From where do Republicans get all this "confidence" from?

I'm curious how Republicans are so confident.

When challenged, none of the right wingers on the USMB could name a single conservative policy in the last 20 years that has done anything positive for America.

When they point out "Iraq", we only have to show the enslaved women in Burkas and the articles from Iraqi women who said as awful as Saddam was for women, it's way worse now.

They don't believe in building up America's infrastructure, unless it's building a pipeline to help send American money to a foreign country.

They don't believe in education. It's too "liberal" and you could get "over educated".

Their policies caused the financial meltdown.

Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed at a cost that will be in the trillions.

Worse, they didn't pay for the Bush tax cuts, the two wars, or the "drugs for votes" bill, all of which created trillions and trillions in deficit. The Bush tax cuts and the "drugs for votes" bill were passed through that dreaded "reconciliation" they claim to hate so much.

And all of their social policies they try to force on the country which would mean a huge expansion of government to enforce all those new policies. Perhaps even turning America into a "police state". Obama has cut government by a half million.

Yet, in spite of all these disasters and terrible policies, they still have confidence they are right. You've got to give them kudos for that. How they look at disaster and see success I'll never know. But they do.

What you are doing is clouding up your bullshit question with bullshit. You are claiming Bush was a conservative when in fact he was a liberal. He spent like a liberals So when you GO BACK 20 YEARS YOU AREN'T GOING TO FIND A CONSERVATIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
I'm curious how Republicans are so confident.

When challenged, none of the right wingers on the USMB could name a single conservative policy in the last 20 years that has done anything positive for America.

When they point out "Iraq", we only have to show the enslaved women in Burkas and the articles from Iraqi women who said as awful as Saddam was for women, it's way worse now.

They don't believe in building up America's infrastructure, unless it's building a pipeline to help send American money to a foreign country.

They don't believe in education. It's too "liberal" and you could get "over educated".

Their policies caused the financial meltdown.

Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed at a cost that will be in the trillions.

Worse, they didn't pay for the Bush tax cuts, the two wars, or the "drugs for votes" bill, all of which created trillions and trillions in deficit. The Bush tax cuts and the "drugs for votes" bill were passed through that dreaded "reconciliation" they claim to hate so much.

And all of their social policies they try to force on the country which would mean a huge expansion of government to enforce all those new policies. Perhaps even turning America into a "police state". Obama has cut government by a half million.

Yet, in spite of all these disasters and terrible policies, they still have confidence they are right. You've got to give them kudos for that. How they look at disaster and see success I'll never know. But they do.
I see you are just one more socialist lefty obamaturd butt kisser. To agree with you we would have to believe all the same old lying libtard talking points in your post. Good thing we are smarter than you.

It was my understanding that Bush wanted to do more for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac to keep it solvent and alive.

That was a good policy.

Now, remind me why it didn't get enacted.
I think Republicans get their confidence from the same place Democrats do. Unjustified blind partisanship.

Republicans vote in a block and pledge to Grover Norquist.

The reason Democrats don't do this is because they are a coalition party and not 90% white. You sit in front of the Internet. It's easy to look up. Some Democrats side with Republicans because Democrats have all kinds of people. Even conservatives. Name some Republican "liberals". :popcorn:

Lincoln Chafee......and good bye.

My favorite....Zell Miller.

Speech at 2004 Republican National Convention

In his keynote convention speech, delivered on September 1, 2004, Miller criticized the current state of the Democratic Party. He said, "No pair has been more wrong, more loudly, more often than the two senators from Massachusetts – Ted Kennedy and John Kerry." He also criticized John Kerry's Senate voting record, claiming that Kerry's votes against bills for defense and weapon systems indicated support for weakening U.S. military strength.

“ The B-1 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, dropped 40 percent of the bombs in the first six months of Enduring Freedom. The B-2 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered air strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hussein's command post in Iraq. The F-14A Tomcats, that Senator Kerry opposed, shot down Khadafi's Libyan MIGs over the Gulf of Sidra. The modernized F-14D, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered missile strikes against Tora Bora. The Apache helicopter, that Senator Kerry opposed, took out those Republican Guard tanks in Kuwait in the Gulf War. The F-15 Eagles, that Senator Kerry opposed, flew cover over our Nation's Capital and this very city after 9/11. I could go on and on and on: against the Patriot Missile that shot down Saddam Hussein's scud missiles over Israel; against the Aegis air-defense cruiser; against the Strategic Defense Initiative; against the Trident missile; against, against, against. This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces? U.S. forces armed with what? Spitballs?[17] ”

The speech was well received by the convention attendees, especially the Georgia delegates. Conservative commentator Michael Barone compared the speech to the views and ideology of Andrew Jackson.[18]
I think Republicans get their confidence from the same place Democrats do. Unjustified blind partisanship.

Republicans vote in a block and pledge to Grover Norquist.

The reason Democrats don't do this is because they are a coalition party and not 90% white. You sit in front of the Internet. It's easy to look up. Some Democrats side with Republicans because Democrats have all kinds of people. Even conservatives. Name some Republican "liberals". :popcorn:

Lincoln Chafee......and good bye.

My favorite....Zell Miller.

Speech at 2004 Republican National Convention

In his keynote convention speech, delivered on September 1, 2004, Miller criticized the current state of the Democratic Party. He said, "No pair has been more wrong, more loudly, more often than the two senators from Massachusetts – Ted Kennedy and John Kerry." He also criticized John Kerry's Senate voting record, claiming that Kerry's votes against bills for defense and weapon systems indicated support for weakening U.S. military strength.

“ The B-1 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, dropped 40 percent of the bombs in the first six months of Enduring Freedom. The B-2 bomber, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered air strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hussein's command post in Iraq. The F-14A Tomcats, that Senator Kerry opposed, shot down Khadafi's Libyan MIGs over the Gulf of Sidra. The modernized F-14D, that Senator Kerry opposed, delivered missile strikes against Tora Bora. The Apache helicopter, that Senator Kerry opposed, took out those Republican Guard tanks in Kuwait in the Gulf War. The F-15 Eagles, that Senator Kerry opposed, flew cover over our Nation's Capital and this very city after 9/11. I could go on and on and on: against the Patriot Missile that shot down Saddam Hussein's scud missiles over Israel; against the Aegis air-defense cruiser; against the Strategic Defense Initiative; against the Trident missile; against, against, against. This is the man who wants to be the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces? U.S. forces armed with what? Spitballs?[17] ”

The speech was well received by the convention attendees, especially the Georgia delegates. Conservative commentator Michael Barone compared the speech to the views and ideology of Andrew Jackson.[18]

I love Zell Miller.

In Kerry's defense though, the testimony to his committee included this:

Congress has let me cancel a few programs. But you've squabbled and sometimes bickered and horse-traded and ended up forcing me to spend money on weapons that don't fill a vital need in these times of tight budgets and new requirements. … You've directed me to buy more M1s, F14s, and F16s—all great systems … but we have enough of them.

Interesting that SECDEF Dick Cheney was the one who said that.

Still though, Zell Miller delivered a masterful speech.

Part 2: Zell Miller 2004 RNC Speech - YouTube

He's one of those guys (him and John Warner) that looked the part. If you knew nothing about him and he was introduced to you as being a government employee, you'd ask him, "So how long have you been a Senator?"
WillowTree!!! DRUGS ARE BAD!!! :420: :slap:

Republicans suffer from a collective case of "selective" memory syndrome - shifting the blame onto somebody else and never allowing yourself to be held accountable for your past mistakes.

Given their level of degree of cooperation that the Obama Administration received from the Republicans, for the past 3 years, what makes the GOP think that the government gridlock that they helped create will suddenly disappear if they were to take office?
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Republicans suffer from a collective case of "selective" memory syndrome - shifting the blame onto somebody else and never allowing yourself to be held accountable for your past mistakes.

Given their level of degree of cooperation that the Obama Administration received from the Republicans, for the past 3 years, what makes the GOP think that the government gridlock that they helped create will suddenly disappear if they were to take office?

Selective memory syndrome. Shifting the blame onto somebody else and never allowing yourself to be held accountable for your past mistakes.

Yep. Barry to a tee. Nothing is his fault. Three years after the election its all still the fault of Bush and the GOP.

Barry had no intentioin of or wish to work with the Reps on anything. He Pelosi and Reid didn't need to reach across the aisle. They had a majority which is why this country is now saddled with Obamacar.

Nope the Reps were expected to get in the back of the bus and STFU.

Good thing they didn't take that august advice.
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My confidence comes from listening to loons like rdean sing unrealistic praises about a FAILED PRESIDENT. In fact you could substitute rdean for any hack on BSNBC and the result would be the same. You nut cases get tingley feelings in your legs while the rest of America becomes numb from the partisan lying hack in the whitehouse.
I'm curious how Republicans are so confident.

When challenged, none of the right wingers on the USMB could name a single conservative policy in the last 20 years that has done anything positive for America.
Lowering the capital gains tax always is good for business and allows for job growth. Theres on policy for you.
When they point out "Iraq", we only have to show the enslaved women in Burkas and the articles from Iraqi women who said as awful as Saddam was for women, it's way worse now.
When Bahgdad fell the iraqis where all out dancing in the streets right beside the American troops, they where happy to be liberated. WHat is going on over there now is due to insurgents making it a living hell for the people, not the American overthrow of saddam hussein.

They don't believe in building up America's infrastructure, unless it's building a pipeline to help send American money to a foreign country.
Any proof of that? I dont think so.
When you say building up americas infrastructure what you are actually saying is only allowing Unions do the building while the rest of americas workers take a back seat.

They don't believe in education. It's too "liberal" and you could get "over educated".
More smoke coming out of your ass I see. We believe firmly in education, we just dont believe that teachers unions should be able to protect the worst teachers and keep them in the classroom where they are failing the children. The children are americas future, and the left and the unions are hell bent on making sure our future will be dim. As the rest of you notice, like Obama, the left use the straw man tactic to convince the weak minded of going along with there BS.

Their policies caused the financial meltdown.
Barney frank and the frank dodd bill was the biggest contributor the the financial crisis when the housing bubble burst do to the policies implemented in the housing market by the left.

Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed at a cost that will be in the trillions.
And Obama doubled down on Bush's policies and deployed more troops overseas in 3 years than Bush did in 8 years on office.

Worse, they didn't pay for the Bush tax cuts, the two wars, or the "drugs for votes" bill, all of which created trillions and trillions in deficit. The Bush tax cuts and the "drugs for votes" bill were passed through that dreaded "reconciliation" they claim to hate so much.
While everyone at this point from 2000-2010 is guilty of bad policies, noone on the right spent more than Obama and the democrats from 2008 to 2011 "5 trillion". You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

And all of their social policies they try to force on the country which would mean a huge expansion of government to enforce all those new policies. Perhaps even turning America into a "police state". Obama has cut government by a half million.
The only people expanding government are those on the left, conservatives want to decrease the size of government, more strawman lies. If Obama care is implemented, do you think it will shrink government? Nope, it will add thousands upon thousands of new jobs expanding government.
Yet, in spite of all these disasters and terrible policies, they still have confidence they are right. You've got to give them kudos for that. How they look at disaster and see success I'll never know. But they do.
And you dont see the last 3 years as a disaster? No wonder you and the rest of the left wing whackos live out in la la land.
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Republicans get all their confidence from Obama's approval ratings, his nine wars, and the unemployment rate, asswipe.

Do you need anything else?

Nine wars?

On the last day of Bush's last budget, the unemployment rate was 10.1%. How does that make Republicans confident?

Wrong again, when bush handed the office over to Obama the unemployment rate was at 6%, not 10.1% like you said. Where do you get your numbers from the huffington post?
I'm curious how Republicans are so confident.

When challenged, none of the right wingers on the USMB could name a single conservative policy in the last 20 years that has done anything positive for America.

When they point out "Iraq", we only have to show the enslaved women in Burkas and the articles from Iraqi women who said as awful as Saddam was for women, it's way worse now.

They don't believe in building up America's infrastructure, unless it's building a pipeline to help send American money to a foreign country.

They don't believe in education. It's too "liberal" and you could get "over educated".

Their policies caused the financial meltdown.

Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed at a cost that will be in the trillions.

Worse, they didn't pay for the Bush tax cuts, the two wars, or the "drugs for votes" bill, all of which created trillions and trillions in deficit. The Bush tax cuts and the "drugs for votes" bill were passed through that dreaded "reconciliation" they claim to hate so much.

And all of their social policies they try to force on the country which would mean a huge expansion of government to enforce all those new policies. Perhaps even turning America into a "police state". Obama has cut government by a half million.

Yet, in spite of all these disasters and terrible policies, they still have confidence they are right. You've got to give them kudos for that. How they look at disaster and see success I'll never know. But they do.

I could name many attempts that were twarted by Democrats.

Lets start with democrats insisting on keeping SS empty.

You mean the Social Security Republicans want to do away with? THAT Social Security?

That ponzi scheme? Yes I would love to see it done away with and allow citizens to have their own individual retirement accounts that they alone control, not the government. The government has stolen our SS since day one. It's criminal. If people had their own individual retirement accounts then the lazy who put nothing into it there whole lives would be forced to be responsible for themselves or go without. SS is nothing more than another socialist wealth redistribution scam.
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Republicans get all their confidence from Obama's approval ratings, his nine wars, and the unemployment rate, asswipe.

Do you need anything else?

Nine wars?

On the last day of Bush's last budget, the unemployment rate was 10.1%. How does that make Republicans confident?

Wrong again, when bush handed the office over to Obama the unemployment rate was at 6%, not 10.1% like you said. Where do you get your numbers from the huffington post?

Actually, it was at around 7.5 percent and had been steadily rising for months.
I think Republicans get their confidence from the same place Democrats do. Unjustified blind partisanship.

Republicans vote in a block and pledge to Grover Norquist.

The reason Democrats don't do this is because they are a coalition party and not 90% white. You sit in front of the Internet. It's easy to look up. Some Democrats side with Republicans because Democrats have all kinds of people. Even conservatives. Name some Republican "liberals". :popcorn:

It was only a matter of time before the race card came in, not surprising though.
I'm curious how Republicans are so confident.

When challenged, none of the right wingers on the USMB could name a single conservative policy in the last 20 years that has done anything positive for America.

When they point out "Iraq", we only have to show the enslaved women in Burkas and the articles from Iraqi women who said as awful as Saddam was for women, it's way worse now.

They don't believe in building up America's infrastructure, unless it's building a pipeline to help send American money to a foreign country.

They don't believe in education. It's too "liberal" and you could get "over educated".

Their policies caused the financial meltdown.

Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed at a cost that will be in the trillions.

Worse, they didn't pay for the Bush tax cuts, the two wars, or the "drugs for votes" bill, all of which created trillions and trillions in deficit. The Bush tax cuts and the "drugs for votes" bill were passed through that dreaded "reconciliation" they claim to hate so much.

And all of their social policies they try to force on the country which would mean a huge expansion of government to enforce all those new policies. Perhaps even turning America into a "police state". Obama has cut government by a half million.

Yet, in spite of all these disasters and terrible policies, they still have confidence they are right. You've got to give them kudos for that. How they look at disaster and see success I'll never know. But they do.

What you are doing is clouding up your bullshit question with bullshit. You are claiming Bush was a conservative when in fact he was a liberal. He spent like a liberals
Which is exactly why the country and the economy is in the gutter right now, because in the last 20 years it was ran by progressives and left wing loons.
I'm curious how Republicans are so confident.

When challenged, none of the right wingers on the USMB could name a single conservative policy in the last 20 years that has done anything positive for America.

When they point out "Iraq", we only have to show the enslaved women in Burkas and the articles from Iraqi women who said as awful as Saddam was for women, it's way worse now.

They don't believe in building up America's infrastructure, unless it's building a pipeline to help send American money to a foreign country.

They don't believe in education. It's too "liberal" and you could get "over educated".

Their policies caused the financial meltdown.

Thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed at a cost that will be in the trillions.

Worse, they didn't pay for the Bush tax cuts, the two wars, or the "drugs for votes" bill, all of which created trillions and trillions in deficit. The Bush tax cuts and the "drugs for votes" bill were passed through that dreaded "reconciliation" they claim to hate so much.

And all of their social policies they try to force on the country which would mean a huge expansion of government to enforce all those new policies. Perhaps even turning America into a "police state". Obama has cut government by a half million.

Yet, in spite of all these disasters and terrible policies, they still have confidence they are right. You've got to give them kudos for that. How they look at disaster and see success I'll never know. But they do.

If you have to ask you have missed the last 3 years completely, and are ignoring Obama's nearly 35 point drop in Approval since being elected, and most Importantly his massive lose of support among Independents.

A Better question would be where do you get all your confidence from.

It was my understanding that Bush wanted to do more for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac to keep it solvent and alive.

That was a good policy.

Now, remind me why it didn't get enacted.

Because the left needed the housing bubble to burst, just like rahm emmanual said "Never let a crisis go to waste", even if they have to create the crisis themselves to push the leftist agenda.
[ame=]Rahm Emanuel: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste - YouTube[/ame]
It's what progressives and the left have been doing for years, creating crisis's so they can come in and fix them, and at the same time implement liberty crushing policies behind closed doors using the crisis as the strawman.
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Republicans get all their confidence from Obama's approval ratings, his nine wars, and the unemployment rate, asswipe.

Do you need anything else?

Nine wars?

On the last day of Bush's last budget, the unemployment rate was 10.1%. How does that make Republicans confident?

Wrong again, when bush handed the office over to Obama the unemployment rate was at 6%, not 10.1% like you said. Where do you get your numbers from the huffington post?

Ah yes and obama said it would never go above 8%.

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