From the Perspective of the Resolute Desk

You don't care about anyone or anything. And if the Iraqis are begging for our help, we should give them it.

Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.

Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.
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Sure, you vilify a Supreme Court who discovered the Al Gore's campaign had violated the 14th Amendment by conducting manual recounts in Democratic districts, but not Republican. But now you also praise them for upholding Obamacare.

Conflict of interest much?

I vilify the Supreme Court because they got involved in a state matter (aren't you guys for state's rights?) and voted on partisan lines.

SCOTUS didn't rule on that issue, btw. SCOTUS ruled that the recounts should stop because Katherine Harris said so.
You don't care about anyone or anything. And if the Iraqis are begging for our help, we should give them it.

Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.

Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002.

They weren't "my" Senators and I thought most of them were cowards.

Would they have voted the same way if Bush had just admitted this was about revenge and making Dick rich instead of some cock-and-bull story about WMD's and links to Al Qaeda?
Funny, nobody here wants to debate the other half of the thread. I wonder why?

What's to debate?

Little boy expects the board to fall all over themselves praising him for an unoriginal, hack piece of writing.

You meant that?

You need to grow up and live in the real world. How many pieces of property have you bought with money you earned? What else have you earned? Have you earned anything at all?

TK, you said you were going after a job and you asked for help. Many on the board came through for you AGAIN but here you are, doing what you always do. Throwing a tantrum because no one is kissing your fat behind.
You don't care about anyone or anything. And if the Iraqis are begging for our help, we should give them it.

Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.

Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.

You're the one playing games. The question isn't about who spilled blood, but whether we should spill more. I've got no time for delusional arm-chair generals.

Sure, you vilify a Supreme Court who discovered the Al Gore's campaign had violated the 14th Amendment by conducting manual recounts in Democratic districts, but not Republican. But now you also praise them for upholding Obamacare.

Conflict of interest much?

I vilify the Supreme Court because they got involved in a state matter (aren't you guys for state's rights?) and voted on partisan lines.

SCOTUS didn't rule on that issue, btw. SCOTUS ruled that the recounts should stop because Katherine Harris said so.

You don't know much about the Courts do you? The State was electing a President, whom is the leader of the National Government, on the Federal level. That made it their business. They awarded the election to Bush. They stopped the recounts because they violated the Constitution. In a nutshell. They did rule on that case by the way:

Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000)
Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.

Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.

You're the one playing games. The question isn't about who spilled blood, but whether we should spill more. I've got no time for delusional arm-chair generals.

Then by all means, stop posting in this thread. But you should recall how Bill Clinton went on a very similar quest for WMD that Bush did, which led to the Iraq War. Oh, more blood will be spilled. Some of out men will likely die before the onslaught if ISIS reaches Baghdad, these advisers may suffer a similar fate.
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Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.

You're the one playing games. The question isn't about who spilled blood, but whether we should spill more. I've got no time for delusional arm-chair generals.

Then by all means, stop posting in this thread.

Can't handle the heat? :cool:
You're the one playing games. The question isn't about who spilled blood, but whether we should spill more. I've got no time for delusional arm-chair generals.

Then by all means, stop posting in this thread.

Can't handle the heat? :cool:

Apparently I can. You're the one saying he hasn't the time to waste on "arm chair generals."

Those were your words, you know. If you have no more time, I suggest you quit wasting it here.
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Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.

Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.

The Democrats voted for war on the pretenses that Saddam 1) Had WMDs and 2) was actively supporting and co-operating with Al Qaeda.

Neither one of those things turned out to be true.

Now that we've disengaged ourselves from that mess, is there a good reason to go back?

And frankly, you haven't provided one.

Sure, you vilify a Supreme Court who discovered the Al Gore's campaign had violated the 14th Amendment by conducting manual recounts in Democratic districts, but not Republican. But now you also praise them for upholding Obamacare.

Conflict of interest much?

I vilify the Supreme Court because they got involved in a state matter (aren't you guys for state's rights?) and voted on partisan lines.

SCOTUS didn't rule on that issue, btw. SCOTUS ruled that the recounts should stop because Katherine Harris said so.

You don't know much about the Courts do you? The State was electing a President, whom is the leader of the National Government, on the Federal level. That made it their business. They awarded the election to Bush. They stopped the recounts because they violated the Constitution. In a nutshell. They did rule on that case by the way:


Yes, and it was a really stupid ruling.

The Supremes had no business telling the State how to conduct a recount. Especially since many Republican Counties did NOT do the recount that was required by law.

Look, guy, I voted for Bush. But anyone with a brain can see his presidency was an epic disaster. Iraq, Katrina, the Housing Collapse. This guy pretty much fucked up everything.

Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.

Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.

The Democrats voted for war on the pretenses that Saddam 1) Had WMDs and 2) was actively supporting and co-operating with Al Qaeda.

Neither one of those things turned out to be true.

Now that we've disengaged ourselves from that mess, is there a good reason to go back?

And frankly, you haven't provided one.

Uh yeah, we were there once, we put their government in place, now it is at risk of being supplanted by a group of barbarians. We are responsible for any of the consequences that result. If you make a mess, do you not clean it up?

You simply can't dump a bucket of water on an inferno and say you put out the fire. That isn't how life works, Joe.

But hey, Democrats fell for the same stuff the Republicans did, so how does that make you less responsible for this? Hmm?

Then by all means, stop posting in this thread. But you should recall how Bill Clinton went on a very similar quest for WMD that Bush did, which led to the Iraq War. Oh, more blood will be spilled. Some of out men will likely die before the onslaught if ISIS reaches Baghdad, these advisers may suffer a similar fate.

Clinton did not invade Iraq.

And frankly, I'm going to be blunt. Slick Willy really did use Iraq as a distraction from his sex scandals. The GOP had this one right.
Sure, as your Democratic Senators made imminently clear in 2002. They are as guilty for spilling our soldiers blood as the Republicans are. Don't play that game with me.

The Democrats voted for war on the pretenses that Saddam 1) Had WMDs and 2) was actively supporting and co-operating with Al Qaeda.

Neither one of those things turned out to be true.

Now that we've disengaged ourselves from that mess, is there a good reason to go back?

And frankly, you haven't provided one.

Uh yeah, we were there once, we put their government in place, now it is at risk of being supplanted by a group of barbarians. We are responsible for any of the consequences that result. If you make a mess, do you not clean it up?

You simply can't dump a bucket of water on an inferno and say you put out the fire. That isn't how life works, Joe.

But hey, Democrats fell for the same stuff the Republicans did, so how does that make you less responsible for this? Hmm?

Your conclusions hold no water, if you start with a false premise. We didn't put in their government, the Iraqis did. They should solve the ISIS problem themselves, just as they should have solved the Saddam problem themselves.
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I vilify the Supreme Court because they got involved in a state matter (aren't you guys for state's rights?) and voted on partisan lines.

SCOTUS didn't rule on that issue, btw. SCOTUS ruled that the recounts should stop because Katherine Harris said so.

You don't know much about the Courts do you? The State was electing a President, whom is the leader of the National Government, on the Federal level. That made it their business. They awarded the election to Bush. They stopped the recounts because they violated the Constitution. In a nutshell. They did rule on that case by the way:


Yes, and it was a really stupid ruling.

The Supremes had no business telling the State how to conduct a recount. Especially since many Republican Counties did NOT do the recount that was required by law.

Look, guy, I voted for Bush. But anyone with a brain can see his presidency was an epic disaster. Iraq, Katrina, the Housing Collapse. This guy pretty much fucked up everything.

Well since the state was voting for President, then the Supreme Court was well within their power to determine the election. The Al Gore Campaign ordered manual recounts of all the Democratic Districts, but did not ask for them in Republicans. That is a violation of the 14th Amendment. So then, the SCOTUS could then on what had become a constitutional issue.

Ahh, but then you voted for Obama. Anyone with a brain can see his presidency was equally as disastrous. Benghazi, the NSA, the IRS, Bowe Bergdahl, the border situation, Obamacare... he pretty much fucked up everything.
The Democrats voted for war on the pretenses that Saddam 1) Had WMDs and 2) was actively supporting and co-operating with Al Qaeda.

Neither one of those things turned out to be true.

Now that we've disengaged ourselves from that mess, is there a good reason to go back?

And frankly, you haven't provided one.

Uh yeah, we were there once, we put their government in place, now it is at risk of being supplanted by a group of barbarians. We are responsible for any of the consequences that result. If you make a mess, do you not clean it up?

You simply can't dump a bucket of water on an inferno and say you put out the fire. That isn't how life works, Joe.

But hey, Democrats fell for the same stuff the Republicans did, so how does that make you less responsible for this? Hmm?

Your conclusions hold no water, if you start with a false premise. We didn't put in their government, the Iraqis did. They should solve the ISIS problem themselves, just as they should have solved the Saddam problem themselves.

Oh really? So, had we not gone to war the first time, they wouldn't have been able to elect their own leaders. Talk about a false premise.

Uh yeah, we were there once, we put their government in place, now it is at risk of being supplanted by a group of barbarians. We are responsible for any of the consequences that result. If you make a mess, do you not clean it up?

You simply can't dump a bucket of water on an inferno and say you put out the fire. That isn't how life works, Joe.

But hey, Democrats fell for the same stuff the Republicans did, so how does that make you less responsible for this? Hmm?


The Kurds are barbarians. The Sunnis are Barbarians. The Iranians are Barbarians. Picking a group of barbarians and saying, hey, they are better than the other group. That's what's gotten us into this mess to start with.

Saddam and Bin Laden were both "Barbarians" that the CIA thought we could work with.

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