Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

I can but try.

People on SNAP need to get a job.

Grandma is on SNAP. Therefore, grandma needs to get a job.

Yep ... Just like the stories of old people being forced to eat dog food, because they cannot afford real food and medicine at the same time ... When any idiot knows that dog food costs more than a bag of beans or rice.
The only people pushing Granny off a cliff ... Feeding her dog food ... Making her get a job to supplement Social Security ... Or floating her out to sea on an iceberg ... Are damn Progressive Liberals with their stupid vitriolic propoganda.

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I have a sewer line problem. That will cost me upwards of 30 thousand dollars. Money that I do not foresee in my future. The city is not responsible because I have a job. My home is 150 years old. I am also responsible for the street part of my sewer line. I purchased a sewer line protection program, that I paid for for years through the water company, they rejected my claim and told me I could sign up on a program that would help me get the job done. Red flag went up, when I heard the word "program"

OK, so when I did call about this "program", I was promptly told "oh I am sorry since you work, you are not eligible".

30k? WTH I put in my entire septic system for 25k. Fixing a "connection" to a sewer line costs 30k? Dude, that's highway robbery.

My line has to be completely diverted to the other side of my home. My neighbors are the problem. It turned out that when the sewer line was put into their home, it was connected to mine. They say that that was standard practice back in the day. Plus I would have to pay for the street part of the deal. It is an awful situation

you might want to check county records, I have never seen a sewer go in without a recorded easement. It may be the water companies liability?
Obviously you are rich.
Pay your fair share motherfucker.

I wonder if anyone here believes owning a "basic" home for your shelter survival and protection against the elements should be a taxable item?

Well, local government needs some way to pay for the services it provides. While taxing me more because my home is worth more than yours sucks, especially if you have 4 kids in school, short of setting up a "dues" based system where everyone pays a fixed amount, it's the fairest way to provide services.

sure but aside from and limited to public necessity roads, sewers crap like that, the rest should be "invoiced" per usage.

No better way to vote for what services you want and what you do no5t.

If they want a weath redistribution program it can be taxed but should not be commingled with necessity taxes.

ohaha care for instance (an entitlement resulting from the governments bringing the economy to its knees) will after a few years become a security for the government and if you do not pay you or your children will lose their property by lien.

in fact with the exception of an ad valorem wealth tax, any tax where there is absolutely no other way out like travel for instance should be optional and by invoice to preserve the your rights to govern yourself.
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Education is also a right.

The human mind must be expanded in order to benefit our country ;) fact.

yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...

And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

If your plan to say "But, Lord, I stole from others to give to the poor, and defended it using Your Name" I can pretty much guarantee you won't end up in the line on the right.
yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...

And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

If your plan to say "But, Lord, I stole from others to give to the poor, and defended it using Your Name" I can pretty much guarantee you won't end up in the line on the right.

What is truly ironic, you right wing scum like to call liberals 'Marxists', yet it was Marx, Engel and Stalin who were big believers in your social Darwinism.
And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

If your plan to say "But, Lord, I stole from others to give to the poor, and defended it using Your Name" I can pretty much guarantee you won't end up in the line on the right.

What is truly ironic, you right wing scum like to call liberals 'Marxists', yet it was Marx, Engel and Stalin who were big believers in your social Darwinism.

You don't even know what social Darwinism is, do you?
If your plan to say "But, Lord, I stole from others to give to the poor, and defended it using Your Name" I can pretty much guarantee you won't end up in the line on the right.

What is truly ironic, you right wing scum like to call liberals 'Marxists', yet it was Marx, Engel and Stalin who were big believers in your social Darwinism.

You don't even know what social Darwinism is, do you?

Social Darwinism
the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals. Now largely discredited, social Darwinism was advocated by Herbert Spencer and others in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was used to justify political conservatism, imperialism, and racism and to discourage intervention and reform.
The difference? Well, rights are God given and free. Entitlements cost someone, not entitled to them, money.

Freedom of speech: I am free, as ALL Americans are, to call barack obama an idiot without fear of reprisal. Your tax bill does not go up each time I open my mouth.

Section 8 housing: Government provides housing for people who for whatever reason, can not afford shelter. Only certain people qualify. I certainly don't get a check every month to pay for my housing, BUT a portion of my taxes goes to pay for an "entitlement" that I am not entitled to.

the greatest portion of property taxes go to schools really screws people with no kids.

taxes are obsolete and it should go to direct invoicing, and what will be taxed should not be determined by the legislatures who enjoy exclusive authority.

I see pros and cons for funding schools with property taxes. At one time I had 4 kids in public schools and was paying roughly half of the cost to educate just one, in property taxes. Since they left school, I've about caught up.

I have an alternate proposal for government/taxes. I propose the government be run like a corporation. Each dollar you pay into the corporation in the form of taxes, gets you one "share" Each share entitles you to one vote.

Libs would insist on being given charity shares. And they would call you unchristian when you couldn't give them all they wanted. That's all this thread is, just another 'I'm not a Christian but I'm a better Christian than you' thread.
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Let me see if I got this right.

The left are having a fit about the cuts in the SNAP program.
Yet everyone receiving SNAP even after the cuts, are still getting more each month, than what the rest of American's are spending each month on food who don't.
Talk about crazy.

If an individual on SNAP is spending $200 a month on food he is spending more than I spend.
No, he's not. It's a valid point. Why are you using ad hom to avoid addressing it.

Please tell me what the "valid point" is, because I missed it.
Perhaps you can communicate it in a manner that I can understand.

I can but try.

People on SNAP need to get a job.

Grandma is on SNAP. Therefore, grandma needs to get a job.

Fallacious logic.

All humans have opposable thumbs. All chimpanzees have opposable thumbs. Therefore all chimpanzees are humans.

That's the kind of logic you are employing and as you can see, it doesn't really make sense.
Overheard at Wal Mart Friday: "I agreed to have your mother over for dinner. I did NOT agree to spend $180 dollars on the dinner."
What we have is that liberals will bring out Grandma, a two year old, someone deaf, dumb, blind and in a wheelchair, and say because these people NEED SNAP, people who are in perfect physical health need SNAP just as much because they choose not take care of themselves. All things being equal.

They aren't equal.
Let me see if I got this right.

The left are having a fit about the cuts in the SNAP program.
Yet everyone receiving SNAP even after the cuts, are still getting more each month, than what the rest of American's are spending each month on food who don't.
Talk about crazy.

If an individual on SNAP is spending $200 a month on food he is spending more than I spend.

I'd believe the argument about the starving on SNAP IF and only IF, that was the only benefit they are getting. They also get free food from pantries. The children eat free at school all three meals a day. Parents provide only snacks. No wonder people on EBT cards can buy beer and steaks, they don't have to actually buy a significant portion of their food with the benefit.
I tried to work in concert with my neighbors. She is a complete control, freak, so I will have to go that way, I am afraid.

Problem is I have little time. While I work, she sits at home on all sorts of programs and she has time to control the situation and calling ever government official in the city.

Thanks Ernie

Irregardless of how much of a jerk your neighbor is. Your title company might very well be financially responsible for this work. This is why we have title companies and title insurance. As Earnie says talk to an attorney. You should not have to pay a dime for this, not even for the attorney. But you do have to be careful regarding the attorney, as well, some of them are charlatans like Obama.

Thank you so much. Gonna log off now and take a look at my papers to see what can be done.

If your state has disclosure laws, and the person you bought it from knew and did not disclose you might be able to go back on them. Hard part is proving they knew.
I can but try.

People on SNAP need to get a job.

Grandma is on SNAP. Therefore, grandma needs to get a job.

Yep ... Just like the stories of old people being forced to eat dog food, because they cannot afford real food and medicine at the same time ... When any idiot knows that dog food costs more than a bag of beans or rice.
The only people pushing Granny off a cliff ... Feeding her dog food ... Making her get a job to supplement Social Security ... Or floating her out to sea on an iceberg ... Are damn Progressive Liberals with their stupid vitriolic propoganda.


True. But you have to realize that a lot of grannies in this day and age were 60s live for the moment hippies and, even if they made any money they spent it for instant gratification. A lot of the grandpas are like that as well. But the ones most likely to have planned for retirement are men because a lot of women have an expectation that someone will take care of them at every stage of their lives. I haven't run the numbers, but I would guess more grandmas live in poverty than grandpas, unless, of course, grandpa had him several little bimbos after gramdma passed on.

This is my generation and I saw it all.
the greatest portion of property taxes go to schools really screws people with no kids.

taxes are obsolete and it should go to direct invoicing, and what will be taxed should not be determined by the legislatures who enjoy exclusive authority.

I see pros and cons for funding schools with property taxes. At one time I had 4 kids in public schools and was paying roughly half of the cost to educate just one, in property taxes. Since they left school, I've about caught up.

I have an alternate proposal for government/taxes. I propose the government be run like a corporation. Each dollar you pay into the corporation in the form of taxes, gets you one "share" Each share entitles you to one vote.

Libs would insist on being given charity shares. And they would call you unchristian when you couldn't give them all they wanted. That's all this thread is, just another 'I'm not a Christian but I'm a better Christian than you' thread.

WOW and SUNSHINE is at it again. Negging me for a spelling error this time. What an evil witch she is.
Uh-huh. Okay.

Listen, I don't know about you lot, but I've been pretty damn poor. And my budget likely would not have done well with "Sorry, but that raise we gave you four years ago? Yeah - we're taking that back."

Hell, I wouldn't do so fine NOW.

Just because you've been poor does not mean you were ever ENTITLED to the largesse of "government."

And if you get over $630.00/month from the government and then get a temporary increase of say $30.00 per month, you aren't actually ENTITLED to that TEMPORARY increase in perpetuity. Sorry, Boopie, but that's neither the way real life works nor is it supposed to be how real life works.
I can but try.

People on SNAP need to get a job.

Grandma is on SNAP. Therefore, grandma needs to get a job.

Yep ... Just like the stories of old people being forced to eat dog food, because they cannot afford real food and medicine at the same time ... When any idiot knows that dog food costs more than a bag of beans or rice.
The only people pushing Granny off a cliff ... Feeding her dog food ... Making her get a job to supplement Social Security ... Or floating her out to sea on an iceberg ... Are damn Progressive Liberals with their stupid vitriolic propoganda.


True. But you have to realize that a lot of grannies in this day and age were 60s live for the moment hippies and, even if they made any money they spent it for instant gratification. A lot of the grandpas are like that as well. But the ones most likely to have planned for retirement are men because a lot of women have an expectation that someone will take care of them at every stage of their lives. I haven't run the numbers, but I would guess more grandmas live in poverty than grandpas, unless, of course, grandpa had him several little bimbos after gramdma passed on.

This is my generation and I saw it all.

Here we go Sunshine judging everyone. I bet you think people actually care what you think.
Yep ... Just like the stories of old people being forced to eat dog food, because they cannot afford real food and medicine at the same time ... When any idiot knows that dog food costs more than a bag of beans or rice.
The only people pushing Granny off a cliff ... Feeding her dog food ... Making her get a job to supplement Social Security ... Or floating her out to sea on an iceberg ... Are damn Progressive Liberals with their stupid vitriolic propoganda.


True. But you have to realize that a lot of grannies in this day and age were 60s live for the moment hippies and, even if they made any money they spent it for instant gratification. A lot of the grandpas are like that as well. But the ones most likely to have planned for retirement are men because a lot of women have an expectation that someone will take care of them at every stage of their lives. I haven't run the numbers, but I would guess more grandmas live in poverty than grandpas, unless, of course, grandpa had him several little bimbos after gramdma passed on.

This is my generation and I saw it all.

Here we go Sunshine judging everyone. I bet you think people actually care what you think.

Only the ones who get upset when I neg them! :eusa_boohoo:
True. But you have to realize that a lot of grannies in this day and age were 60s live for the moment hippies and, even if they made any money they spent it for instant gratification. A lot of the grandpas are like that as well. But the ones most likely to have planned for retirement are men because a lot of women have an expectation that someone will take care of them at every stage of their lives. I haven't run the numbers, but I would guess more grandmas live in poverty than grandpas, unless, of course, grandpa had him several little bimbos after gramdma passed on.

This is my generation and I saw it all.

Here we go Sunshine judging everyone. I bet you think people actually care what you think.

Only the ones who get upset when I neg them! :eusa_boohoo:
Glad to see I give you some enjoyment. Must really suck to have nothing left in life other than negging and ridiculing people.
Do you help others who are hungry? Ever? Or do you just neg folks?
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