Freedom Caucus says "fuck Trumpcare"

This is great news for the American people. (1) the FC continues to weaken Comrade's presidency; (2) the GOP now recognizes its failure or success on national health care is going to have great impact on next year's elections.

House Freedom Caucus chairman says “no deal” reached on health bill after meeting with Trump, putting vote in doubt

Is this praise I hear from Comrade JakeFakey? Praise for the "alt-right" wing of the Republican party that he rags on daily in his snowflake screeds?
Ah, Mr. Poor SnowFlake is having problems that Comrade Trump continues to fail.
This is what you get from having a beginner in office, a boy trying to do a mans job, but failing miserably

Thankfully he is now Former President Obama.
Que Trump to start sending angry tweets to republican Congressmen threatening them some more.

What I am sure congressmen must think is funny is Trump's belief that he holds their political futures in his hands.
Lefties love the "F" word. According to the low information left you get to say so much with one word without actually having to think. The fact is that Obamacare was passed by political intimidation and bribery. Democrats actually did not even read the bill before they either willingly or were forced to sign their names to it. We know that even democrats admit that Obamacare is a flawed disaster but strangely enough democrats behave like bystanders and refuse to fix what is wrong with health care system. Maybe that's why the democrat party lost about 2,000 elections, most of the governors, the congress and the presidency in the last couple of years. Don't they realize that Americans know what is going on? There is a serious case of infighting in the Republican party but that's the way politics is supposed to work.
Can someone please explain the logic here? Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare. Sure, the idea of replacing it with sensible free market reforms was also discussed but the Ryan bill isn't anything more than a fluffing of Obamacare.

Now... IF this were being done to garner bipartisan support from Democrats, I could maybe understand it.... but not a single Democrat is going to support this. So what was the point in trying to tiptoe around and appeal to the left with a replacement?

Why can't Republicans simply repeal it like they voted to do in 2015? If we're going to have a replacement, where are all the elements Trump promised? Ryan claims we're getting 85% of what we want... No we're not, and we're not that stupid. I don't think we're getting 5% of what we wanted.

Do these people not realize that if they fail to do what they were elected to do, we're going to send them home? This is just absolutely ridiculous. We've not protested against this mess for all these years only to see it pissed away like this.

They lied to you like they always do. I've said this before and I'll say it again. The Republican Party is Lucy and you are Charlie Brown believing that finally this time they won't pull the football away right as you go to kick it.
The GOP says that the vote is postponed until Friday morning. Translation: The vote is cancelled until further notice. By Friday morning, Trump will have another diversion ready to tweet. Probably along the lines that Hillary is having a baby by her lesbian space alien lover.

Trump's best course of action is just to forget about ACA and move on to tax cuts, but he won't do that. Such a course would require maturity and a person grounded in reality. Consequently, he will threaten and blame, meanwhile pushing congress further away from approving his agenda, which doesn't look very good anyway, since Trump is cutting federal spending in just about every state. NOT a good way to make friends on capitol hill.
Health care is just fine in those countries as you well know. So health care for you is about $$$ and not people, OK.

Then why are their wealthy people coming HERE?
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
Stock Market will react today to all the discussions on Trumpcare.

If the bill passes today before close of market, a short term rally will happen.

If the bill is defeated today before close of market or even after it, a major sell off will occur tomorrow.

Otherwise if nothing happens today before market close, investors will probably stand pat tomorrow.

Fakey News
Stock Market will react today to all the discussions on Trumpcare.

If the bill passes today before close of market, a short term rally will happen.

If the bill is defeated today before close of market or even after it, a major sell off will occur tomorrow.

Otherwise if nothing happens today before market close, investors will probably stand pat tomorrow.

Fakey News
Yes, that is what you write. :lol:
Can someone please explain the logic here? Republicans ran on repealing Obamacare. Sure, the idea of replacing it with sensible free market reforms was also discussed but the Ryan bill isn't anything more than a fluffing of Obamacare.

Now... IF this were being done to garner bipartisan support from Democrats, I could maybe understand it.... but not a single Democrat is going to support this. So what was the point in trying to tiptoe around and appeal to the left with a replacement?

Why can't Republicans simply repeal it like they voted to do in 2015? If we're going to have a replacement, where are all the elements Trump promised? Ryan claims we're getting 85% of what we want... No we're not, and we're not that stupid. I don't think we're getting 5% of what we wanted.

Do these people not realize that if they fail to do what they were elected to do, we're going to send them home? This is just absolutely ridiculous. We've not protested against this mess for all these years only to see it pissed away like this.
Many of Trump's voters are on ACA.

If they just repeal it then these folks will be without health care.

For the others who are die hard GOP they want lower insurance costs. But there is simply no way to do that. Still that's what the far right is holding out for.
Many of Trump's voters are on ACA.

If they just repeal it then these folks will be without health care.

For the others who are die hard GOP they want lower insurance costs. But there is simply no way to do that. Still that's what the far right is holding out for.

We can underwrite a plan to insure people who don't qualify for Medicaid but are unable to afford insurance coverage and it would cost maybe $25 billion. We could even expand Medicaid by $100 billion... still way less expensive than either AHCA or ACA.
GOP critic of health care bill says Trump will win despite delay

WASHINGTON — Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, went out of his way to praise President Trump’s negotiating skills when announcing to reporters Thursday that there were still “30 to 40” House members whom the White House had failed to woo in time for the planned health care vote that evening.

“We would not be where we are today even considering this if it were not for President Trump’s personal involvement,” Meadows said, minutes after House leaders announced they were scrapping their much-touted plan to vote Thursday on the repeal-and-replace measure. “As we look at President Trump’s personal involvement and negotiating skills — he’s moved this a very long way.”

Meadows said Trump would get a win, but it might just take longer than the president wanted.

“Whether the vote is tonight, tomorrow or five days from here, the president will get a victory because I believe we all want to negotiate in good faith and deliver on our promise [to repeal Obamacare],” Meadows said.

Asked if the postponed vote could be interpreted as a loss for Trump, Meadows responded “absolutely not.”...

Time to deactivate liberals' reality distortion fields.
Health care is just fine in those countries as you well know. So health care for you is about $$$ and not people, OK.

Then why are their wealthy people coming HERE?
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.

There never has been a free market system of health insurance in this country. A "free market system" implies that if you don't like ABC insurance company, you can go to XYZ Insurance company. The truth is that they will ALL turn you down for insurance if you have anything serious., like hear disease, or cancer.

Secondly, every industrialized nation in the world has a form of universal health in force. Not one has opted to switch to what we had.
GOP critic of health care bill says Trump will win despite delay

WASHINGTON — Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., the head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, went out of his way to praise President Trump’s negotiating skills when announcing to reporters Thursday that there were still “30 to 40” House members whom the White House had failed to woo in time for the planned health care vote that evening.

“We would not be where we are today even considering this if it were not for President Trump’s personal involvement,” Meadows said, minutes after House leaders announced they were scrapping their much-touted plan to vote Thursday on the repeal-and-replace measure. “As we look at President Trump’s personal involvement and negotiating skills — he’s moved this a very long way.”

Meadows said Trump would get a win, but it might just take longer than the president wanted.

“Whether the vote is tonight, tomorrow or five days from here, the president will get a victory because I believe we all want to negotiate in good faith and deliver on our promise [to repeal Obamacare],” Meadows said.

Asked if the postponed vote could be interpreted as a loss for Trump, Meadows responded “absolutely not.”...

Time to deactivate liberals' reality distortion fields.

Utter :bsflag:
Health care is just fine in those countries as you well know. So health care for you is about $$$ and not people, OK.

Then why are their wealthy people coming HERE?
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
What exactly is a free market system to you? One in which the insurance companies give you a lifetime cap, or one that writes off 40% of premiums as overhead, or one that won't insure you because of pre existing conditions, or maybe one in which the policy you pay for is so bad, that it covers almost nothing? That was our free market system before the ACA
Health care is just fine in those countries as you well know. So health care for you is about $$$ and not people, OK.

Then why are their wealthy people coming HERE?
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
What exactly is a free market system to you? One in which the insurance companies give you a lifetime cap, or one that writes off 40% of premiums as overhead, or one that won't insure you because of pre existing conditions, or maybe one in which the policy you pay for is so bad, that it covers almost nothing? That was our free market system before the ACA

In my career as VP of underwriting, my declination manual denied insurance to approx. 22% of Americans under age 65 for conditions ranging from pregnancy to pending heart transplants. I was only able to use my manual for late group health insurance enrollees, but the declination rate among them was 48%, because only the sick tried to buy insurance after the 30 day guaranteed issue window closed.
Health care is just fine in those countries as you well know. So health care for you is about $$$ and not people, OK.

Then why are their wealthy people coming HERE?
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
What exactly is a free market system to you? One in which the insurance companies give you a lifetime cap, or one that writes off 40% of premiums as overhead, or one that won't insure you because of pre existing conditions, or maybe one in which the policy you pay for is so bad, that it covers almost nothing? That was our free market system before the ACA

In my career as VP of underwriting, my declination manual denied insurance to approx. 22% of Americans under age 65 for conditions ranging from pregnancy to pending heart transplants. I was only able to use my manual for late group health insurance enrollees, but the declination rate among them was 48%, because only the sick tried to buy insurance after the 30 day guaranteed issue window closed.
You failed to address my comments. Your free market system allows insurance companies to pull any shit they want in the name of profits. No one should be allowed to profit off of a persons health care
Then why are their wealthy people coming HERE?
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
What exactly is a free market system to you? One in which the insurance companies give you a lifetime cap, or one that writes off 40% of premiums as overhead, or one that won't insure you because of pre existing conditions, or maybe one in which the policy you pay for is so bad, that it covers almost nothing? That was our free market system before the ACA

In my career as VP of underwriting, my declination manual denied insurance to approx. 22% of Americans under age 65 for conditions ranging from pregnancy to pending heart transplants. I was only able to use my manual for late group health insurance enrollees, but the declination rate among them was 48%, because only the sick tried to buy insurance after the 30 day guaranteed issue window closed.
You failed to address my comments. Your free market system allows insurance companies to pull any shit they want in the name of profits. No one should be allowed to profit off of a persons health care

Your argument is not with me. It is with Boss.
We have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world, along with a terrible health care delivery system. We need a single payer system like almost every developed country has

The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
What exactly is a free market system to you? One in which the insurance companies give you a lifetime cap, or one that writes off 40% of premiums as overhead, or one that won't insure you because of pre existing conditions, or maybe one in which the policy you pay for is so bad, that it covers almost nothing? That was our free market system before the ACA

In my career as VP of underwriting, my declination manual denied insurance to approx. 22% of Americans under age 65 for conditions ranging from pregnancy to pending heart transplants. I was only able to use my manual for late group health insurance enrollees, but the declination rate among them was 48%, because only the sick tried to buy insurance after the 30 day guaranteed issue window closed.
You failed to address my comments. Your free market system allows insurance companies to pull any shit they want in the name of profits. No one should be allowed to profit off of a persons health care

Your argument is not with me. It is with Boss.
You are all the same partner, a few people with multiple ID's
The reason we have the finest doctors and hospitals in the world is because we have (or had) a free market system. We don't need a "single payer" system, we need to return the system to free markets. The delivery of health care in a free market system is considerably better than a socialized system because it doesn't have to be rationed.

You see, most of you morons clamoring for a single payer socialized system have no idea what rationing of health care looks like. You live in a country where your constitutional rights are protected to the point rationing can never be an issue and government is your advocate. In a socialized system, the government is your provider and consideration of your constitutional rights is up to what they decide they are going to have to be in order to equally distribute. You've sacrificed your freedom to government and there's no getting it back.

As a consumer in a free market, you have a toll-free number you can call and lodge a complaint. You also have a state insurance commissioner who is there to help you resolve problems. In YOUR system, these things are replaced by a bureaucrat who couldn't care less about you as a consumer.
What exactly is a free market system to you? One in which the insurance companies give you a lifetime cap, or one that writes off 40% of premiums as overhead, or one that won't insure you because of pre existing conditions, or maybe one in which the policy you pay for is so bad, that it covers almost nothing? That was our free market system before the ACA

In my career as VP of underwriting, my declination manual denied insurance to approx. 22% of Americans under age 65 for conditions ranging from pregnancy to pending heart transplants. I was only able to use my manual for late group health insurance enrollees, but the declination rate among them was 48%, because only the sick tried to buy insurance after the 30 day guaranteed issue window closed.
You failed to address my comments. Your free market system allows insurance companies to pull any shit they want in the name of profits. No one should be allowed to profit off of a persons health care

Your argument is not with me. It is with Boss.
You are all the same partner, a few people with multiple ID's

What the fuck are you talking about?

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