Free Stuff.... For whites

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Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

And YET -- You're probably ALL FOR a massive death tax which would suck the estates of SUCCESSFUL black families dry... So they can not pass on their inheritances for the good of the next generation..

I DOUBT many blacks were available for the Oklahoma land grab... That Tim Wise comment was a dud, but he DOES have a point.. And that's the ONLY reason Affirmative Action for blacks exists.. But after 30 or 40 YEARS of AAction -- it has FAILED to fix the "failure to launch" blacks out of ignorance, poverty and crime ridden neighborhoods....

LARGELY BECAUSE -- it does NO one any good if all the High Schools in your Dem controlled mega-ghetto can't FIND ONE student "competent" in reading and math... That's NOT a money failure, It's a failure of Big Govt and progressive leadership in those cities...

Until blacks FREE THEMSELVES from that kind of failing environment and LEAVE --- AAction is just a benefit for wealthy or already successful black families....

Shut that dumb fake news about black schools shit up. This thread is not about your white ass opinion on blacks. It's about the minimum of 243 years of affirmative action for whites.

So man up. The days of your excuses are finished.

mutherfucker you benefited from slavery way more than any white man did !!! take your black ass back to your African Utopia if you think differently !

whites would have had no problem building this country without blacks !

This thread is about the 243 years whites like you have been given free stuff. It is why all of you racists suck Trumps dick dry. Because he promises you a return to whites only free shit and whites only affirmative action. You can't make it by yourselves without the help.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.

So then stop talking about how wrong it is for others to get free shit, parasite.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

And YET -- You're probably ALL FOR a massive death tax which would suck the estates of SUCCESSFUL black families dry... So they can not pass on their inheritances for the good of the next generation..

I DOUBT many blacks were available for the Oklahoma land grab... That Tim Wise comment was a dud, but he DOES have a point.. And that's the ONLY reason Affirmative Action for blacks exists.. But after 30 or 40 YEARS of AAction -- it has FAILED to fix the "failure to launch" blacks out of ignorance, poverty and crime ridden neighborhoods....

LARGELY BECAUSE -- it does NO one any good if all the High Schools in your Dem controlled mega-ghetto can't FIND ONE student "competent" in reading and math... That's NOT a money failure, It's a failure of Big Govt and progressive leadership in those cities...

Until blacks FREE THEMSELVES from that kind of failing environment and LEAVE --- AAction is just a benefit for wealthy or already successful black families....

Shut that dumb fake news about black schools shit up. This thread is not about your white ass opinion on blacks. It's about the minimum of 243 years of affirmative action for whites.

So man up. The days of your excuses are finished.

mutherfucker you benefited from slavery way more than any white man did !!! take your black ass back to your African Utopia if you think differently !

whites would have had no problem building this country without blacks !

This thread is about the 243 years whites like you have been given free stuff. It is why all of you racists suck Trumps dick dry. Because he promises you a return to whites only free shit and whites only affirmative action. You can't make it by yourselves without the help.

I'm the one that wrote 2 editorials to Jesse Jackson in the San Jose Mercury when he came to shake down Silicon Valley for race pimping money... I CHALLENGED him to send me a TRAINLOAD of qualified black students in engineering and science and I would take SIX MONTHS OFF to get them all placed...

I got kudos from a LOT of important people for that challenge... Including my boss who told me the 6 months would be PAID by the company if Jackson took my challenge...

See -- I IMPLEMENTED as many AA hires as I COULD -- but the FACT WAS -- there were close to ZERO ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES... And I know this because I hit the road recruiting for many of the companies I worked for...

THIS is what I'm telling you is a FACT.. If the 12 or 13 inner city hood HSchools can't find ONE black student that's competent in math or reading --- AAction is not making any headway....

You want to do the Race pimping Jackson style, but you're not interested at all in FIXING the fundamental restraints on the necks of ever black student in Baltimore or Chicago....
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!...I reported people because I'm a pussy!

Yidnar called your ass out and now he's on a vacation.

He'll be back....When he is, you'll need to butch up or shut up.

I don't need to do a damn thing. He came to my thread and if he really wanted to challenge me, he looks at the video presented in the OP and debates on the content therein. Running to the bull ring where all you faggots are going to do is gang up and hurl your cowardly racial taunts because you aren't man enough to face the content in the OP, is just not something I am going to do. So you can engage me on what's presented in this thread or you can take your punk pepe the frog ass elsewhere.

And YET -- You're probably ALL FOR a massive death tax which would suck the estates of SUCCESSFUL black families dry... So they can not pass on their inheritances for the good of the next generation..

I DOUBT many blacks were available for the Oklahoma land grab... That Tim Wise comment was a dud, but he DOES have a point.. And that's the ONLY reason Affirmative Action for blacks exists.. But after 30 or 40 YEARS of AAction -- it has FAILED to fix the "failure to launch" blacks out of ignorance, poverty and crime ridden neighborhoods....

LARGELY BECAUSE -- it does NO one any good if all the High Schools in your Dem controlled mega-ghetto can't FIND ONE student "competent" in reading and math... That's NOT a money failure, It's a failure of Big Govt and progressive leadership in those cities...

Until blacks FREE THEMSELVES from that kind of failing environment and LEAVE --- AAction is just a benefit for wealthy or already successful black families....

Shut that dumb fake news about black schools shit up. This thread is not about your white ass opinion on blacks. It's about the minimum of 243 years of affirmative action for whites.

So man up. The days of your excuses are finished.
mutherfucker you benefited from slavery way more than any white man did !!! take your black ass back to your African Utopia if you think differently !
whites would have had no problem building this country without blacks !

This thread is about the 243 years whites like you have been given free stuff. It is why all of you racists suck Trumps dick dry. Because he promises you a return to whites only free shit and whites only affirmative action. You can't make it by yourselves without the help.

I'm the one that wrote 2 editorials to Jesse Jackson in the San Jose Mercury when he came to shake down Silicon Valley for race pimping money... I CHALLENGED him to send me a TRAINLOAD of qualified black students in engineering and science and I would take SIX MONTHS OFF to get them all placed...

I got kudos from a LOT of important people for that challenge... Including my boss who told me the 6 months would be PAID by the company if Jackson took my challenge...

See -- I IMPLEMENTED as many AA hires as I COULD -- but the FACT WAS -- there were close to ZERO ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES... And I know this because I hit the road recruiting for many of the companies I worked for...

THIS is what I'm telling you is a FACT.. If the 12 or 13 inner city hood HSchools can't find ONE black student that's competent in math or reading --- AAction is not making any headway....

You want to do the Race pimping Jackson style, but you're not interested at all in FIXING the fundamental restraints on the necks of ever black student in Baltimore or Chicago....

This thread is about the history of government programs and policies that have provided affirmative action for whites. This is not about what your white ass thinks blacks should do because you don't have the first inkling. Race pimping began when America was a colony. By whites. Understand that and stop repeating that ignorant drivel you got from listening to the lard ass dropouts radio show.
I'm sorry you are such a miserable failure in life, IM2.

The combination of low intelligence and a shitty attitude can do that to a fellow.

The videos are about white affirmative action. This thread is about the legacy of 243 years of free shit for whites. 243 years of not believing that the average white person can't hack it with all things being equal.
My condolences for all your inadequacies.

It must really suck to be you.
We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
I'm sorry you are such a miserable failure in life, IM2.

The combination of low intelligence and a shitty attitude can do that to a fellow.

The videos are about white affirmative action. This thread is about the legacy of 243 years of free shit for whites. 243 years of not believing that the average white person can't hack it with all things being equal.
My condolences for all your inadequacies.

It must really suck to be you.

I understand your fear of looking at the videos.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

You should start a topic with a video that has nothing but arguments against all forms of black affirmative action, just to see if anyone bothers to watch it and comment appropriately.

I bet the responses would all be the same as the responses in this thread.

I tried to watch the video, but it kept crashing on me and I feel like shit right now (I think I have pneumonia :laugh:), but I will try to take a look at it tomorrow (if I'm not dead) and respond/discuss the actual thread topic.


Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

the black liar is at it again.
Okay. Got the video to work.

First, Colleges:
In Texas, we have a top 10% rule which requires all Texas public universities to automatically accept any applicant who is in the top 10% of his/her Texas high school graduating class (except for the fucking longhorns because they are a bunch of racist Klanhorn assholes who lobbied the legislature to let them raise it to 7% for them only). It bypasses and supersedes standardized testing and any legacy points.

That policy has had the effect of increasing the opportunities for blacks and hispanics while being race neutral, and the response has been very positive for all involved. A&M is practically busting at the seams, especially with hispanic students, and no race-based policy was implemented. It has been exceptionally positive for Texas high schools with a majority of black students. Nearly a full 10% of the students from those schools are black students and they are automatically admitted.

I would argue that this race-neutral policy has been more effective than race-based affirmative action. Many non-white kids who would not otherwise be excited with their limited options, now have their pick. And there's no resentment by white kids. They have the sense of being treated fairly too, which I believe improves race relations.

But regarding the HUD and other white-only lending practices, that did give white folk a clear advantage. No question about it.

Those advantages didn't find there way to me, unfortunately. :laugh: I am the son of two Vietnam veterans who both came from shit and who left me with ZERO inheritance (aka shit). The only thing they left me was membership in USAA, which I am happy to have, but the old man was forcefully drafted into a bullshit war and was never treated for the PTSD he was gifted as result. He spent the rest of his life being a bat-shit crazy government-hating, tax-protesting conspiracy nut who was chronically unemployed. :laugh: I could tell some stories about it that would blow your mind.

But, all that white affirmative action is the result of government overreach and a lack of self-reliance on the part of white folks. I would argue that, throughout history, white folks have turned to government to solve all their problems more than any other racial group. Even now, hordes of white folks from all walks instinctively turn to government as a solution to any problem, big or small. And it drives me insane!!!

White folks be like "To Government":


Unfortunately, I am not sure how to correct those prior government-implemented and funded white advantages, particularly when a majority of white folks (like me) didn't get any of those government goodies. I'm kinda pissed about it. I want my white AAction, dammit :laugh:

What are some of the suggested solutions?

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Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.

So then stop talking about how wrong it is for others to get free shit, parasite.

If you want free stuff you have to be in control. We are in control so no free stuff for you. Now get to the back of the line.
The soft bigotry of lowered expectations.

And career victim political chumps like you sop it up.

The video is about white affirmative action. This thread is about the legacy of 243 years of free shit for whites.

243 years of the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.
WAAAAAAAA!.....I'm held back today because of all the yesterdays!.....WAAAAAA!


Are you going to watch the videos or are you going to get reported. Pussy.
When primarily white guys get into Grambling, Howard, and/or Xavier, come let us know about it....Pussy.

Why were these Universities started bitch?
The same reason Yeshiva University was started.
We just kept our genetalia under control until after we got our advanced degrees.
Okay. Got the video to work.

First, Colleges:
In Texas, we have a top 10% rule which requires all Texas public universities to automatically accept any applicant who is in the top 10% of his/her Texas high school graduating class (except for the fucking longhorns because they are a bunch of racist Klanhorn assholes who lobbied the legislature to let them raise it to 7% for them only). It bypasses and supersedes standardized testing and any legacy points.

That policy has had the effect of increasing the opportunities for blacks and hispanics while being race neutral, and the response has been very positive for all involved. A&M is practically busting at the seams, especially with hispanic students, and no race-based policy was implemented. It has been exceptionally positive for Texas high schools with a majority of black students. Nearly a full 10% of the students from those schools are black students and they are automatically admitted.

I would argue that this race-neutral policy has been more effective than race-based affirmative action. Many non-white kids who would not otherwise be excited with their limited options, now have their pick. And there's no resentment by white kids. They have the sense of being treated fairly too, which I believe improves race relations.

But regarding the HUD and other white-only lending practices, that did give white folk a clear advantage. No question about it.

Those advantages didn't find there way to me, unfortunately. :laugh: I am the son of two Vietnam veterans who both came from shit and who left me with ZERO inheritance (aka shit). The only thing they left me was membership in USAA, which I am happy to have, but the old man was forcefully drafted into a bullshit war and was never treated for the PTSD he was gifted as result. He spent the rest of his life being a bat-shit crazy government-hating, tax-protesting conspiracy nut who was chronically unemployed. :laugh: I could tell some stories about it that would blow your mind.

But, all that white affirmative action is the result of government overreach and a lack of self-reliance on the part of white folks. I would argue that, throughout history, white folks have turned to government to solve all their problems more than any other racial group. Even now, hordes of white folks from all walks instinctively turn to government as a solution to any problem, big or small. And it drives me insane!!!

White folks be like "To Government":


Unfortunately, I am not sure how to correct those prior government-implemented and funded white advantages, particularly when a majority of white folks (like me) didn't get any of those government goodies. I'm kinda pissed about it. I want my white AAction, dammit :laugh:

What are some of the suggested solutions?


The problem is the false perception of AA by whites. For example you have got the so called government goodies. You went to college, and the majority of students were white. If AA was about racial quotas, the majority of students would be white. But whites seem unable to see themselves as being part of AA because of the lie of whites being passed over because of the policy. The same goes for jobs. For all of American history race has been the basis for things. There has not been any such thing as race neutral. Whites were given 100 percent of things while by passing more qualified people of color. What whites have done is accept that a system based on white preference was normal and because they never faced the discrimination inherent in that system, they ignored how all white was not the normal natural population pattern of this country.

And so now if whites get the majority of opportunities instead of all of the opportunities they make the comments you made in the last paragraph even as you get what you think AA is every day.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.

So then stop talking about how wrong it is for others to get free shit, parasite.

If you want free stuff you have to be in control. We are in control so no free stuff for you. Now get to the back of the line.

Since that's not how America works your silly opinion will be considered stupid on it's merits.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.

So then stop talking about how wrong it is for others to get free shit, parasite.

If you want free stuff you have to be in control. We are in control so no free stuff for you. Now get to the back of the line.

Since that's not how America works your silly opinion will be considered stupid on it's merits.

Well then what do you keep bitching about? First you whine because whitey gets all the free shit, now you say that isn’t how it works. No wonder you’re not in control, you don’t make any sense.
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