Free Stuff.... For whites

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Losers in life never get tired of blaming others.

If they spent 1/2 of the energy on being successful that they spend on bitching, blaming and whining they wouldn't be such losers.

It's all self reinforcing. Their revoltingly racist attitudes prevent them from achievement and then they blame their lack of achievement on white racism. Meanwhile, they call their fellow blacks who DON'T have the shitty attitudes and who DO succeed Uncle Toms.
What whites have done is accept that a system based on white preference was normal and because they never faced the discrimination inherent in that system, they ignored how all white was not the normal natural population pattern of this country.
Again, sorry for the breaks in response. Stupid browser.

Yes. It is easy for one to ignore those deliberate inequities when one does not feel the negative side of such a system. It's just "the way things are" in their minds. I would also point out the historic, and extreme lack of empathy possessed by many white folks who simply strolled through their lives without bothering to consider the hardship and inequity they allowed and from which they benefitted. I don't understand how people can dehumanize others that way without at least taking a moment to walk in their shoes. I cannot imagine being that callous to other human beings, especially toward my own countrymen.

That's probably why I lean libertarian. Government being used to openly subjugate an entire race of people for no other reason but their race infuriates me and has me constantly suspicious of government. It has me hesitant, if not defiantly unwilling to granting government too much power. Governments inevitably become the instrument of that very type of unequal subjugation and division of the ruling class from the "unwashed masses."


I can understand your position totally. In our system we must removed the money from the process.
I must admit that I was skeptical about government restricting free speech by limiting allowable spending, but I am definitely coming around on that.

But, speaking of a complete lack of empathy and callous disregard for fellow countrymen:
Losers in life never get tired of blaming others.
If they spent 1/2 of the energy on being successful that they spend on bitching, blaming and whining they wouldn't be such losers.

If people on this very thread would spend 1/8th of their energy actually having a discussion, we would probably be a lot closure to having an understanding among us all.

Losers in life never get tired of blaming others.

If they spent 1/2 of the energy on being successful that they spend on bitching, blaming and whining they wouldn't be such losers.

Losers deny the truth. Much like you're doing now. Blame is when you accuse somebody of things that may not be true. But when your grievance is backed by actual occurrences it is truth. A loser sits on their ass ignoring actual injustice by calling it blame. Patriots address and take action against injustice no matter what form it takes or the forum it occurs. You're a loser MAGA, plain and simple.
Losers in life never get tired of blaming others.

If they spent 1/2 of the energy on being successful that they spend on bitching, blaming and whining they wouldn't be such losers.

It's all self reinforcing. Their revoltingly racist attitudes prevent them from achievement and then they blame their lack of achievement on white racism. Meanwhile, they call their fellow blacks who DON'T have the shitty attitudes and who DO succeed Uncle Toms.

My revoltingly racist attitude helped build 3 organizations. You are another loser scared to discuss the OP.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Tim has made millions off racism, that is pretty crazy.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.

What whites have done is accept that a system based on white preference was normal and because they never faced the discrimination inherent in that system, they ignored how all white was not the normal natural population pattern of this country.
Again, sorry for the breaks in response. Stupid browser.

Yes. It is easy for one to ignore those deliberate inequities when one does not feel the negative side of such a system. It's just "the way things are" in their minds. I would also point out the historic, and extreme lack of empathy possessed by many white folks who simply strolled through their lives without bothering to consider the hardship and inequity they allowed and from which they benefitted. I don't understand how people can dehumanize others that way without at least taking a moment to walk in their shoes. I cannot imagine being that callous to other human beings, especially toward my own countrymen.

That's probably why I lean libertarian. Government being used to openly subjugate an entire race of people for no other reason but their race infuriates me and has me constantly suspicious of government. It has me hesitant, if not defiantly unwilling to granting government too much power. Governments inevitably become the instrument of that very type of unequal subjugation and division of the ruling class from the "unwashed masses."


I can understand your position totally. In our system we must removed the money from the process.
I must admit that I was skeptical about government restricting free speech by limiting allowable spending, but I am definitely coming around on that.

But, speaking of a complete lack of empathy and callous disregard for fellow countrymen:
Losers in life never get tired of blaming others.
If they spent 1/2 of the energy on being successful that they spend on bitching, blaming and whining they wouldn't be such losers.

If people on this very thread would spend 1/8th of their energy actually having a discussion, we would probably be a lot closure to having an understanding among us all.


That money is buying politicians, which restricts our freedoms. As to your last sentence, you are completely right.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You earned this respect my friend. :beer:

I hope I have done the same.

Seems like this is par for the course in most of these places. I've only been in one that isn't this way and still you got a couple of die hards there too.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education? There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.
My revoltingly racist attitude helped build 3 organizations. You are another loser scared to discuss the OP.

Well, of course -- New Black Panthers, Nation of Islam and …..

What's the third?

I understand how fear of the truth allows you to make silly comments.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.
The problem is the false perception of AA by whites. For example you have got the so called government goodies. You went to college, and the majority of students were white. If AA was about racial quotas, the majority of students would be white. But whites seem unable to see themselves as being part of AA because of the lie of whites being passed over because of the policy.
No, I agree that it is a lie. Whites are not being passed over. I was simply demonstrating a policy that Texas adopted to put that lie to bed, removing the jilted white guy's excuses, while getting more blacks and hispanic kids into into the advancement loop (example, the more black kids who get college educated, the better opportunities their children have, and so on.).

By "government goodies" I was referring to the white-only HUD lending, etc that they mentioned in the video, as a distinct issue from college AA.

Your parents may have got it so it affected where you lived and your quality of life.
Interesting you should say that.

I grew up in a "sun down town" in Southeast Texas. For my first 13 years of life, I had very little exposure to black folks, until we moved to the DFW area, and lived in the "black neighborhood" of one of the suburbs for the first few years.

But, yes. It did affect where we lived. Otherwise, there would be no "black neighborhoods."

The good news for me is that my kids go to a top-rated public high school (better than the private schools). I went to a pep-rally last year to watch my daughter's dance team perform, and I was surprised at the demographics. There is no white majority. It's probably at least 35% black and lots of Asian/Indian folks, most being 2nd generation immigrants from India or Pakistan. It honestly seems like there was no racial identity and nobody seemed to even consider race. It was really cool. I am glad my kids are getting the diverse exposure that I didn't get.

You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education? There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

This is your last off topic post. This thread is about free stuff whites have received. Not on post you have made addresses the topic.

There is no such thing as the blame game. And everything in your last paragraph is untrue.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.
You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.

This forum grossly misrepresents of the general attitudes of most white folks, even many of the hardcore neocon Republicans. Most of this stuff you see here is defensiveness. It doesn't have to be that way. They can still disagree, but all we see in this thread is 99% yelling and shit throwing.

They are doing the very thing they accuse other of doing in "playing the race card." They are shutting down actual discussion with accusation and ridicule.

I'm pretty disappointed.


You are an enabler. You might as well be offering heroin to a junky. I happen to be disappointed in the groveling political correctness, myself, especially inasmuch as you are attempting to shame people into following suit.

You are reinforcing the blame game that prevents far too many black people from getting anywhere in life. How is it that people can arrive in this country from Asia with hardly more than the shirt on their back, yet within a generation are thriving, yet Blacks are not and this despite the FACT that they are given preference over every other group when it comes to jobs and education. There is a reason for that and that reason is black racism.

Your feeding the dysfunction only reinforces it.

You must
Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

As opposed to what?
Catholic...Germans, Irish, Polish, Italian.
All treated like shit when they got here.
Here's What's At Stake For Asian Americans In The Harvard Affirmative Action Case | Think | NBC News

Maybe Boot is an Anglo Protestant and has had it good.

Who knows. He obviously feels guilt for his skin color and has been so cowed into submission that he feels he must defer to a blatantly racist black man by laying on his back and peeing on his belly in abject shame.

I am tired of this shit in our country where whites must always defer to blacks in every conceivable way or be called racist. It isn't good for Blacks like IM2 who refuse to take any responsibility for his failure, it isn't any good for white people struggling themselves, it isn't any good for Asians who are one of the most frequent targets of black hatred and are the group most disadvantaged by A.A. -- it isn't good for anybody.

This identity politics crap is killing our country.

Fuck off. I've done better than you. I helped build 3 organizations have invested what I earned, retired at 52 years of age and now work on a personal project that may well double what I have now. You're a dumb ass loser repeating a lie. Identity politics has been part of this country from jump. Turds like you are fine with it when it benefits your trifling low IQ white asses.

All your posts have been off topic. Time for this to come to an end.
If you live in the Hood, you didn't have to save so much to retire.
All the guys I work with retire in their early 50s.

Irrelevant. You will be reported if you continue off topic posts.
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