From Dearbornistad: It is my dream to behead someone

'I practiced reloading and unloading, but my dad searched my car one day and he found everything. He found the gun and the bullets and the mask I was going to wear.'
Did anyone else wonder why the Dad didn't say anything about this to SOMEONE? If the kid had gone through with any of his ideas, Dad would have felt bad, I'll bet.
Dads are stupid sometimes. And his son bought those guns perfectly legally. Probably the dad didn't know his fantasies.
IKR? Who doesn't wear a mask going to the range? And who DOESNT hunt with an AK? AKs are GREAT for deer! Especially at 30 or 40 yards!
Hmm you are dangerously close to supporting increased gun control
LOL no way man
I guess you couldn't the first and second part of my post together? :)
You don't need an AK-47 for hunting... straight out of the gun grabber's bible
Did anyone else wonder why the Dad didn't say anything about this to SOMEONE? If the kid had gone through with any of his ideas, Dad would have felt bad, I'll bet.
Dads are stupid sometimes. And his son bought those guns perfectly legally. Probably the dad didn't know his fantasies.
IKR? Who doesn't wear a mask going to the range? And who DOESNT hunt with an AK? AKs are GREAT for deer! Especially at 30 or 40 yards!
Hmm you are dangerously close to supporting increased gun control
LOL no way man
I guess you couldn't the first and second part of my post together? :)
You don't need an AK-47 for hunting... straight out of the gun grabber's bible
Ak has bad accuracy(depending). They are just fun. And good at close quarter, totalitarian govt combat :)
The second isn't about hunting.
Good thing another Muslim stopped him. Maybe this psycho kid and others like him are just, like, a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American Muslim population. Or something.
My unrealized dream is that those like you on the left who also have no belief in God are a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American population. That would be a great start towards some kind of recovery.
Good thing another Muslim stopped him. Maybe this psycho kid and others like him are just, like, a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American Muslim population. Or something.
My unrealized dream is that those like you on the left who also have no belief in God are a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American population. That would be a great start towards some kind of recovery.

This guy in the OP believed in god. You want more like him?
Good thing another Muslim stopped him. Maybe this psycho kid and others like him are just, like, a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American Muslim population. Or something.
My unrealized dream is that those like you on the left who also have no belief in God are a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American population. That would be a great start towards some kind of recovery.
Interesting. You claim I have no belief in God, but you know nothing about me.
Dads are stupid sometimes. And his son bought those guns perfectly legally. Probably the dad didn't know his fantasies.
IKR? Who doesn't wear a mask going to the range? And who DOESNT hunt with an AK? AKs are GREAT for deer! Especially at 30 or 40 yards!
Hmm you are dangerously close to supporting increased gun control
LOL no way man
I guess you couldn't the first and second part of my post together? :)
You don't need an AK-47 for hunting... straight out of the gun grabber's bible
Ak has bad accuracy(depending). They are just fun. And good at close quarter, totalitarian govt combat :)
The second isn't about hunting.
Some AKs are very accurate.
This guy in the OP believed in god. You want more like him?
He may believe in God except he has no idea who God is. He is doing the bidding of the devil. Muhammad and the Koran is not from God. It is a counterfeit god.

It is those like you who relish your ignorance and think God is some myth and think none of these horrific acts are the cause of demonic influence who are almost as harmful as those who commit them.

Our nation is turning into a godless landscape where the only god people worship are themselves and their lustful pleasures. That is why there is evil and wars, because mankind has forgotten his God. I think Solzhenitsyn said that first after he emerged from the Russian gulags and visited the West.
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My unrealized dream is that those like you on the left who also have no belief in God are a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the American population. That would be a great start towards some kind of recovery.
You do realize that atheists are only about 2 to maybe 3% of the population, right?

More people believe in Big Foot than that there is no God.
This guy in the OP believed in god. You want more like him?
He may believe in God except he has no idea who God is. He is doing the bidding of the devil. Muhammad and the Koran is not from God. It is a counterfeit god.

He certainly doesn't think so. See, that's the problem with your conception of god: its subjective. You have your conception. He has his. A third person has their own. And almost all of them are mutually exclusive.

Which means that if one of you is right, all the rest are wrong. Meaning at best, using the logic of religion almost always produces fallacious results. At best. With it being entirely possible that none of you got it right.

And you think more of that is going to make things better?

It is those like you who relish your ignorance and think God is some myth none of these horrific acts are the cause of demonic influence who are almost as harmful as those who commit them.

So god didn't command that babies and pregnant women be slaughtered? God didn't kill children by the score for no other reason than their birth order?

Because that would be pretty damn horrific.
IKR? Who doesn't wear a mask going to the range? And who DOESNT hunt with an AK? AKs are GREAT for deer! Especially at 30 or 40 yards!
Hmm you are dangerously close to supporting increased gun control
LOL no way man
I guess you couldn't the first and second part of my post together? :)
You don't need an AK-47 for hunting... straight out of the gun grabber's bible
Ak has bad accuracy(depending). They are just fun. And good at close quarter, totalitarian govt combat :)
The second isn't about hunting.
Some AKs are very accurate.
It depends on distance, model and the shooter lol. AKs are good guns, but the bullets are known to stray.
But man are those things tough as shit!
This guy in the OP believed in god. You want more like him?
He may believe in God except he has no idea who God is. He is doing the bidding of the devil. Muhammad and the Koran is not from God. It is a counterfeit god.

It is those like you who relish your ignorance and think God is some myth none of these horrific acts are the cause of demonic influence who are almost as harmful as those who commit them.

Our nation is turning into a godless landscape where the only god people worship are themselves and their lustful pleasures. That is why there is evil and wars, because mankind has forgotten his God. I think Solzhenitsyn said that first after he emerged from the Russian gulags and visited the West.
Your God wants you to demonize anyone with different beliefs and interpretations than yours. Whether they are innocent or not. Whether they wish you good or ill. I don't know what God you worship, but Christ would be disgusted by him.
Your God wants you to demonize anyone with different beliefs and interpretations than yours. Whether they are innocent or not. Whether they wish you good or ill. I don't know what God you worship, but Christ would be disgusted by him.
Anyone??? How about those who are beheading children in the name of their god? They are not just "anyone."

I am demonizing what strongly appears to be demonic. And that is the murder and torture of innocent people in the name of some god they think they are following. I know the devil exists. Yes, I know it. These kinds of acts have all the earmarks of a demonic influence. This is not some mental illness or chemical imbalance or brainwashing the vulnerable. These evil cells are being led by highly intelligent educated Islamic followers. .

Communism is demonic, too. Mao killed 60 million of his own countrymen for the sake of his ideology. Russian communism killed nearly as many of their own and others for the sake of their atheistic ideology. Hitler was wholly influenced by the devil. He was heavily into the occult as well. Spare me his Catholic ties. It is no coincidence the Jews are always the ones persecuted and murdered as well. Satan hates the Jews because they were G-d's chosen people where He manifested Himself to the world, and also because from the Jews would comet he Savior.

To answer your earlier question -- No, I do not know for a fact if you believe in God or not. But I seem to recall almost any time someone makes a top post about Christianity or God as some kind of answer, it does not take long before there is the checkmark from you noting it as 'funny.'
Your God wants you to demonize anyone with different beliefs and interpretations than yours. Whether they are innocent or not. Whether they wish you good or ill. I don't know what God you worship, but Christ would be disgusted by him.
Anyone??? How about those who are beheading children in the name of their god? They are not just "anyone."

Slaughtering children. Just awful. What god would ever command such a thing?

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

1 Samuel 15:3

You were saying about the devil and demons?
Just so I understand your position, when *these* people slaughtered children in the name of god, it was cool.

When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.

Joshua 6:20

And when the ISIS slaughters children in the name of god, its demonic.
Your God wants you to demonize anyone with different beliefs and interpretations than yours. Whether they are innocent or not. Whether they wish you good or ill. I don't know what God you worship, but Christ would be disgusted by him.
Anyone??? How about those who are beheading children in the name of their god? They are not just "anyone."

I am demonizing what strongly appears to be demonic. And that is the murder and torture of innocent people in the name of some god they think they are following. I know the devil exists. Yes, I know it. These kinds of acts have all the earmarks of a demonic influence. This is not some mental illness or chemical imbalance or brainwashing the vulnerable. These evil cells are being led by highly intelligent educated Islamic followers. .

Communism is demonic, too. Mao killed 60 million of his own countrymen for the sake of his ideology. Russian communism killed nearly as many of their own and others for the sake of their atheistic ideology. Hitler was wholly influenced by the devil. He was heavily into the occult as well. Spare me his Catholic ties. It is no coincidence the Jews are always the ones persecuted and murdered as well. Satan hates the Jews because they were G-d's chosen people where He manifested Himself to the world, and also because from the Jews would comet he Savior.

To answer your earlier question -- No, I do not know for a fact if you believe in God or not. But I seem to recall almost any time someone makes a top post about Christianity or God as some kind of answer, it does not take long before there is the checkmark from you noting it as 'funny.'
A normal, peaceful Muslim family is not demonic. A normal, peaceful Buddhist family is not demonic. A normal, peaceful Hindu family is not demonic. A normal, peaceful Catholic family is not demonic. A normal, peaceful Baptist family is not demonic. A normal, peaceful Jewish family is not demonic (nor extra holy for being Jewish).

I have never insulted a religious person on this forum unless they were claiming unjustified superiority at the expense of a group they are unjustly demonizing. I have defended religious people when someone with a different faith, including atheists, is attacking them for no reason. You use your faith to harm others, and that's the only reason you've ever heard from me.
Just so I understand your position, when *these* people slaughtered children in the name of god, it was cool.

When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.

Joshua 6:20

And when the ISIS slaughters children in the name of god, its demonic.

The inhabitants of Jericho represent turning against God and the wall surrounding it evil. Their death represents spiritual death. The story is meant to show the utter destruction straying from God can cause.
Just so I understand your position, when *these* people slaughtered children in the name of god, it was cool.

When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. 21 They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.

Joshua 6:20

And when the ISIS slaughters children in the name of god, its demonic.

The inhabitants of Jericho represent turning against God and the wall surrounding it evil. Their death represents spiritual death. The story is meant to show the utter destruction straying from God can cause.

Ah, so slaughtering children is wrong.....unless your religion tells you its not.

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