Frustrated CNN host cuts segment short


Clinton does NOT qualify as a sexual predator. Sex predators prey on children.

NOT ONE of the women Clinton had extra-marital sex with was a minor.

Monica told her friends " I packed my Presidential knee pads " before she went to Washington.

She fully INTENDED to seduce Bill Clinton and she succeeded.

In my opinion, Hillary told Bill to get it where he could but he wasn't sticking that thing in HER again --- after she had Chelsea.

She stood by during his affairs for two reasons:

1) they were just fine by her because she wasn't going to have sex with Bill ( or any man ) ever again.

2) she wasn't about to give up her position and power.

Why be mad at Bill?

He did nothing 98% of us wouldn't do with a wife like Hilllary.
Bill frequented an island that have child sex slaves. He is a predator.
Total BS. You want to believe this, but it is a RW myth. Propaganda for the weak minded. Too funny.
Also seems if you really cared about the welfare of children you would want to look into the acusation. But you support the murder of innocent children, why would you care about someone you support raping children? Another thing, he did go to the island.
WTF are you talking about? Clinton raped no one, especially not children. It is something idiots like you WANT to believe, something the rest of the world knows isn't true.

He's a serial sexual harrasser pervert. And his wife has sat back and approved. She's a corrupt conniving asshole. To hell with em both.
To Hell with you, you idiot. No one in the world believes all this crap about him, except guys like you. That should tell you something. LOL
Also seems if you really cared about the welfare of children you would want to look into the acusation. But you support the murder of innocent children, why would you care about someone you support raping children? Another thing, he did go to the island.
WTF are you talking about? Clinton raped no one, especially not children. It is something idiots like you WANT to believe, something the rest of the world knows isn't true.
He went to the island and with his reputation, he probably did all the little girls. He is a sexual predator.
You're sick.
No, you are for supporting a proven sexual predator. You don't really care if he raped little girls, just because he has a d beside his name. Now that is sick.

Here is a clear indication of how ridiculous you are. He has not been proven to be any such thing. You are weak minded and controled by propaganda.
Should we list the women he assaulted? You really should stop blindly follow a candidate, just because they have a d beside their name.
You have accusations only. Don't you understand that. Nothing has been proven in court. He hasn't even paid anyone off. These are women who have turned their so called sexual abuse into money making careers. That is not what a woman who has actually be assaulted does. Again; YOU WANT TO BELIEVE THIS. THE REST OF THE WORLD KNOWS IT ISN'T TRUE. You are sick individuals.
The guest point was that liberals have no credibility, zero to point a finger at Trump not after supporting the disgusting pig wife cheater intern predator Clinton's behavior in the White House. The left HATES being called out on their double standards and hypocrisy.
Bill frequented an island that have child sex slaves. He is a predator.
Total BS. You want to believe this, but it is a RW myth. Propaganda for the weak minded. Too funny.
Also seems if you really cared about the welfare of children you would want to look into the acusation. But you support the murder of innocent children, why would you care about someone you support raping children? Another thing, he did go to the island.
WTF are you talking about? Clinton raped no one, especially not children. It is something idiots like you WANT to believe, something the rest of the world knows isn't true.

He's a serial sexual harrasser pervert. And his wife has sat back and approved. She's a corrupt conniving asshole. To hell with em both.
To Hell with you, you idiot. No one in the world believes all this crap about him, except guys like you. That should tell you something. LOL

So you think he's not a serial sexual harrasser pervert? Why on earth would you think that? The hell's wrong with you peeps? Like Bill Cosby, the asshole should be in prison.
You have accusations only. Don't you understand that. Nothing has been proven in court. He hasn't even paid anyone off. These are women who have turned their so called sexual abuse into money making careers. That is not what a woman who has actually be assaulted does. Again; YOU WANT TO BELIEVE THIS. THE REST OF THE WORLD KNOWS IT ISN'T TRUE. You are sick individuals.
I bet you said the same about Monica, until it was proven. He is a lying sexual predator.
You have accusations only. Don't you understand that. Nothing has been proven in court. He hasn't even paid anyone off. These are women who have turned their so called sexual abuse into money making careers. That is not what a woman who has actually be assaulted does. Again; YOU WANT TO BELIEVE THIS. THE REST OF THE WORLD KNOWS IT ISN'T TRUE. You are sick individuals.

He paid Paula Jones $850,000
These are women who have turned their so called sexual abuse into money making careers. You are sick individuals.

Does that include the women that accused him of rape/assault as far back as college when he didn't have any moniez to take?
These are women who have turned their so called sexual abuse into money making careers. You are sick individuals.

Does that include the women that accused him of rape/assault as far back as college when he didn't have any moniez to take?

No women accused him of anything until after he became president. I'm ignoring all you guys. You are believing in myths and propaganda.
These are women who have turned their so called sexual abuse into money making careers. You are sick individuals.

Does that include the women that accused him of rape/assault as far back as college when he didn't have any moniez to take?

No women accused him of anything until after he became president. I'm ignoring all you guys. You are believing in myths and propaganda.

that simply is completely false, but if you want to stick your fingers in your ears so you can go on supporting this serial abuser of women go right ahead.

Sexual misconduct allegations against Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the first accusation was in 1969 while he was at Oxford. There will similar allegations when he was a professor and as governor, all of which happened before he was President. These things happen wherever Bubba and his uncontrollable penis go, but it's 'myths and propaganda'

Bill Clinton is not president. Bill Clinton is not running for president, and you all think a psycho who would start WW 3, who has been married 3x, whose wife has posed nude is a better option. Go away. You are full of shit and complete idiots. I'm putting you on ignore. You are not even worth the energy to communicate with.
Bill Clinton is not president. Bill Clinton is not running for president, and you all think a psycho who would start WW 3, who has been married 3x, whose wife has posed nude is a better option. Go away. You are full of shit and complete idiots. I'm putting you on ignore. You are not even worth the energy to communicate with.

Who will start WW III? Are you drunk?
The Hildabeast is a national disgrace... she lies about everything, she's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and supports the serial abuse of women. Fuck her and her raunchy husband.
Bill Clinton is not president. Bill Clinton is not running for president, and you all think a psycho who would start WW 3, who has been married 3x, whose wife has posed nude is a better option. Go away. You are full of shit and complete idiots. I'm putting you on ignore. You are not even worth the energy to communicate with.

you were making comments about Billy boy, the white man's answer to Bill Cosby, to which I responded.

and I'm not a Trump supporter.

and you've still been proven completely wrong. He DID pay Jones off and women DID accuse him of these things long before he was president and those were the only things I was responding to.

sorry those facts refute your view of him as some put upon saint, but it seems that he was the idiot that couldn't keep his zipper up. what that makes people who continue to defend him in the face of those facts I dunno but it ain't a rhodes scholar....
I don't blame Lemon at all, the guy was on a mission to attack and that was it.

The interview was about Trump's comments, not Bill. The guy knew that, but went into hyper-deflect mode anyway.

Bleh. Lousy TV when someone does that.
just like all of obama's failures are bush's fault right. you're good with that right? funny libturd always lying.
I don't blame Lemon at all, the guy was on a mission to attack and that was it.

The interview was about Trump's comments, not Bill. The guy knew that, but went into hyper-deflect mode anyway.

Bleh. Lousy TV when someone does that.
just like all of obama's failures are bush's fault right. you're good with that right? funny libturd always lying.

Was I wrong? Was the topic not Trump's comments?
I don't blame Lemon at all, the guy was on a mission to attack and that was it.

The interview was about Trump's comments, not Bill. The guy knew that, but went into hyper-deflect mode anyway.

Bleh. Lousy TV when someone does that.
just like all of obama's failures are bush's fault right. you're good with that right? funny libturd always lying.

Was I wrong? Was the topic not Trump's comments?
what were the comments about? Please walk me down the path to the facts so I can prove your error.

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