Free Stuff.... For whites

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We have reached page 13 and there has only been one white that has dared to be brave enough to watch the videos and discuss them. The rest have come with the standard immaturity and cowardice. It seems that the consensus is that it's fine for whites to create thousands of thread spewing racist filth about blacks. But when it comes time to go head up on an issue involving what whites have done, testicles start going inside the body and dicks turn to clits.

I would like to make a suggestions. Just ignore IM2. He will always believe that we are the devil. That his lack of success and or happiness is due to our relentless racism. He is not responsible for a lack of education, gainful employment or stature. He is not responsible for anything that is wrong with his life. Hopefully, he will just go away and take the others with him.

Let's see. I have a bachelors degree in sociology.
I have a masters degree in sociology.

I have 30 years of work in the field to include 21 in executive NPO positions, including 12 years as an executive director. Oh how I have failed.

This is the race and racism section. Whites here talk shit on blacks and maggots like you don't complain. This section is not called whites get to talk shit about black folks and blacks just have to take it. This will continue as long as we are mischaracterized and lied about by bitches like you.

And the truth about what whites have done and continues doing is going to be shown. I've studied this now for 38 years and that knowledge is what you're going to be up against every time one of you runs off your mouths with your racist bullshit. All this gaslighting and making false claims of failure and blame does not allow you to escape the truth.

Like this:

How Whites Alive Today Benefited From Slavery

A bachelor's in whining and a master's in blaming - how impressive.

All that doesn't change the fact that you are a coward that's too scared to discuss the op. The next off topic post from you will be reported.
I don't disagree that those ethnic groups were treated like shit when they got here.

My Irish ancestors were mistreated and denied opportunities because of their Irish ethnicity.

None of them were slaves. None of the were denied the right to vote or eat in restaurants or use certain restrooms or segregated into "separate but equal" schools.

It is disingenuous to ignore the striking difference between the plight of Germans, Irish, Polish, etc. and that of black folks.

You can disagree all day long on how much of a lingering affect the inequality of black folks has had on their progress in general. You can even deny that any of them currently suffer from any form of lingering disadvantage. I think IM2 will honestly debate you on that topic and you may come away agreeing to disagree, but please tell me that you see the STARK difference between the inequities imposed on German/Irish et al and those imposed on black folks. Surely you are not that obtuse.

I will tell you that Al Sharpton and his marches for “Equality” stopped a lot of Wall Street firms from hiring Blacks in the 80s and early 90s.
They should have told the now super wealthy asshole to keep his mouth shut.

And so we are just supposed to shut up and take the racism.
What racism?
Stop taking and selling drugs and stay in school.
There are too many successful Blacks in Nassau County for you to pull off your bullshit.

Since whites control the drug trade.

This thread is about what whites do.

Take some personal responsibility and discuss the OP.
Kill the ph uks controlling the drug trade. A start.
None of this has anything to do with how whites have continually begged the government for free stuff.
Thank you. The only problem I have with this race neutral claim is that it is unfair to non whites and it coddles whites. Whites need to face the fact of continuing white racial preferences instead of crying crocodile tears about an unfairness to them that does not exist.
I don't agree with your characterization of it "coddling" whites to the extent that such a characterization extends to actions that go farther than AA.

You must see it from their perspective. While I don't believe that AA is something that wholly unjust, it cannot go much farther than that. To approach it in a race neutral fashion allows for greater flexibility and much less conflict. Demanding more than mere AA and telling white folks that their children should just suck it up, will never be sustainable or acceptable.

We are dealing with kids who had not choice in their race and who have had no part in perpetuating any racial inequity. They are just children. AA is one thing, but to demand that these children atone for the sins of their assumed ancestors (which is more often than not, a false assumption) is akin to demanding that Osama bin Ladin's children be executed for 9/11. You end up with two wrongs and a whole lot of hostility.

Demanding that white children "suck it up" and take their racial punishment will go over like a fart in church and work to cause an even greater divide. If you think white parents (who are also many times not the descendants of the guilty and who were only recently children themselves) are going to stand by and watch their children pay racial dividends above and beyond AA, you are mistaken. Such is literally asking for war. It will not and should not be tolerated.

If AA is all you're asking for, many will accept it. Sure you're get people bitch and moaning about it, but most will just accept it and move on. I was only describing the Texas policy for addressing past racial inequality that I think works better and puts all grumbling or complaining to rest with not further discussion. Finding those methods will do a whole lot more to advance the underlying goal without stirring up the "tribal" divisions among our countrymen.

See everyone? I disagree with IM2. I am not perpetuating any alleged dysfunction or any other things you have accused me of doing. I addressed his post and showed him where I disagree and why.

It's not hard. You can do it too. I know you can.


And this is the problem with your attempt to show these racists that you can disagree with me:

The attitude that whites have been brainwashed into believing about handing out racial punishment is race pimped garbage. White racism continues today and your children benefit from it. Furthermore when they become adults they will benefit in ways those children of color sitting next to them today will not unless pressure is continuously applied. You talk about whites kids getting racially punished like kids of color aren't.

I said that so called race neutral policies coddle white kids because it does. You have your children believing fake news about how race shouldn't be a consideration when it has been a consideration every day for 243 years to the benefit of whites. Whites are so busy trying to deny this instead of facing the truth and telling your children that they live the way they do now only because whites were given racial preferences. Instead of denying white privilege because you equate privilege with wealth and not human rights, you should tell your kids how they benefit from being able to consistently look at positive images of themselves throughout society.

When we talk about AA, it's automatically assumed to be black. Idiots here think Asians aren't part of it. Nobody looks at AA as an issue that has helped whites the most. White women are the prime recipient of the policy. They are the majority of the population. Because of this, white family income and wealth has increased. That means the quality of life for white children has also increased. This has happened because white women were added as a protected group even as many of them like tipsy, terri4trump, sssyirishlass , irosie, and others actively participate in continuing white racism today.

This is done by racist white men and women who can say they are not practicing discrimination by doing it. The thing you must come to understand is that we are not talking about past anything. We are talking about continuing racial injustices.
Thank you for the response.

I have been sick as a dog today (pneumonia), so I was in no position to read and respond until now. Will be hitting the codeine soon.

To the response, the only reason I mentioned being careful how we frame corrective action is because I have worked very hard as a parent to teach my kids to treat all people as equals. I don't want them to be poisoned by something as ugly as resentment. We have way more of that than we need.

I have no problem explaining to my children how they have had advantages. That's fine.

But what is the goal? If we accomplish the goal without creating unnecessary resentment, why does it matter how it is framed?

There's no need to spike the racial football and do a touchdown dance in the faces of children as a form of "justice" or retribution. Making efforts to avoid creating resentment is NOT coddling.

I gave you an example of a Texas public university policy that not only achieves the goals of AA, but exceeds them. There are no limits. If 25,000 black kids in Texas are in the Top 10% of their graduating high school class and want go to my beloved alma mater, 25,000 black kids become members of the Texas Aggie Family and network. They are full, exclusive members of the club without reservation. We who are already in the club love their choice and welcome them fully and completely. With that membership come a SHIT TON of opportunities. Some of the richest and most influential people in the world are Texas Aggies and we fucking take care of our own...ALL of our own. And we are obnoxious about it. :laugh: Tell me that is a club to which black kids would NOT want to belong. Tell me that alone would not greatly improve the lives of black kids who join the family.

If that public university policy is not acceptable for the sole reason that race is deliberately made a non-factor, I can only conclude that the goal is racial retribution or revenge with deliberate disregard for the societal damage it causes.

Surely, that is not the objective, is it?

Racial injustices are not corrected by more racial injustice. That does nothing but unnecessarily give license hate. Injustice is remedied by justice. Revenge or retribution is not justice.

there is nothing wrong with seeking a non-inflammatory solution if one is available. The Texas university policy is both noninflammatory and more effective. I can't speak for all white people, but I suspect most would not mind such an approach. Even if it worked as a much greater advantage for "people of color."

I suppose another way of saying it is, being born with advantages is not the fault of the child. There's no reason to assign blame. Take necessary corrective action and be done.

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I will tell you that Al Sharpton and his marches for “Equality” stopped a lot of Wall Street firms from hiring Blacks in the 80s and early 90s.
They should have told the now super wealthy asshole to keep his mouth shut.

And so we are just supposed to shut up and take the racism.
What racism?
Stop taking and selling drugs and stay in school.
There are too many successful Blacks in Nassau County for you to pull off your bullshit.

Since whites control the drug trade.

This thread is about what whites do.

Take some personal responsibility and discuss the OP.
Kill the ph uks controlling the drug trade. A start.
None of this has anything to do with how whites have continually begged the government for free stuff.
What free stuff? I want in.
I will tell you that Al Sharpton and his marches for “Equality” stopped a lot of Wall Street firms from hiring Blacks in the 80s and early 90s.
They should have told the now super wealthy asshole to keep his mouth shut.

And so we are just supposed to shut up and take the racism.
What racism?
Stop taking and selling drugs and stay in school.
There are too many successful Blacks in Nassau County for you to pull off your bullshit.

Since whites control the drug trade.

This thread is about what whites do.

Take some personal responsibility and discuss the OP.
Kill the ph uks controlling the drug trade. A start.
None of this has anything to do with how whites have continually begged the government for free stuff.
Where’s that in the OP’s video?
Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.

So then stop talking about how wrong it is for others to get free shit, parasite.

If you want free stuff you have to be in control. We are in control so no free stuff for you. Now get to the back of the line.

Since that's not how America works your silly opinion will be considered stupid on it's merits.

Well then what do you keep bitching about? First you whine because whitey gets all the free shit, now you say that isn’t how it works. No wonder you’re not in control, you don’t make any sense.

I'm not whining faggot. I'm holding a mirror to your face that shows how whites like you would be nothing had you not rigged the system. The only reason your asses are the majority is that you attempted genocide on the Native Americans and you would not allow people who weren't white to immigrate here for over 100 years. So like I said, you are a dumbass and your opinion is silly.

Yep, I did all that, it was me and all my Lilly white pals. And we are going to keep rigging the system just to piss you off.
Thank you. The only problem I have with this race neutral claim is that it is unfair to non whites and it coddles whites. Whites need to face the fact of continuing white racial preferences instead of crying crocodile tears about an unfairness to them that does not exist.
I don't agree with your characterization of it "coddling" whites to the extent that such a characterization extends to actions that go farther than AA.

You must see it from their perspective. While I don't believe that AA is something that wholly unjust, it cannot go much farther than that. To approach it in a race neutral fashion allows for greater flexibility and much less conflict. Demanding more than mere AA and telling white folks that their children should just suck it up, will never be sustainable or acceptable.

We are dealing with kids who had not choice in their race and who have had no part in perpetuating any racial inequity. They are just children. AA is one thing, but to demand that these children atone for the sins of their assumed ancestors (which is more often than not, a false assumption) is akin to demanding that Osama bin Ladin's children be executed for 9/11. You end up with two wrongs and a whole lot of hostility.

Demanding that white children "suck it up" and take their racial punishment will go over like a fart in church and work to cause an even greater divide. If you think white parents (who are also many times not the descendants of the guilty and who were only recently children themselves) are going to stand by and watch their children pay racial dividends above and beyond AA, you are mistaken. Such is literally asking for war. It will not and should not be tolerated.

If AA is all you're asking for, many will accept it. Sure you're get people bitch and moaning about it, but most will just accept it and move on. I was only describing the Texas policy for addressing past racial inequality that I think works better and puts all grumbling or complaining to rest with not further discussion. Finding those methods will do a whole lot more to advance the underlying goal without stirring up the "tribal" divisions among our countrymen.

See everyone? I disagree with IM2. I am not perpetuating any alleged dysfunction or any other things you have accused me of doing. I addressed his post and showed him where I disagree and why.

It's not hard. You can do it too. I know you can.


And this is the problem with your attempt to show these racists that you can disagree with me:

The attitude that whites have been brainwashed into believing about handing out racial punishment is race pimped garbage. White racism continues today and your children benefit from it. Furthermore when they become adults they will benefit in ways those children of color sitting next to them today will not unless pressure is continuously applied. You talk about whites kids getting racially punished like kids of color aren't.

I said that so called race neutral policies coddle white kids because it does. You have your children believing fake news about how race shouldn't be a consideration when it has been a consideration every day for 243 years to the benefit of whites. Whites are so busy trying to deny this instead of facing the truth and telling your children that they live the way they do now only because whites were given racial preferences. Instead of denying white privilege because you equate privilege with wealth and not human rights, you should tell your kids how they benefit from being able to consistently look at positive images of themselves throughout society.

When we talk about AA, it's automatically assumed to be black. Idiots here think Asians aren't part of it. Nobody looks at AA as an issue that has helped whites the most. White women are the prime recipient of the policy. They are the majority of the population. Because of this, white family income and wealth has increased. That means the quality of life for white children has also increased. This has happened because white women were added as a protected group even as many of them like tipsy, terri4trump, sssyirishlass , irosie, and others actively participate in continuing white racism today.

This is done by racist white men and women who can say they are not practicing discrimination by doing it. The thing you must come to understand is that we are not talking about past anything. We are talking about continuing racial injustices.
Thank you for the response.

I have been sick as a dog today (pneumonia), so I was in no position to read and respond until now. Will be hitting the codeine soon.

To the response, the only reason I mentioned being careful how we frame corrective action is because I have worked very hard as a parent to teach my kids to treat all people as equals. I don't want them to be poisoned by something as ugly as resentment. We have way more of that than we need.

I have no problem explaining to my children how they have had advantages. That's fine.

But what is the goal? If we accomplish the goal without creating unnecessary resentment, why does it matter how it is framed?

There's no need to spike the racial football and do a touchdown dance in the faces of children as a form of "justice" or retribution. Making efforts to avoid creating resentment is NOT coddling.

I gave you an example of a Texas public university policy that not only achieves the goals of AA, but exceeds them. There are no limits. If 25,000 black kids in Texas are in the Top 10% of their graduating high school class and want go to my beloved alma mater, 25,000 black kids become members of the Texas Aggie Family and network. They are full, exclusive members of the club without reservation. We who are already in the club love their choice and welcome them fully and completely. With that membership come a SHIT TON of opportunities. Some of the richest and most influential people in the world are Texas Aggies and we fucking take care of our own...ALL of our own. And we are obnoxious about it. :laugh: Tell me that is a club to which black kids would NOT want to belong. Tell me that alone would not greatly improve the lives of black kids who join the family.

If that public university policy is not acceptable for the sole reason that race is deliberately made a non-factor, I can only conclude that the goal is racial retribution or revenge with deliberate disregard for the societal damage it causes.

Surely, that is not the objective, is it?

Racial injustices are not corrected by more racial injustice. That does nothing but unnecessarily give license hate. Injustice is remedied by justice. Revenge or retribution is not justice.

there is nothing wrong with seeking a non-inflammatory solution if one is available. The Texas university policy is both noninflammatory and more effective. I can't speak for all white people, but I suspect most would not mind such an approach. Even if it worked as a much greater advantage for "people of color."

I suppose another way of saying it is, being born with advantages is not the fault of the child. There's no reason to assign blame. Take necessary corrective action and be done.


Bootney, you would feel different if you spent your life swimming upstream against the current listening to a bunch of people always trying to explain to you how unfair it is to be white when whites get all the advantages. You want to stop resentment then you need to change the way you look at this. Whites are not being penalized by getting the majority of admissions into college. If race is considered this is what happens. And you talk about your kids getting penalized and your kids not being able to help the color they were born. What about kids of color? Did they come out the shoot and pick the color they are? And when you talk about spiking the racial football, just how many of those footballs do whites get to bust before things change?

With all due respect, what you are saying is based on a bunch of white race pimped opinions. You want to end resentment? Stop believing what you currently do. Whites are not entitled to every seat in a college classroom, or every job. You guys are complaining about discrimination when you have the majority of everything. You paid no attention to the fact that affirmative action has helped whites the most and that if you have a daughter, she will be helped by affirmative action more than anyone else.

Whites continue to benefit from white racial preferences bootney. That means your kids are not hurt by being born white, but blacks and other children of color continue to suffer. Nothing is race neutral and to use that term because a group of people that has used race as a determinant for everything gets upset about it simply pisses me off. I'm fine with the policy but I am tired of the gymnastics whites play regarding race. It's time whites stopped doing this. There is no racial injustice in asking whites to get 77 percent of all the opportunities instead of the 100 percent they've been giving themselves.
And so we are just supposed to shut up and take the racism.
What racism?
Stop taking and selling drugs and stay in school.
There are too many successful Blacks in Nassau County for you to pull off your bullshit.

Since whites control the drug trade.

This thread is about what whites do.

Take some personal responsibility and discuss the OP.
Kill the ph uks controlling the drug trade. A start.
None of this has anything to do with how whites have continually begged the government for free stuff.
Where’s that in the OP’s video?

Watch the video and learn.
Thank you. The only problem I have with this race neutral claim is that it is unfair to non whites and it coddles whites. Whites need to face the fact of continuing white racial preferences instead of crying crocodile tears about an unfairness to them that does not exist.
I don't agree with your characterization of it "coddling" whites to the extent that such a characterization extends to actions that go farther than AA.

You must see it from their perspective. While I don't believe that AA is something that wholly unjust, it cannot go much farther than that. To approach it in a race neutral fashion allows for greater flexibility and much less conflict. Demanding more than mere AA and telling white folks that their children should just suck it up, will never be sustainable or acceptable.

We are dealing with kids who had not choice in their race and who have had no part in perpetuating any racial inequity. They are just children. AA is one thing, but to demand that these children atone for the sins of their assumed ancestors (which is more often than not, a false assumption) is akin to demanding that Osama bin Ladin's children be executed for 9/11. You end up with two wrongs and a whole lot of hostility.

Demanding that white children "suck it up" and take their racial punishment will go over like a fart in church and work to cause an even greater divide. If you think white parents (who are also many times not the descendants of the guilty and who were only recently children themselves) are going to stand by and watch their children pay racial dividends above and beyond AA, you are mistaken. Such is literally asking for war. It will not and should not be tolerated.

If AA is all you're asking for, many will accept it. Sure you're get people bitch and moaning about it, but most will just accept it and move on. I was only describing the Texas policy for addressing past racial inequality that I think works better and puts all grumbling or complaining to rest with not further discussion. Finding those methods will do a whole lot more to advance the underlying goal without stirring up the "tribal" divisions among our countrymen.

See everyone? I disagree with IM2. I am not perpetuating any alleged dysfunction or any other things you have accused me of doing. I addressed his post and showed him where I disagree and why.

It's not hard. You can do it too. I know you can.


And this is the problem with your attempt to show these racists that you can disagree with me:

The attitude that whites have been brainwashed into believing about handing out racial punishment is race pimped garbage. White racism continues today and your children benefit from it. Furthermore when they become adults they will benefit in ways those children of color sitting next to them today will not unless pressure is continuously applied. You talk about whites kids getting racially punished like kids of color aren't.

I said that so called race neutral policies coddle white kids because it does. You have your children believing fake news about how race shouldn't be a consideration when it has been a consideration every day for 243 years to the benefit of whites. Whites are so busy trying to deny this instead of facing the truth and telling your children that they live the way they do now only because whites were given racial preferences. Instead of denying white privilege because you equate privilege with wealth and not human rights, you should tell your kids how they benefit from being able to consistently look at positive images of themselves throughout society.

When we talk about AA, it's automatically assumed to be black. Idiots here think Asians aren't part of it. Nobody looks at AA as an issue that has helped whites the most. White women are the prime recipient of the policy. They are the majority of the population. Because of this, white family income and wealth has increased. That means the quality of life for white children has also increased. This has happened because white women were added as a protected group even as many of them like tipsy, terri4trump, sssyirishlass , irosie, and others actively participate in continuing white racism today.

This is done by racist white men and women who can say they are not practicing discrimination by doing it. The thing you must come to understand is that we are not talking about past anything. We are talking about continuing racial injustices.
Thank you for the response.

I have been sick as a dog today (pneumonia), so I was in no position to read and respond until now. Will be hitting the codeine soon.

To the response, the only reason I mentioned being careful how we frame corrective action is because I have worked very hard as a parent to teach my kids to treat all people as equals. I don't want them to be poisoned by something as ugly as resentment. We have way more of that than we need.

I have no problem explaining to my children how they have had advantages. That's fine.

But what is the goal? If we accomplish the goal without creating unnecessary resentment, why does it matter how it is framed?

There's no need to spike the racial football and do a touchdown dance in the faces of children as a form of "justice" or retribution. Making efforts to avoid creating resentment is NOT coddling.

I gave you an example of a Texas public university policy that not only achieves the goals of AA, but exceeds them. There are no limits. If 25,000 black kids in Texas are in the Top 10% of their graduating high school class and want go to my beloved alma mater, 25,000 black kids become members of the Texas Aggie Family and network. They are full, exclusive members of the club without reservation. We who are already in the club love their choice and welcome them fully and completely. With that membership come a SHIT TON of opportunities. Some of the richest and most influential people in the world are Texas Aggies and we fucking take care of our own...ALL of our own. And we are obnoxious about it. :laugh: Tell me that is a club to which black kids would NOT want to belong. Tell me that alone would not greatly improve the lives of black kids who join the family.

If that public university policy is not acceptable for the sole reason that race is deliberately made a non-factor, I can only conclude that the goal is racial retribution or revenge with deliberate disregard for the societal damage it causes.

Surely, that is not the objective, is it?

Racial injustices are not corrected by more racial injustice. That does nothing but unnecessarily give license hate. Injustice is remedied by justice. Revenge or retribution is not justice.

there is nothing wrong with seeking a non-inflammatory solution if one is available. The Texas university policy is both noninflammatory and more effective. I can't speak for all white people, but I suspect most would not mind such an approach. Even if it worked as a much greater advantage for "people of color."

I suppose another way of saying it is, being born with advantages is not the fault of the child. There's no reason to assign blame. Take necessary corrective action and be done.


Bootney, you would feel different if you spent your life swimming upstream against the current listening to a bunch of people always trying to explain to you how unfair it is to be white when whites get all the advantages. You want to stop resentment then you need to change the way you look at this. Whites are not being penalized by getting the majority of admissions into college. If race is considered this is what happens. And you talk about your kids getting penalized and your kids not being able to help the color they were born. What about kids of color? Did they come out the shoot and pick the color they are? And when you talk about spiking the racial football, just how many of those footballs do whites get to bust before things change?

With all due respect, what you are saying is based on a bunch of white race pimped opinions. You want to end resentment? Stop believing what you currently do. Whites are not entitled to every seat in a college classroom, or every job. You guys are complaining about discrimination when you have the majority of everything. You paid no attention to the fact that affirmative action has helped whites the most and that if you have a daughter, she will be helped by affirmative action more than anyone else.

Whites continue to benefit from white racial preferences bootney. That means your kids are not hurt by being born white, but blacks and other children of color continue to suffer. Nothing is race neutral and to use that term because a group of people that has used race as a determinant for everything gets upset about it simply pisses me off. I'm fine with the policy but I am tired of the gymnastics whites play regarding race. It's time whites stopped doing this. There is no racial injustice in asking whites to get 77 percent of all the opportunities instead of the 100 percent they've been giving themselves.

Whites get 100% of the opportunity? If that's the case then how do you explain 99% of every city job being held by a black person?
What racism?
Stop taking and selling drugs and stay in school.
There are too many successful Blacks in Nassau County for you to pull off your bullshit.

Since whites control the drug trade.

This thread is about what whites do.

Take some personal responsibility and discuss the OP.
Kill the ph uks controlling the drug trade. A start.
None of this has anything to do with how whites have continually begged the government for free stuff.
Where’s that in the OP’s video?

Watch the video and learn.
I did; 80% bullshit.
Get over it.
All that doesn't change the fact that you are a coward that's too scared to discuss the op. The next off topic post from you will be reported.

How adorable.

The racist calls me a coward right before threatening to tattle on me.

You sure do have the black privilege thing down pat, don't you?
Thank you. The only problem I have with this race neutral claim is that it is unfair to non whites and it coddles whites. Whites need to face the fact of continuing white racial preferences instead of crying crocodile tears about an unfairness to them that does not exist.
I don't agree with your characterization of it "coddling" whites to the extent that such a characterization extends to actions that go farther than AA.

You must see it from their perspective. While I don't believe that AA is something that wholly unjust, it cannot go much farther than that. To approach it in a race neutral fashion allows for greater flexibility and much less conflict. Demanding more than mere AA and telling white folks that their children should just suck it up, will never be sustainable or acceptable.

We are dealing with kids who had not choice in their race and who have had no part in perpetuating any racial inequity. They are just children. AA is one thing, but to demand that these children atone for the sins of their assumed ancestors (which is more often than not, a false assumption) is akin to demanding that Osama bin Ladin's children be executed for 9/11. You end up with two wrongs and a whole lot of hostility.

Demanding that white children "suck it up" and take their racial punishment will go over like a fart in church and work to cause an even greater divide. If you think white parents (who are also many times not the descendants of the guilty and who were only recently children themselves) are going to stand by and watch their children pay racial dividends above and beyond AA, you are mistaken. Such is literally asking for war. It will not and should not be tolerated.

If AA is all you're asking for, many will accept it. Sure you're get people bitch and moaning about it, but most will just accept it and move on. I was only describing the Texas policy for addressing past racial inequality that I think works better and puts all grumbling or complaining to rest with not further discussion. Finding those methods will do a whole lot more to advance the underlying goal without stirring up the "tribal" divisions among our countrymen.

See everyone? I disagree with IM2. I am not perpetuating any alleged dysfunction or any other things you have accused me of doing. I addressed his post and showed him where I disagree and why.

It's not hard. You can do it too. I know you can.


And this is the problem with your attempt to show these racists that you can disagree with me:

The attitude that whites have been brainwashed into believing about handing out racial punishment is race pimped garbage. White racism continues today and your children benefit from it. Furthermore when they become adults they will benefit in ways those children of color sitting next to them today will not unless pressure is continuously applied. You talk about whites kids getting racially punished like kids of color aren't.

I said that so called race neutral policies coddle white kids because it does. You have your children believing fake news about how race shouldn't be a consideration when it has been a consideration every day for 243 years to the benefit of whites. Whites are so busy trying to deny this instead of facing the truth and telling your children that they live the way they do now only because whites were given racial preferences. Instead of denying white privilege because you equate privilege with wealth and not human rights, you should tell your kids how they benefit from being able to consistently look at positive images of themselves throughout society.

When we talk about AA, it's automatically assumed to be black. Idiots here think Asians aren't part of it. Nobody looks at AA as an issue that has helped whites the most. White women are the prime recipient of the policy. They are the majority of the population. Because of this, white family income and wealth has increased. That means the quality of life for white children has also increased. This has happened because white women were added as a protected group even as many of them like tipsy, terri4trump, sssyirishlass , irosie, and others actively participate in continuing white racism today.

This is done by racist white men and women who can say they are not practicing discrimination by doing it. The thing you must come to understand is that we are not talking about past anything. We are talking about continuing racial injustices.
Thank you for the response.

I have been sick as a dog today (pneumonia), so I was in no position to read and respond until now. Will be hitting the codeine soon.

To the response, the only reason I mentioned being careful how we frame corrective action is because I have worked very hard as a parent to teach my kids to treat all people as equals. I don't want them to be poisoned by something as ugly as resentment. We have way more of that than we need.

I have no problem explaining to my children how they have had advantages. That's fine.

But what is the goal? If we accomplish the goal without creating unnecessary resentment, why does it matter how it is framed?

There's no need to spike the racial football and do a touchdown dance in the faces of children as a form of "justice" or retribution. Making efforts to avoid creating resentment is NOT coddling.

I gave you an example of a Texas public university policy that not only achieves the goals of AA, but exceeds them. There are no limits. If 25,000 black kids in Texas are in the Top 10% of their graduating high school class and want go to my beloved alma mater, 25,000 black kids become members of the Texas Aggie Family and network. They are full, exclusive members of the club without reservation. We who are already in the club love their choice and welcome them fully and completely. With that membership come a SHIT TON of opportunities. Some of the richest and most influential people in the world are Texas Aggies and we fucking take care of our own...ALL of our own. And we are obnoxious about it. :laugh: Tell me that is a club to which black kids would NOT want to belong. Tell me that alone would not greatly improve the lives of black kids who join the family.

If that public university policy is not acceptable for the sole reason that race is deliberately made a non-factor, I can only conclude that the goal is racial retribution or revenge with deliberate disregard for the societal damage it causes.

Surely, that is not the objective, is it?

Racial injustices are not corrected by more racial injustice. That does nothing but unnecessarily give license hate. Injustice is remedied by justice. Revenge or retribution is not justice.

there is nothing wrong with seeking a non-inflammatory solution if one is available. The Texas university policy is both noninflammatory and more effective. I can't speak for all white people, but I suspect most would not mind such an approach. Even if it worked as a much greater advantage for "people of color."

I suppose another way of saying it is, being born with advantages is not the fault of the child. There's no reason to assign blame. Take necessary corrective action and be done.


Bootney, you would feel different if you spent your life swimming upstream against the current listening to a bunch of people always trying to explain to you how unfair it is to be white when whites get all the advantages. You want to stop resentment then you need to change the way you look at this. Whites are not being penalized by getting the majority of admissions into college. If race is considered this is what happens. And you talk about your kids getting penalized and your kids not being able to help the color they were born. What about kids of color? Did they come out the shoot and pick the color they are? And when you talk about spiking the racial football, just how many of those footballs do whites get to bust before things change?

With all due respect, what you are saying is based on a bunch of white race pimped opinions. You want to end resentment? Stop believing what you currently do. Whites are not entitled to every seat in a college classroom, or every job. You guys are complaining about discrimination when you have the majority of everything. You paid no attention to the fact that affirmative action has helped whites the most and that if you have a daughter, she will be helped by affirmative action more than anyone else.

Whites continue to benefit from white racial preferences bootney. That means your kids are not hurt by being born white, but blacks and other children of color continue to suffer. Nothing is race neutral and to use that term because a group of people that has used race as a determinant for everything gets upset about it simply pisses me off. I'm fine with the policy but I am tired of the gymnastics whites play regarding race. It's time whites stopped doing this. There is no racial injustice in asking whites to get 77 percent of all the opportunities instead of the 100 percent they've been giving themselves.

Whites get 100% of the opportunity? If that's the case then how do you explain 99% of every city job being held by a black person?

Just to be clear, are you actually saying that 99% of all city jobs are held by blacks?

In what city or cities, would that be the case?
Since whites control the drug trade.

This thread is about what whites do.

Take some personal responsibility and discuss the OP.
Kill the ph uks controlling the drug trade. A start.
None of this has anything to do with how whites have continually begged the government for free stuff.
Where’s that in the OP’s video?

Watch the video and learn.
I did; 80% bullshit.
Get over it.

Sine they specifically mentioned government policies, I know that you say this trying to save face.
All that doesn't change the fact that you are a coward that's too scared to discuss the op. The next off topic post from you will be reported.

How adorable.

The racist calls me a coward right before threatening to tattle on me.

You sure do have the black privilege thing down pat, don't you?

Post examples of my racism. Show me where I have said anything that implies black racial superiority. The immature juvenile attempts aren't going to work. You pricks troll threads on purpose so the moderators close them unless they are threads by racist whites posting about blacks. Follow the rules or get reported.
Thank you. The only problem I have with this race neutral claim is that it is unfair to non whites and it coddles whites. Whites need to face the fact of continuing white racial preferences instead of crying crocodile tears about an unfairness to them that does not exist.
I don't agree with your characterization of it "coddling" whites to the extent that such a characterization extends to actions that go farther than AA.

You must see it from their perspective. While I don't believe that AA is something that wholly unjust, it cannot go much farther than that. To approach it in a race neutral fashion allows for greater flexibility and much less conflict. Demanding more than mere AA and telling white folks that their children should just suck it up, will never be sustainable or acceptable.

We are dealing with kids who had not choice in their race and who have had no part in perpetuating any racial inequity. They are just children. AA is one thing, but to demand that these children atone for the sins of their assumed ancestors (which is more often than not, a false assumption) is akin to demanding that Osama bin Ladin's children be executed for 9/11. You end up with two wrongs and a whole lot of hostility.

Demanding that white children "suck it up" and take their racial punishment will go over like a fart in church and work to cause an even greater divide. If you think white parents (who are also many times not the descendants of the guilty and who were only recently children themselves) are going to stand by and watch their children pay racial dividends above and beyond AA, you are mistaken. Such is literally asking for war. It will not and should not be tolerated.

If AA is all you're asking for, many will accept it. Sure you're get people bitch and moaning about it, but most will just accept it and move on. I was only describing the Texas policy for addressing past racial inequality that I think works better and puts all grumbling or complaining to rest with not further discussion. Finding those methods will do a whole lot more to advance the underlying goal without stirring up the "tribal" divisions among our countrymen.

See everyone? I disagree with IM2. I am not perpetuating any alleged dysfunction or any other things you have accused me of doing. I addressed his post and showed him where I disagree and why.

It's not hard. You can do it too. I know you can.


And this is the problem with your attempt to show these racists that you can disagree with me:

The attitude that whites have been brainwashed into believing about handing out racial punishment is race pimped garbage. White racism continues today and your children benefit from it. Furthermore when they become adults they will benefit in ways those children of color sitting next to them today will not unless pressure is continuously applied. You talk about whites kids getting racially punished like kids of color aren't.

I said that so called race neutral policies coddle white kids because it does. You have your children believing fake news about how race shouldn't be a consideration when it has been a consideration every day for 243 years to the benefit of whites. Whites are so busy trying to deny this instead of facing the truth and telling your children that they live the way they do now only because whites were given racial preferences. Instead of denying white privilege because you equate privilege with wealth and not human rights, you should tell your kids how they benefit from being able to consistently look at positive images of themselves throughout society.

When we talk about AA, it's automatically assumed to be black. Idiots here think Asians aren't part of it. Nobody looks at AA as an issue that has helped whites the most. White women are the prime recipient of the policy. They are the majority of the population. Because of this, white family income and wealth has increased. That means the quality of life for white children has also increased. This has happened because white women were added as a protected group even as many of them like tipsy, terri4trump, sssyirishlass , irosie, and others actively participate in continuing white racism today.

This is done by racist white men and women who can say they are not practicing discrimination by doing it. The thing you must come to understand is that we are not talking about past anything. We are talking about continuing racial injustices.
Thank you for the response.

I have been sick as a dog today (pneumonia), so I was in no position to read and respond until now. Will be hitting the codeine soon.

To the response, the only reason I mentioned being careful how we frame corrective action is because I have worked very hard as a parent to teach my kids to treat all people as equals. I don't want them to be poisoned by something as ugly as resentment. We have way more of that than we need.

I have no problem explaining to my children how they have had advantages. That's fine.

But what is the goal? If we accomplish the goal without creating unnecessary resentment, why does it matter how it is framed?

There's no need to spike the racial football and do a touchdown dance in the faces of children as a form of "justice" or retribution. Making efforts to avoid creating resentment is NOT coddling.

I gave you an example of a Texas public university policy that not only achieves the goals of AA, but exceeds them. There are no limits. If 25,000 black kids in Texas are in the Top 10% of their graduating high school class and want go to my beloved alma mater, 25,000 black kids become members of the Texas Aggie Family and network. They are full, exclusive members of the club without reservation. We who are already in the club love their choice and welcome them fully and completely. With that membership come a SHIT TON of opportunities. Some of the richest and most influential people in the world are Texas Aggies and we fucking take care of our own...ALL of our own. And we are obnoxious about it. :laugh: Tell me that is a club to which black kids would NOT want to belong. Tell me that alone would not greatly improve the lives of black kids who join the family.

If that public university policy is not acceptable for the sole reason that race is deliberately made a non-factor, I can only conclude that the goal is racial retribution or revenge with deliberate disregard for the societal damage it causes.

Surely, that is not the objective, is it?

Racial injustices are not corrected by more racial injustice. That does nothing but unnecessarily give license hate. Injustice is remedied by justice. Revenge or retribution is not justice.

there is nothing wrong with seeking a non-inflammatory solution if one is available. The Texas university policy is both noninflammatory and more effective. I can't speak for all white people, but I suspect most would not mind such an approach. Even if it worked as a much greater advantage for "people of color."

I suppose another way of saying it is, being born with advantages is not the fault of the child. There's no reason to assign blame. Take necessary corrective action and be done.


Bootney, you would feel different if you spent your life swimming upstream against the current listening to a bunch of people always trying to explain to you how unfair it is to be white when whites get all the advantages. You want to stop resentment then you need to change the way you look at this. Whites are not being penalized by getting the majority of admissions into college. If race is considered this is what happens. And you talk about your kids getting penalized and your kids not being able to help the color they were born. What about kids of color? Did they come out the shoot and pick the color they are? And when you talk about spiking the racial football, just how many of those footballs do whites get to bust before things change?

With all due respect, what you are saying is based on a bunch of white race pimped opinions. You want to end resentment? Stop believing what you currently do. Whites are not entitled to every seat in a college classroom, or every job. You guys are complaining about discrimination when you have the majority of everything. You paid no attention to the fact that affirmative action has helped whites the most and that if you have a daughter, she will be helped by affirmative action more than anyone else.

Whites continue to benefit from white racial preferences bootney. That means your kids are not hurt by being born white, but blacks and other children of color continue to suffer. Nothing is race neutral and to use that term because a group of people that has used race as a determinant for everything gets upset about it simply pisses me off. I'm fine with the policy but I am tired of the gymnastics whites play regarding race. It's time whites stopped doing this. There is no racial injustice in asking whites to get 77 percent of all the opportunities instead of the 100 percent they've been giving themselves.

Whites get 100% of the opportunity? If that's the case then how do you explain 99% of every city job being held by a black person?

Since that's not happening and whites ARE crying about being discriminated against when they have the majority of everything, your question shows a serious disconnect with reality.
16 pages and what is being shown is the childish mentality of whites that practice racism. Outside of bootney, no one wants to discuss the OP. Independent had the unmitigated nerve to be offended when it was said that whites have been given handouts. Ain't that a bitch! This punk has claimed blacks have been given welfare for 50 years and I guess we are just supposed to genuflect and say, "we's thankful fo the gifs you whites have given us suh." And we are to do that when whites have always been the majority of welfare recipients as well as the majority of multi generational welfare recipients.

Seems all these cluck clucks want to do is talk shit about blacks. Then they want to tell us how we are to behave. I'm a grown ass man by all standards. In some circles I am considered and ELDER-ly man. So I won't be told how to behave and I give no damn about what a sorry, trifling, whining because they can't be given everything, white racist thinks.

Whites have been given free stuff for the last 243 years. And I am being kind when I reduce this to only the time the USA has officially been a nation. Because if you count the handouts provided by Britain, France or Spain, whites have been given free stuff for well over 400 years.

With all due respect, what you are saying is based on a bunch of white race pimped opinions. You want to end resentment? Stop believing what you currently do
Which is what?

Read what you have posted.
No, I was asking honestly, what should I stop accepting as truth. You said: "You want to stop resentment? Stop believing what you currently do." There's a lot to sort through. What are the white race pimped opinions? I'm not trying to be a smartass or anything. I honestly don't know. Opinions are developed, borrowed, and spread from so many different sources, based on one's personal life experiences, that it is hard to know.
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