Freedom Caucus says "fuck Trumpcare"

Each time you change your ID, shitface, the name of your candidate of choice changes also

Have no idea what you're talking about. I've had the same ID here since the start. My candidate of choice was Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party. I wanted to vote against Hillary but in the end, I couldn't support Trump on several key policies.

Now... whoever the hell you are (because I've never heard of you until a couple days ago).... I really don't give two shits what you think. Best I can tell, you don't do much thinking. You parrot the left-wing tropes of the day and run around trolling and flaming like an absolute moron.
Failure of Leadership 2017

Trump can't even bring Republicans together to do something they have promised to do for the past seven years.…:ack-1:
Failure of Leadership 2017

Trump can't even bring Republicans together to do something they have promised to do for the past seven years.…:ack-1:

It's not really Trump, it's the Establishment Swamp Critters who he is apparently now in the corner with. If he doesn't wise up pretty quick, he's gonna be a one-term president. The Establishment GOP are a bunch of incompetent idiots... they are the reason for the Tea Party movement. In many ways, they are the reason Trump rose to prominence.
It's not really Trump,
Of Course its not Trump...Trump is a perfected Human Being ..."The Fucking Crown of Creation"......:ack-1:

The GOP revised Health Care bill spends $186 billion more to still take coverage away from 24 million people........... What a win...No wonder we are going to be "sick of winning"....
It's not really Trump,
Of Course its not Trump...Trump is a perfected Human Being ..."The Fucking Crown of Creation"......:ack-1:

The GOP revised Health Care bill spends $186 billion more to still take coverage away from 24 million people........... What a win...No wonder we are going to be "sick of winning"....
Obamacare is unaffordable, one way or another it will fail underneath its own weight.
Sooner or later
It's not really Trump,
Of Course its not Trump...Trump is a perfected Human Being ..."The Fucking Crown of Creation"......:ack-1:

The GOP revised Health Care bill spends $186 billion more to still take coverage away from 24 million people........... What a win...No wonder we are going to be "sick of winning"....

Hey, I'm NOT one of the 17% who support this turd sandwich. I want a straight REPEAL of Obamacare. That's what Republicans ran on and supposedly agreed on. They voted for it in 2015.

This is going to be blamed on Trump. That's why I think he needs to wise up. I realize, he doesn't quite grasp how politics work because he hasn't done this before but he better get on the stick fast. I'm not some Trump cheerleader who is going to sit here and defend him but the bill on the table was put there by Paul Ryan and the Establishment GOP... not Trump.
That's what Republicans ran on and supposedly agreed on. They voted for it in 2015.
You only made one trusted the GOP :ack-1:

This is all yours GOP and Trump...Good Luck you will need it ...Seven Freaking Years and YOU HAVE NO CLUE
You only made one trusted the GOP :ack-1:

This is all yours GOP and Trump...Good Luck you will need it ...Seven Freaking Years and YOU HAVE NO CLUE

Again... for the incredibly stupid.... I did not vote for Trump! I did not vote for the Republican party candidate in the 2016 presidential election. You're not going to hang Trump around MY neck, no matter how hard you try.

If you will go back and look at my postings from the primaries, you will see that I vociferously voiced my opinions on Trump and why he was a potential disaster in the making for the Conservative movement. I begged people to support Ted Cruz and all I got was slapped around with "Lyin' Ted!"

Say what you will about Cruz, he would not be supporting this debacle of a bill put forth by Paul Ryan and he certainly wouldn't be starting one shitstorm after another with his 3 a.m. tweets. You would hate him as much as you hate Trump (or more) but that's to be expected.
You only made one trusted the GOP :ack-1:

This is all yours GOP and Trump...Good Luck you will need it ...Seven Freaking Years and YOU HAVE NO CLUE

Again... for the incredibly stupid.... I did not vote for Trump! I did not vote for the Republican party candidate in the 2016 presidential election. You're not going to hang Trump around MY neck, no matter how hard you try.

The Democrats practically 'installed' Trump as their punching bag of choice.

Hillary was promised the nomination in 2008, in exchange for joining Obama's crew. The DNC had their hands full squelching Bernie, but her nomination was never in question. This left her campaign team free to focus on manipulating the Republican primaries, which they did to great effect. Be careful what you wish for, eh?
What difference does it make, if every insurance company who wants to sell insurance in that states, DOES sell insurance in that state, and they do!

Because not EVERY insurance company CAN.
I can assure you that there is nothing barring a New Jersey insurance company from selling insurance in Idaho. if you have something that proves differently, please post a link.

I don't really have the time to do all the research on this to win an argument with you. I think they have to put up the bond money for the state they are practicing in. They have to meet individual state requirements within that state and it's cost prohibitive for smaller insurance companies.

I know that you've been around long enough to have heard this argument presented by conservatives who do know what the fuck they're talking about and aren't just making up nonsense. Of course, you might think it's better to tell people they're making up nonsense rather than admit they have a valid point. And the choir you're preaching to is just dumb enough to believe you.

Health insurance companies do not have to put up bond money to sell in any state. They simply have to demonstrate on audit that they are solvent according to actuarial standards for reserves Vs. risk. Those standards have been adopted by the NAIC (National Association of Insurance commissioners) and are consistent in all states. In fact, states take turns auditing insurance companies and share the results with each other, so that they don't have to adit every company every year.

Link: National Association of Insurance Commissioners
They have pulled the TrumpCare Bill out of Voting...Trump Lost America wins
Trump got tired of winning so much...Fuck you Orange Anus you suck Large

Republicans Pull the Health Care Bill
Source: Political Wire

President Trump told the Washington Post: “We just pulled it.”

The vote was scheduled to take place at 3:30 pm but Speaker Ryan called Republicans into a conference meeting instead.

Read more: Republicans Pull the Health Care Bill - Political Wire

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