Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

There will be mass starvation. But it's not going to be just because the foodstamp program is getting raped. It will be because there will be no jobs, and the government control what jobs there are (if you don't work for the government you won't work, eat or get food).

:lol: I have plenty of guns and ammo that says otherwise.
We should cut out food stamps and give them food instead. Staples like rice, beans, pasta, canned stuff... Would be easy to do.

Easy? Harder and much more expensive than food stamps. Initially anyway.

You'd have to set up a completely new government department. Get the personnel into administration, provisioning, logistics, actual distribution and quality assurance.

It would be huge.

And since we already have that all set up in the private stamps are much cheaper.
They were trying to take away half the freaking country. So yeah..they were involved in "conquering".

They were trying to live free of an oppressive government that was denying them their rights, just like their great grandfathers had done 90 years earlier.

They had no interest in taking over the US Government. The simply no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Suppose you got pissed at your employer to the point where you no longer wanted to work there. No suppose your employer used armed force to prevent you from leaving the building.

Kidnapping? Unlawful imprisonment? Slavery? What would you call it?

No one was stopping them from leaving.
Well, except for Abe Lincoln and the Union Army...

They seceded and Abe got pissed. That's what caused the war, fool.
They were trying to live free of an oppressive government that was denying them their rights, just like their great grandfathers had done 90 years earlier.

They had no interest in taking over the US Government. The simply no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Suppose you got pissed at your employer to the point where you no longer wanted to work there. No suppose your employer used armed force to prevent you from leaving the building.

Kidnapping? Unlawful imprisonment? Slavery? What would you call it?

No one was stopping them from leaving.
Well, except for Abe Lincoln and the Union Army...

They seceded and Abe got pissed. That's what caused the war, fool. one was stopping anyone from leaving.

The Mormons did it.

And what started the war was Southern yahoos firing at the Union Army at Fort Sumter.
And what started the war was Southern yahoos firing at the Union Army at Fort Sumter.

You seem to be a history buff ...

How many soldiers were stationed at Fort Sumter while President Buchanan was in office, and before President Lincoln decided to go to war with the Confederacy and moved in more troops?
How many soldiers/sailors died during the battle at Fort Sumter ... Not including the awards ceremony afterwards?
Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.

Speaking of nutty crap ... And your evident love for laws and legislation that reduce poverty ... How about this?
How about we outlaw poverty altogether ... Make it illegal to be poor*?

I know, I know ... They got rid of debtors prison, and colonized Australia and America with the poor a long time ago ... But what the hell, maybe we can colonize the moon with the poor now.
Anti America is shutting down the government and threatening the world economy while having a temper tantrum.

Really ? Allowing failure to continue as normal day to day operation that should be shut down. Either fix the failure or stop the process. Since democrats don't want to fix it, We stop it.

LOL. And get your assed kicked right out the door in 2014:lol:

In 2014 you are going to have to explain to all the people who have jobs, and like their insurance, why they can't keep it.

Good luck with that.
Well I can also multitask. Like now? I am eating Chinese food, bouncing switches, compiling a new release and burning a few CD with data that we provide for customers while monitoring the whole shebang on Monmons/ICINGA/NAGIOS while I am typing this.

Ain't that a pip?

That's like the right wing fantasy ain't it? It cost the government billions, the economy 24 billion, there were about 800K furloughed and they figure it cost about 100K jobs.

So much for reality, eh?

Fucking off on the internet while at work isn't multitasking, its fucking off.

I heard that the 17% that were furloughed (fake government shutdown) were non-essential jobs, so what the hell are we paying them for? Private employers don't keep useless non-essential employees on the payroll. The fact that the government does is proof of idiocy paid for by tax dollars.


How many hours you put in last week? Ace?

Even with my "fucking off", it seems I get enough done around here to win a review that has me as over-performing.

How'd you do last review?

And it seems you folks made a big deal over the parks you weren't able to get into. A huge deal in fact.

That's just park workers.

why don't you just post the bell ringer pic again? :lol:

insecurity can be on that.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?

I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

All of those countries have socialized medicine and don't let their hungry citizens, starve.

By your standards, Japan is actually worse than the US on hunger. By my standards, they suck because they have real food shortages, not the pretend ones you whine about over here.
You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

Nobody that gets off their ass and earns a living is lacking food.
It is not my responsibility to provide food for anybody, not my responsibility to provide charity to anybody. And most certainly, it is not the governments responsibility to determine charity on my behalf and then force me to pay for it.

There are plenty of people with shitty jobs that can't afford to feed their families. That's in addition to some 900K vets of various wars that are in need.

You don't want to pay for "charity"? Fine.

Maybe we can vote for a line item veto tax return.

I don't want to pay for trillion dollar jet fighters which are essentially useless to everyone except fat cat CEOs at General Dynamics getting rich off my dime.
There are plenty of people with shitty jobs that can't afford to feed their families.

how many of them don't eat?
You know, if more thought like me relative to giving a chit about the rest of the world, or their neighbor for that fact, America would be better off.

Keep your own house in order and not worry about the Jones's


Yes..there was a Queen in France that thought that way too.

She said something about cake..and letting the poor eat that.

Didn't turn out to well.

All you have is lies? Why am I not surprised. Or did you think she said it when she was 9?

For the record, when Marie Antoinette was told about the starving peasants she donated her own money to help them. If she had been a real bitch she would have raised taxes on them to buy them food.

Wait, that is your solution, sorry.
Eyeah..if Democrats had only just voted to destroy ObamaCare this never would have happened!

Oh wait..yeah it would.

so they put themselves in a box, when they had all the cards and they blew it, your next excuse is...... what?

and the rest? their coverage went up over 30% in 5 years, way ahead of inflation, now, they drop $11.....and?

Oh yes Trajan..and the economy wasn't on the edge of collapse while their were 2 wars ongoing while Republicans were holding meetings on the best way to get Obama out of Office and decided that obstruction was the best way to go.

It's unfortunate that one party (Yeah the Republicans) used Constitutional law and parliamentary procedure designed to assure that the minority party was not left out of the legislative process, to completely stop it.

That's pretty fucked up man. Given the heavy lift left by their President.

They could have at least pitched and helped. Instead they added to the weight.

another slobbering mitigation rant..gee thx. :rolleyes:

so again-

their coverage went up 30% in 5 years, way ahead of inflation, now, they drop $11.....and?

your objection is_________________________
How about we improve the regulatory system for labor so that people aren't paid sub-substantial wages?

That or we could remove governmental protections on management. Now..that would be fun.

Why don't government withdraw the extreme burdens (EPA compliance, taxes etc) put on corporations and business so that the cost of doing business which is passed onto the consumer is reduced. Then the lower wages buy more product


That's never been the case and they aren't "extreme" burdens.

Taxes are mandated by the Constitution and we should happily pay them, because we, the people, are the ones that "own" the government.

Regulations are really what "ethical" companies should do..but absolutely refuse to do..

Like make stuff without damaging the environment or make stuff that doesn't kill people.

In any case, most companies have shown, time and time again, that the time honored conservative caveat, that less overhead will translate into cheaper products and higher wages, is a myth. In FACT, the opposite is shown to be true.

The only tax mandated by the Constitution is the income tax. If you are so happy to pay it, feel free to pay more. In fact, give the government 100% of your earnings. This will magically transform you into a being that needs neither food nor shelter, grant you immortality, and allow you to dedicate centuries to helping your fellow man.
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Awhile back, a 'put me in charge' e-mail was being widely circulated and it started out:


Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Would ya'll go for that? Use food stamps for rice, beans, cheese, powdered milk, and maybe baby food and baby formula ONLY? Nobody would starve and it wouldn't take a whole lot of money to provide that.
And what's crazy?

Pick up a book.

Historically, laissez-faire capitalism has translated into monopoly, political cronyism, huge disparity in wages, bust and boom economies, a concentration in wealth and overall misery for most people in this very country.

It's never worked.

It never will work.

It's like saying, "Oh just let that fire go uncontrolled, it will figure itself out."

You cannot name a single monopoly that is not the result of government intervention. Feel free to try it one more time so I can educate one or two more people about reality.

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