From a Republican: A Win, but no mandate in November

Think back for a moment....The GOP gained the House in 2010....a mid-term elections. Then they finally gained the Senate in 2012, after several elections cycles when the TP screwed the GOP over. Again, it was a mid-term election. The GOP does well in mid-terms, but when there are national elections, and the voter turnout is substantial, they lose. So voter repression is the best GOP tool.

The GOP has a chance to shape an agenda and prove they can govern before 2016. If they do, they will have a chance in 2016 to regain the WH. If they don't they will lose bother the WH and the Senate. Simple as that!

Of course one could read those same results to mean that the Dems only gain lawmakers when they can ride a presidential victory but when made to fight man-man in the mid-terms, they lose.
The GOP is full of spineless wonders. They just happen to be winning over the last four years. They have no message but the dem message is toxic. So, both parties are worthless.
Think back for a moment....The GOP gained the House in 2010....a mid-term elections. Then they finally gained the Senate in 2012, after several elections cycles when the TP screwed the GOP over. Again, it was a mid-term election. The GOP does well in mid-terms, but when there are national elections, and the voter turnout is substantial, they lose. So voter repression is the best GOP tool.

The GOP has a chance to shape an agenda and prove they can govern before 2016. If they do, they will have a chance in 2016 to regain the WH. If they don't they will lose bother the WH and the Senate. Simple as that!
The GOP won the Senate in 2012? Who knew??
Think back for a moment....The GOP gained the House in 2010....a mid-term elections. Then they finally gained the Senate in 2012, after several elections cycles when the TP screwed the GOP over. Again, it was a mid-term election. The GOP does well in mid-terms, but when there are national elections, and the voter turnout is substantial, they lose. So voter repression is the best GOP tool.

The GOP has a chance to shape an agenda and prove they can govern before 2016. If they do, they will have a chance in 2016 to regain the WH. If they don't they will lose bother the WH and the Senate. Simple as that!

Of course one could read those same results to mean that the Dems only gain lawmakers when they can ride a presidential victory but when made to fight man-man in the mid-terms, they lose.
The real meaning here is that Democrat policies over the last 6-8 years have been total failures, delivering an impoverishing economy filled with higher taxes and more regulation leading to more dependence.
That is a message Democrats dont want to hear. And good. Because they will continue to push for those same failed policies and lose elections.
Yeah, meanwhile leading up to the '16 election you've already got leading dimocrats turning their backs on Barry and his policies they supported with their votes during his regime. In effect they've tossed themselves under the bus too with the hopes of having enough time to redeem themselves with voters before their asses are in the next election sling. What else could Dim. Sen. Chuck You Schumer have in mind last week with his salvo at Barry, himself and his comrades?

I'll take Republicans to win in '16 in spite of the nonstop drumbeat we'll get from the media about all the problems within the GOP and whatnot.
Think back for a moment....The GOP gained the House in 2010....a mid-term elections. Then they finally gained the Senate in 2012, after several elections cycles when the TP screwed the GOP over. Again, it was a mid-term election. The GOP does well in mid-terms, but when there are national elections, and the voter turnout is substantial, they lose. So voter repression is the best GOP tool.

The GOP has a chance to shape an agenda and prove they can govern before 2016. If they do, they will have a chance in 2016 to regain the WH. If they don't they will lose bother the WH and the Senate. Simple as that!
The GOP won the Senate in 2012? Who knew??

You know I meant 2014. They should have won it in 2012...but the loons in the TP kept them out.
Think back for a moment....The GOP gained the House in 2010....a mid-term elections. Then they finally gained the Senate in 2012, after several elections cycles when the TP screwed the GOP over. Again, it was a mid-term election. The GOP does well in mid-terms, but when there are national elections, and the voter turnout is substantial, they lose. So voter repression is the best GOP tool.

The GOP has a chance to shape an agenda and prove they can govern before 2016. If they do, they will have a chance in 2016 to regain the WH. If they don't they will lose bother the WH and the Senate. Simple as that!
The GOP won the Senate in 2012? Who knew??

You know I meant 2014. They should have won it in 2012...but the loons in the TP kept them out.
You stand corrected.
btw, from Texas to the Carolinas there is not a Democrat governor or representative. There's Dem success for you.
Dems got their asses kicked...but the Republican brand is trashed?
Hey... they have to dream up some kinda bull shit, even if it's lame.

Problem is they're too stupid to know that it's that kind of lame bull shit that the voters just rejected.

They'll keep losing.
Republicans won the midterms. But they didn t win a mandate. - The Week

The Republican brand is tarnished. And if conservatives want to actually govern the country, and implement conservative policies, and not just perpetuate jobs for lobbyists and consultants, they can't just win elections. They need to win a mandate.

There are lots of reasons why the GOP brand is in such bad shape. But they all boil down to a very simple truth: Middle-class Americans, who decide elections and are the backbone of this country's social structure, no longer believe that the Republican Party is on their side. They're not sure what the Democrats have on offer; but they know they don't trust the Republicans

Whether you agree with him totally or not, he makes some good points. I watched a GOP talking head this morning and he COULD NOT tell the interviewer that the GOP stood for. But he could tell her how BAD Obama was. That line will be getting very old in 2016.

How do you think the Dems won Congress in 2006?

By being against everything The GOP stands for.

They already know. Why don't you?
Lol. It amazes me that people never learn. The Dems were ousted because people were tired of them. Before that, the GOP was ousted because people were tired of them.

And the reason this keeps happening? Because neither party cares about us, they care about themselves.

So, our displeasure and our "ousting" will continue.

Because we never learn.


Nope, all everyone can do is make fun of the party in power.

Democrats lost because their policies are destructive, anti-American, punishes success and rewards failure, encourages lawlessness, is corrupt, dishonest, and absolutely frightening.

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