Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

The Union Soldiers were occupying a fort in a foreign country.

For cryin' out loud, let it go. The Confederates were traitors who wrought unprecedented death and suffering for the sake of the evil institution of slavery. They lost, the Union was preserved, and the nation as a whole moved on and prospered as none other in history. It was a long time ago, and the traitors were crushed. That will not change no matter how many times people like you - for whatever Quixotic reason - try to rewrite history and gorge yourselves on ancient sour grapes. LET IT GO.
By your logic the Founding Fathers were traitors. I guess it comes down to who gets to write the history books.
I spend less than the food allowance for one person under SNAP. I could reduce what I spend by a considerable amount and not even have a hunger pang. Eating all the potato chips you want doesn't equal good nutrition. You are a stupid piece of shit.

Aren't you dying of something? are sure taking a long time doing it.

And..I don't believe you.

Simple as that.

You also have no business talking about how we tax payers spend our money.

Being that you live off us.

And I vote to feed Americans in need. Even you.

She lives off you? Really? She worked all her life and paid hundreds of thousands into Social Security and she's now getting some of it back.
The killer is that with her health problems, she has no hope of recovering what she paid in and the excess will be just absorbed by the system. She has every right to collect a check every month. She PAID for it, unlike people collecting welfare.

[MENTION=26011]Ernie S.[/MENTION]

Yes, and I did well enough to have paid in the maximum amount for the last number of years I worked. Like all other retirees, I draw proportionally to what I earned. I don't think I draw the max, though, because I took a year off the get the master's and while the children were at home, I did not pursue the higher paying positions because those took too much time away from the family. But I have a good benefit which will be better next year when they aren't holding it against me that I worked. My private pensions pay ALL my insurances - life, health (Medicare, Medigap, and retirement insurance), vision, dental, long term care. They also pay the taxes on my house and there is money left over after all those things come out. Some are taken from the pension directly, and some are automatic draft on my checking account. Because this is an expensive orphan disease, the specialty pharmacy gets a grant from a private fund for everyone who has a copay left over if they are not working. I declined it, but they told me NO ONE who is not working pays the copay for the $100K/year med. But from the looks of my EOBs this year, I believe all my deductibles are getting picked up by my Medigap and retirement insurance. Getting the grant, though, is SOP for people with this disease who are on that expensive drug. I do pay the copays for all my oral meds. The cheapest is $10 for 3 months and the most expensive is $80 for 3 months.

I felt a bit uncomfortable taking the grant and was told that people far less deserving that I get it. I have told my daughter that when I die to put in the death notice that expressions of sympathy should be donations to that fund. I am considering adding a codicil to my will to have a lump sum out of my estate left to them as well. My kids don't need my money, that's for sure. They have done well for themselves.
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So you are paid to post on forums. OR you are stealing time from a private employer. Which is it? It could be either.

Um..I work in IT.

Alot of time spend waiting for stuff to complete.

Not like you'd know anything about that.

I know about down time at work. I never worked where the would not fire your ass for playing around on a message board. If you are waiting on something to complete, you should find other work to do on your company's (or government's) time. don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I put in 15 hours yesterday. I am taking up the slack because the boys in Pune are on Diwali holiday. Which is part of the reason I am putting in 12 hours today.

Lately? I spend maybe 6 hours a day at my home.

And that is JUST to sleep.
Does your employer know that you are fucking off on the internet instead of working?

I'm pretty sure that your taxes and mine and the millions of others are plenty enough to keep our government from collapsing. It's their willy-nilly spending that is the problem.

My employer just bought me chinese food.

They are happy as a pig in shit that I come in on Saturdays. People here balk on working weekends because of their families. I also do tons of overtime..something most people here won't do.

Last review I was scored as "over performing" and I am in line for a promotion on this track.

And here's a newsflash, Our government was just shutdown.

It's not farfetched to think it might collapse.

That's generally what happens. Nuts get power and start using it to fuck up the government before they take it over.

Well, golly gee, if I fucked off on the internet during my working hours I'd probably have to work overtime also. Instead, I work while at work instead of playing on the internet.

The government wasn't shutdown, last I looked it was about 17% that were furloughed. I wouldn't call that a shutdown. Only the dumb media and the fools that that believe them call it a shutdown.

I'm thinking the last nuts that got enough power to fuck up the government and take it over was somewhere around 1774.

And the ones who got furloughed will get paid and they have all that annual leave left over that they can use on down the road.
I answered fine, Ernie.

She asked how many people were starving..not starving to death.

I reckon most people on the food stamp program aren't there because they are getting everything they need.

Hence, they need food.


She asked, "How many people are starving to death?" and you provided a link. That is not an answer. 7, 183, or 1,000 would have been an answer.

No she didn't.

How many Americans have starved this year? Inquiring minds want to know.

That's her post.

And you are stupid. You took the term 'starving' to mean they aren't getting all the junk they want. That is NOT what starving means. People who are starving are going to die if they starve long enough. You can't possibly work in IT. You are too stupid. You are probably the janitor and they only THINK you are working.
Yes..there was a Queen in France that thought that way too.

She said something about cake..and letting the poor eat that.

Didn't turn out to well.

All you have is lies? Why am I not surprised. Or did you think she said it when she was 9?

For the record, when Marie Antoinette was told about the starving peasants she donated her own money to help them. If she had been a real bitch she would have raised taxes on them to buy them food.

Wait, that is your solution, sorry.


Yeah..and she was so beloved she lost her head over it.

People just love monarchies..which is why there are so many around today.


They hated her because, when she was young and foolish, she actually believed that government spending was good for the economy.
My employer just bought me chinese food.

They are happy as a pig in shit that I come in on Saturdays. People here balk on working weekends because of their families. I also do tons of overtime..something most people here won't do.

Last review I was scored as "over performing" and I am in line for a promotion on this track.

And here's a newsflash, Our government was just shutdown.

It's not farfetched to think it might collapse.

That's generally what happens. Nuts get power and start using it to fuck up the government before they take it over.

Well, golly gee, if I fucked off on the internet during my working hours I'd probably have to work overtime also. Instead, I work while at work instead of playing on the internet.

Well I can also multitask. Like now? I am eating Chinese food, bouncing switches, compiling a new release and burning a few CD with data that we provide for customers while monitoring the whole shebang on Monmons/ICINGA/NAGIOS while I am typing this.

Ain't that a pip?

The government wasn't shutdown, last I looked it was about 17% that were furloughed. I wouldn't call that a shutdown. Only the dumb media and the fools that that believe them call it a shutdown.

I'm thinking the last nuts that got enough power to fuck up the government and take it over was somewhere around 1774.

That's like the right wing fantasy ain't it? It cost the government billions, the economy 24 billion, there were about 800K furloughed and they figure it cost about 100K jobs.

So much for reality, eh?

Perhaps if you didn't post at work when you are supposed to be working you could do a better job at your job and not have all that to do on the weekends.
So, if the government is putting a gun to our heads for this kind of funding, even though our government voted on it in a democratic representation process...

Wouldn't the government aso be putting a gun to our head for every single bit of spending they make, even if done through the representative democratic process, under YOUR terms?

And if they are one and the same, where both being the gvt putting a gun to our heads, do you ever state such about non-welfare type programs? Basically, where do you stand on all of the gvt's spending?

Do you really think it matters to the person on the business end of that gun how the guy holding it got there?
I don't think most people on the business end of that proverbial gun are silly enough to actually believe a gun is being held to their head as you and a small minority 'feel'.....

you didn't answer my ALL gvt spending holding a gun to our heads, or only the programs YOU disagree with?

It doesn't matter if they believe the gun is there or not, what matters is if it is there.

Since I oppose taxes, and oppose borrowing money to sustain deficit spending, why should I defend spending I oppose?
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All of those countries have socialized medicine and don't let their hungry citizens, starve.

How many Americans have starved this year? Inquiring minds want to know.

No she didn't.

How many Americans have starved this year? Inquiring minds want to know.

That's her post.
GEEESUSS! WTF is wrong with you? The wording is different, the tense is different, but both call for a number, not a link to a sob story.

Death is implicit in the past tense of 'starve'. He is a monosynaptic cretin.
My employer just bought me chinese food.

They are happy as a pig in shit that I come in on Saturdays. People here balk on working weekends because of their families. I also do tons of overtime..something most people here won't do.

Last review I was scored as "over performing" and I am in line for a promotion on this track.

And here's a newsflash, Our government was just shutdown.

It's not farfetched to think it might collapse.

That's generally what happens. Nuts get power and start using it to fuck up the government before they take it over.

Well, golly gee, if I fucked off on the internet during my working hours I'd probably have to work overtime also. Instead, I work while at work instead of playing on the internet.

Well I can also multitask. Like now? I am eating Chinese food, bouncing switches, compiling a new release and burning a few CD with data that we provide for customers while monitoring the whole shebang on Monmons/ICINGA/NAGIOS while I am typing this.

Ain't that a pip?

The government wasn't shutdown, last I looked it was about 17% that were furloughed. I wouldn't call that a shutdown. Only the dumb media and the fools that that believe them call it a shutdown.

I'm thinking the last nuts that got enough power to fuck up the government and take it over was somewhere around 1774.

That's like the right wing fantasy ain't it? It cost the government billions, the economy 24 billion, there were about 800K furloughed and they figure it cost about 100K jobs.

So much for reality, eh?

100K jobs? how does that work?
Silly. People who still have a sex drive love sex. Why should they say no? Just take precautions.

Well if enough people say will end all human problems.

And humans.


How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

I think legalizing drugs would do that in this generation!
Dear gawd, the wailing about this food stamp cut you'd think we are going to see MASS starvation in the streets...

really pathetic that these bleeding heart high and mighty libs believe people aren't capable of "tightening their belts" we all go through it

but dear gawd, lose a few bucks of taxpayers monies and the world is going to end

I can't take you drama/divider queens

Swallow doesn't believe I spend less on food than the SNAP allotment for one person. But I do. I keep $250 out after paying my bills - light, phone, cell phone, etc. That $250 is for gas, entertainment, and the many non food items one uses around the house. My car costs $40 to fill up, and I fill it up twice a month. Part of being middle class is managing your money. That is why we are middle class and not the generational poverty class.
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That would be liberals fighting a monarchy.

The last time in this country a huge amount of conservatives tried to take it over..was during the civil war.

And, thankfully, they got their asses kicked.

Although they refuse to accept it and keep waving around confederate flags.

You are completely mistaken.
The civil war of the US wasn't about the confederates trying to take over the government, it was about them trying to secede from it. At no point did they try and take over the existing government of the US. Your claim of such would be akin to claiming that the US revolutionary war was an attempt for the US to take over the British government.

Hasn’t seen the ball since kickoff.
How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
Actually, banning poor people from getting married or having families is something you invented and completely untrue vis a vis conservatives.
How about if people supported their own family and didn't expect my tax dollars to support them?

If poor people were banned from getting married, my husband and I would have been SOL. We had $500 to our name when we married.
Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
Actually, banning poor people from getting married or having families is something you invented and completely untrue vis a vis conservatives.
How about if people supported their own family and didn't expect my tax dollars to support them?

I work with a guy who is pretty conservative..that is up until a couple of years ago when he had a heart attack. They opened him up and found stomach cancer. He started treatment which included meds and chemo which knocked him for a loop until Sandy hit and wiped out his house. Now he's a couple of hundred thousand dollars in the whole. So now he's got a new perspective on how shit can really come down hard on you.

But back to the conservative part. He was really conservative until Obama got elected. Then he started seeing crazy. He was a Republican until the Tea party..then he voted Obama last time around. Seems prior to Obama he didn't realize how racist conservatives truly were and as a black guy..he was insulted by it.

We are not talking about people like that. We are talking about people born, raised, and living in generational poverty. My husband was struck down with cancer too, but he had made preparations for that 'rainy day' just as I did, and just as my children have. For you and your dead beat friends instant gratification isn't soon enough.
Awhile back, a 'put me in charge' e-mail was being widely circulated and it started out:


Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Would ya'll go for that? Use food stamps for rice, beans, cheese, powdered milk, and maybe baby food and baby formula ONLY? Nobody would starve and it wouldn't take a whole lot of money to provide that.

No. That is not an adequate diet. I do think they should only be allowed to buy foods that have good nutritional value. Potatoes, not potato chips. Fruit, not candy. Vegetables, not processed foods. I also think if they buy treats like pizza and ice cream those things should be limited and ice cream NEVER allowed in individual 'cups.'
Oh yes Trajan..and the economy wasn't on the edge of collapse while their were 2 wars ongoing while Republicans were holding meetings on the best way to get Obama out of Office and decided that obstruction was the best way to go.

It's unfortunate that one party (Yeah the Republicans) used Constitutional law and parliamentary procedure designed to assure that the minority party was not left out of the legislative process, to completely stop it.

That's pretty fucked up man. Given the heavy lift left by their President.

They could have at least pitched and helped. Instead they added to the weight.

another slobbering mitigation rant..gee thx. :rolleyes:

so again-

their coverage went up $112 in 4 years, way ahead of inflation, now, they drop $11.....and?

your objection is_________________________

And yet..not one denial that was exactly what happened.

My objection?

I don't like starving kids, old people, vets..or what the heck..people in general.

Food, shelter, water and medical care isn't to much to ask.

Who said, "Aren't you dying of something? are sure taking a long time doing it."

Hint: It wasn't a conservative.
Um..I work in IT.

Alot of time spend waiting for stuff to complete.

Not like you'd know anything about that.

I know about down time at work. I never worked where the would not fire your ass for playing around on a message board. If you are waiting on something to complete, you should find other work to do on your company's (or government's) time.

Not an option - or are you only talking to him, but not me, because I don't fit the scenario you're painting.

I am talking to anyone who does not try to use their down time in a constructive manner for their employer. A person who works a job that has a lot of down time should ask the employer if there is anything that can be done in that down time that would help the business. I cannot believe there isn't some work that can be done. But then I am a nurse, and there is always work to be done. No employee should be sitting around doing nothing with no accountability for how they spend their employer's valuable time.
Um..I work in IT.

Alot of time spend waiting for stuff to complete.

Not like you'd know anything about that.

I know about down time at work. I never worked where the would not fire your ass for playing around on a message board. If you are waiting on something to complete, you should find other work to do on your company's (or government's) time. don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

I put in 15 hours yesterday. I am taking up the slack because the boys in Pune are on Diwali holiday. Which is part of the reason I am putting in 12 hours today.

Lately? I spend maybe 6 hours a day at my home.

And that is JUST to sleep.

And you don't know jack shit about work. Productive work time does not consist of posting on a message board. If I were your boss I would fire you.

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