Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.


Oh WTF! Swallow will never answer the question because he doesn't like the answer. The fact is that no data is kept on how many starve to death in America because the occurrence is too infrequent to justify the record keeping. When someone does starve to death in the US it is usually from some cause other than lack of food. For example, some body malfunction that inhibits the absorption of an essential nutrient, or the deliberate starvation of one person by another person, like a mother starving her infant for example.

There you stupid piece of shit. I even have to answer your questions for you. Is it any wonder you are too stupid to figure out how to have food that I don't have to provide.

You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

No one should starve. There is plenty of land to grow food on, plenty of ideas for new products and services, all kinds of ways a parent can provide for his children. Why am I responsible for providing for your spawn?
Maybe morally, I am. I supported a family (man, pregnant woman and 2 young kids) for 9 months until the guy (a grand nephew) stole from me. (This caused one hell of a rift in the family but it saved me thousands.) Now we're all supporting him.
Right now, I am providing a place to stay for a guy who is down on his luck. He works when he gets the hours and when not working, he is looking for another job or doing odd jobs for me to pay his rent.
Right now, he is pressure washing my deck. (the noise is beginning to piss me off) He is the type that won't sit on his ass and take. He is worth helping. The other guy wasn't.
Aren't you dying of something? are sure taking a long time doing it.

And..I don't believe you.

Simple as that.

You also have no business talking about how we tax payers spend our money.

Being that you live off us.

And I vote to feed Americans in need. Even you.

I don't live off you. I live off money that I paid into the SS trust fund and 3 private pensions. And I pay taxes on all of that. People like you who live off people like ME don't seen to get that.

I have had the PH for 3 years. Gotta luv those libs.

I'm at work right now.

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapse from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


So you are paid to post on forums. OR you are stealing time from a private employer. Which is it? It could be either.
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Starved to death???

When did you ask that?

Moving goal posts I see.

And what? You want Americans to starve to death? You mean Americans actually have to die?

Who are you? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer?

Post #307. You replied to the post but didn't answer. You learned Liberal rhetoric 101 well from Professor Bill Clinton, didn't you?

I answered fine, Ernie.

She asked how many people were starving..not starving to death.

I reckon most people on the food stamp program aren't there because they are getting everything they need.

Hence, they need food.


Starving does not mean "ready to eat". More people are "staving" beacause they are on diets than are starving due to a lack of food. Which would necessarily translate to more of the "rich" are staving than the poor on a steady diet of beer and nachos.
Post #307. You replied to the post but didn't answer. You learned Liberal rhetoric 101 well from Professor Bill Clinton, didn't you?

I answered fine, Ernie.

She asked how many people were starving..not starving to death.

I reckon most people on the food stamp program aren't there because they are getting everything they need.

Hence, they need food.


Starving does not mean "ready to eat". More people are "staving" beacause they are on diets than are starving due to a lack of food. Which would necessarily translate to more of the "rich" are staving than the poor on a steady diet of beer and nachos.

Many rich people are malnourished because the expensive food they like to eat is not nutritious. Same with people on SNAP. They buy too much junk and convenience food. If they bought good food and cooked they would not be so fat.
You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

Nobody that gets off their ass and earns a living is lacking food.
It is not my responsibility to provide food for anybody, not my responsibility to provide charity to anybody. And most certainly, it is not the governments responsibility to determine charity on my behalf and then force me to pay for it.

There are plenty of people with shitty jobs that can't afford to feed their families. That's in addition to some 900K vets of various wars that are in need.

You don't want to pay for "charity"? Fine.

Maybe we can vote for a line item veto tax return.

I don't want to pay for trillion dollar jet fighters which are essentially useless to everyone except fat cat CEOs at General Dynamics getting rich off my dime.
I don't live off you. I live off money that I paid into the SS trust fund and 3 private pensions. And I pay taxes on all of that. People like you who live off people like ME don't seen to get that.

I have had the PH for 3 years. Gotta luv those libs.

I'm at work right now.

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapse from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


So you are paid to post on forums. OR you are stealing time from a private employer. Which is it? It could be either.

Um..I work in IT.

Alot of time spend waiting for stuff to complete.

Not like you'd know anything about that.
I'm at work right now.
Does your employer know that you are fucking off on the internet instead of working?

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapses from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


I'm pretty sure that your taxes and mine and the millions of others are plenty enough to keep our government from collapsing. It's their willy-nilly spending that is the problem.
You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

Nobody that gets off their ass and earns a living is lacking food.
It is not my responsibility to provide food for anybody, not my responsibility to provide charity to anybody. And most certainly, it is not the governments responsibility to determine charity on my behalf and then force me to pay for it.

Unfortunately though, we now live in a country where a sizeable percentage of the country DO believe it's the governments responsibility.
I'm at work right now.

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapse from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


So you are paid to post on forums. OR you are stealing time from a private employer. Which is it? It could be either.

Um..I work in IT.

Alot of time spend waiting for stuff to complete.

Not like you'd know anything about that.

I also work in IT. I don't fuck off on the internet while at work or while claiming to be working.. I work while I am at work, silly me.
You know, if more thought like me relative to giving a chit about the rest of the world, or their neighbor for that fact, America would be better off.

Keep your own house in order and not worry about the Jones's


I have a feeling that our resident Australian doesn't have her own place. I think she may be 'kept.'

I believe she has mentioned living with her Mum and Da. Although she's also pointed out that she pays something towards the rent, too.
You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

Nobody that gets off their ass and earns a living is lacking food.
It is not my responsibility to provide food for anybody, not my responsibility to provide charity to anybody. And most certainly, it is not the governments responsibility to determine charity on my behalf and then force me to pay for it.

There are plenty of people with shitty jobs that can't afford to feed their families.
That's in addition to some 900K vets of various wars that are in need.

You don't want to pay for "charity"? Fine.

Maybe we can vote for a line item veto tax return.

I don't want to pay for trillion dollar jet fighters which are essentially useless to everyone except fat cat CEOs at General Dynamics getting rich off my dime.
I guess those people should get better jobs or stop having kids they can't afford.
It is not my responsibility to support them.
Exactly. America sucks at so much these days, there's no way to say we are number one with a straight face.

After which country should American model herself in order not to 'suck.'

America, circa 1940-70.

So, we would be best served by returning to the way this country was before the insidious disease that is social welfare gained such a disastrous foothold in the economic and social fabric of this nation? OK, I'm with you for that.
You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

I spend less than the food allowance for one person under SNAP. I could reduce what I spend by a considerable amount and not even have a hunger pang. Eating all the potato chips you want doesn't equal good nutrition. You are a stupid piece of shit.

Aren't you dying of something? are sure taking a long time doing it.

And..I don't believe you.

Simple as that.

You also have no business talking about how we tax payers spend our money.

Being that you live off us.

And I vote to feed Americans in need. Even you.

She lives off you? Really? She worked all her life and paid hundreds of thousands into Social Security and she's now getting some of it back.
The killer is that with her health problems, she has no hope of recovering what she paid in and the excess will be just absorbed by the system. She has every right to collect a check every month. She PAID for it, unlike people collecting welfare.
I'm at work right now.
Does your employer know that you are fucking off on the internet instead of working?

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapses from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


I'm pretty sure that your taxes and mine and the millions of others are plenty enough to keep our government from collapsing. It's their willy-nilly spending that is the problem.

My employer just bought me chinese food.

They are happy as a pig in shit that I come in on Saturdays. People here balk on working weekends because of their families. I also do tons of overtime..something most people here won't do.

Last review I was scored as "over performing" and I am in line for a promotion on this track.

And here's a newsflash, Our government was just shutdown.

It's not farfetched to think it might collapse.

That's generally what happens. Nuts get power and start using it to fuck up the government before they take it over.
Hey folks feel free to donate to food banks,soup kitchens what have you.
Democrats by nature always feel that America is a shitty nation who doesn't do
enough to help people.So no matter what we do and I mention again the fact that
food stamp enrollment is through the roof it's never enough.

One minute Libs bitch that we have all these hungry people.
The next we are a nation of fat fucks who need Michelle Obama to guide them to look as beautiful as she is.

If I wanted to look as "beautiful" as Mooshell, I'd break out the spackle and paint sprayer. A selection of paper bags with varying decorative themes would be even better.

She is definitely a 3 bagger. I bet Barry throws a flag over her face and fucks for Old Glory! :eek:

Anybody else but Barry S., I'd agree with the "Old Glory" thing. But, it is Barry, so I'd suspect some other motivational device.


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Nobody that gets off their ass and earns a living is lacking food.
It is not my responsibility to provide food for anybody, not my responsibility to provide charity to anybody. And most certainly, it is not the governments responsibility to determine charity on my behalf and then force me to pay for it.

There are plenty of people with shitty jobs that can't afford to feed their families.
That's in addition to some 900K vets of various wars that are in need.

You don't want to pay for "charity"? Fine.

Maybe we can vote for a line item veto tax return.

I don't want to pay for trillion dollar jet fighters which are essentially useless to everyone except fat cat CEOs at General Dynamics getting rich off my dime.
I guess those people should get better jobs or stop having kids they can't afford.
It is not my responsibility to support them.

Sheesh..which is it?

Have abortions or not?

You guys are really confusing. :eusa_shifty:
Starved to death???

When did you ask that?

Moving goal posts I see.

And what? You want Americans to starve to death? You mean Americans actually have to die?

Who are you? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer?

Post #307. You replied to the post but didn't answer. You learned Liberal rhetoric 101 well from Professor Bill Clinton, didn't you?

I answered fine, Ernie.

She asked how many people were starving..not starving to death.

I reckon most people on the food stamp program aren't there because they are getting everything they need.

Hence, they need food.


She asked, "How many people are starving to death?" and you provided a link. That is not an answer. 7, 183, or 1,000 would have been an answer.
How many Americans have starved this year? Inquiring minds want to know.

This cuts going to hit 47 Million Americans.

That help?

47M Americans hit by food stamp cuts starting today

uhm yea that was established in the previous 21 pages of this thread:rolleyes:

.....its approx. $11 per head, a deduction from the $112 gain obama has provided over what bush was providing....and the dems are part of the reason this deduction is taking place.

Typical liberal economics: A budget "cut" isn't really a cut at all, instead it means that the increases won't be as big as they wanted them to be.
I'm at work right now.

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapse from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


So you are paid to post on forums. OR you are stealing time from a private employer. Which is it? It could be either.

Um..I work in IT.

Alot of time spend waiting for stuff to complete.

Not like you'd know anything about that.

I'm customer service. If nobody's calling, they just expect me to stay awake. That's it. They don't give a damn what I'm doing, because they have nothing for me to do but take claims.
I'm at work right now.
Does your employer know that you are fucking off on the internet instead of working?

And if I didn't pay taxes?

And the government collapses from lack of funding?

You'd be outta luck.


I'm pretty sure that your taxes and mine and the millions of others are plenty enough to keep our government from collapsing. It's their willy-nilly spending that is the problem.

My employer just bought me chinese food.

They are happy as a pig in shit that I come in on Saturdays. People here balk on working weekends because of their families. I also do tons of overtime..something most people here won't do.

Last review I was scored as "over performing" and I am in line for a promotion on this track.

And here's a newsflash, Our government was just shutdown.

It's not farfetched to think it might collapse.

That's generally what happens. Nuts get power and start using it to fuck up the government before they take it over.

Well, golly gee, if I fucked off on the internet during my working hours I'd probably have to work overtime also. Instead, I work while at work instead of playing on the internet.

The government wasn't shutdown, last I looked it was about 17% that were furloughed. I wouldn't call that a shutdown. Only the dumb media and the fools that that believe them call it a shutdown.

I'm thinking the last nuts that got enough power to fuck up the government and take it over was somewhere around 1774.

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