From the Perspective of the Resolute Desk


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Dear President Obama,

Hi, I'm the Resolute Desk. I was a gift to Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880 from Queen Victoria. Our country was a more proud one then. We had more guts, more gumption back then than we do now. Just 15 years earlier, we had emerged from the ashes of a bloody Civil War, the merits of which I am still trying to figure out. Speaking of wars, I keep hearing about what's going on in Iraq, and as much, this is my observation: You were warned that these "ISIS" guys were terrorists. Now they are taking Iraq over, amidst the sacrifice of 4500 of our brave men and women in uniform. Instead of negotiating, you should be over there doing it with air strikes. But hey, I'm only a desk that you can put your feet up on. Oh by the way, I've noticed how often I've been sitting alone in the Oval Office without you in it lately. It took the assassination of a president to get me paraded about as an exhibit with the Kennedy Presidential Library. Even then, I got more attention than I got from you. I even got put on display at the Smithsonian, where even there, I got more attention via the upkeep than I ever got from you these past six years.

On my back, you were supposed to lead this country. But on my back, you have passed undesirable laws, perpetrated scandals, and lied wantonly. You have flouted your power abusively, shredding the Constitution from which I was meant to help you uphold. I was built from the timbers of the British Arctic Ship Resolute. During my time as part of her, I always knew what direction the Captain was taking me. I knew the helmsman wouldn't steer me aground on shred me on the side of a rock or an iceberg, I always knew what course we were taking. I also like this country, was abandoned by the captain at Disaster Bay in 1854. However, I sailed adrift until I was found again, and then brought back to New London, Connecticut. But I was still far from my home, the people who used me to build her refused to bring me home. By 1856 though, the Americans gave me a complete refit and sent me back home. Little did I know then that I had helped avert a third war between the Americans and the British.

But on my back, Mr. President, you have managed to run this country aground, and shred her hull on the rocks of corruption, nobody knows the course this country is taking. Don't worry though, you aren't the first one, nor the last one to do something like this. Many presidents before you have done similar things, but from what I can tell-- yours is by far the worst of them all. I might be an inanimate object to you, but to me, I am the anvil where deals are hammered out, where laws live and die, where the hopes and dreams of Americans everywhere are made and broken. To me, I am the harbinger of sympathy, where many a condolence letter has been written to families of those who died for their country in every war since World War II. I provided comfort and solitude to many a president.

What I am not, is a tool for evil. Unlike you, I have four legs to stand on. You can barely stand on two. I have borne the weight of and helped direct the path of this country many times over, you can barely hold the weight doing the job you were elected for. Like I said before, other presidents before you have struggled mightily in their duties, some though, struggled because of their love of this country, lamented on what could be done to better improve it. But so far what I've seen these past three decades, is men like you working to destroy it.

Ahh, but I must be going. I'm just the Resolute Desk. You'll never know the history I have wrought. You'll never know, simply because I am an amalgamation of wood without a voice. To you, I am nothing but a decoration, a centerpiece of your power. Oh, but you'll never know how much more I was.


The Resolute Desk
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Too much reading I presume?

No, just the usual pomposity we've come to expect from you.

I guess we have you channeling inanimate furniture now. I guess it's a job you are qualified for, since you have all the ambition of furniture.

If you put half as much work into finding a job that you put into these pompous screeds, you might actually move up to bag boy.
Too much reading I presume?

No, just the usual pomposity we've come to expect from you.

I guess we have you channeling inanimate furniture now. I guess it's a job you are qualified for, since you have all the ambition of furniture.

If you put half as much work into finding a job that you put into these pompous screeds, you might actually move up to bag boy.

Care to explain why you defend the president despite his ignorance of the law? Why do you defend his lawbreaking?
Care to explain why you defend the president despite his ignorance of the law? Why do you defend his lawbreaking?

How do I defend this president.

He's not THE FUCKING MORMON. the Fucking Mormon would be throwing more lives into that meat grinder to no good effect.

To Recap. Bush lied to get us into a war, and then he fucked up the conduct of that war.

And now the "Chickens are coming home to roost".

Obama is doing exactly what most Americans want him to do. Not throw away more American lives for a mistake.

Good on him.
Too much reading I presume?

Sorry, I assumed you were already on the plane there.

Sorry, I missed the part where that made any sense. Did you even read past the first paragraph or did you come here to troll?

That's rich!!! I'm the troll? If what I said doesn't make any sense, perhaps you need to turn in some of those Rep points. You're being called out for presuming to know what the proper action to take to honor the dead in Iraq. People like you make me want to puke.
Was there supposed to be a point anywhere in that?

As much as Obama sucks, Republicans are much worse and America knows it.

Understand that.
Sorry, I assumed you were already on the plane there.

Sorry, I missed the part where that made any sense. Did you even read past the first paragraph or did you come here to troll?

That's rich!!! I'm the troll? If what I said doesn't make any sense, perhaps you need to turn in some of those Rep points. You're being called out for presuming to know what the proper action to take to honor the dead in Iraq. People like you make me want to puke.

Okay, so you made it halfway, which is a feat in and of itself.

I'm calling you out for wanting us to sit here and watch the bloodshed unfold in Iraq. Newsflash, genius, the government there is the one WE installed. Regardless of what president we have in power, we do still have an obligation to help them.

People like you are nothing but self proclaimed champions of peace, but in the end you are all the same. War is only feasible if is convenient for you politically. It is you who turns my stomach. Alas, we claim we are a country of compassion, but we sit here while other sovereign nations are being taken over by ruthless murderers.
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Care to explain why you defend the president despite his ignorance of the law? Why do you defend his lawbreaking?

How do I defend this president.

He's not THE FUCKING MORMON. the Fucking Mormon would be throwing more lives into that meat grinder to no good effect.

To Recap. Bush lied to get us into a war, and then he fucked up the conduct of that war.

And now the "Chickens are coming home to roost".

Obama is doing exactly what most Americans want him to do. Not throw away more American lives for a mistake.

Good on him.

That's the sorriest excuse for a defense I've ever read. "At least he isn't someone else!"

Obama has sent roughly 500 people, Marines and Special Ops, and Military Advisers to Iraq already. He promised no boots on the ground, yet there they are.

Okay, so you made it halfway, which is a feat in and of itself.

I'm calling you out for wanting us to sit here and watch the bloodshed unfold in Iraq. Newsflash, genius, the government there is the one WE installed. Regardless of what president we have in power, we do still have an obligation to help them.

People like you are nothing but self proclaimed champions of peace, but in the end you are all the same. War is only feasible if is convenient for you politically. It is you who turns my stomach. Alas, we claim we are a country of compassion, but we sit here while other sovereign nations are being taken over by ruthless murderers.

I'm a bit confused here. Why do we have an obligation?

We didn't "install" them. They were selected by the political process. And at the end of the day, the Iraqi Army we spent billions training and equipping dropped their weapons, tore off their uniforms and ran away from a vastly inferior force.

In Mosul, 30,000 Iraqi soldiers FLED when confronted by all of 800 ISIS fighters.

In short, if they Iraqi Army isn't willing to fight for the notion of "Iraq", we are we "obligated" to sacrifice more young lives on top of the thousands we already have? For national pride? Sorry, I just don't buy it.

I guess I have a problem when we are forced to pick between the Pro-Iranian Maliki forces and the Pro-Al Qaeda ISIS forces. It seems neither of these groups is on "our side", and we need to keep out of it.

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