Friday will be a bad day to be hungry.

I'm starving. I'm going upstairs and eat a couple of apples. There are TWO doctors I want to keep away!
That is exactly right. Ol' Staph has it right. Education is a Commie plot. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology are plots to cripple the minds of young people. Much better they should learn to go down in the mines at 10 years old, like in the good old days. And then we could join glorious nations like Somalia is today.

Preschoolers nowadays learn how Mommy and Daddy driving a SUV is going to destroy the planet and make us all burn to a crisp ... Before they even learn their colors, alphabet, numbers or how to write their name.

There is a Bible verse that rarely gets quoted in its entirety. It is part of the sayings drawn from the "Sermon on the Mount" and it goes like this:

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
Matthew 7:1-5 (Also Luke 6:41-42)​

There are many MANY lessons to be had from that short passage, but in the issue of the food stamp rollback, the lesson is profound.

Conservatives, please don't fault the liberals for caring that there are hungry people. We also care about that, yes? We just know in our hearts that the piddly amount of reduction in food stamps is not going to have any significant affect on that. Most especially when presumably the 'savings' in the reduction was presumably shifted to child nutrition programs.

Amd Liberals, if you are truly concerned about the hungry, at least be honest that the $1 to a maximum of $25 reduction in food stamp allocations is not going to cause anybody to starve. Not families. Not vets. Not seniors. They may have to pass up some potato chips or buy some cheaper cuts of meat, but that's about it at the worst.

But please DO be concerned about those things that are cutting into family and individual grocery budgets big time. The ethanol mandates for instance have driven food costs up enormously. There are hundreds of rules and regulations controlling food products and/or production of them that do not increase the safety of the foods, but do drive up the costs. Until the liberals are wiling to admit that all government regulation and policy is not good, and are willing to stand with us to demand that government get its priorities straight, there will be hungrier people than there needs to be.

As usual, a voice of sanity and maturity. Thank you for your wisdom, Foxy.
Hey, why don't you folks put up a law banning poor people from getting married and having families?

That would be great.

Should work out real well in 2014.

Along with the rest of the nutty shit you guys spout.

Speaking of nutty crap ... And your evident love for laws and legislation that reduce poverty ... How about this?
How about we outlaw poverty altogether ... Make it illegal to be poor*?

I know, I know ... They got rid of debtors prison, and colonized Australia and America with the poor a long time ago ... But what the hell, maybe we can colonize the moon with the poor now.

But if we did that, who would vote for libruls/progressives/socialists?
Awhile back, a 'put me in charge' e-mail was being widely circulated and it started out:


Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Would ya'll go for that? Use food stamps for rice, beans, cheese, powdered milk, and maybe baby food and baby formula ONLY? Nobody would starve and it wouldn't take a whole lot of money to provide that.

Maybe use the WIC guidelines for food purchases. Basics only.
You want a swallow?

I can answer that question too. No.

I won't even shoot it in your face.

And we live in a country of plenty. No one should even be lacking all.

I spend less than the food allowance for one person under SNAP. I could reduce what I spend by a considerable amount and not even have a hunger pang. Eating all the potato chips you want doesn't equal good nutrition. You are a stupid piece of shit.

Aren't you dying of something? are sure taking a long time doing it.

And..I don't believe you.

Simple as that.

You also have no business talking about how we tax payers spend our money.

Being that you live off us.

And I vote to feed Americans in need. Even you.

You are an asshole. Hope you get unemployed again. Hope you cry about it here again so you can be made fun of. You are a classless fuck stain, and I was stupid to think as highly of you as I did. Just another iinterweb bad ass. Do the world a faver and jump in front of a bus.
Make up for it libs. Get involved with local food banks. Everybody is hungry but nobody has ever died of starvation in the Greatest Nation in the world at least since FDR was president. As a matter of fact the hypocritical feds use taxpayer funds to buy fatty foods for fat people and then they spend taxpayer funds to try to convince Americans not to eat fatty foods.
I remember queuing up at the grocery and glancing at the couple behind us.
They had half the items we did, but I could quickly see they'd be eating twice as long at half the cost.
Yup- Mexican couple. And they looked happy.

So much anger and unhappiness around, because someone has more than someone else. Whether it's food/money/possessions. Most "underprivileged" are unhappy, the "privileged" Liberals are unhappy for those same underprivileged people, yet blame it on privileged Conservatives.

I just don't get you people

Not once do I recall Obama asking Americans to be proud and work hard for the sake of working hard. If he ever did, then he needs to repeat it and hammer it home. Be proud of race, heritage, economic standing- because you can overcome your lot in life and lift yourself up through hard work.

This country needed a real leader, a coach, a mentor. An example. Someone we could look up to, be proud of, and emulate. And I'll be honest, I thought... well at least I HOPED that would be the President he would become.

What a fucking letdown. I know why the guys love Syrenn's avie and all the pretty pics the ladies use cuz they look so HAWT. I feel the same way every time Samson graces us with his avie.

~waves hand over old face~

~sighs and wishes for younger years~

Ok. Sorry. That was off topic. Do carry on. :lmao:
I remember queuing up at the grocery and glancing at the couple behind us.
They had half the items we did, but I could quickly see they'd be eating twice as long at half the cost.
Yup- Mexican couple. And they looked happy.

So much anger and unhappiness around, because someone has more than someone else. Whether it's food/money/possessions. Most "underprivileged" are unhappy, the "privileged" Liberals are unhappy for those same underprivileged people, yet blame it on privileged Conservatives.

I just don't get you people

Not once do I recall Obama asking Americans to be proud and work hard for the sake of working hard. If he ever did, then he needs to repeat it and hammer it home. Be proud of race, heritage, economic standing- because you can overcome your lot in life and lift yourself up through hard work.

This country needed a real leader, a coach, a mentor. An example. Someone we could look up to, be proud of, and emulate. And I'll be honest, I thought... well at least I HOPED that would be the President he would become.

What a fucking letdown.

I think we need to do things a little differently as a nation. How about you?

Set up a food stamp program of 150 dollars/month for all making less then 30k/year. FOR THE ABLED bodied people they'd either have to take college class, a work program or something skill based towards society to get this. This way we encourage upwards mobility.

For the unable bodied we remain as caring as we're now. What say you mr.h???
I remember queuing up at the grocery and glancing at the couple behind us.
They had half the items we did, but I could quickly see they'd be eating twice as long at half the cost.
Yup- Mexican couple. And they looked happy.

So much anger and unhappiness around, because someone has more than someone else. Whether it's food/money/possessions. Most "underprivileged" are unhappy, the "privileged" Liberals are unhappy for those same underprivileged people, yet blame it on privileged Conservatives.

I just don't get you people

Not once do I recall Obama asking Americans to be proud and work hard for the sake of working hard. If he ever did, then he needs to repeat it and hammer it home. Be proud of race, heritage, economic standing- because you can overcome your lot in life and lift yourself up through hard work.

This country needed a real leader, a coach, a mentor. An example. Someone we could look up to, be proud of, and emulate. And I'll be honest, I thought... well at least I HOPED that would be the President he would become.

What a fucking letdown.

I think we need to do things a little differently as a nation. How about you?

Set up a food stamp program of 150 dollars/month for all making less then 30k/year. FOR THE ABLED bodied people they'd either have to take college class, a work program or something skill based towards society to get this. This way we encourage upwards mobility.

For the unable bodied we remain as caring as we're now. What say you mr.h???

You left out drug testing.
Education is also a right.

The human mind must be expanded in order to benefit our country ;) fact.

yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...

And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
I was 12, and dad had died very recently ( 1967).

Anyhow- I see my older brother chewing on a folded-over piece of bread. I immediately gravitated toward him. Me: "what's that.?"

He- savoring margarine on bread, announced "roast beef with lettuce, tomato, and cheese".

That is what is known as a "wish sandwich". I right away knew it was bullshit, but at the same time reveled in his fantasy. That roast beef was my roast beef.

Modern day "poverty" shows no resemblance to the poverty of past.

Spoiled hapless sorry ass mother fuckers. I pity every one of you.
Education is also a right.

The human mind must be expanded in order to benefit our country ;) fact.

yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...


That is exactly right. Ol' Staph has it right. Education is a Commie plot. Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology are plots to cripple the minds of young people. Much better they should learn to go down in the mines at 10 years old, like in the good old days. And then we could join glorious nations like Somalia is today.

Very interesting that when anyone speaks of building our nation stronger, education, infrastructure, technology, and programs that aid American workers become more productive, the 'Conservatives' immediatly label them Communists, Progressives, or Socialists.

alculus, Chemistry, Physics, and Geology along with History, some Literature are education. I say teach the hell out of them. Multiculturalism, Black History Month, Heather Has 2 Mommies and the rest of the feel good shit are why our education system sucks. Why the hell does it cost 12 grand a year to educate a kid? When I was a kid, the student to staff ration was 30:1 and the US led the world in engineers and scientists What's the ration now?

Some research shows New York City has a student to staff ratio of 8,15:1. Why is that? What has a nearly 4 fold increase in staff done to improve results?
We now spend 25 times more money to educate our children than we did 50 years ago and we've slipped from #1 to #17.
More money is not the answer. More effective use of it is. My first suggestion would be outlaw public sector unions. #2 would be to toss out disruptive students and require that they be either home schooled or sent to private schools at their parents expense for one year. If they haven't learned to behave, they would be tossed again until they learn or reach age 16 which ever comes first.
Where is that written in the US Constitution?

Not everything is written in the Consitution.

And, we live in more enlightened times.

Go be "enlightened" in some Western European Socialism-heap. You'll be happier there.

He's an Aussie here to tell us how our country should be run. I can't for the life of me, figure out why these people care or why they deem themselves qualified to offer advice.

Bianco: Google Australian political discussion forums and butt out of our affairs.
Education is also a right.

The human mind must be expanded in order to benefit our country ;) fact.

yeah sure, you can slip on your brown shirt and jack boots and hold a gun to people's heads so they can get their edumacation you think is their right...

some of you don't deserve to live in a free country

you should try China

You've completely went off into the progressive/Socialist/Commie twilight zone...
you used to sensible or you were just pretending...

And you are a self centered piece of excrement.

Matthew 25:34-40
The Final Judgment

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Judge not lest ye be judge
Matthew 25

44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

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