Ft. Hood Shooter Sentenced To Death

Too bad. He should have lived and kept pooping his diapers for the next 25-30 years.
Based on his defense, he wants to be a martyr
I like the sentence, unfortunately the scumbag still has rights and this will be in appeal stage for some time with his appointed attorneys mucking things up.
I'm not big on the sentence since I don't think any country should use capital punishments. Still, this is simply a personal conviction and has religious roots.
The last executed Military conducted was 1961, since then the appeals process has overturned every one and his will be no different, as soon as they let him run his own defense it was over.
AP is not very diligent in altering their previously issued articles.

It is not yet 6:58 in the US.

The bottom of the article reads like the panel is still deciding.

Evidently, they just tacked the new stuff on the top and published it again.

Anyway...I am glad he got the death penalty. That will give the survivors some comfort. However, the appeals will take forever and Obama may not sign off on it anyway. I liked the idea of feeding him to the hogs.
He will be sitting on death row for a long time...... but nevertheless I welcome the sentence!:clap2:

Hope the families of those killed by that filthy terrorist get some comfort,
I wonder if the jury had the option of determining the method of execution or they were forced by law to specify lethal injection.
They ought not set a date for his execution. Instead, they should just tell him that some day, at some time, someone will kill you...
I don't think Maj. Hasan really wants to be a martyr or the freaking coward would have turned the gun on himself. I think his ridiculous excuse for a defense is a ploy to buy more time and maybe a new trial hoping the democrat party will continue it's left wing march and someday consider him a hero like Bill Ayers.

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