Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

Didn't they cut the so called benefits so that more Americans don't have to starve to death?

I mean there is only so much to go around. Shees
Let me see if I got this right.

The left are having a fit about the cuts in the SNAP program.
Yet everyone receiving SNAP even after the cuts, are still getting more each month, than what the rest of American's are spending each month on food who don't.
Talk about crazy.

I pay for my own food.
And, I pay for the food for SNAP and WIC beneficiaries.
Evidently, I am an asshole because I am unhappy with that arrangement.
The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

the greatest portion of property taxes go to schools really screws people with no kids.

taxes are obsolete and it should go to direct invoicing, and what will be taxed should not be determined by the legislatures who enjoy exclusive authority.

I see pros and cons for funding schools with property taxes. At one time I had 4 kids in public schools and was paying roughly half of the cost to educate just one, in property taxes. Since they left school, I've about caught up.

I have an alternate proposal for government/taxes. I propose the government be run like a corporation. Each dollar you pay into the corporation in the form of taxes, gets you one "share" Each share entitles you to one vote.

How technical do you want to get?

the government IS a corporation. Well a conglomerate of corporations and a citizen technically holds the "office" of citizen. It is a franchise, it is in fact as expressed by the supreme court the new world order.

However this government is not by the people so we have no power to make laws for the organization called government, they are self policing, hence the incredible corruption.

Citizens should have free legal services anytime they want to bring suit against the government. There should be no case what so ever that does not get heard top to bottom by a jury, judges as advisors only.

Its the only cure for cancer.
Didn't they cut the so called benefits so that more Americans don't have to starve to death?

I mean there is only so much to go around. Shees

yeh after outsourcing all the best jobs over the past 4 administrations giving all the money to the banks and military industrial complex we get to look forward to our new banana republic of pup tent shantis and mansions
I was working in Fayetteville, Ark. yesterday and stop to eat some grease at KFC. There is a 3 dollar prepared food tax on top of the meal. MY jaw hit the floor.
Obviously you are rich.
Pay your fair share motherfucker.

I wonder if anyone here believes owning a "basic" home for your shelter survival and protection against the elements should be a taxable item?

no and neither should land that is fallow.
I hate the personal property tax also.

commerce is what screws everything up.

they do not tax food which is a necessity but they do tax your shelter.

there is no value in consumption of food however there is in a shelter since it can be resold.

all private individual property was once nontaxable in the us.
I was working in Fayetteville, Ark. yesterday and stop to eat some grease at KFC. There is a 3 dollar prepared food tax on top of the meal. MY jaw hit the floor.

yeh its a transaction charge, every time their money exchanges hands.

we only rent it and they charge us through the nose for it and they have a monopoly on it. RICO!
Uh... No It was instituted to protect rights.

Entitlements, colloquially, are a perverse "right" to the fruits of the labor of others.

whats the difference now days?

It comes under the police state either way, which incidentally the constitution created allowing by judicial construction extending it far beyond rights.

The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

I have a sewer line problem. That will cost me upwards of 30 thousand dollars. Money that I do not foresee in my future. The city is not responsible because I have a job. My home is 150 years old. I am also responsible for the street part of my sewer line. I purchased a sewer line protection program, that I paid for for years through the water company, they rejected my claim and told me I could sign up on a program that would help me get the job done. Red flag went up, when I heard the word "program"

OK, so when I did call about this "program", I was promptly told "oh I am sorry since you work, you are not eligible".
whats the difference now days?

It comes under the police state either way, which incidentally the constitution created allowing by judicial construction extending it far beyond rights.

The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

I have a sewer line problem. That will cost me upwards of 30 thousand dollars. Money that I do not foresee in my future. The city is not responsible because I have a job. My home is 150 years old. I am also responsible for the street part of my sewer line. I purchased a sewer line protection program, that I paid for for years through the water company, they rejected my claim and told me I could sign up on a program that would help me get the job done. Red flag went up, when I heard the word "program"

OK, so when I did call about this "program", I was promptly told "oh I am sorry since you work, you are not eligible".

30k? WTH I put in my entire septic system for 25k. Fixing a "connection" to a sewer line costs 30k? Dude, that's highway robbery. My maintenance on my septic is a few hundred every five years to pump out the sludge in the holding tanks between the house and the septic field.
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The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

I have a sewer line problem. That will cost me upwards of 30 thousand dollars. Money that I do not foresee in my future. The city is not responsible because I have a job. My home is 150 years old. I am also responsible for the street part of my sewer line. I purchased a sewer line protection program, that I paid for for years through the water company, they rejected my claim and told me I could sign up on a program that would help me get the job done. Red flag went up, when I heard the word "program"

OK, so when I did call about this "program", I was promptly told "oh I am sorry since you work, you are not eligible".

30k? WTH I put in my entire septic system for 25k. Fixing a "connection" to a sewer line costs 30k? Dude, that's highway robbery.

My line has to be completely diverted to the other side of my home. My neighbors are the problem. It turned out that when the sewer line was put into their home, it was connected to mine. They say that that was standard practice back in the day. Plus I would have to pay for the street part of the deal. It is an awful situation
I have a sewer line problem. That will cost me upwards of 30 thousand dollars. Money that I do not foresee in my future. The city is not responsible because I have a job. My home is 150 years old. I am also responsible for the street part of my sewer line. I purchased a sewer line protection program, that I paid for for years through the water company, they rejected my claim and told me I could sign up on a program that would help me get the job done. Red flag went up, when I heard the word "program"

OK, so when I did call about this "program", I was promptly told "oh I am sorry since you work, you are not eligible".

30k? WTH I put in my entire septic system for 25k. Fixing a "connection" to a sewer line costs 30k? Dude, that's highway robbery.

My line has to be completely diverted to the other side of my home. My neighbors are the problem. It turned out that when the sewer line was put into their home, it was connected to mine. They say that that was standard practice back in the day. Plus I would have to pay for the street part of the deal. It is an awful situation

Let me get this straight. They want you to disconnect from your currently shared connection so that you can have a different shared connection because they believe the current shared connection is insufficient for the two homes, or presumably based on some other regulatory change. And you are responsible for the paying for the "street" part of the deal. The street part presumably including destruction of some portion of the street, and/or other public own property. I'm gonna guess a company operating under a monopoly, or a government run organization provided you with all of this information.

When you bought the property was this issue made clear to you? Check your papers. Check your title company. This does not add up. In most areas/states there are laws to ensure this does not happen to buyers, and you might even have mortgage and/or title insurance for / from the mortgage/title company that covers just this sort of issue coming up. They won't volunteer, you have to inform and demand.
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the greatest portion of property taxes go to schools really screws people with no kids.

taxes are obsolete and it should go to direct invoicing, and what will be taxed should not be determined by the legislatures who enjoy exclusive authority.

I see pros and cons for funding schools with property taxes. At one time I had 4 kids in public schools and was paying roughly half of the cost to educate just one, in property taxes. Since they left school, I've about caught up.

I have an alternate proposal for government/taxes. I propose the government be run like a corporation. Each dollar you pay into the corporation in the form of taxes, gets you one "share" Each share entitles you to one vote.

How technical do you want to get?

the government IS a corporation. Well a conglomerate of corporations and a citizen technically holds the "office" of citizen. It is a franchise, it is in fact as expressed by the supreme court the new world order.

However this government is not by the people so we have no power to make laws for the organization called government, they are self policing, hence the incredible corruption.

Citizens should have free legal services anytime they want to bring suit against the government. There should be no case what so ever that does not get heard top to bottom by a jury, judges as advisors only.

Its the only cure for cancer.

In an ideal world, that might work, but I am 64 years old and have never received section 8, welfare, WIC, free health care... Many people have received benefits over this period and I demand equal protection and am suing the federal government for the $700,000 in income taxes I have paid so far.
If I and 75,000,000 other tax payers received your free legal services and every suit was heard,... well, make your own judgment.

About all we can do is reward the providers and shame the takers.

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