From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYChOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD>

Watch closely , while you haters and the head of the hate party gets torn to shreds by reason. This country will not ultimately be controlled by hate, as you want. I'm seeing it already. A hate party leader selecting the worst of mankind to be his cabinet.
the battle was 20 to 1 and I still win in a knock out. Wimps. If you people can't respond , I'll just move on and eat you up someplace else. Did I say Wimps?
Those who declare themselves the victor are in reality the big losers. Winners don't need to tell anyone they've won.

Now go in the corner and cry.
Those that stand on top of a pile of there humiliated dead apposition can hardly look at it any other way. They could throw in , but they gave me a good fight but that didn't happen did it?
Your delusions of grandeur are hilarious to behold.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
Libtards are the enemy of this country, like you scum.

So anyone you disagree with are the enemies of this country and need to be wiped out? Sounds kind of fascist.
If wiped out means killed then no, but if wiped out means gotten rid of for the future of this country and it's values then the answer is a definite yes. If it was that you just disagreed with me, I wouldn't give a fuck, but electing a cruel evil psychopath and putting him next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind, than yes you better believe you are the enemy and you people have to go
The cruel evil psychopath was defeated. If there was a candidate in this election who wanted to start a nuclear war, it's Hillary.

Now go find a safe space to cry in.
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYCHOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it

This is by far the funniest part , this is what the hate party elected for their president. He's yours , he will never be mine.

Can I translate all that unhinged "smart" blather? The sore loser express rides merrily on to Inauguration Day.

Any time you see the words "chosen by God" or something similar you can count on a left wing rant by ignorant anti-American.
Any time you see the words "chosen by God" or something similar you can count on a left wing rant by ignorant anti-American.

We are going to see a lot of those rants the next four to eight years.

As Rush always said the left never gets more unhinged and more entertaining as when they are out of power.

They are just revealing their belief they are entitled to power and without it some "injustice" has been done.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
Libtards are the enemy of this country, like you scum.

So anyone you disagree with are the enemies of this country and need to be wiped out? Sounds kind of fascist.
If wiped out means killed then no, but if wiped out means gotten rid of for the future of this country and it's values then the answer is a definite yes. If it was that you just disagreed with me, I wouldn't give a fuck, but electing a cruel evil psychopath and putting him next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind, than yes you better believe you are the enemy and you people have to go
The cruel evil psychopath was defeated. If there was a candidate in this election who wanted to start a nuclear war, it's Hillary.

Now go find a safe space to cry in.

Its been possibly the most boring liberal Trump hate thread so far. This clown isn't worth your time.
Any time you see the words "chosen by God" or something similar you can count on a left wing rant by ignorant anti-American.

You forgot God hater, these liberals love to hate God and anyone who believes in God or has faith. You are talking about liberals who's lives are bitter and devoid of happiness.
The man the myth the stupid.
trumpno hair.png


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Any time you see the words "chosen by God" or something similar you can count on a left wing rant by ignorant anti-American.

We are going to see a lot of those rants the next four to eight years.

As Rush always said the left never gets more unhinged and more entertaining as when they are out of power.

They are just revealing their belief they are entitled to power and without it some "injustice" has been done.
As the Fat man says. always brings us back to reality, haters. your heroes are scum bags. your party are scum bags and your president is a scum bag. Thats reality.
All leaders are chosen by God, including Trump. Both the good and bad leaders.
No God gives you self determination and it's your roll from then on. Scum go the way of the hate party. God fearing patriots know that the hate party is the hate party and their self determination takes them ultimately only to one of the levels of Dante's Inferno. We will be the only ones sitting in shouting distance from the lord. Haters go where all haters go.

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