Freedom of Religious Opinion? Not If You're Phil Robertson

Religion was used to justify slavery, segregation, anti miscegenation and now homophobia. Same bible, different bigots.

Christianity was a far bigger player in opposing slavery and racism.

And the south used primarily economics, not religion to justify it.

And equating slavery with that the poor gays can't get government validated marriage is just pathetic.

Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

Validate I agree with. That was actually my point, that different words have different connotations and in the original post, words were chosen for stronger negative connotation. The justification was overwhelmingly economics, even the links presented said that. They told themselves on Sunday that somehow it was OK. Also, most Christians were against slavery. I just mentioned Quakers because they took such an active role through history, including outlawing and fighting slavery long before there was a United States.

I attended a Quaker church quite a few years. I was raised in the Church of the Brethren, which is similar. But I moved around and there weren't as many Brethren Churches, so I often went to Quaker ones. I am not pacifist, but I do believe we way overuse our military and military should only be used for defense. I would say about half the Quakers, maybe even over half agree with that. Of course that's based on my experience, but I have known quite a few Quakers.
Christianity was a far bigger player in opposing slavery and racism.

And the south used primarily economics, not religion to justify it.

And equating slavery with that the poor gays can't get government validated marriage is just pathetic.

Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

Validate I agree with. That was actually my point, that different words have different connotations and in the original post, words were chosen for stronger negative connotation. The justification was overwhelmingly economics, even the links presented said that. They told themselves on Sunday that somehow it was OK. Also, most Christians were against slavery. I just mentioned Quakers because they took such an active role through history, including outlawing and fighting slavery long before there was a United States.

I attended a Quaker church quite a few years. I was raised in the Church of the Brethren, which is similar. But I moved around and there weren't as many Brethren Churches, so I often went to Quaker ones. I am not pacifist, but I do believe we way overuse our military and military should only be used for defense. I would say about half the Quakers, maybe even over half agree with that. Of course that's based on my experience, but I have known quite a few Quakers.

LOL, amazing how many CLAIMED they were Christian here in the south when they found out they could use that excuse to keep blacks as 2nd class citizens.

1st class citizens should be able to legally get married.
Who really gives a shit. Affects you in no way.
We are a milk weak society enough already without having to waste time denying a marriage to 2 gay folk that happen to be committed and love each other.
Get over it. Spend your time at the Feed The Hungry Food Pantry instead.
The point is hunarcy, no one tried to stop Robertson from tying homosexuality to beastiality.

And yet, when he did, GLAAD planned a campaign to stop him from acting as a spokesman for any product and to have him removed from the airways and only backed down when the backlash was more than they could handle.

So, while you are smugly impugning people based on where they live and how they talk, you're spreading falsehoods and making yourself look just as pathetic as those you were mocking.

Where you on the old PE2k board?
Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

Yet the first places integrated in the South were churches.

whoa, thah mah fren. Ah do acknowledge both the yankee devils and we plantation ownahs justifahed owselvas with script-ah. But, tha wah no negros allowed in mah familah's pews till the northern agitatahs stuck thah damn noses whah thah dinn't belong.
Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

Yet the first places integrated in the South were churches.

Schools by force with troops and guns.
Many churches stayed segregated into the early 80s.
I opposed busing, affirmative action and many crazy schemes that really do nothing to get people on the same page.
I oppose the ban on gay marriage because it is a petty fake excuse offered as opposition every time.
Gay marriage affects no one.
Again, as correctly noted, contacting sponsors is not infringing on one’s right to free speech or religious freedom, the concepts of free speech and religious freedom pertain only to government, lawmaking entities, not the private sector, not to private persons, and not to private companies.

As I said, it's your lie, so you can tell it any way you wish. But, to claim that there was not an effort to silence Robertson is a bald faced lie.

And, since you are telling the lie, that makes you a...?
Again, as correctly noted, contacting sponsors is not infringing on one’s right to free speech or religious freedom, the concepts of free speech and religious freedom pertain only to government, lawmaking entities, not the private sector, not to private persons, and not to private companies.

As I said, it's your lie, so you can tell it any way you wish. But, to claim that there was not an effort to silence Robertson is a bald faced lie.

And, since you are telling the lie, that makes you a...?

How is it that you seem to find something wrong if people choose to boycott "obsene music groups" or growers employing spokeswoman for fla orange juice who takes a political position, or an entertainment giant with movie studios and theme parks who supports full inclusion of gays .....?

I'm just not seeing the outrage of telling some private entity that if it takes a position ,contrary to a position some voters like, they're not gonna buy the entities stuff
Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

Validate I agree with. That was actually my point, that different words have different connotations and in the original post, words were chosen for stronger negative connotation. The justification was overwhelmingly economics, even the links presented said that. They told themselves on Sunday that somehow it was OK. Also, most Christians were against slavery. I just mentioned Quakers because they took such an active role through history, including outlawing and fighting slavery long before there was a United States.

I attended a Quaker church quite a few years. I was raised in the Church of the Brethren, which is similar. But I moved around and there weren't as many Brethren Churches, so I often went to Quaker ones. I am not pacifist, but I do believe we way overuse our military and military should only be used for defense. I would say about half the Quakers, maybe even over half agree with that. Of course that's based on my experience, but I have known quite a few Quakers.

LOL, amazing how many CLAIMED they were Christian here in the south when they found out they could use that excuse to keep blacks as 2nd class citizens.

1st class citizens should be able to legally get married.
Who really gives a shit. Affects you in no way.
We are a milk weak society enough already without having to waste time denying a marriage to 2 gay folk that happen to be committed and love each other.
Get over it. Spend your time at the Feed The Hungry Food Pantry instead.

First of all, I didn't say anything about the South. "Christianity" was blamed for Slavery, and I said that was ridiculous. The answer was oh yeah, well Christians in the South... Whatever. My family were northerners and Christians, and they were very anti-slavery, and so were most of the people in the North. In the South, it wasn't as universally supported as believed.

There are a lot of Christian groups who run the gamut. The majority of Christians don't care about gay, it's the Conservative ones who do, and not all of them.
Validate I agree with. That was actually my point, that different words have different connotations and in the original post, words were chosen for stronger negative connotation. The justification was overwhelmingly economics, even the links presented said that. They told themselves on Sunday that somehow it was OK. Also, most Christians were against slavery. I just mentioned Quakers because they took such an active role through history, including outlawing and fighting slavery long before there was a United States.

I attended a Quaker church quite a few years. I was raised in the Church of the Brethren, which is similar. But I moved around and there weren't as many Brethren Churches, so I often went to Quaker ones. I am not pacifist, but I do believe we way overuse our military and military should only be used for defense. I would say about half the Quakers, maybe even over half agree with that. Of course that's based on my experience, but I have known quite a few Quakers.

LOL, amazing how many CLAIMED they were Christian here in the south when they found out they could use that excuse to keep blacks as 2nd class citizens.

1st class citizens should be able to legally get married.
Who really gives a shit. Affects you in no way.
We are a milk weak society enough already without having to waste time denying a marriage to 2 gay folk that happen to be committed and love each other.
Get over it. Spend your time at the Feed The Hungry Food Pantry instead.

First of all, I didn't say anything about the South. "Christianity" was blamed for Slavery, and I said that was ridiculous. The answer was oh yeah, well Christians in the South... Whatever. My family were northerners and Christians, and they were very anti-slavery, and so were most of the people in the North. In the South, it wasn't as universally supported as believed.

There are a lot of Christian groups who run the gamut. The majority of Christians don't care about gay, it's the Conservative ones who do, and not all of them.

Christianity has never been blamed for slavery.
That is the most bizarre claim I have ever seen on this thread.
What was said that most Christians in the south used the Bible to validate slavery.
Religion was used to justify slavery, segregation, anti miscegenation and now homophobia. Same bible, different bigots.

Christianity was a far bigger player in opposing slavery and racism.

And the south used primarily economics, not religion to justify it.

And equating slavery with that the poor gays can't get government validated marriage is just pathetic.

Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

I believe the Mormons were driven out of Missouri largely because they had the temerity to allow blacks in their congregations and even their clergy (and to their discredit they soon caved on that point and didn't uncave until 1978).
Kaz is trying to say that religious extremists use their religious texts to justify bigotry...then with racism and now with anti gay bias...right Kaz?

Or there is the bigot who uses their homosexuality as a reason to hate. Or the liberal elite who uses their perceived intelligence as a reason to be racist

tapatalk post
How is it that you seem to find something wrong if people choose to boycott "obsene music groups" or growers employing spokeswoman for fla orange juice who takes a political position, or an entertainment giant with movie studios and theme parks who supports full inclusion of gays .....?

I'm just not seeing the outrage of telling some private entity that if it takes a position ,contrary to a position some voters like, they're not gonna buy the entities stuff

If you don't understand the argument, feel free to stop posting. The CLAIM was that no one was trying to silence Robertson and I have proven that is a lie. Nothing you have posted changes that fact, so your comments, while yours to make, are merely distractions.
How is it that you seem to find something wrong if people choose to boycott "obsene music groups" or growers employing spokeswoman for fla orange juice who takes a political position, or an entertainment giant with movie studios and theme parks who supports full inclusion of gays .....?

I'm just not seeing the outrage of telling some private entity that if it takes a position ,contrary to a position some voters like, they're not gonna buy the entities stuff

If you don't understand the argument, feel free to stop posting. The CLAIM was that no one was trying to silence Robertson and I have proven that is a lie. Nothing you have posted changes that fact, so your comments, while yours to make, are merely distractions.

You haven’t ‘proven’ anything, and in fact you are wrong.

Only the state has the authority to seek to silence someone for his speech, using its police powers – only the state can arrest, detain, try, convict, and imprison someone for his unpopular speech. Private citizens and organizations lack that power. They do not have the authority to arrest, detain, try, convict, and imprison someone for his unpopular speech. Lacking that power and authority, private citizens or organizations cannot seek to ‘silence’ anyone, which is why this is not a free speech issue, as First Amendment restrictions apply only to government.

Consequently, this ignorant notion of private citizens or organizations seeking to ‘silence’ someone is mere partisan contrivance by the right hostile to opposing views and dissent.
Religion was used to justify slavery, segregation, anti miscegenation and now homophobia. Same bible, different bigots.

Christianity was a far bigger player in opposing slavery and racism.

And the south used primarily economics, not religion to justify it.

And equating slavery with that the poor gays can't get government validated marriage is just pathetic.

Very true as my Quaker ancestors were anti slavery.
And take a wild guess which religion persecuted them for that.

I was born and raised in the deep south.
Religion was ALWAYS used to validate segregation.

Would that be the origin of your bigotry against them?
LOL, amazing how many CLAIMED they were Christian here in the south when they found out they could use that excuse to keep blacks as 2nd class citizens.

1st class citizens should be able to legally get married.
Who really gives a shit. Affects you in no way.
We are a milk weak society enough already without having to waste time denying a marriage to 2 gay folk that happen to be committed and love each other.
Get over it. Spend your time at the Feed The Hungry Food Pantry instead.

First of all, I didn't say anything about the South. "Christianity" was blamed for Slavery, and I said that was ridiculous. The answer was oh yeah, well Christians in the South... Whatever. My family were northerners and Christians, and they were very anti-slavery, and so were most of the people in the North. In the South, it wasn't as universally supported as believed.

There are a lot of Christian groups who run the gamut. The majority of Christians don't care about gay, it's the Conservative ones who do, and not all of them.

Christianity has never been blamed for slavery.
That is the most bizarre claim I have ever seen on this thread.
What was said that most Christians in the south used the Bible to validate slavery.
Most Christians huh. So you believe you personally know most christians? Or maybe your circle was a particularly bigoted hovel. Any other generalizations about your hate for christians that you want to share?
LOL, amazing how many CLAIMED they were Christian here in the south when they found out they could use that excuse to keep blacks as 2nd class citizens.

1st class citizens should be able to legally get married.
Who really gives a shit. Affects you in no way.
We are a milk weak society enough already without having to waste time denying a marriage to 2 gay folk that happen to be committed and love each other.
Get over it. Spend your time at the Feed The Hungry Food Pantry instead.

First of all, I didn't say anything about the South. "Christianity" was blamed for Slavery, and I said that was ridiculous. The answer was oh yeah, well Christians in the South... Whatever. My family were northerners and Christians, and they were very anti-slavery, and so were most of the people in the North. In the South, it wasn't as universally supported as believed.

There are a lot of Christian groups who run the gamut. The majority of Christians don't care about gay, it's the Conservative ones who do, and not all of them.

Christianity has never been blamed for slavery.
That is the most bizarre claim I have ever seen on this thread.
What was said that most Christians in the south used the Bible to validate slavery.

It's the rat holes liberals always take discussions down.

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