From the Desk of Captain Obvious


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumventing the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.
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It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

They love the Electoral College!

Only if their candidate win it...

Imagine if Trump win the Popular Vote and Electoral College this November?

Democrats will be beside themselves and mass suicides possible...

Anyhoo, Schiff and Pelosi made it clear they want the Senate and Oval Office and this Impeachment is about the November election and if Democrats lose then Schiff and Pelosi can claim fraud...
I have no idea where that came from. Coming from the side that has Moscow Mitch, a man who stymies every attempt to safeguard our elections from foreign interference. I suppose you also buy into Trump’s lies of voter fraud. You know that lie promulgated as a way to undermine the results of our national elections.
I have no idea where that came from. Coming from the side that has Moscow Mitch, a man who stymies every attempt to safeguard our elections from foreign interference. I suppose you also buy into Trump’s lies of voter fraud. You know that lie promulgated as a way to undermine the results of our national elections.

Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?

Also you have to give an exact news story that was fake that caused those voters to turn against her?

Finally, you do know Schiff did state that the Impeachment is actually about the 2020 election and his belief that Trump will steal it?
I have no idea where that came from. Coming from the side that has Moscow Mitch, a man who stymies every attempt to safeguard our elections from foreign interference. I suppose you also buy into Trump’s lies of voter fraud. You know that lie promulgated as a way to undermine the results of our national elections.

Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?

Also you have to give an exact news story that was fake that caused those voters to turn against her?

Finally, you do know Schiff did state that the Impeachment is actually about the 2020 election and his belief that Trump will steal it?
Your post has nothing to do with the OP with his absurd thesis nor with my post that deals with the OPs absurd thesis.
I have no idea where that came from. Coming from the side that has Moscow Mitch, a man who stymies every attempt to safeguard our elections from foreign interference. I suppose you also buy into Trump’s lies of voter fraud. You know that lie promulgated as a way to undermine the results of our national elections.

Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?

Also you have to give an exact news story that was fake that caused those voters to turn against her?

Finally, you do know Schiff did state that the Impeachment is actually about the 2020 election and his belief that Trump will steal it?
Your post has nothing to do with the OP with his absurd thesis nor with my post that deals with the OPs absurd thesis.

Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.
Has nothing to do with overturning the results of an election and everything to do with holding a President accountable for his actions
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.
Has nothing to do with overturning the results of an election and everything to do with holding a President accountable for his actions


This Impeachment has been nothing but overturning the 2016 vote!
Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.

This is false. Impeachment is a political proceeding, not a criminal one. There are no criminal punishments attached to one being impeached and found guilty, they are just out of a job.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.
Has nothing to do with overturning the results of an election and everything to do with holding a President accountable for his actions


This Impeachment has been nothing but overturning the 2016 vote!

That is actually nonsense.

This Impeachment has been nothing but political theater to keep the masses distracted.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

They love the Electoral College!

Only if their candidate win it...

Imagine if Trump win the Popular Vote and Electoral College this November?

Democrats will be beside themselves and mass suicides possible...

Anyhoo, Schiff and Pelosi made it clear they want the Senate and Oval Office and this Impeachment is about the November election and if Democrats lose then Schiff and Pelosi can claim fraud...
A Republican may never win the popular vote again due almost entirely to New York and California.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.
Has nothing to do with overturning the results of an election and everything to do with holding a President accountable for his actions


This Impeachment has been nothing but overturning the 2016 vote!

That is actually nonsense.

This Impeachment has been nothing but political theater to keep the masses distracted.

I will give you that and will agree...
Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?
Well, first, that's not a comprehensive question. There is also the issue of people turning out to vote for Trump who may not otherwise have voted.

And yes, of course the Russian propaganda campaign had some effect. Was it decisive? When the three swing states were won by a grand total of 70,000 votes, that's impossible to say.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

They love the Electoral College!

Only if their candidate win it...

Imagine if Trump win the Popular Vote and Electoral College this November?

Democrats will be beside themselves and mass suicides possible...

Anyhoo, Schiff and Pelosi made it clear they want the Senate and Oval Office and this Impeachment is about the November election and if Democrats lose then Schiff and Pelosi can claim fraud...
A Republican may never win the popular vote again due almost entirely to New York and California.

It depends but a social Conservative Republican?

Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?
Well, first, that's not a comprehensive question. There is also the issue of people turning out to vote for Trump who may not otherwise have voted.

And yes, of course the Russian propaganda campaign had some effect. Was it decisive? When the three swing states were won by a grand total of 70,000 votes, that's impossible to say.

Again, as pointed out before you cut and delete part of threads to support your spin.

So name one fake News Story that support your opinion or will you lie and delete what I wrote?
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.
Democrats don't have a platform that works for America.

It only works for Washington Democrats and their friends.

So they are diligently working to destroy fair elections forever in America.

Why? Because they know what Americans will do once they find out what Democrats have in store for them.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.
Has nothing to do with overturning the results of an election and everything to do with holding a President accountable for his actions


This Impeachment has been nothing but overturning the 2016 vote!

That is actually nonsense.

This Impeachment has been nothing but political theater to keep the masses distracted.

I will give you that and will agree...

And it is working, even on a forum as politically aware as this one.

There was a whole slew of bills passed by both sides of Congress and signed by Trump right before the end of the year. Even on this forum there was basically no discussion of them, it was all about the impeachment. Most people do not even know they were passed or what was in them.

That is not a coincidence.
It has long been established that the democrats resent the Electoral College because they don’t want ‘the wrong sort of people’ to have a vote that counts. This impeachment farce is their attempt at circumnavigating the pesky problem of letting Americans vote at all. If they get their way in this absurd performance, it will obviate the need for national elections at all.

Impeachment is a criminal proceeding against a president.
Has nothing to do with overturning the results of an election and everything to do with holding a President accountable for his actions


This Impeachment has been nothing but overturning the 2016 vote!

That is actually nonsense.

This Impeachment has been nothing but political theater to keep the masses distracted.

I will give you that and will agree...

And it is working, even on a forum as politically aware as this one.

There was a whole slew of bills passed by both sides of Congress and signed by Trump right before the end of the year. Even on this forum there was basically no discussion of them, it was all about the impeachment. Most people do not even know they were passed or what was in them.

That is not a coincidence.

True, and no one has discussed the fact the USMCA is not ratified in Canada yet and could be a few months and then it will take place hopefully before the 2020 election...
Again, as pointed out before you cut and delete part of threads to support your spin.
Nonsense. I quoted the question I answered directly. Stop taking shit so personally, son. The question and the answer stand for discussion regardless of your mood.

So name one fake News Story that support your opinion or will you lie and delete what I wrote?
That's a dumb question. Name one political ad that decided your opinion. Name one bumper sticker. One t-shirt. One opinion piece.

Yet still, campaigns spend money on tv ads and mailers and do rounds on talk shows, because these are proven effective methods. Given this simple,obvious fact, the burden lies on you to prove why the Russian propaganda campaign had no effect whatsoever.
I have no idea where that came from. Coming from the side that has Moscow Mitch, a man who stymies every attempt to safeguard our elections from foreign interference. I suppose you also buy into Trump’s lies of voter fraud. You know that lie promulgated as a way to undermine the results of our national elections.

Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?

Also you have to give an exact news story that was fake that caused those voters to turn against her?

Finally, you do know Schiff did state that the Impeachment is actually about the 2020 election and his belief that Trump will steal it?
Your post has nothing to do with the OP with his absurd thesis nor with my post that deals with the OPs absurd thesis.

Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
No, impeachment is a remedy for a rogue president. Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. As far as foreign interference, the country has not done nearly enough to protect the integrity of our elections. That should be non-partisan, but for some reason it is not.

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