Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

Dear gawd, the wailing about this food stamp cut you'd think we are going to see MASS starvation in the streets...

really pathetic that these bleeding heart high and mighty libs believe people aren't capable of "tightening their belts" we all go through it

but dear gawd, lose a few bucks of taxpayers monies and the world is going to end

I can't take you drama/divider queens
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Silly. People who still have a sex drive love sex. Why should they say no? Just take precautions.

Well if enough people say will end all human problems.

And humans.


How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
That would be liberals fighting a monarchy.

The last time in this country a huge amount of conservatives tried to take it over..was during the civil war.

And, thankfully, they got their asses kicked.

Although they refuse to accept it and keep waving around confederate flags.

You are completely mistaken.
The civil war of the US wasn't about the confederates trying to take over the government, it was about them trying to secede from it. At no point did they try and take over the existing government of the US. Your claim of such would be akin to claiming that the US revolutionary war was an attempt for the US to take over the British government.
Silly. People who still have a sex drive love sex. Why should they say no? Just take precautions.

There's that, but the Conservative position on abortion used as an argument against a 5% reduction in food stamp benefits is a hell of a stretch, is it not?

Okay, I'm just dealing with what I just saw you say. The rest is something you are addressing with someone else, I assume?

I did reply to sallow, so yes.
Well, golly gee, if I fucked off on the internet during my working hours I'd probably have to work overtime also. Instead, I work while at work instead of playing on the internet.

Well I can also multitask. Like now? I am eating Chinese food, bouncing switches, compiling a new release and burning a few CD with data that we provide for customers while monitoring the whole shebang on Monmons/ICINGA/NAGIOS while I am typing this.

Ain't that a pip?

The government wasn't shutdown, last I looked it was about 17% that were furloughed. I wouldn't call that a shutdown. Only the dumb media and the fools that that believe them call it a shutdown.

I'm thinking the last nuts that got enough power to fuck up the government and take it over was somewhere around 1774.

That's like the right wing fantasy ain't it? It cost the government billions, the economy 24 billion, there were about 800K furloughed and they figure it cost about 100K jobs.

So much for reality, eh?

Fucking off on the internet while at work isn't multitasking, its fucking off.

I heard that the 17% that were furloughed (fake government shutdown) were non-essential jobs, so what the hell are we paying them for? Private employers don't keep useless non-essential employees on the payroll. The fact that the government does is proof of idiocy paid for by tax dollars.


How many hours you put in last week? Ace?

Even with my "fucking off", it seems I get enough done around here to win a review that has me as over-performing.

How'd you do last review?

And it seems you folks made a big deal over the parks you weren't able to get into. A huge deal in fact.

That's just park workers.
That would be liberals fighting a monarchy.

The last time in this country a huge amount of conservatives tried to take it over..was during the civil war.

And, thankfully, they got their asses kicked.

Although they refuse to accept it and keep waving around confederate flags.

You are completely mistaken.
The civil war of the US wasn't about the confederates trying to take over the government, it was about them trying to secede from it. At no point did they try and take over the existing government of the US. Your claim of such would be akin to claiming that the US revolutionary war was an attempt for the US to take over the British government.

Not mistaken at all.

They were trying to grab large pieces of this country.

They weren't fighting a foreign nation.
Well if enough people say will end all human problems.

And humans.


How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
Actually, banning poor people from getting married or having families is something you invented and completely untrue vis a vis conservatives.
How about if people supported their own family and didn't expect my tax dollars to support them?
That would be liberals fighting a monarchy.

The last time in this country a huge amount of conservatives tried to take it over..was during the civil war.

And, thankfully, they got their asses kicked.

Although they refuse to accept it and keep waving around confederate flags.

You are completely mistaken.
The civil war of the US wasn't about the confederates trying to take over the government, it was about them trying to secede from it. At no point did they try and take over the existing government of the US. Your claim of such would be akin to claiming that the US revolutionary war was an attempt for the US to take over the British government.

Not mistaken at all.

They were trying to grab large pieces of this country.

They weren't fighting a foreign nation.
They weren't trying to take over or conquer the current government.
So yes, your assertion is false.
Well if enough people say will end all human problems.

And humans.


How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
How about we all support our families without demanding someone else foot the bill for our irresponsibility?
By all means, poor people should get married. Two can live nearly as cheaply as one, BUT if they are struggling to make ends meet and can't afford to raise children, they shouldn't HAVE children. They should be practicing birth control before they get pregnant, not after.
How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
Actually, banning poor people from getting married or having families is something you invented and completely untrue vis a vis conservatives.
How about if people supported their own family and didn't expect my tax dollars to support them?

I work with a guy who is pretty conservative..that is up until a couple of years ago when he had a heart attack. They opened him up and found stomach cancer. He started treatment which included meds and chemo which knocked him for a loop until Sandy hit and wiped out his house. Now he's a couple of hundred thousand dollars in the whole. So now he's got a new perspective on how shit can really come down hard on you.

But back to the conservative part. He was really conservative until Obama got elected. Then he started seeing crazy. He was a Republican until the Tea party..then he voted Obama last time around. Seems prior to Obama he didn't realize how racist conservatives truly were and as a black guy..he was insulted by it.
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You are completely mistaken.
The civil war of the US wasn't about the confederates trying to take over the government, it was about them trying to secede from it. At no point did they try and take over the existing government of the US. Your claim of such would be akin to claiming that the US revolutionary war was an attempt for the US to take over the British government.

Not mistaken at all.

They were trying to grab large pieces of this country.

They weren't fighting a foreign nation.
They weren't trying to take over or conquer the current government.
So yes, your assertion is false.

They were trying to take away half the freaking country. So yeah..they were involved in "conquering".
How about we just give all Libs free abortions, whether they want them or not? Seems like that would solve most of our problems in 2 or 3 generations.

Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
How about we all support our families without demanding someone else foot the bill for our irresponsibility?
By all means, poor people should get married. Two can live nearly as cheaply as one, BUT if they are struggling to make ends meet and can't afford to raise children, they shouldn't HAVE children. They should be practicing birth control before they get pregnant, not after.

Sure Ernie..try it.

There are plenty of uninhabited Islands you can try this "support your own family" theory on. Grab a boat, an axe, maybe a couple of your guns and a tool bag.

Give it a shot.

Let us know how it goes.
There will be mass starvation. But it's not going to be just because the foodstamp program is getting raped. It will be because there will be no jobs, and the government control what jobs there are (if you don't work for the government you won't work, eat or get food).
Not mistaken at all.

They were trying to grab large pieces of this country.

They weren't fighting a foreign nation.
They weren't trying to take over or conquer the current government.
So yes, your assertion is false.

They were trying to take away half the freaking country. So yeah..they were involved in "conquering".

They were trying to live free of an oppressive government that was denying them their rights, just like their great grandfathers had done 90 years earlier.

They had no interest in taking over the US Government. The simply no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Suppose you got pissed at your employer to the point where you no longer wanted to work there. No suppose your employer used armed force to prevent you from leaving the building.

Kidnapping? Unlawful imprisonment? Slavery? What would you call it?
They weren't trying to take over or conquer the current government.
So yes, your assertion is false.

They were trying to take away half the freaking country. So yeah..they were involved in "conquering".

They were trying to live free of an oppressive government that was denying them their rights, just like their great grandfathers had done 90 years earlier.

They had no interest in taking over the US Government. The simply no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Suppose you got pissed at your employer to the point where you no longer wanted to work there. No suppose your employer used armed force to prevent you from leaving the building.

Kidnapping? Unlawful imprisonment? Slavery? What would you call it?

No one was stopping them from leaving.
We should cut out food stamps and give them food instead. Staples like rice, beans, pasta, canned stuff... Would be easy to do.
There is a Bible verse that rarely gets quoted in its entirety. It is part of the sayings drawn from the "Sermon on the Mount" and it goes like this:

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
Matthew 7:1-5 (Also Luke 6:41-42)​

There are many MANY lessons to be had from that short passage, but in the issue of the food stamp rollback, the lesson is profound.

Conservatives, please don't fault the liberals for caring that there are hungry people. We also care about that, yes? We just know in our hearts that the piddly amount of reduction in food stamps is not going to have any significant affect on that. Most especially when presumably the 'savings' in the reduction was presumably shifted to child nutrition programs.

Amd Liberals, if you are truly concerned about the hungry, at least be honest that the $1 to a maximum of $25 reduction in food stamp allocations is not going to cause anybody to starve. Not families. Not vets. Not seniors. They may have to pass up some potato chips or buy some cheaper cuts of meat, but that's about it at the worst.

But please DO be concerned about those things that are cutting into family and individual grocery budgets big time. The ethanol mandates for instance have driven food costs up enormously. There are hundreds of rules and regulations controlling food products and/or production of them that do not increase the safety of the foods, but do drive up the costs. Until the liberals are wiling to admit that all government regulation and policy is not good, and are willing to stand with us to demand that government get its priorities straight, there will be hungrier people than there needs to be.
Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.
How about we all support our families without demanding someone else foot the bill for our irresponsibility?
By all means, poor people should get married. Two can live nearly as cheaply as one, BUT if they are struggling to make ends meet and can't afford to raise children, they shouldn't HAVE children. They should be practicing birth control before they get pregnant, not after.

Sure Ernie..try it.

There are plenty of uninhabited Islands you can try this "support your own family" theory on. Grab a boat, an axe, maybe a couple of your guns and a tool bag.

Give it a shot.

Let us know how it goes.
How about I just spend 46 years working, paying my bills and my taxes without expecting you to buy my food?
I have no desire to live totally free of government, though I do have the means and ability. I like the fact that the government maintains a strong military to protect me from enemies. I like roads, mostly because my motorcycle weighs 800 pounds and really sucks riding in the woods. I like police and fire protection and courts.
I even like paying taxes to pay for the things the federal government is constitutionally required to provide.
What I hate is when government buys the votes of the poor and public sector employees by gifting them more and more of my wealth.

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