Freedom Caucus says "fuck Trumpcare"

Boss, having spent my 50 year career in health insurance, I can assure you that health insurance companies have little or no lobbies in Washington. That is because we have almost no regulation from Washington. We deal 90% with state, not federal regulation.
That has been changing in the last 8 years, only because of ACA, but such lobbies are not thoroughly entrenched. The health insurance industry is trying to guide Congress toward what they are doing with Medicare Advantage plans. The have no risk under those plans, and it is in their best interests for Congress to expand Medicare to all ages, and allow insurance companies to offer alternatives to straight government Medicare. The health insurance industry is, in fact, moving out of the risk business altogether. They make far more money, with no risk, hiring themselves out to major employers to handle their self insured plans administration. If congress were to make health insurance illegal, the insurance companies would be delighted, as long as they can continue to write cost plus plans, like Medicare Advantage..

The insurance lobby WROTE the ACA bill.

All due respect to your expertise in the field, I understand you deal with state regulators 90% of the time, but the states are federally regulated too. Many of these mandates and regulations are the result of insurance lobbyists who buy influence in Washington.

There is a reason health insurance isn't sold across state lines. The insurance companies enjoy an advantage of not having to compete.
Boss, having spent my 50 year career in health insurance, I can assure you that health insurance companies have little or no lobbies in Washington. That is because we have almost no regulation from Washington. We deal 90% with state, not federal regulation.
That has been changing in the last 8 years, only because of ACA, but such lobbies are not thoroughly entrenched. The health insurance industry is trying to guide Congress toward what they are doing with Medicare Advantage plans. The have no risk under those plans, and it is in their best interests for Congress to expand Medicare to all ages, and allow insurance companies to offer alternatives to straight government Medicare. The health insurance industry is, in fact, moving out of the risk business altogether. They make far more money, with no risk, hiring themselves out to major employers to handle their self insured plans administration. If congress were to make health insurance illegal, the insurance companies would be delighted, as long as they can continue to write cost plus plans, like Medicare Advantage..

The insurance lobby WROTE the ACA bill.

All due respect to your expertise in the field, I understand you deal with state regulators 90% of the time, but the states are federally regulated too. Many of these mandates and regulations are the result of insurance lobbyists who buy influence in Washington.

There is a reason health insurance isn't sold across state lines. The insurance companies enjoy an advantage of not having to compete.

Utter BS, Boss. Any insurance company can file file their policies in any state and get approval within 90 days. In fact, one of my jobs in my career was Compliance, and that is what I did. Not one of the many companies I worked for was selling insurance in less than 20 states, and many, like Unitedhealth, and Prudential operated in 50 states. All the company needs is a Director of Compliance and an administrative assistant to do it. It costs them maybe $120,000 per year to stay in compliance with all states. Insurance companies are not worried about competition. When I started in the business in 1966, there were 1950 health insurance companies. Now, there are about 50.

And, yes, the insurance industry wrote ACA, but it was a pachwork thing that they had to put together for the democrats, because they were told that expanding Medicare to all ages would never get past the republicans. And, BTW, the GOP bill was NOT written by insurance companies, and for that reason, the companies will not support it. They will bail out because of the adverse selection that it would crate in the pool.
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Utter BS, Boss. Any insurance company can file file their policies in any state and get approval within 90 days. In fact, one of my jobs in my career was Compliance, and that is what I did. Not one of the many companies I worked for was selling insurance in less than 20 states, and many, like Unitedhealth, and Prudential operated in 50 states.

I didn't say that insurance companies couldn't sell insurance in other states. They cannot compete across state lines. As a businessman, would you rather have 5 competitors or 50? Most with any sense would answer 5.... the less competition, the better. By restricting insurance providers to in-state it reduces the competition. By limiting competition, you can charge more and/or provide less.
Utter BS, Boss. Any insurance company can file file their policies in any state and get approval within 90 days. In fact, one of my jobs in my career was Compliance, and that is what I did. Not one of the many companies I worked for was selling insurance in less than 20 states, and many, like Unitedhealth, and Prudential operated in 50 states.

I didn't say that insurance companies couldn't sell insurance in other states. They cannot compete across state lines. As a businessman, would you rather have 5 competitors or 50? Most with any sense would answer 5.... the less competition, the better. By restricting insurance providers to in-state it reduces the competition. By limiting competition, you can charge more and/or provide less.

You obviously did not understand my post. Any health insurer can do business in any state, and they do, if fact, do business in any state they want to do business in. Aetna sells policies in all 50 states. So does Pru, Unitedhealth, and Healthnet. The only limiting factor is whether or not it is worth if for Pru to send a provider relations team to Nevada to get docs and providers to sign their in-network contracts.
Trump doesn't even know what's in the bill. he just wants a victory. this "victory" will bite Republicans in the ass in 2018.
NYT reports that "Trump has told people close to him that he regrets going along with Paul Ryan's plan to push health care first"

You obviously did not understand my post. Any health insurer can do business in any state, and they do, if fact, do business in any state they want to do business in. Aetna sells policies in all 50 states. So does Pru, Unitedhealth, and Healthnet. The only limiting factor is whether or not it is worth if for Pru to send a provider relations team to Nevada to get docs and providers to sign their in-network contracts.

Right, but they only have to compete with the insurance providers in that state. Consumers don't have the luxury of shopping ALL insurance providers, only the ones who are in their state.
You obviously did not understand my post. Any health insurer can do business in any state, and they do, if fact, do business in any state they want to do business in. Aetna sells policies in all 50 states. So does Pru, Unitedhealth, and Healthnet. The only limiting factor is whether or not it is worth if for Pru to send a provider relations team to Nevada to get docs and providers to sign their in-network contracts.

Right, but they only have to compete with the insurance providers in that state. Consumers don't have the luxury of shopping ALL insurance providers, only the ones who are in their state.

What difference does it make, if every insurance company who wants to sell insurance in that states, DOES sell insurance in that state, and they do!


Petal to the metal, Donny!
What difference does it make, if every insurance company who wants to sell insurance in that states, DOES sell insurance in that state, and they do!

Because not EVERY insurance company CAN.
I can assure you that there is nothing barring a New Jersey insurance company from selling insurance in Idaho. if you have something that proves differently, please post a link.
What difference does it make, if every insurance company who wants to sell insurance in that states, DOES sell insurance in that state, and they do!

Because not EVERY insurance company CAN.
I can assure you that there is nothing barring a New Jersey insurance company from selling insurance in Idaho. if you have something that proves differently, please post a link.

I don't really have the time to do all the research on this to win an argument with you. I think they have to put up the bond money for the state they are practicing in. They have to meet individual state requirements within that state and it's cost prohibitive for smaller insurance companies.

I know that you've been around long enough to have heard this argument presented by conservatives who do know what the fuck they're talking about and aren't just making up nonsense. Of course, you might think it's better to tell people they're making up nonsense rather than admit they have a valid point. And the choir you're preaching to is just dumb enough to believe you.
Utter BS, Boss. Any insurance company can file file their policies in any state and get approval within 90 days. In fact, one of my jobs in my career was Compliance, and that is what I did. Not one of the many companies I worked for was selling insurance in less than 20 states, and many, like Unitedhealth, and Prudential operated in 50 states.

I didn't say that insurance companies couldn't sell insurance in other states. They cannot compete across state lines. As a businessman, would you rather have 5 competitors or 50? Most with any sense would answer 5.... the less competition, the better. By restricting insurance providers to in-state it reduces the competition. By limiting competition, you can charge more and/or provide less.
So, why isn't this provision in Trumpcare?
Stock Market will react today to all the discussions on Trumpcare.

If the bill passes today before close of market, a short term rally will happen.

If the bill is defeated today before close of market or even after it, a major sell off will occur tomorrow.

Otherwise if nothing happens today before market close, investors will probably stand pat tomorrow.

Wasn't the stock market supposed to crash as an immediate result of Trump's presidency? Oh, it was only the stocks of Time Warner.

Yeah, I would rather have my investment advice from somewhere else.

You may have posted this as a joke, but this is what the regressives actually believe. At least the ones who do not think Trump is the next coming of Hitler and should be assassinated immediately. The delusions are strongly embedded in their ideology.

You may have posted this as a joke, but this is what the regressives actually believe. At least the ones who do not think Trump is the next coming of Hitler and should be assassinated immediately.
Fuck you asshole Rube Cry Baby ......awwwwwwwwwwwwww poor baby...Right wing cry babies they can deal it out but they cannot take it....Fuck off cry baby

So, why isn't this provision in Trumpcare?

I can't find ANYTHING in TrumpCare that Conservatives supported or voted for. This particular thing was something Trump himself campaigned on, along with HSAs which are also not mentioned.

That's why it's being called Obamacare 2.0!

Again, like I said... if we were in the minority and trying to garner some Democrat votes.... then I could see some bill like this being a "compromise" that we have to settle for. I don't understand why Republicans introduce a fucking bill that so many Republicans are simply not going to vote for.

Talk about a WEAK party? This is embarrassing.
So, why isn't this provision in Trumpcare?

I can't find ANYTHING in TrumpCare that Conservatives supported or voted for. This particular thing was something Trump himself campaigned on, along with HSAs which are also not mentioned.

That's why it's being called Obamacare 2.0!

Again, like I said... if we were in the minority and trying to garner some Democrat votes.... then I could see some bill like this being a "compromise" that we have to settle for. I don't understand why Republicans introduce a fucking bill that so many Republicans are simply not going to vote for.

Talk about a WEAK party? This is embarrassing.
You voted for Trump, you supported Trump my dear, and some day even you will realize what a massive screw up he is

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