Full Steam Ahead

I can understand this. I do the same thing with spending/debt. I always hit the right harder over the hypocrisy in this area.

So at what point do you start equally calling out the Democrats for their hypocrisy?

Just curious. Should I hold my breath?
So at what point do you start equally calling out the Democrats for their hypocrisy?

Just curious. Should I hold my breath?

Do it all the time.

What you should do is pay attention
There you go with that libertarian shit again. They can't discern the difference between the two parties. That's because they have no standards to judge them against, except for some imaginary utopian "third-party" or "independent candidate", which would never win anyway.

The duopoly have done NOTHING but fuck us over for a long time.

They even have the arrogance to demand that we vote for their worthless asses because we "have no other choice."

Fuck them. If anything makes me LESS likely to vote for a candidate, it's that line of bullshit. Mitch Mushmouth McConnell is one of the WORST offenders.
So at what point do you start equally calling out the Democrats for their hypocrisy?

Just curious. Should I hold my breath?
Gator spends less time on those idiots because they are a cyborg lost cause of hive-minded groupthink.

I do realize that when you're up against a cyborg lost cause of lock-step voting and zero thinking, your options are VERY limited.'

Is it possible that both you and Gator are right?
The duopoly have done NOTHING but fuck us over for a long time.

They even have the arrogance to demand that we vote for their worthless asses because we "have no other choice."

Fuck them. If anything makes me LESS likely to vote for a candidate, it's that line of bullshit. Mitch Mushmouth McConnell is one of the WORST offenders.

I detest McConnell as much as anyone else. But aside what the left has to offer which is far worse, I don't see many alternatives. It's not like there are a whole lot of independents running for Congress. And even when they do, they rarely get enough votes to matter.
I detest McConnell as much as anyone else. But aside what the left has to offer which is far worse, I don't see many alternatives. It's not like there are a whole lot of independents running for Congress. And even when they do, they rarely get enough votes to matter.
term limits
I can understand this. I do the same thing with spending/debt. I always hit the right harder over the hypocrisy in this area.
History has shown that fiscal sanity and responsibility is always best when there is a democratic president and a Republican Congress not letting that president spend anything. No other combination works.

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