL agree with Protectionist! Free Officer Michael Slager!

Otherwise the Hillsborough Sheriffs dept will have us arrested for disagreeing with a senior citizen!!
Disagreeing doesn't violate 825.102, as you know, Mr :bsflag:

Neither does calling you a "dumbass" on a political debate website.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:

A court? Do you realize how weak this makes you look? Do you realize that, despite your claims, you are one of the most limp-wristed liberals on these forums? You claim to be a conservative. But when someone calls you a fairly innocuous name, you resort to calling for the gov't to prosecute this person? And, in addition, you have called others worse names, for sure.

And no, I have no doubt that calling you a dumbass on a political debate website is certainly not abuse or aggravated assault on a senior citizen. The fact that you try to play this card is simply cowardice and pettiness on your part.
Are you also a senior citizen?
We should ALL agree with Protectionist! Free Officer Michael Slager!

Otherwise the Hillsborough Sheriffs dept will have us arrested for disagreeing with a senior citizen!!
Disagreeing doesn't violate 825.102, as you know, Mr :bsflag:

Neither does calling you a "dumbass" on a political debate website.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:

A court? Do you realize how weak this makes you look? Do you realize that, despite your claims, you are one of the most limp-wristed liberals on these forums? You claim to be a conservative. But when someone calls you a fairly innocuous name, you resort to calling for the gov't to prosecute this person? And, in addition, you have called others worse names, for sure.

And no, I have no doubt that calling you a dumbass on a political debate website is certainly not abuse or aggravated assault on a senior citizen. The fact that you try to play this card is simply cowardice and pettiness on your part.
Are you also a senior citizen?

Yeah, pretty much. Although I prefer the term "Old". Gets to the point.
Disagreeing doesn't violate 825.102, as you know, Mr :bsflag:

Neither does calling you a "dumbass" on a political debate website.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:

A court? Do you realize how weak this makes you look? Do you realize that, despite your claims, you are one of the most limp-wristed liberals on these forums? You claim to be a conservative. But when someone calls you a fairly innocuous name, you resort to calling for the gov't to prosecute this person? And, in addition, you have called others worse names, for sure.

And no, I have no doubt that calling you a dumbass on a political debate website is certainly not abuse or aggravated assault on a senior citizen. The fact that you try to play this card is simply cowardice and pettiness on your part.
Are you also a senior citizen?

Yeah, pretty much. Although I prefer the term "Old". Gets to the point.

With age, comes experience, and wisdom, providing the individual has intelligence to begin with.
Neither does calling you a "dumbass" on a political debate website.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:

A court? Do you realize how weak this makes you look? Do you realize that, despite your claims, you are one of the most limp-wristed liberals on these forums? You claim to be a conservative. But when someone calls you a fairly innocuous name, you resort to calling for the gov't to prosecute this person? And, in addition, you have called others worse names, for sure.

And no, I have no doubt that calling you a dumbass on a political debate website is certainly not abuse or aggravated assault on a senior citizen. The fact that you try to play this card is simply cowardice and pettiness on your part.
Are you also a senior citizen?

Yeah, pretty much. Although I prefer the term "Old". Gets to the point.

With age, comes experience, and wisdom, providing the individual has intelligence to begin with.

I like to think so. But intelligence seems to be getting rarer these days.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:
A court would point its collective finger at you, laugh mightily, and yell


protectionist, your understanding of the law is merely pathetic.
A court would determine that. Their call, not yours. :biggrin:
A court would point its collective finger at you, laugh mightily, and yell


protectionist, your understanding of the law is merely pathetic.

Court? That would mean law enforcement would actually make an arrest for someone calling him a "dumbass". I am sure the Hillsborough County Sheriffs are laughing at his leftwing, snowflake ass.

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