Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

They were trying to take away half the freaking country. So yeah..they were involved in "conquering".

They were trying to live free of an oppressive government that was denying them their rights, just like their great grandfathers had done 90 years earlier.

They had no interest in taking over the US Government. The simply no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Suppose you got pissed at your employer to the point where you no longer wanted to work there. No suppose your employer used armed force to prevent you from leaving the building.

Kidnapping? Unlawful imprisonment? Slavery? What would you call it?

No one was stopping them from leaving.

I'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln went to war to prevent them from leaving. It's in the history books I've read. What history did you read?
And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Judge not lest ye be judge

Judge all you want. I had a proper upbringing, I wasn't raised by wolves.

Wolves weren't the pack/herd animals any of us had in mind for your "upbrining"., that would make much more sense.
Liberals think "temporary" assistance that becomes permanent assistance is always the answer. First, the bigger cause of hunger right now is not the loss of food assistance, but rather the rapid inflation that causes food prices to spike. That inflation spike is cause by the out of control spending, printing and borrowing of money! Jobs that used to afford a family of 4, can't even support a family of one because of inflation due to the aforementioned reasons.

Well no..not really.

Liberals believe in fair play, equality, liberty, know..stuff you know nothing about.

It's incredible we live in a country that literally throws food away to up the profit margin and we have people that bust their humps on a daily basis that can't adequately feed their families.

This country was never started to create a new aristocracy.

If they can't make enough to feed their families, why do they have families?

It's so fucking easy to make a buck in the USA compared to the rest of the world, anyone not managing has only themselves to blame!!

Why should the hard working motivated american workers be subjected to punitive taxation in order to reward the stupid and lazy?

Liberal war on workers.
Liberal war on success.
Where did christ mandate that the government is there to force charity on the rest of us.


Needs to be repeated.

You democrats that worship your government as your church really need to move on. We don't want to serve your gods.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit
Liberals think "temporary" assistance that becomes permanent assistance is always the answer. First, the bigger cause of hunger right now is not the loss of food assistance, but rather the rapid inflation that causes food prices to spike. That inflation spike is cause by the out of control spending, printing and borrowing of money! Jobs that used to afford a family of 4, can't even support a family of one because of inflation due to the aforementioned reasons.

Well no..not really.

Liberals believe in fair play, equality, liberty, know..stuff you know nothing about.

It's incredible we live in a country that literally throws food away to up the profit margin and we have people that bust their humps on a daily basis that can't adequately feed their families.

This country was never started to create a new aristocracy.

If they can't make enough to feed their families, why do they have families?

It's so fucking easy to make a buck in the USA compared to the rest of the world, anyone not managing has only themselves to blame!!

Why should the hard working motivated american workers be subjected to punitive taxation in order to reward the stupid and lazy?

Liberal war on workers.
Liberal war on success.

because its the world you want!

when hard working motivated american workers start paying better attention to how the courts and government are screwing them and they do something about it then they have bitching rights. Until then as far as I am concerned
Did you know in Japan you must take an entrance exam and pass to even get into high school?

The test is about which high school a student will get into. We have a test for entering private high schools in the US too.

Actually, they have to qualify by taking an entrance exam to get into a high school.

And what are you going to do with them when they fail the entrance exam? Huh? Every kid in America has to go to school until the age of 16. That is required. How can we require that on the one hand but disallow them from entering school because they fail an entrance exam? What will you do, put them back in middle school, with younger, littler kids? What if they fail the high school entrance exam year after year? Do you keep them in middle school until the age of 16 then let them drop out? You want a country with an even higher rate of drop outs than we already have? People need to get it into their thick skulls this isn't Japan and you cannot do things the way they do them in Japan. Not to mention the very high suicide rate they have among teenagers there becaue of the pressure the culture puts on them.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

wasnt government instituted by men to protect entitlements?
So, if the government is putting a gun to our heads for this kind of funding, even though our government voted on it in a democratic representation process...

Wouldn't the government aso be putting a gun to our head for every single bit of spending they make, even if done through the representative democratic process, under YOUR terms?

And if they are one and the same, where both being the gvt putting a gun to our heads, do you ever state such about non-welfare type programs? Basically, where do you stand on all of the gvt's spending?

Do you really think it matters to the person on the business end of that gun how the guy holding it got there?
I don't think most people on the business end of that proverbial gun are silly enough to actually believe a gun is being held to their head as you and a small minority 'feel'.....

you didn't answer my ALL gvt spending holding a gun to our heads, or only the programs YOU disagree with?

You didn't ask me, but I would say that ALL government taxation is a gun held to my head and your head. We can disagree how to spend it, but the taking of it is forced, under duress and similar to a gun held to the head.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

And saying things like you see in my siggy line.
The test is about which high school a student will get into. We have a test for entering private high schools in the US too.

Actually, they have to qualify by taking an entrance exam to get into a high school.

And what are you going to do with them when they fail the entrance exam? Huh? Every kid in America has to go to school until the age of 16. That is required. How can we require that on the one hand but disallow them from entering school because they fail an entrance exam? What will you do, put them back in middle school, with younger, littler kids? What if they fail the high school entrance exam year after year? Do you keep them in middle school until the age of 16 then let them drop out? You want a country with an even higher rate of drop outs than we already have? People need to get it into their thick skulls this isn't Japan and you cannot do things the way they do them in Japan. Not to mention the very high suicide rate they have among teenagers there becaue of the pressure the culture puts on them.

First, all I stated was the fact of what happens in Japan - not whether I agreed or not.

Secondly, as to your question, if they can't pass an entrance exam, would that not be a great indicator of their not receiving a quality education? And an indicator something needs to change?

Once again, I am not advocating one way or the other. You seem to, though, willing to just push a child through a system whether they have mastered it our not. Tell me where that kid will be in another 5 years? If we got them through without their having mastered it, would the chance of suicide not then occur as well? We are just prolonging the inevitable, rather than helping them to learn how to succeed in life.
Do you really think it matters to the person on the business end of that gun how the guy holding it got there?
I don't think most people on the business end of that proverbial gun are silly enough to actually believe a gun is being held to their head as you and a small minority 'feel'.....

you didn't answer my ALL gvt spending holding a gun to our heads, or only the programs YOU disagree with?
You didn't ask me, but I would say that ALL government taxation is a gun held to my head and your head. We can disagree how to spend it, but the taking of it is forced, under duress and similar to a gun held to the head.

with "very" few exceptions.

such as a means of ingress and egress [road or comon ways] since without it we would be forced to trespass on peoples property.

most of what we pay taxes for are entitlements that are forced down our throats by government and in collusion provided by their corporate buddies.
Oh yes Trajan..and the economy wasn't on the edge of collapse while their were 2 wars ongoing while Republicans were holding meetings on the best way to get Obama out of Office and decided that obstruction was the best way to go.

It's unfortunate that one party (Yeah the Republicans) used Constitutional law and parliamentary procedure designed to assure that the minority party was not left out of the legislative process, to completely stop it.

That's pretty fucked up man. Given the heavy lift left by their President.

They could have at least pitched and helped. Instead they added to the weight.

another slobbering mitigation rant..gee thx. :rolleyes:

so again-

their coverage went up $112 in 4 years, way ahead of inflation, now, they drop $11.....and?

your objection is_________________________

And yet..not one denial that was exactly what happened.

My objection?

I don't like starving kids, old people, vets..or what the heck..people in general.

Food, shelter, water and medical care isn't to much to ask.

I don't like starving kids, old people, vets..or what the heck..people in general.
I also don't like others forcing me to provide for them by taking the fruits of my labor.
You seem to be a compassionate person, feel free to give what you will. Don't force me to give for your choice in compassion, because that is far from compassionate.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

wasnt government instituted by men to protect entitlements?

Uh... No It was instituted to protect rights.

Entitlements, colloquially, are a perverse "right" to the fruits of the labor of others.
Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

wasnt government instituted by men to protect entitlements?

Uh... No It was instituted to protect rights.

Entitlements, colloquially, are a perverse "right" to the fruits of the labor of others.

whats the difference now days?

It comes under the police state either way, which incidentally the constitution created allowing by judicial construction extending it far beyond rights.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

And saying things like you see in my siggy line.

they are all phony as being the more compassionate, caring, tolerant, blaa blaa
they are a joke to me..just look on this board to see how full of shit they all are
I don't think most people on the business end of that proverbial gun are silly enough to actually believe a gun is being held to their head as you and a small minority 'feel'.....

you didn't answer my ALL gvt spending holding a gun to our heads, or only the programs YOU disagree with?
You didn't ask me, but I would say that ALL government taxation is a gun held to my head and your head. We can disagree how to spend it, but the taking of it is forced, under duress and similar to a gun held to the head.

with "very" few exceptions.

such as a means of ingress and egress [road or comon ways] since without it we would be forced to trespass on peoples property.

most of what we pay taxes for are entitlements that are forced down our throats by government and in collusion provided by their corporate buddies.

Is this she who shall not be named? (S)He doesn't seem to care for correct expression of the written word any better than she who shall not be named.
another slobbering mitigation rant..gee thx. :rolleyes:

so again-

their coverage went up $112 in 4 years, way ahead of inflation, now, they drop $11.....and?

your objection is_________________________

And yet..not one denial that was exactly what happened.

My objection?

I don't like starving kids, old people, vets..or what the heck..people in general.

Food, shelter, water and medical care isn't to much to ask.

I don't like starving kids, old people, vets..or what the heck..people in general.
I also don't like others forcing me to provide for them by taking the fruits of my labor.
You seem to be a compassionate person, feel free to give what you will. Don't force me to give for your choice in compassion, because that is far from compassionate.

but that is the purpose of a democracy so 51% can force 49% to do their bidding, (except of course you do not get to vote on it)
Awhile back, a 'put me in charge' e-mail was being widely circulated and it started out:


Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Would ya'll go for that? Use food stamps for rice, beans, cheese, powdered milk, and maybe baby food and baby formula ONLY? Nobody would starve and it wouldn't take a whole lot of money to provide that.

No. That is not an adequate diet. I do think they should only be allowed to buy foods that have good nutritional value. Potatoes, not potato chips. Fruit, not candy. Vegetables, not processed foods. I also think if they buy treats like pizza and ice cream those things should be limited and ice cream NEVER allowed in individual 'cups.'
I fail to understand why soda pop is considered a viable food for purchase under food-stamps. It's called SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). What the heck is nutritional with soda pop, or potato chips, or candy?

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