From the Perspective of the Resolute Desk

Was there supposed to be a point anywhere in that?

As much as Obama sucks, Republicans are much worse and America knows it.

Understand that.

And you can drop the act. We all know you're a liberal. Stop trying to hide it.

Understand that.
I am what you call "liberal" on some things. I support the right to bear arms, but I also support a "WELL-REGULATED" militia. I am personally against abortion but I understand it's necessity and purpose. I'm a veteran who supports our troops by opposing the government, Obama included. I think that Bush should die in prison but Obama needs to face justice, as well. I support the decriminalization of all drugs with a simultaneous massive public relations effort to curb drug use.

All of that makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is Republicans' fixation with furniture. Clint Eastwood was talking to a chair, Republicans are holding seances to contact writing desks, and George W. Bush stood at a podium and lied to invade Iraq.

I understand many things but I will never understand Republicans. The "small government" USAPATRIOT Act, the "fiscally responsible" endless war of terror, the "personally responsible" drug war in which a Republican President ordered US Army soldiers to raid an American town. These are contradictions. Perhaps the leaders of the Republican party are telling their constituents one thing and doing another, just like Democrats.

That's the sorriest excuse for a defense I've ever read. "At least he isn't someone else!"

Obama has sent roughly 500 people, Marines and Special Ops, and Military Advisers to Iraq already. He promised no boots on the ground, yet there they are.

Guy, the thing was, the main reason I voted for Obama in 2012 (I didn't vote for him in 2008) is because I think the Mormons are thoroughly evil and don't want them in charge of my country.

I'm sure he's going through the motions, but the reality is, Maliki has lost "Iraq". What we are looking at is the partition of the country between Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds.

That's the sorriest excuse for a defense I've ever read. "At least he isn't someone else!"

Obama has sent roughly 500 people, Marines and Special Ops, and Military Advisers to Iraq already. He promised no boots on the ground, yet there they are.

Guy, the thing was, the main reason I voted for Obama in 2012 (I didn't vote for him in 2008) is because I think the Mormons are thoroughly evil and don't want them in charge of my country.

I'm sure he's going through the motions, but the reality is, Maliki has lost "Iraq". What we are looking at is the partition of the country between Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds.

I dare say it's people like you who lead this country astray. Voting based on hatred rather than facts. The reality here is, is that Obama has left the Iraqi people at the mercy of a group of barbarians. They pleaded for our help but we left them there to die.
Was there supposed to be a point anywhere in that?

As much as Obama sucks, Republicans are much worse and America knows it.

Understand that.

And you can drop the act. We all know you're a liberal. Stop trying to hide it.

Understand that.
I am what you call "liberal" on some things. I support the right to bear arms, but I also support a "WELL-REGULATED" militia. I am personally against abortion but I understand it's necessity and purpose. I'm a veteran who supports our troops by opposing the government, Obama included. I think that Bush should die in prison but Obama needs to face justice, as well. I support the decriminalization of all drugs with a simultaneous massive public relations effort to curb drug use.

All of that makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is Republicans' fixation with furniture. Clint Eastwood was talking to a chair, Republicans are holding seances to contact writing desks, and George W. Bush stood at a podium and lied to invade Iraq.

I understand many things but I will never understand Republicans. The "small government" USAPATRIOT Act, the "fiscally responsible" endless war of terror, the "personally responsible" drug war in which a Republican President ordered US Army soldiers to raid an American town. These are contradictions. Perhaps the leaders of the Republican party are telling their constituents one thing and doing another, just like Democrats.

"Republicans are much worse and America knows it."

That contention, my friend, blows this post out of the water.
Sorry, I assumed you were already on the plane there.

He's still waiting for his medal for the battle of Level 43.

And you are still waiting for a heart.

No, I just don't think the heart is the best organ for making decisions.

Iraq is failing because the Iraqis themselves failed it. Repeatedly. Yes, we deserve some of the blame in that we deposed Saddam, but the Iraqis have had 11 years to produce leaders. By 1956, Germany had Andauser and Willie Brandt.

This is probably a lesson you could learn. At the end of the day, you make your own success. No one is going to get htat for you.
JoeB131 said:
I'm a bit confused here. Why do we have an obligation?

We put them there. Simple.

Well, no, we didn't.

We also aren't responsible for the mistakes they've made that led to this mess.

Also, given the fact that you've never gotten off your ass and went down to a recruiter's office and signed up for the wars you think are so necessary, I think you are very good at letting your mouth write checks that other people's asses have to cash.
Too much reading I presume?

The OP is simply a fantasy and a funny one at that.

"Hayes's presidency was a quiescent period in American foreign relations. The State Department employed only fifty-one people in Washington, from assistant secretaries to clerks. The armed forces were maintained on a similar scale. Congress in 1877 imposed a limit of twenty-five thousand officers and men on the army and seventy-five hundred on the navy. The largely wooden fleet would have been ill matched against some Latin American nations. The country felt so secure behind its ocean frontiers that Hayes used the secretaryship of the navy for his only fully political cabinet appointment: Richard W. Thompson of Indiana, derided as "the ancient mariner of the Wabash," although a decent executive, knew nothing of ships or strategy."

I dare say it's people like you who lead this country astray. Voting based on hatred rather than facts. The reality here is, is that Obama has left the Iraqi people at the mercy of a group of barbarians. They pleaded for our help but we left them there to die.

Um, guy.

Fact- Mormonism is a cult started by a child-molesting con-artist who scammed less smart people out of their money. Anyone who thinks Joseph Smith was talking to God doesn't belong in the White House. Period.

As for the Iraqi people.. um, fuck them. They've made their bed, let them lie in it. They are the ones who sat by for 30 years and let Saddam rape and kill their neighbors. They are the ones who failed to step up to the bat after we deposed Saddam.

I mean, shit, the Germans and Japanese were able to rebuild their countries after their leaders messed it all up. And we didn't have to invest nearly as much in them to get them to do so.
Care to explain why you defend the president despite his ignorance of the law? Why do you defend his lawbreaking?

How do I defend this president.

He's not THE FUCKING MORMON. the Fucking Mormon would be throwing more lives into that meat grinder to no good effect.

To Recap. Bush lied to get us into a war, and then he fucked up the conduct of that war.

And now the "Chickens are coming home to roost".

Obama is doing exactly what most Americans want him to do. Not throw away more American lives for a mistake.

Good on him.

That's the sorriest excuse for a defense I've ever read. "At least he isn't someone else!"

Obama has sent roughly 500 people, Marines and Special Ops, and Military Advisers to Iraq already. He promised no boots on the ground, yet there they are.

Those aren't boots on the ground. They are barefoot.

We might have an obligation to help Iraq. When Bush left office it was standing. It might have been young and untrained but it was standing. Even if we have an obligation to help Iraq we just do not have the ability. obama is presidunce. By definition we can't do anything. Even if we has a competent president, obama removed all of our intelligence structure. The informants are gone. Trust is gone. The relationships are gone.

300 unarmed military advisors have been sent to Iraq. What do you imagine they will do when thousands of ISIS come? I know what they won't do. They won't be used to evacuate Americans.

Why is obama leaving the embassy staff? Why is he sending a pathetically inadequate force? He intends that heads roll. Then he can blame Bush one more time. Maybe it will be what democrats can use in November.
He's still waiting for his medal for the battle of Level 43.

And you are still waiting for a heart.

No, I just don't think the heart is the best organ for making decisions.

Iraq is failing because the Iraqis themselves failed it. Repeatedly. Yes, we deserve some of the blame in that we deposed Saddam, but the Iraqis have had 11 years to produce leaders. By 1956, Germany had Andauser and Willie Brandt.

This is probably a lesson you could learn. At the end of the day, you make your own success. No one is going to get htat for you.

Well it is clear you lack a heart, or a focused mind. Without heart, the mind is cold. Without the mind the heart has no direction.

How have the "Iraqis failed their government" exactly? It is the government who failed the Iraqi people. Just like ours has. Now they are at the mercies of evil men!

From the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the election of George Washington in 1789 was 13 years. Technically, we took longer to elect a leader than Iraq or Germany did after their respective wars.
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Too much reading I presume?

The OP is simply a fantasy and a funny one at that.

"Hayes's presidency was a quiescent period in American foreign relations. The State Department employed only fifty-one people in Washington, from assistant secretaries to clerks. The armed forces were maintained on a similar scale. Congress in 1877 imposed a limit of twenty-five thousand officers and men on the army and seventy-five hundred on the navy. The largely wooden fleet would have been ill matched against some Latin American nations. The country felt so secure behind its ocean frontiers that Hayes used the secretaryship of the navy for his only fully political cabinet appointment: Richard W. Thompson of Indiana, derided as "the ancient mariner of the Wabash," although a decent executive, knew nothing of ships or strategy."

Your point?
I thought grumpy old man Clint Eastwood's senile conversation with an empty chair had adequately taken care of the people-who-think-furniture-is-alive genre.
TK brainstorms:

"Hmmmmm. It's getting kind of boring. You know....saying the same things over and over." "How can I get my talking points in....and not have to discuss each one with these libs?!!!"

"Hark!!" "I do believe I have it!!" "I shall write a long, unwieldy essay. It will be fantastic! I'll pretend I am Obama's desk" "Brilliant!" "I'll stick in a bunch of bullshit claims about how he's lawless and incompetent" "The libs willeth be so caught up in my fantastic writing style...that they won't bother to argue the talking points!" "I'll claimeth an easy victory!"
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TK - you put it out there for reactions and you got reactions.

Quit being so defensive. Lose the childish pouting. You say you want to be a writer, so read the reactions with an editor's eye, go back, get out your biggest red pencil and get to work on it.
Too much reading I presume?

The OP is simply a fantasy and a funny one at that.

"Hayes's presidency was a quiescent period in American foreign relations. The State Department employed only fifty-one people in Washington, from assistant secretaries to clerks. The armed forces were maintained on a similar scale. Congress in 1877 imposed a limit of twenty-five thousand officers and men on the army and seventy-five hundred on the navy. The largely wooden fleet would have been ill matched against some Latin American nations. The country felt so secure behind its ocean frontiers that Hayes used the secretaryship of the navy for his only fully political cabinet appointment: Richard W. Thompson of Indiana, derided as "the ancient mariner of the Wabash," although a decent executive, knew nothing of ships or strategy."

Your point?

Pretty much this:

and your weird "channeling" of Rutherford B. Hayes'. President Hayes downsized the military and he most likely wouldn't have intervened in the Middle East. You seem pretty 'hawkish' , why not join the military and walk the walk? If you really want to "save" the Iraqis, do your part, sign the papers, choose 11b MOS, and do your thing .

He's still waiting for his medal for the battle of Level 43.

And you are still waiting for a heart.

No, I just don't think the heart is the best organ for making decisions.

Iraq is failing because the Iraqis themselves failed it. Repeatedly. Yes, we deserve some of the blame in that we deposed Saddam, but the Iraqis have had 11 years to produce leaders. By 1956, Germany had Andauser and Willie Brandt.

This is probably a lesson you could learn. At the end of the day, you make your own success. No one is going to get htat for you.

Not to mention that the Middle East has been a mess since before biblical times.

Bush went in, did some mixing and stirring and now that damn RWs say it was a done deal, "stable", "won" and Obama messed it up.

That's self-serving and just plain stupid.

TK, learn from your mistakes and go on.
TK - you put it out there for reactions and you got reactions.

Quit being so defensive. Lose the childish pouting. You say you want to be a writer, so read the reactions with an editor's eye, go back, get out your biggest red pencil and get to work on it.

Dude thinks he IS a writer. He was born with this gift.
".......shredding the Constitution"? Cite some particulars, and Hayes is not an example for US Presidents, it appears the you know nothing of the history of his "election":

United States presidential election, 1876 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th President of the United States, Peach. His election was due to a compromise, but he was still the President. I can provide many examples of Obama shredding the Constitution as many of his predecessors have.

Obamacare is one... issuing an executive order allowing illegals to stay here, with more on the way, effectively nullifying our naturalization laws is two, killing Americans overseas with drones is three, Bowe Bergdhal is, I could go on, but you can see for yourself what he has done to shred the Constitution.

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