From the Desk of Captain Obvious

Your post has nothing to do with the OP with his absurd thesis nor with my post that deals with the OPs absurd thesis.

Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
....Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. ...

Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. The question is whether a President is accountable for his actions. If a President’s conduct is solely dependent on his poll ratings and popularity , then what is the function of congress or the courts. The rule of law is not a popularity contest.
Trump didn't break any laws, moron.
If a president cannot get impeached for extorting a foreign nation for political gain then what can a president be impeached for? One of the founding father’s greatest concerns was foreign interference in our elections and here is Trump encouraging just that. Nothing is more antithetical to the constitution than this.
Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
....Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. ...

Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. The question is whether a President is accountable for his actions. If a President’s conduct is solely dependent on his poll ratings and popularity , then what is the function of congress or the courts. The rule of law is not a popularity contest.
Trump didn't break any laws, moron.
If a president cannot get impeached for extorting a foreign nation for political gain then what can a president be impeached for?
Every President has done that, moron. It's SOP in foreign policy. Obama bribed Iran to the tune of $150 billion for political gain. I don't see you TDS morons whining about that.
Imagine if Trump win the Popular Vote and Electoral College this November?

Democrats will be beside themselves and mass suicides possible...

Good point, that would sort of destroy their narrative that he didn't "really" win. Let's hope that happens.
....Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. ...

Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. The question is whether a President is accountable for his actions. If a President’s conduct is solely dependent on his poll ratings and popularity , then what is the function of congress or the courts. The rule of law is not a popularity contest.
Trump didn't break any laws, moron.
If a president cannot get impeached for extorting a foreign nation for political gain then what can a president be impeached for?
Every President has done that, moron. It's SOP in foreign policy. Obama bribed Iran to the tune of $150 billion for political gain. I don't see you TDS morons whining about that.
I was going to go into the difference between Iran and Ukraine, but then I realized I am speaking to an idiot who wouldn’t grasp the difference no matter what was said.
Tell the board what fake news caused voters to abandon Hillary Clinton in key States like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?

Also you have to give an exact news story that was fake that caused those voters to turn against her?

Finally, you do know Schiff did state that the Impeachment is actually about the 2020 election and his belief that Trump will steal it?
Your post has nothing to do with the OP with his absurd thesis nor with my post that deals with the OPs absurd thesis.

Actually it does have everything to do with what you wrote when you brought up Mitch McConnell and foreign interference into our elections!

Why you refuse to answer is because the fact is you are lying in your comments and trying to sell the Democrats talking points!

Also you are upset that Schiff himself made it clear that the Impeachment is about the 2020 election and now you want to ignore his own words!

So if you do not want to discuss foreign interference then do not bring it up!
....Either you believe in the power of Congress or not. ...

Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. ....t.

Not in the slightest.
Above the will of the people?
The will of the people is a red herring argument. The question is whether a President is accountable for his actions. If a President’s conduct is solely dependent on his poll ratings and popularity , then what is the function of congress or the courts. The rule of law is not a popularity contest.
Trump didn't break any laws, moron.
If a president cannot get impeached for extorting a foreign nation for political gain then what can a president be impeached for?
Every President has done that, moron. It's SOP in foreign policy. Obama bribed Iran to the tune of $150 billion for political gain. I don't see you TDS morons whining about that.
I was going to go into the difference between Iran and Ukraine, but then I realized I am speaking to an idiot who wouldn’t grasp the difference no matter what was said.
The differences are irrelevant. "Differences" are the standard excuse whenever someone points out that a Dim did the same thing a Republican is accused of doing. There is always a difference between any two examples.
They are not crimes under any circumstance.

So what would I have to do to be convicted of "abuse of power?"
You wouldn't. You would be formally charged with corruption, and/or fraud.

For instance, Blagojevich was impeached for abuse of power. That's word for word Look it up. But his criminal charges are for the acts he committed while abusing that power.
Then he wasn't convicted of "abuse of power."

What a moron.
This Impeachment has been nothing but political theater to keep the masses distracted.

Distracted from what?

Everything they are doing behind our backs.

Do you know how many bills were passed and signed by Trump the last couple days of 2019? Do you know anything about any of them?

If you do, you are in a tiny minority. Most do not even know anything was passed.
Everything they are doing behind our backs.

Do you know how many bills were passed and signed by Trump the last couple days of 2019? Do you know anything about any of them?

If you do, you are in a tiny minority. Most do not even know anything was passed.

Well, I know he just keeps winning and I'm not tired of winning yet --- there was the China trade treaty; lots of federal judges confirmed --- I don't know, are you saying the Dems invented all this impeachment business to distract us from what THEY are up to? They're up to the impeachment, that's bad enough, I'd have thought, and they can't be passing a lot of bad bills, surely --- we have control of the Senate.

This is very confusing, this idea that Dems are doing impeachment to distract us. It can't be us doing it: we don't want any impeachment!!

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