From the Perspective of the Resolute Desk


Well it is clear you lack a heart, or a focused mind. Without heart, the mind is cold. Without the mind the heart has no direction.

Sonny-boy, when I was your age, I had a college degree, was a non-commissioned officer in the US Army, and owned my own rental property. I have a lot more focus than you do on your best day. Get back to me when you've accomplished something more signfigant than a "High Score",okay?

How have the "Iraqis failed their government" exactly? It is the government who failed the Iraqi people. Just like ours has. Now they are at the mercies of evil men!

No, they picked their own leaders. They let themselves down. Maliki could have included Sunnis in his government. He chose not to, and the Sunnis turned to ISIS.

And, yes, when 30,000 Iraqi Soldiers flee before a whopping 800 ISIS fighters, they have failed their country.

From the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to the election of George Washington in 1789 was 13 years. Technically, we took longer to elect a leader than Iraq or Germany did after their respective wars.

Um, no, not really, since the War didn't end until 1783. We also had provisional governments under the Articles of Confederation that got the job done.
TK brainstorms:

"Hmmmmm. It's getting kind of boring. You know....saying the same things over and over." "How can I get my talking points in....and not have to discuss each one with these libs?!!!"

"Hark!!" "I do believe I have it!!" "I shall write a long, unwieldy essay. It will be fantastic! I'll pretend I am Obama's desk" "Brilliant!" "I'll stick in a bunch of bullshit claims about how he's lawless and incompetent" "The libs will be so caught up in my fantastic writing style...that they won't bother to argue the talking points!" "I'll claim an easy victory!"

Hayes was placed in office by "The Great Compromise"; Tilden won the popular vote by 3%. Contrast Gore with about .5% in 2000, Hayes became president by pure backroom dealing; he was given the Presidency in return for an end to Reconstruction. Three states reported both men won! Nothing assiciated with Hayes is clean:

Election season: Remembering the strange election of 1876 -
I thought grumpy old man Clint Eastwood's senile conversation with an empty chair had adequately taken care of the people-who-think-furniture-is-alive genre.

The dimwits loved that.

Amazingly, they're weren't embarrassed for the old fart.
The OP is simply a fantasy and a funny one at that.

"Hayes's presidency was a quiescent period in American foreign relations. The State Department employed only fifty-one people in Washington, from assistant secretaries to clerks. The armed forces were maintained on a similar scale. Congress in 1877 imposed a limit of twenty-five thousand officers and men on the army and seventy-five hundred on the navy. The largely wooden fleet would have been ill matched against some Latin American nations. The country felt so secure behind its ocean frontiers that Hayes used the secretaryship of the navy for his only fully political cabinet appointment: Richard W. Thompson of Indiana, derided as "the ancient mariner of the Wabash," although a decent executive, knew nothing of ships or strategy."

Your point?

Pretty much this:

and your weird "channeling" of Rutherford B. Hayes'. President Hayes downsized the military and he most likely wouldn't have intervened in the Middle East. You seem pretty 'hawkish' , why not join the military and walk the walk? If you really want to "save" the Iraqis, do your part, sign the papers, choose 11b MOS, and do your thing .


I wasn't channeling Hayes. Perhaps you should read the title before you post. I was channeling the desk, which in and of itself has a lot of history behind it. Oh, just 30 years prior, the US and Britain were on the brink of another war. When we refit the HMS Resolute and sent it back to the British, the drums of war stopped beating. Even then we were more willing to fight than we are now. Rutherford Hayes agreed to withdraw troops from the south in favor for acquiescence from the Democrats in Congress.

I applied for military service right out of high school, I wanted to be on the front lines. But I was rejected. Sorry, I tried.
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Wow, Democrats are still mad about an election that happened in 1876. That's a long time to hold a grudge. Besides, given how Al Gore has become very far left, I doubt any of you would look to elect him now.
JoeB131 said:
I'm a bit confused here. Why do we have an obligation?

We put them there. Simple.

They put themselves there. Perhaps you've forgotten the purple fingers.

TK - you put it out there for reactions and you got reactions.

Quit being so defensive. Lose the childish pouting. You say you want to be a writer, so read the reactions with an editor's eye, go back, get out your biggest red pencil and get to work on it.

Dude thinks he IS a writer. He was born with this gift.

Until he educates himself, until he is able to be critical of his own work and take criticism without throwing a tantrum, he's not going to be anything better than the USMess Mascot.

This thread will go on for a while, he'll disappear again and then come back with yet another of his phony soul-searching, mea-culpa threads. Its like he believes no one will remember his LONG history of doing this over and over again.
TK brainstorms:

"Hmmmmm. It's getting kind of boring. You know....saying the same things over and over." "How can I get my talking points in....and not have to discuss each one with these libs?!!!"

"Hark!!" "I do believe I have it!!" "I shall write a long, unwieldy essay. It will be fantastic! I'll pretend I am Obama's desk" "Brilliant!" "I'll stick in a bunch of bullshit claims about how he's lawless and incompetent" "The libs willeth be so caught up in my fantastic writing style...that they won't bother to argue the talking points!" "I'll claimeth an easy victory!"

Ironically, he has his own blog elsewhere, so he can post shit that nobody cares about to his heart's content.
Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th President of the United States, Peach. His election was due to a compromise, but he was still the President. I can provide many examples of Obama shredding the Constitution as many of his predecessors have.

Hayes did exactly what you are accusing Obama of- Throwing away hard won victories on the battlefield for a short term political goal. The Corrupt Deal that put him into office was bought at the expense of allowing Jim Crow to take root.

Knowing you come from the part of the country that flies the confederate flag like that's something to be proud of, this was actually a BAD thing.

Obamacare is one... issuing an executive order allowing illegals to stay here, with more on the way, effectively nullifying our naturalization laws is two, killing Americans overseas with drones is three, Bowe Bergdhal is, I could go on, but you can see for yourself what he has done to shred the Constitution.

So let's look at what he did in practical terms.

Secured health care for millions of Americans.
Let thousands of Children who have played by the rules have a fair shot.
Killed people who wanted tomurder Americans.
Got a POW home.

Yeah, man, what an asshole.
Your point?

Pretty much this:

and your weird "channeling" of Rutherford B. Hayes'. President Hayes downsized the military and he most likely wouldn't have intervened in the Middle East. You seem pretty 'hawkish' , why not join the military and walk the walk? If you really want to "save" the Iraqis, do your part, sign the papers, choose 11b MOS, and do your thing .


I wasn't channeling Hayes. Perhaps you should read the title before you post. I was channeling the desk, which in and of itself has a lot of history behind it. Oh, just 30 years prior, the US and Britain were on the brink of another war. When we refit the HMS Resolute and sent it back to the British, the drums of war stopped beating. Even then we were more willing to fight than we are now. Rutherford Hayes agreed to withdraw troops from the south in favor for acquiescence from the Democrats in Congress.

I applied for military service right out of high school, I wanted to be on the front lines. But I was rejected. Sorry, I tried.

1. Come up with your own original ideas. Don't borrow or steal.
2. Please, its way too early in the thread for you to start your "I tried" whine.
Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th President of the United States, Peach. His election was due to a compromise, but he was still the President. I can provide many examples of Obama shredding the Constitution as many of his predecessors have.

Hayes did exactly what you are accusing Obama of- Throwing away hard won victories on the battlefield for a short term political goal. The Corrupt Deal that put him into office was bought at the expense of allowing Jim Crow to take root.

Knowing you come from the part of the country that flies the confederate flag like that's something to be proud of, this was actually a BAD thing.

Obamacare is one... issuing an executive order allowing illegals to stay here, with more on the way, effectively nullifying our naturalization laws is two, killing Americans overseas with drones is three, Bowe Bergdhal is, I could go on, but you can see for yourself what he has done to shred the Constitution.

So let's look at what he did in practical terms.

Secured health care for millions of Americans.
Let thousands of Children who have played by the rules have a fair shot.
Killed people who wanted tomurder Americans.
Got a POW home.

Yeah, man, what an asshole.

And so much more. I get so sick of the ignorant not bothering to learn facts and just piling on the bash Obama wagon. Its lazy, its unAmerican and its stupid. (Oh look, I just described Limbaugh, Beck, Jones, Fox - all of TK's heroes.)
".......shredding the Constitution"? Cite some particulars, and Hayes is not an example for US Presidents, it appears the you know nothing of the history of his "election":

United States presidential election, 1876 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th President of the United States, Peach. His election was due to a compromise, but he was still the President. I can provide many examples of Obama shredding the Constitution as many of his predecessors have.

Obamacare is one... issuing an executive order allowing illegals to stay here, with more on the way, effectively nullifying our naturalization laws is two, killing Americans overseas with drones is three, Bowe Bergdhal is, I could go on, but you can see for yourself what he has done to shred the Constitution.

Americans fighting with the enemy, note that fact. Nor is remembering the history of Hayes anything political; he became president by the most blatant corruption ever seen in any national election. Not some voters turned away, without cause, a wholescale SALE of the Presidency. Southern Democrats sold the election, in return for an end to reconstruction(.)
Sonny-boy, when I was your age, I had a college degree, was a non-commissioned officer in the US Army, and owned my own rental property. I have a lot more focus than you do on your best day. Get back to me when you've accomplished something more signfigant than a "High Score",okay?

And now you've been reduced to a bitter, resentful old man. Do you still own properties? Other than your home? Most likely not, since you spend more of your time trolling this board. You wouldn't have the time to tend after any rental properties now. As a former soldier, you dishonor your service with each word that comes out of your mouth. You say you fought for this country, but care little of a girl who was taken from her parents by the state of Massachusetts. Yeah, get back to me when you manage to climb out from under the bridge, okay?

You don't care about anyone or anything. And if the Iraqis are begging for our help, we should give them it.

My father as a term for people like you.

"Battleship mouth, rowboat ass."
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TK brainstorms:

"Hmmmmm. It's getting kind of boring. You know....saying the same things over and over." "How can I get my talking points in....and not have to discuss each one with these libs?!!!"

"Hark!!" "I do believe I have it!!" "I shall write a long, unwieldy essay. It will be fantastic! I'll pretend I am Obama's desk" "Brilliant!" "I'll stick in a bunch of bullshit claims about how he's lawless and incompetent" "The libs willeth be so caught up in my fantastic writing style...that they won't bother to argue the talking points!" "I'll claimeth an easy victory!"

Ironically, he has his own blog elsewhere, so he can post shit that nobody cares about to his heart's content.

He has said he plans to make his living with that blog.

Never mind that huge and popular blogs don't make enough to support people. I even told him to look at how much USMess pulls in. This is the 23rd day of the month and they've made $10 in donations. How much has TK's little blog cleared?
Wow, Democrats are still mad about an election that happened in 1876. That's a long time to hold a grudge. Besides, given how Al Gore has become very far left, I doubt any of you would look to elect him now.

Al Gore's problem was that he lacked Passion. If he went into the 2000 election with the passion he showed for climate change, he'd have won.

Oh, wait. He did win. I mean he would have won a theft-proof margin.
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Sonny-boy, when I was your age, I had a college degree, was a non-commissioned officer in the US Army, and owned my own rental property. I have a lot more focus than you do on your best day. Get back to me when you've accomplished something more signfigant than a "High Score",okay?

And now you've been reduced to a bitter, resentful old man. Do you still own properties? Other than your home? Most likely not, since you spend more of your time trolling this board. You wouldn't have the time to tend after any rental properties now. As a former soldier, you dishonor your service with each word that comes out of your mouth. You say you fought for this country, but care little of a girl who was taken from her parents by the state of Massachusetts. Yeah, get back to me when you manage to climb out from under the bridge, okay?

You don't care about anyone or anything. And if the Iraqis are begging for our help, we should give them it.

My father as a term for people like you.

"Battleship mouth, rowboat ass."

If you don't learn to shut up and learn from others, you will never get any further than you are right now.

My father had a term for kids like you -

"tits on a pup".
Wow, Democrats are still mad about an election that happened in 1876. That's a long time to hold a grudge. Besides, given how Al Gore has become very far left, I doubt any of you would look to elect him now.

Al Gore's problem was that he lacked Passion. If he went into the 2000 election with the passion he showed for climate change, he'd have won.

Oh, wait. He did win. I mean he would have won a theft-proof margin.

Sure, you vilify a Supreme Court who discovered the Al Gore's campaign had violated the 14th Amendment by conducting manual recounts in Democratic districts, but not Republican. But now you also praise them for upholding Obamacare.

Conflict of interest much?

And now you've been reduced to a bitter, resentful old man. Do you still own properties? Other than your home?

Um, yes, I own my home and co-own a vacation property in Wisconsin, which is where I am at this week.

And I am resentful that you bible thumping assholes fucked up my country.

I would never own rental property again, because, honestly, it was too much of a hassle. Like the day I had to keep my tenant's daughter's boyfriend from beating up her ex-husband after the little shrimp caught him banging the little tramp.

There's actually an Iraq lesson there. Don't get involved in someone else's fights.

[Most likely not, since you spend more of your time trolling this board. You wouldn't have the time to tend after any rental properties now. As a former soldier, you dishonor your service with each word that comes out of your mouth. You say you fought for this country, but care little of a girl who was taken from her parents by the state of Massachusetts. Yeah, get back to me when you manage to climb out from under the bridge, okay?

You mean the awful parents with the Munchausen by Proxy syndrome who were subjecting her to quack treatments?

You don't care about anyone or anything. And if the Iraqis are begging for our help, we should give them it.

Uh, nothing is keeping you from going down, signing up for a volunteer legion to help. you seem awfully anxious to volunteer other people to do the job you can't.

Not ONE MORE American life for this stupidity.
Funny, nobody here wants to debate the other half of the thread. I wonder why?

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