From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYChOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD>

I always love it when hate party people give themselves names that are alway the farthest thing from reality . AS a example this clown elected a psychopath and put that psychopath right next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind and then gives himself the name America first. you can't make this stuff up.
And you are a retarded commie ass, and you can make that stuff up, you just did asswipe.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
You aren't on nothing but drugs.
Gee you might be right because I think that I'm ten time the person that you haters are , it's either drugs like you say or I have just realized a fact that you are at a lower level of humanity that me and my people are at , my party, my friend.
And you are a retarded commie ass, and you can make that stuff up, you just did asswipe.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
You aren't on nothing but drugs.
Gee you might be right because I think that I'm ten time the person that you haters are , it's either drugs like you say or I have just realized a fact that you are at a lower level of humanity that me and my people are at , my party, my friend.
Yep, you just pointed out how big a fool you are. Fact is you are at the lowest level being a libtard.
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYCHOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it

This is by far the funniest part , this is what the hate party elected for their president. He's yours , he will never be mine.

He's the president for all of Americans.

And if you don't understand how he completely plays the regressive left like a clockwork... their rhetoric (the only thing that they have) has been disarmed, beaten, destroyed... genius!
He is no fucking president of mine. The future for small hands is on step down weekly to the next lower level of the Dante's inferno. The bottom and end will be the designation as the bottom puss head. watch and take notes.
I will love to watch you cry like a baby when you're delusions are destroyed.
Why would that happen, the more I look and the more that I understand the more I realize that this country has one of it's biggest enemies ever , led a by a hateful psychopath that thinks he is a God. So your not even part of my country anymore, You have taken over this country as you say , no doubt, but it is time for the patriots to step up and do what has to be done to get rid of everyone of you. We will win.
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYCHOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it

This is by far the funniest part , this is what the hate party elected for their president. He's yours , he will never be mine.

He's the president for all of Americans.

And if you don't understand how he completely plays the regressive left like a clockwork... their rhetoric (the only thing that they have) has been disarmed, beaten, destroyed... genius!
He is no fucking president of mine. The future for small hands is on step down weekly to the next lower level of the Dante's inferno. The bottom and end will be the designation as the bottom puss head. watch and take notes.
I will love to watch you cry like a baby when you're delusions are destroyed.
Why would that happen, the more I look and the more that I understand the more I realize that this country has one of it's biggest enemies ever , led a by a hateful psychopath that thinks he is a God. So your not even part of my country anymore, You have taken over this country as you say , no doubt, but it is time for the patriots to step up and do what has to be done to get rid of everyone of you. We will win.
The Patriots have stepped up and kept the hag Hillary out. You old fart, go take your geritrol.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
You aren't on nothing but drugs.
Gee you might be right because I think that I'm ten time the person that you haters are , it's either drugs like you say or I have just realized a fact that you are at a lower level of humanity that me and my people are at , my party, my friend.
Yep, you just pointed out how big a fool you are. Fact is you are at the lowest level being a libtard.
Oho my you intelects have just hammered me with I don't like you you are dumb. God how can I handle such a challenge. I mean do you really not like me and do you really think I'm dumb. Real creative group you people. I should remind you of your next step with dealing with me , tell me what a bad speller I am or that I can't conjugate a verb. Oh the pain , your words hurt so bad. Clowns all of you, weak clowns at that.
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYCHOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it

This is by far the funniest part , this is what the hate party elected for their president. He's yours , he will never be mine.

He's the president for all of Americans.

And if you don't understand how he completely plays the regressive left like a clockwork... their rhetoric (the only thing that they have) has been disarmed, beaten, destroyed... genius!
He is no fucking president of mine. The future for small hands is on step down weekly to the next lower level of the Dante's inferno. The bottom and end will be the designation as the bottom puss head. watch and take notes.
I will love to watch you cry like a baby when you're delusions are destroyed.
Why would that happen, the more I look and the more that I understand the more I realize that this country has one of it's biggest enemies ever , led a by a hateful psychopath that thinks he is a God. So your not even part of my country anymore, You have taken over this country as you say , no doubt, but it is time for the patriots to step up and do what has to be done to get rid of everyone of you. We will win.
I'm shitting all over you slimes as you are, I'm making fools of you , I'm burying you in your own tears , you don't want me to have any more energy then I have
The Patriots have stepped up and kept the hag Hillary out. You old fart, go take your geritrol.
He isn't my president and never will be but I know dam well that he is the presidents to many Nazi's that just love your party with the election of your psychopath.
All progressive should make a stand against hatred and take the position that should have been taken in Germany with Hitler, that this garbage is not their president'
We won, you lost. Now go sit in the back and shut your ugly fucking douche bag mouth.
No I will stick around just to remind people of the slime level that the good in this country is dealing against, it will be a long road I'll admit that, we lost bad I'll admit that , but that doesn't change the fact that you and your party are slime Our first prime motive will for all the good that is left in this country have to understand that you elected a psychopath into office and we will tell them that the psychopath has a real thin skin, so it won't be that hard to get to him. and We will. I say straight out that it will be a race between a mental institute or him not being president anymore. We will ultimately win and you will be marked like the Nazi's where in the second world war. And good God will you ever deserve it.

When you consider the hurricane of abuse that Trump endured, a thin skin is the last thing any intelligent person would accuse him of having. The Democrat party is the evil party in this country. The voted for the most corrupt candidate ever to run for president. She is proven to have sold her office as SOS to the highest bidder. She displayed a blazen disregard for national secrets and violated the law in these areas. She got State Department personnel killed and didn't give a flying fuck about it except for the political damage it might cause for her.

She's a disgusting pig. I truly find Democrats who supported this piece of shit disgusting and despicable. You have lost all claim to being decent civilized human beings. You are little more than criminals.
Only in the mind of someone so weak and full of hate that they will go with anything as long as it is served up covered with hate, I'm on a roll here I'm getting the responses that I want. I'm surprised though how quickly you shifted to slime , I thought you would try the noble winner routine for a while but I always new the slime would come. There is a old proverb , you ultimately can only get slime from slime balls. Or something like that.
I treat scum like you the way you deserve to be treated.
Try harder, you need to get past , no I'm not, yes you are. I'm slime, no your slime .no i'm slime. no your slime. I think you will see in these comments that me eating up what 20 of you for fun, shows that you may have a problem with the lack of intelligence to be playing at the big buck table. There is not one of you that can play at the big bug table that I and most of my party play on. Your to dumb. Not one good reply yet. Ya now you can say " ya not one good reply from you yet" Creative group.
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYCHOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it

This is by far the funniest part , this is what the hate party elected for their president. He's yours , he will never be mine.
If hes not your president, then you should be free to makes threats against him. Threaten his life. Go ahead, do it right here. Show us how he isnt your president.
We will give dummy dump what you gave barry
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
You aren't on nothing but drugs.
Gee you might be right because I think that I'm ten time the person that you haters are , it's either drugs like you say or I have just realized a fact that you are at a lower level of humanity that me and my people are at , my party, my friend.
Yep, you just pointed out how big a fool you are. Fact is you are at the lowest level being a libtard.
Come on, you have said that three times already. Get brave, instead of just using what I say to you as a rebuff say something, anything, that you have part in creating. Woopy ding. I don't like you and you are dumb. looks like 90% of you simple minded haters are saying I don't like you and you are dumb. Come on step up. You sure in the hell aren't getting anyplace with what you microbes come up on your own. Go to a dictionary or a novel or anything where someone with a micron of intelligent responds in a creative, or knowledgeable or funny or anything way more then" I don't like you and your dumb." I might have to start writing responses for you , otherwise I have no Idea how I can keep interested in the nothing that you are all offering.
He's the president for all of Americans.

And if you don't understand how he completely plays the regressive left like a clockwork... their rhetoric (the only thing that they have) has been disarmed, beaten, destroyed... genius!
He is no fucking president of mine. The future for small hands is on step down weekly to the next lower level of the Dante's inferno. The bottom and end will be the designation as the bottom puss head. watch and take notes.
I will love to watch you cry like a baby when you're delusions are destroyed.
Why would that happen, the more I look and the more that I understand the more I realize that this country has one of it's biggest enemies ever , led a by a hateful psychopath that thinks he is a God. So your not even part of my country anymore, You have taken over this country as you say , no doubt, but it is time for the patriots to step up and do what has to be done to get rid of everyone of you. We will win.
I'm shitting all over you slimes as you are, I'm making fools of you , I'm burying you in your own tears , you don't want me to have any more energy then I have
The Patriots have stepped up and kept the hag Hillary out. You old fart, go take your geritrol.
We won, you lost. Now go sit in the back and shut your ugly fucking douche bag mouth.
No I will stick around just to remind people of the slime level that the good in this country is dealing against, it will be a long road I'll admit that, we lost bad I'll admit that , but that doesn't change the fact that you and your party are slime Our first prime motive will for all the good that is left in this country have to understand that you elected a psychopath into office and we will tell them that the psychopath has a real thin skin, so it won't be that hard to get to him. and We will. I say straight out that it will be a race between a mental institute or him not being president anymore. We will ultimately win and you will be marked like the Nazi's where in the second world war. And good God will you ever deserve it.

When you consider the hurricane of abuse that Trump endured, a thin skin is the last thing any intelligent person would accuse him of having. The Democrat party is the evil party in this country. The voted for the most corrupt candidate ever to run for president. She is proven to have sold her office as SOS to the highest bidder. She displayed a blazen disregard for national secrets and violated the law in these areas. She got State Department personnel killed and didn't give a flying fuck about it except for the political damage it might cause for her.

She's a disgusting pig. I truly find Democrats who supported this piece of shit disgusting and despicable. You have lost all claim to being decent civilized human beings. You are little more than criminals.
Only in the mind of someone so weak and full of hate that they will go with anything as long as it is served up covered with hate, I'm on a roll here I'm getting the responses that I want. I'm surprised though how quickly you shifted to slime , I thought you would try the noble winner routine for a while but I always new the slime would come. There is a old proverb , you ultimately can only get slime from slime balls. Or something like that.
I treat scum like you the way you deserve to be treated.
Try harder, you need to get past , no I'm not, yes you are. I'm slime, no your slime .no i'm slime. no your slime. I think you will see in these comments that me eating up what 20 of you for fun, shows that you may have a problem with the lack of intelligence to be playing at the big buck table. There is not one of you that can play at the big bug table that I and most of my party play on. Your to dumb. Not one good reply yet. Ya now you can say " ya not one good reply from you yet" Creative group.
uh . . . dumbass. In case you haven't noticed, the "no I'm not, yes you are. I'm slime, no your slime .no i'm slime. no your slime" tactic is all you've done since you joined the forum.
Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes,
From the mouth of stupidity. FROM A PSYCHOPATH THAT WAS CHOSEN BY GOD
OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart
—you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if,
like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the
smartest people anywhere in the world—it's true!—but when you're a
conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that's
why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went
there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my
like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged—but
you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would
have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear
is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the
power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of
what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?),
but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it

This is by far the funniest part , this is what the hate party elected for their president. He's yours , he will never be mine.

He's the president for all of Americans.

And if you don't understand how he completely plays the regressive left like a clockwork... their rhetoric (the only thing that they have) has been disarmed, beaten, destroyed... genius!
He is no fucking president of mine. The future for small hands is on step down weekly to the next lower level of the Dante's inferno. The bottom and end will be the designation as the bottom puss head. watch and take notes.
I will love to watch you cry like a baby when you're delusions are destroyed.
Why would that happen, the more I look and the more that I understand the more I realize that this country has one of it's biggest enemies ever , led a by a hateful psychopath that thinks he is a God. So your not even part of my country anymore, You have taken over this country as you say , no doubt, but it is time for the patriots to step up and do what has to be done to get rid of everyone of you. We will win.
The Patriots have stepped up and kept the hag Hillary out. You old fart, go take your geritrol.
Love your goofy name. its a antithesis of all reality. all you fakers, make believe patriots and bible thumpers and their Ironic to the most, names.
He is no fucking president of mine. The future for small hands is on step down weekly to the next lower level of the Dante's inferno. The bottom and end will be the designation as the bottom puss head. watch and take notes.
I will love to watch you cry like a baby when you're delusions are destroyed.
Why would that happen, the more I look and the more that I understand the more I realize that this country has one of it's biggest enemies ever , led a by a hateful psychopath that thinks he is a God. So your not even part of my country anymore, You have taken over this country as you say , no doubt, but it is time for the patriots to step up and do what has to be done to get rid of everyone of you. We will win.
I'm shitting all over you slimes as you are, I'm making fools of you , I'm burying you in your own tears , you don't want me to have any more energy then I have
The Patriots have stepped up and kept the hag Hillary out. You old fart, go take your geritrol.
No I will stick around just to remind people of the slime level that the good in this country is dealing against, it will be a long road I'll admit that, we lost bad I'll admit that , but that doesn't change the fact that you and your party are slime Our first prime motive will for all the good that is left in this country have to understand that you elected a psychopath into office and we will tell them that the psychopath has a real thin skin, so it won't be that hard to get to him. and We will. I say straight out that it will be a race between a mental institute or him not being president anymore. We will ultimately win and you will be marked like the Nazi's where in the second world war. And good God will you ever deserve it.

When you consider the hurricane of abuse that Trump endured, a thin skin is the last thing any intelligent person would accuse him of having. The Democrat party is the evil party in this country. The voted for the most corrupt candidate ever to run for president. She is proven to have sold her office as SOS to the highest bidder. She displayed a blazen disregard for national secrets and violated the law in these areas. She got State Department personnel killed and didn't give a flying fuck about it except for the political damage it might cause for her.

She's a disgusting pig. I truly find Democrats who supported this piece of shit disgusting and despicable. You have lost all claim to being decent civilized human beings. You are little more than criminals.
Only in the mind of someone so weak and full of hate that they will go with anything as long as it is served up covered with hate, I'm on a roll here I'm getting the responses that I want. I'm surprised though how quickly you shifted to slime , I thought you would try the noble winner routine for a while but I always new the slime would come. There is a old proverb , you ultimately can only get slime from slime balls. Or something like that.
I treat scum like you the way you deserve to be treated.
Try harder, you need to get past , no I'm not, yes you are. I'm slime, no your slime .no i'm slime. no your slime. I think you will see in these comments that me eating up what 20 of you for fun, shows that you may have a problem with the lack of intelligence to be playing at the big buck table. There is not one of you that can play at the big bug table that I and most of my party play on. Your to dumb. Not one good reply yet. Ya now you can say " ya not one good reply from you yet" Creative group.
uh . . . dumbass. In case you haven't noticed, the "no I'm not, yes you are. I'm slime, no your slime .no i'm slime. no your slime" tactic is all you've done since you joined the forum.
Boy if this isn't overpowering proof to exactly what I said. I'm going to look into responding to my own comments here, you people sure have shit when your writing your own responses.
the battle was 20 to 1 and I still win in a knock out. Wimps. If you people can't respond , I'll just move on and eat you up someplace else. Did I say Wimps?
the battle was 20 to 1 and I still win in a knock out. Wimps. If you people can't respond , I'll just move on and eat you up someplace else. Did I say Wimps?
Those who declare themselves the victor are in reality the big losers. Winners don't need to tell anyone they've won.

Now go in the corner and cry.
the battle was 20 to 1 and I still win in a knock out. Wimps. If you people can't respond , I'll just move on and eat you up someplace else. Did I say Wimps?

Please do move on. Here adults are trying to have conversations. You sound like you would more appropriately fit onto a playground.
I always love it when hate party people give themselves names that are alway the farthest thing from reality . AS a example this clown elected a psychopath and put that psychopath right next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind and then gives himself the name America first. you can't make this stuff up.
And you are a retarded commie ass, and you can make that stuff up, you just did asswipe.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
Libtards are the enemy of this country, like you scum.

So anyone you disagree with are the enemies of this country and need to be wiped out? Sounds kind of fascist.
And you are a retarded commie ass, and you can make that stuff up, you just did asswipe.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
Libtards are the enemy of this country, like you scum.

So anyone you disagree with are the enemies of this country and need to be wiped out? Sounds kind of fascist.
I learned that from you idiot libs. I never said wiped out, typical retarded lib putting words in someone's mouth.
the battle was 20 to 1 and I still win in a knock out. Wimps. If you people can't respond , I'll just move on and eat you up someplace else. Did I say Wimps?
Those who declare themselves the victor are in reality the big losers. Winners don't need to tell anyone they've won.

Now go in the corner and cry.
Those that stand on top of a pile of there humiliated dead apposition can hardly look at it any other way. They could throw in , but they gave me a good fight but that didn't happen did it?
the battle was 20 to 1 and I still win in a knock out. Wimps. If you people can't respond , I'll just move on and eat you up someplace else. Did I say Wimps?

Please do move on. Here adults are trying to have conversations. You sound like you would more appropriately fit onto a playground.
Funny, this is my thread, I can do what I want with it, your the one interrupting with you stupidity, get this straight you and you psychopath are the biggest threat to this country, you have to be disposed of ,along with your psychopath
And you are a retarded commie ass, and you can make that stuff up, you just did asswipe.
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
Libtards are the enemy of this country, like you scum.

So anyone you disagree with are the enemies of this country and need to be wiped out? Sounds kind of fascist.
If wiped out means killed then no, but if wiped out means gotten rid of for the future of this country and it's values then the answer is a definite yes. If it was that you just disagreed with me, I wouldn't give a fuck, but electing a cruel evil psychopath and putting him next to the little red button that once pushed destroys mankind, than yes you better believe you are the enemy and you people have to go
Problem is none of it is made up thats just how fucked up you people really are. Live with it.
You are the fucked up ones. You idiots are the problem in this country. Scum libtards.
We are on a roll, slime remarks from the enimy of this country shows how weak they really are.
Libtards are the enemy of this country, like you scum.

So anyone you disagree with are the enemies of this country and need to be wiped out? Sounds kind of fascist.
I learned that from you idiot libs. I never said wiped out, typical retarded lib putting words in someone's mouth.
This comment from I am God is proof positive that small minds can't follow a simple forum printout.

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