Free Stuff.... For whites

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Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.

None of them were enslaved. All of them participated in the oppression of blacks. Jew is a religion.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.

None of them were enslaved. All of them participated in the oppression of blacks. Jew is a religion.
Many were put on chain gangs to build the railroads.
You got 50 years of welfare and you’re still killing each other.
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.

This is the race and racism section.

I've said nothing racist.
Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.

This is the race and racism section.

I've said nothing racist.
You really need to drink some chamomile tea and read what you’re posting.
You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.

None of them were enslaved. All of them participated in the oppression of blacks. Jew is a religion.
Many were put on chain gangs to build the railroads.
You got 50 years of welfare and you’re still killing each other.

Sorry, but you are wrong. None were done like us, all participated in racism against us. Whites have got 243 years of welfare and still kill each other.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education? There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.
What did I enable?

Did you watch the video and respond to the content of the video? Did you bother to address the topic?

After watching the video and talking to IM2 about it, I don't think he has proposed anything unreasonable, even if you disagree with him (and I do quite frequently disagree with IM2). But, you apparently haven't bothered to engage in a discussion.

What blame game did I reinforce? It is a FACT that there was government-enforced inequity between the white race and the black race that began even before the founding of our country. Can you at least admit that?

There was inequity in rights after slavery was abolished. Can you admit that?

This may be a little harder for you to swallow, but don't you agree that the institution of slavery, inequality of rights, destructive government intervention, lack of job opportunities, etc. have had generational affects on black folks?

Nobody is asking you to give anybody anything. Just look at those facts and tell me if you can admit them.

You seem to mistake a reasonable discussion with wholesale agreement. You seemed to miss the post above where I talked about Texas acknowledging past racial inequities in college admissions, but addressing it by taking a race-neutral approach that has been successful for black kids but has left white kids with their own sense of fairness. I don't think IM2 agrees with it. But, he listened and discussed.

Can you listen and discuss, rather than dismiss and deny? Nobody is demanding that you or anyone else "feed" and "dysfunction."

This reminds me of that thread started by Mac1958 on the Politics board.
Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

Simple question by Mac.

Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?
This is a post from another thread.
In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Go look at all those bullshit responses. :laughing0301:

They accused him of everything under the sun, including BEING MISLEADING and dishonestly "leaving out" certain facts.

Mac never expressed an opinion. He just asked a question, and the lot of them jumped to 1000 different conclusions without actually telling Mac what they think.

You are free to tell IM2 why he is wrong, but you don't. You just accuse him of being a whiner and a racist.

What the fuck? What is the point of having a discussion forum?

If you disagree, tell him why. Back it up with facts/research/data/etc. Or just don't bother responding.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.

This is the race and racism section.

I've said nothing racist.
You really need to drink some chamomile tea and read what you’re posting.

I've said nothing racist. Just because I post the truth about what whites have done and you get butthurt doesn't make it racist.
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.
I will extend to you the same courtesy I gave IM2.

What did he post that was racist? Show me, and I will give it fair consideration.

We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.

Yep. We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.

Lol! Nice try. But as I will repeat:

We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.

There are actually numerous accounts on record of fair skinned, so called "negroes" who have lived as white people. I had an aunt on my mother's side who did, and because of that, she and her husband bought a home in the exclusive suburb of Shaker Heights in Ohio when blacks were not allowed to live there.
Last edited:
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education? There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.
What did I enable?

Did you watch the video and respond to the content of the video? Did you bother to address the topic?

After watching the video and talking to IM2 about it, I don't think he has proposed anything unreasonable, even if you disagree with him (and I do quite frequently disagree with IM2). But, you apparently haven't bothered to engage in a discussion.

What blame game did I reinforce? It is a FACT that there was government-enforced inequity between the white race and the black race that began even before the founding of our country. Can you at least admit that?

There was inequity in rights after slavery was abolished. Can you admit that?

This may be a little harder for you to swallow, but don't you agree that the institution of slavery, inequality of rights, destructive government intervention, lack of job opportunities, etc. have had generational affects on black folks?

Nobody is asking you to give anybody anything. Just look at those facts and tell me if you can admit them.

You seem to mistake a reasonable discussion with wholesale agreement. You seemed to miss the post above where I talked about Texas acknowledging past racial inequities in college admissions, but addressing it by taking a race-neutral approach that has been successful for black kids but has left white kids with their own sense of fairness. I don't think IM2 agrees with it. But, he listened and discussed.

Can you listen and discuss, rather than dismiss and deny? Nobody is demanding that you or anyone else "feed" and "dysfunction."

This reminds me of that thread started by Mac1958 on the Politics board.
Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?

Simple question by Mac.

Trump supporters: What do you think of this post?
This is a post from another thread.
In all seriousness, I'd like to know what you think of it. Please be as complete in your response as you would like. I have provided a chart of the unemployment rate below for your reference.

Obama took unemployment over 10%. It skyrocketed under him during his first two years. Conversely, unemployment has steadily declined under President Trump's first two years.

Go look at all those bullshit responses. :laughing0301:

They accused him of everything under the sun, including BEING MISLEADING and dishonestly "leaving out" certain facts.

Mac never expressed an opinion. He just asked a question, and the lot of them jumped to 1000 different conclusions without actually telling Mac what they think.

You are free to tell IM2 why he is wrong, but you don't. You just accuse him of being a whiner and a racist.

What the fuck? What is the point of having a discussion forum?

If you disagree, tell him why. Back it up with facts/research/data/etc. Or just don't bother responding.

Thank you. The only problem I have with this race neutral claim is that it is unfair to non whites and it coddles whites. Whites need to face the fact of continuing white racial preferences instead of crying crocodile tears about an unfairness to them that does not exist.
Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.

This is the race and racism section.

I've said nothing racist.

To IM2-------I am really surprised that in addition to your attack on us white devils for our unrelenting racist curriculum against today's black population that you haven't also pointed out that we are about the dumbest racists on the planet.
According to you and the like minded we spend our days oppressing people of color. We are an army united for the sole purpose of keeping you down. Well we sure do suck at that job. Just how many millions have we let escape our dastardly clutches to become productive members of society? Obviously, too many to truly be considered successful racists.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.
I don't disagree that those ethnic groups were treated like shit when they got here.

My Irish ancestors were mistreated and denied opportunities because of their Irish ethnicity.

None of them were slaves. None of the were denied the right to vote or eat in restaurants or use certain restrooms or segregated into "separate but equal" schools.

It is disingenuous to ignore the striking difference between the plight of Germans, Irish, Polish, etc. and that of black folks.

You can disagree all day long on how much of a lingering affect the inequality of black folks has had on their progress in general. You can even deny that any of them currently suffer from any form of lingering disadvantage. I think IM2 will honestly debate you on that topic and you may come away agreeing to disagree, but please tell me that you see the STARK difference between the inequities imposed on German/Irish et al and those imposed on black folks. Surely you are not that obtuse.

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
You’re not very bright.
I was responding directly your post.
I will report you for being a racist.
I will extend to you the same courtesy I gave IM2.

What did he post that was racist? Show me, and I will give it fair consideration.

His constant insults that Whites get handouts.
I watched the entire video and I’m sorry to say that I am not privileged to know anyone, including my family, that belongs to a Hewing Family Dynasty.
Everybody I know, or have met personally and professionally, has achieved everything they have or lack on their own.
Do institutions of higher learning favor wealthy donors?
Yep...and that includes Black donors.

Maybe I need to be introduced to a different crowd.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.
I don't disagree that those ethnic groups were treated like shit when they got here.

My Irish ancestors were mistreated and denied opportunities because of their Irish ethnicity.

None of them were slaves. None of the were denied the right to vote or eat in restaurants or use certain restrooms or segregated into "separate but equal" schools.

It is disingenuous to ignore the striking difference between the plight of Germans, Irish, Polish, etc. and that of black folks.

You can disagree all day long on how much of a lingering affect the inequality of black folks has had on their progress in general. You can even deny that any of them currently suffer from any form of lingering disadvantage. I think IM2 will honestly debate you on that topic and you may come away agreeing to disagree, but please tell me that you see the STARK difference between the inequities imposed on German/Irish et al and those imposed on black folks. Surely you are not that obtuse.

It’s been 50 years and I so know many Blacks who have become successful because they spent their younger years studying instead of bitching.

Hell, if Jews didn’t start their own businesses in the 40s & 50s, they would have starved to death.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.
I don't disagree that those ethnic groups were treated like shit when they got here.

My Irish ancestors were mistreated and denied opportunities because of their Irish ethnicity.

None of them were slaves. None of the were denied the right to vote or eat in restaurants or use certain restrooms or segregated into "separate but equal" schools.

It is disingenuous to ignore the striking difference between the plight of Germans, Irish, Polish, etc. and that of black folks.

You can disagree all day long on how much of a lingering affect the inequality of black folks has had on their progress in general. You can even deny that any of them currently suffer from any form of lingering disadvantage. I think IM2 will honestly debate you on that topic and you may come away agreeing to disagree, but please tell me that you see the STARK difference between the inequities imposed on German/Irish et al and those imposed on black folks. Surely you are not that obtuse.

I will tell you that Al Sharpton and his marches for “Equality” stopped a lot of Wall Street firms from hiring Blacks in the 80s and early 90s.
They should have told the now super wealthy asshole to keep his mouth shut.
You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.
I don't disagree that those ethnic groups were treated like shit when they got here.

My Irish ancestors were mistreated and denied opportunities because of their Irish ethnicity.

None of them were slaves. None of the were denied the right to vote or eat in restaurants or use certain restrooms or segregated into "separate but equal" schools.

It is disingenuous to ignore the striking difference between the plight of Germans, Irish, Polish, etc. and that of black folks.

You can disagree all day long on how much of a lingering affect the inequality of black folks has had on their progress in general. You can even deny that any of them currently suffer from any form of lingering disadvantage. I think IM2 will honestly debate you on that topic and you may come away agreeing to disagree, but please tell me that you see the STARK difference between the inequities imposed on German/Irish et al and those imposed on black folks. Surely you are not that obtuse.

It’s been 50 years and I so know many Blacks who have become successful because they spent their younger years studying instead of bitching.

Hell, if Jews didn’t start their own businesses in the 40s & 50s, they would have starved to death.
I am seeing a lot of good points being offered here contradicting the claim of racism against blacks. I am now waiting for IM2's most certainly feeble reply.
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you were actually successful, you wouldn't be whining all the time, racist.
It worked for Al Sharpton.
My daughter got into the university of her choice by volunteering 4 summers of her life (8 week summer) to a camp for mentally retarded and autistic children. She had about 1-2 hours of sleep every night.
We couldn’t afford the full tuition.
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