Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

Matthew 25

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
Titus 1:10–11
10 For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households, teaching things which they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gain.
To what end? we already spend more per student than anywhere else in the world (somewhere around 14k per student per year). Statistically, test scores are static regardless of how much money we spend, so throwing more money at schools isn't the answer. So what is it you want school to do that it isn't now?

I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

Did you know in Japan you must take an entrance exam and pass to even get into high school?

It is very, very unrealistic to think that America can run its education system the way Japan, Norway or South Korea do. All three of those countries are a great deal smaller than the US. All three of them have small, homogenous populations. None of them have serious issues with poverty or immigration as in the US. None of them have the complex, multicultural, and vast population of students the US has.

Also, all of them have a single ministry of education which oversees every detail of the education system. In the US, the federal government only has a loose grip on what is going on with education. Each state dictates education policies, including the education and training of its teachers. As well, each school district within each state dictates its own education policies, and the finances to back up each school comes from the district first, the state second and the federal government last. If you live in a poor school district, it affects the kind of schooling you get because of finances. If you live in a rich school district: ditto.

In countries like Japan, Korea, and Norway, none of that applies. Everyone and everything works under the auspices of the one ministry of education for the entire country, and that includes financial support for schools, curriculum, teacher training, the organizational structure of the faculty and administration, etc.

You can give the kids standardized tests until everyone involved is blue in the face: it will make no difference--the US is not a small, homogenous, single culture country and cannot be compared to one. God Almighty, that seems so very, very obvious.
On paper, DC has a loose grip on education. However, DC just hands out grant money like it's going out of style, but with strings attached. Few districts turn away from free money, so DC pretty much dictates education from the top down.
On paper, DC has a loose grip on education. However, DC just hands out grant money like it's going out of style, but with strings attached. Few districts turn away from free money, so DC pretty much dictates education from the top down.

No they do not. NO, no no no no no.....they may 'dictate' some things in a general, loose way, but they do not have any kind of close, hands on relationship with each and every individual school. No way. It doesn't even make sense to think they do. There are thousands of schools in the US. Thousands. The Federal Government, on its own, would not be able to manage them in any kind of cohesive way even if it wanted to. It is just not feasible.

Your post makes it clear you don't understand how education and schools function. There are approximately 100,000 public schools in the US. The Federal Government in no way closely manages all of them (or any of them). In no way.
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Ahhhh... Poor boy. Do you need cheese with your whine?

I have put 60-80 hours in every week. I'm out of town 5 days a week, I love the job.

Maybe if you stayed off the USMB, you'd have more time! :lmao:
And you are where now?


You are the only one claiming to be at work featherbedding on your employer's valuable time.

No he's not.

But again, that's not what either one of us is doing.

I really can't understand why this makes some people so angry. If you, in your lifetime, didn't have a job where there was dead time, then that's your personal experience, having nothing to do with the reality of my job, or his job. This is the first job in my life where they are paying me to be available when the phone rings. I'm a remote worker. They can't say hey, calls are slow. You three go clean the break room.

Being paid for availability, or to sit there while the program processes, was the employer's idea. You really can't fault the employees who just do what they're asked.

I got a raise last year due to 100% adherence. That means whenever the phone rang, I answered it, and that's exactly what they'd hoped for.
I think we need to do things a little differently as a nation. How about you?

Set up a food stamp program of 150 dollars/month for all making less then 30k/year. FOR THE ABLED bodied people they'd either have to take college class, a work program or something skill based towards society to get this. This way we encourage upwards mobility.
For the unable bodied we remain as caring as we're now. What say you mr.h???

Uh ... That is the way it is in the real world, without your food stamp subsidy ... Just because some people don't have the wherewithal to figure it out ... Doesn't mean you have to write legislation and buy votes.

Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology along with History, some Literature are education. I say teach the hell out of them. Multiculturalism, Black History Month, Heather Has 2 Mommies and the rest of the feel good shit are why our education system sucks. Why the hell does it cost 12 grand a year to educate a kid? When I was a kid, the student to staff ration was 30:1 and the US led the world in engineers and scientists What's the ration now?

Some research shows New York City has a student to staff ratio of 8,15:1. Why is that? What has a nearly 4 fold increase in staff done to improve results?
We now spend 25 times more money to educate our children than we did 50 years ago and we've slipped from #1 to #17.
More money is not the answer. More effective use of it is. My first suggestion would be outlaw public sector unions. #2 would be to toss out disruptive students and require that they be either home schooled or sent to private schools at their parents expense for one year. If they haven't learned to behave, they would be tossed again until they learn or reach age 16 which ever comes first.

Because teaching in public schools is a government job ... Paid for by taxpayers ... With no real accountability towards results ... And since the classroom insurance they require is offered through the Unions, it is like being automatically enrolled.

And you are where now?


You are the only one claiming to be at work featherbedding on your employer's valuable time.

No he's not.

But again, that's not what either one of us is doing.

I really can't understand why this makes some people so angry. If you, in your lifetime, didn't have a job where there was dead time, then that's your personal experience, having nothing to do with the reality of my job, or his job. This is the first job in my life where they are paying me to be available when the phone rings. I'm a remote worker. They can't say hey, calls are slow. You three go clean the break room.

Being paid for availability, or to sit there while the program processes, was the employer's idea. You really can't fault the employees who just do what they're asked.

I got a raise last year due to 100% adherence. That means whenever the phone rang, I answered it, and that's exactly what they'd hoped for.
Damn did satan finally get that fur coat and those new ice skates?
I have had people on jobs that have been completed with nothing to do but make their time.
Did you know in Japan you must take an entrance exam and pass to even get into high school?

The test is about which high school a student will get into. We have a test for entering private high schools in the US too.
Education is also a right.

The human mind must be expanded in order to benefit our country ;) fact.

yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...

And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

you want self centered excrement look in a mirror...I'm a realist who doesn't pass themselves off as someone better than others
and don't quote scriptures after calling someone a piece of shit
you phony loser
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I want our educational system so we aren't 17th in the world.

How about adopting Japans, Norway or south Korea's system that kicks our ass by far.

Did you know in Japan you must take an entrance exam and pass to even get into high school?

It is very, very unrealistic to think that America can run its education system the way Japan, Norway or South Korea do. All three of those countries are a great deal smaller than the US. All three of them have small, homogenous populations. None of them have serious issues with poverty or immigration as in the US. None of them have the complex, multicultural, and vast population of students the US has.

Also, all of them have a single ministry of education which oversees every detail of the education system. In the US, the federal government only has a loose grip on what is going on with education. Each state dictates education policies, including the education and training of its teachers. As well, each school district within each state dictates its own education policies, and the finances to back up each school comes from the district first, the state second and the federal government last. If you live in a poor school district, it affects the kind of schooling you get because of finances. If you live in a rich school district: ditto.

In countries like Japan, Korea, and Norway, none of that applies. Everyone and everything works under the auspices of the one ministry of education for the entire country, and that includes financial support for schools, curriculum, teacher training, the organizational structure of the faculty and administration, etc.

Not entirely true. More so than in the US, but not as completely as you imply.
yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...

And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Judge not lest ye be judge

Judge all you want. I had a proper upbringing, I wasn't raised by wolves.
And what's crazy?

Pick up a book.

Historically, laissez-faire capitalism has translated into monopoly, political cronyism, huge disparity in wages, bust and boom economies, a concentration in wealth and overall misery for most people in this very country.

It's never worked.

It never will work.

It's like saying, "Oh just let that fire go uncontrolled, it will figure itself out."
Well I can also multitask. Like now? I am eating Chinese food, bouncing switches, compiling a new release and burning a few CD with data that we provide for customers while monitoring the whole shebang on Monmons/ICINGA/NAGIOS while I am typing this.

Ain't that a pip?

That's like the right wing fantasy ain't it? It cost the government billions, the economy 24 billion, there were about 800K furloughed and they figure it cost about 100K jobs.

So much for reality, eh?

Fucking off on the internet while at work isn't multitasking, its fucking off.

I heard that the 17% that were furloughed (fake government shutdown) were non-essential jobs, so what the hell are we paying them for? Private employers don't keep useless non-essential employees on the payroll. The fact that the government does is proof of idiocy paid for by tax dollars.


How many hours you put in last week? Ace?

Even with my "fucking off", it seems I get enough done around here to win a review that has me as over-performing.

How'd you do last review?

And it seems you folks made a big deal over the parks you weren't able to get into. A huge deal in fact.

That's just park workers.
All my hours were spent working. All 40 of them. I kind of see it this way, if you can't get your job done in 40 hours you are either incompetent or screwing off. Pick one.

My last review said "Highly Valued", probably the equivalent of "over-performing", just different vernacular. My bonus's were paid on Friday and I'm thinking about spending part of them on a classic 1963 muscle car. I'm not a car guy, but this one is calling my name. I test drove it yesterday and it is one sweet ride. If I buy it, do you want a ride?

Last I looked, I didn't make a big deal about the parks.
Let me know if anybody addresses the vets and the seniors. I'm going to go get some sleep. I hope.

The NAMBLA liberals stuck veterans on foodstamps to de stigmatize the welfare queens and to give them the ability to call critisism of welfare an attack on veterans.
Seniors should have planned better.
My grandmother never used a penny of government money.
She worked till she was 80, to pay for her 8 years in retirement.
She was a dumb white Irish immigrant subhuman, if she could do it, why can't others?
She cleaned other people's houses and had the reading/writing skills of an average 12 year old.

"NAMBLA" liberals?

Hey it was conservative icon Jerry Sandusky that kiddie ass raped little boys in showers.

And Conservative hero and Conservative Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum that gave him an award.

Santorum sponsored honor for accused PSU Coach

When you live in glass houses..

Sandusky was a political ACTIVIST supporting conservative values running a campaign to legalise the rape of children?
Like the liberal Harry Hey did?

Was Sandusky given an award because he raped children?

Harry Hey was embraced by liberals because he campaigned to legalise the rape of children.
I remember him walking hand in hand with Nancy " the piraña" Pelosi whilst campaigning to legalize the rape of children.

The Nambla Liberal connection.

How many deviants have the Nambla liberals offered early release to?

Liberals are opposed to locking up criminals, particularly homosexual paedophiles.
All that Nambla money in the campaign funds must have something to do with it!
And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Judge not lest ye be judge

Judge all you want. I had a proper upbringing, I wasn't raised by wolves.

raised by apes is more like it...they do nothing but beat their chest and sling their own poo
Not mistaken at all.

They were trying to grab large pieces of this country.

They weren't fighting a foreign nation.
They weren't trying to take over or conquer the current government.
So yes, your assertion is false.

They were trying to take away half the freaking country. So yeah..they were involved in "conquering".
Do you think the revolution for Independence from England was twice as evil? After all, they were after the entire country, not just half of it.

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