Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

That is exactly right. Ol' Staph has it right. Education is a Commie plot. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology are plots to cripple the minds of young people. Much better they should learn to go down in the mines at 10 years old, like in the good old days. And then we could join glorious nations like Somalia is today.

Preschoolers nowadays learn how Mommy and Daddy driving a SUV is going to destroy the planet and make us all burn to a crisp ... Before they even learn their colors, alphabet, numbers or how to write their name.


I always like the long low luxury cars. But where are they now. They were deemed to be destroying the planet and replaced by gas guzzling SUVs which are nothing but glorified trucks. WTF?
Awhile back, a 'put me in charge' e-mail was being widely circulated and it started out:


Would ya'll go for that? Use food stamps for rice, beans, cheese, powdered milk, and maybe baby food and baby formula ONLY? Nobody would starve and it wouldn't take a whole lot of money to provide that.

No. That is not an adequate diet. I do think they should only be allowed to buy foods that have good nutritional value. Potatoes, not potato chips. Fruit, not candy. Vegetables, not processed foods. I also think if they buy treats like pizza and ice cream those things should be limited and ice cream NEVER allowed in individual 'cups.'
I fail to understand why soda pop is considered a viable food for purchase under food-stamps. It's called SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). What the heck is nutritional with soda pop, or potato chips, or candy?

Not a damned thing. But they are all 'edible.' They just allow 'edible' because to discern between 'edible' and 'nutritious' would be work on some bureaucrat's part.
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No it isn't.

I grew up poor. I know what it's like to starve. I spent a week eating "Blood soup" when I was 8. It was my own creation of dumping Ketchup into boiling water.

Wasn't easy..but I didn't die.

And you are still poor.
Maybe not financially,
but you are still poor.
No it isn't.

I grew up poor. I know what it's like to starve. I spent a week eating "Blood soup" when I was 8. It was my own creation of dumping Ketchup into boiling water.

Wasn't easy..but I didn't die.

And you are still poor.
Maybe not financially,
but you are still poor.

In many ways. Much like the dry drunk.
wasnt government instituted by men to protect entitlements?

Uh... No It was instituted to protect rights.

Entitlements, colloquially, are a perverse "right" to the fruits of the labor of others.

whats the difference now days?

It comes under the police state either way, which incidentally the constitution created allowing by judicial construction extending it far beyond rights.

The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.
You didn't ask me, but I would say that ALL government taxation is a gun held to my head and your head. We can disagree how to spend it, but the taking of it is forced, under duress and similar to a gun held to the head.

with "very" few exceptions.

such as a means of ingress and egress [road or comon ways] since without it we would be forced to trespass on peoples property.

most of what we pay taxes for are entitlements that are forced down our throats by government and in collusion provided by their corporate buddies.

Is this she who shall not be named? (S)He doesn't seem to care for correct expression of the written word any better than she who shall not be named.

Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

Your major problem is gross ignorance.

"The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain."
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482
Average loss, $7. A month!!
You can earn that in 1 hour!!
Bit of effort you could earn 10 times that in one hour!!

Hear that grandma?

Hey grandma...get a fucking job, go back to college, start a new career...get your lazy ass out of that chair!!!


Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

Do you hear me grandma?

You shall rise up before the gray-headed and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32
Yer an idiot
That is exactly right. Ol' Staph has it right. Education is a Commie plot. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology are plots to cripple the minds of young people. Much better they should learn to go down in the mines at 10 years old, like in the good old days. And then we could join glorious nations like Somalia is today.

Preschoolers nowadays learn how Mommy and Daddy driving a SUV is going to destroy the planet and make us all burn to a crisp ... Before they even learn their colors, alphabet, numbers or how to write their name.


I always like the long low luxury cars. But where are they now. They were deemed to be destroying the planet and replaced by gas guzzling SUVs which are nothing but glorified trucks. WTF?

My ex drives an old Town Car. It has its own zip code.
Preschoolers nowadays learn how Mommy and Daddy driving a SUV is going to destroy the planet and make us all burn to a crisp ... Before they even learn their colors, alphabet, numbers or how to write their name.


I always like the long low luxury cars. But where are they now. They were deemed to be destroying the planet and replaced by gas guzzling SUVs which are nothing but glorified trucks. WTF?

My ex drives an old Town Car. It has its own zip code.

That's my kind of car!
Uh... No It was instituted to protect rights.

Entitlements, colloquially, are a perverse "right" to the fruits of the labor of others.

whats the difference now days?

It comes under the police state either way, which incidentally the constitution created allowing by judicial construction extending it far beyond rights.

The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

the greatest portion of property taxes go to schools really screws people with no kids.

taxes are obsolete and it should go to direct invoicing, and what will be taxed should not be determined by the legislatures who enjoy exclusive authority.
Irony.. democrats who refuse to take care of their own family leaving their parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, nieces and nephews to be wards of the Government screaming at republicans for not wanting to take care of their family for them.
Government has no compassion. You are just a number to them.

Free Market and individuals in the community do care about the people, who truly need help.

Yep, but to a liberal they can crow they have compassion because they give the government permission to dole it out for them

they are all phonies who quote scripture while calling other's a piece of shit

Your major problem is gross ignorance.

"The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain."
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482

You accuse someone of gross ignorance and then plop down a couple quotes from Jefferson without comment. We all know that Jefferson was a brilliant man. We are waiting for you to utter an original thought so we can assess your mind.
Education is also a right.

The human mind must be expanded in order to benefit our country ;) fact.

yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...


That is exactly right. Ol' Staph has it right. Education is a Commie plot. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology are plots to cripple the minds of young people. Much better they should learn to go down in the mines at 10 years old, like in the good old days. And then we could join glorious nations like Somalia is today.

Very interesting that when anyone speaks of building our nation stronger, education, infrastructure, technology, and programs that aid American workers become more productive, the 'Conservatives' immediatly label them Communists, Progressives, or Socialists.

what cripples the minds of young people is that nothing in science is taught that there is no money in.

Tesla for instance, many electrical engineers cannot even tell you what he did and he is the one who really kick started industrial evolution.

No one understands concepts in electrical engineering that he brought in because there is no money in it.

worldwide electricity distribution with only a few coils of wire is bad for commerce.

that is what cripples academic minds. The need to insure everything is commercially viable.
yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...


That is exactly right. Ol' Staph has it right. Education is a Commie plot. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology are plots to cripple the minds of young people. Much better they should learn to go down in the mines at 10 years old, like in the good old days. And then we could join glorious nations like Somalia is today.

Very interesting that when anyone speaks of building our nation stronger, education, infrastructure, technology, and programs that aid American workers become more productive, the 'Conservatives' immediatly label them Communists, Progressives, or Socialists.

what cripples the minds of young people is that nothing in science is taught that there is no money in.

Tesla for instance, many electrical engineers cannot even tell you what he did and he is the one who really kick started industrial evolution.

No one understands concepts in electrical engineering that he brought in because there is no money in it.

worldwide electricity distribution with only a few coils of wire is bad for commerce.

that is what cripples academic minds. The need to insure everything is commercially viable.

blow smoke out your ass..that isn't what I meant but you nut jobs turn it into your idiocy like usual...nothing but stupid made up crap from any of you who thinks you are so brilliant and witty
what cripples the minds of young people is that nothing in science is taught that there is no money in.

Tesla for instance, many electrical engineers cannot even tell you what he did and he is the one who really kick started industrial evolution.

No one understands concepts in electrical engineering that he brought in because there is no money in it.

worldwide electricity distribution with only a few coils of wire is bad for commerce.

that is what cripples academic minds. The need to insure everything is commercially viable.

Uh ... You are correct about "commercial value" ... Like Global Warming.

I always like the long low luxury cars. But where are they now. They were deemed to be destroying the planet and replaced by gas guzzling SUVs which are nothing but glorified trucks. WTF?

My ex drives an old Town Car. It has its own zip code.

That's my kind of car!

I restored a 46 Caddy Limo that had dual, facing rear seats with a table between them. 6 of us played poker in that thing, from time to time.

I should have kept that one, but it got about 5 MPG, cost a mint to insure and someone offered me a great deal of money for it.
whats the difference now days?

It comes under the police state either way, which incidentally the constitution created allowing by judicial construction extending it far beyond rights.

The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

the greatest portion of property taxes go to schools really screws people with no kids.

taxes are obsolete and it should go to direct invoicing, and what will be taxed should not be determined by the legislatures who enjoy exclusive authority.

I see pros and cons for funding schools with property taxes. At one time I had 4 kids in public schools and was paying roughly half of the cost to educate just one, in property taxes. Since they left school, I've about caught up.

I have an alternate proposal for government/taxes. I propose the government be run like a corporation. Each dollar you pay into the corporation in the form of taxes, gets you one "share" Each share entitles you to one vote.
Let me see if I got this right.

The left are having a fit about the cuts in the SNAP program.
Yet everyone receiving SNAP even after the cuts, are still getting more each month, than what the rest of American's are spending each month on food who don't.
Talk about crazy.

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